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(Kb.) minden második héten a Szex-Akció Hírcsoport műsorvezetői kérdezőkből véleményvezérré válnak, és megfejtik az élet nagy kérdéseit a hallgatók/csetelők segítségével. Bő egy óra lazulás 'round the world! (A műsorban időnként csapongunk a témák között, így leírás nem vagy ritkán tartozik az adásokhoz, de a pontos kezdést és véget így is igyekszünk mindig beállítani.)
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No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce

No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce

This is No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce, where one of the most famous names in Premier League management opens up his book of contacts each week to discuss all all the latest topics in the world of football. Each week, Sam is alongside presenter Natalie Pike, who gets to ask Sam and the guests all the questions a football fan wants to know, plus exclusive bits of insight and of course endless off-field and touchline stories!
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Infedeli alla linea

Vikk, Emanuele e Bea

Un podcast che tratta quei dischi che osano, dividono e ci fanno chiedere se siano puro genio, disorientamento totale o solo una moda passeggera. Tra curiosità, ricordi personali e discussioni sorprendenti, ogni episodio è un viaggio tra suoni e storie indimenticabili!
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Dentro alla storia

Ermanno Ferretti

La storia raccontata – in ordine cronologico – da Ermanno Ferretti, in arte "scrip", autore di "Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva" e youtuber. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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Más Allá del Rosa

Jessica Fernández

Buscamos el empoderamiento femenino platicando sobre todo tipo temas importantes y necesarios de la mujer en la actualidad. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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ALLATRA TV è una INTERNET TV di Volontariato Internazionale del Movimento Sociale ALLATRA, i cui partecipanti vivono in tutto il mondo. Storie affascinanti sulla conoscenza di sé stessi, conversazioni sincere sulle cose più importanti per ogni persona, buone notizie, interviste esclusive, programmi educativi, corsi di montaggio video, ecc. Questo e molto altro ancora sul canale educativo, creativo, mondiale è in continuo aggiornamento ALLATRA TV. Per partecipare ai progetti o per esprimere l ...
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Long-term investors have to make sense of a barrage of information, from market movements and geopolitical news to economic developments and personal finance trends. Through conversations with investment professionals from Allan Gray and various expert guests, we aim to give you insight into how we view the world and how this shapes the way we construct our portfolios to deliver long-term returns for our clients. Allan Gray is an authorised financial services provider.
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Mas allá del estetoscopio, es un podcast dirigido a médicos en formación sin importar el nivel académico. Funciona ser una ventana a historias reales del residente de medicina interna, Reniell X. Iñiguez, MD. El Dr. Iñiguez, comportara sus vivencias, desafíos y triunfos mientras navega por el complejo mundo médico. Descubrirás cómo "Más Allá del Estetoscopio" pretende desentrañar las narrativas personales y a menudo conmovedoras que dan forma a la medicina moderna. Desde historias de superac ...
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Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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Mot Alla Podds

Jimmy Raussi & Marcus Erlandsson

Podden Mot Alla Podds är ett projekt där de två vilsna själarna från Göteborg delar med sig av sina erfarenheter av missbruk, rädslor, tillkortakommanden och blottläggar alla möjliga tabun.Podden är ett verktyg för att hjälpa andra att också krossa stigmat och våga ta steget att bryta farliga livsmönster. Podden är även ett roligt samt allvarsamt projekt där vi leker med koncept såsom fiktion men även killgissningar. Kan innehålla spår av humor och anekdoter,restskatt m.m. Med Jimmy Raussi o ...
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O grupo de “Estudos de Obras Selecionadas” (EOS) Manaus realizou o estudo da obra “O Livro dos Espíritos”. Este “podcast” é destinado à divulgação desta atividade. . Obra básica da Doutrina Espírita publicada em 1857. Este estudo iniciou-se em 26/02/2021. . É o primeiro livro da Codificação da Doutrina Espírita. Contém os princípios do Espiritismo sobre a imortalidade da alma, a natureza dos Espíritos e suas relações com os homens, as Leis Morais, a vida presente, a vida futura e o porvir da ...
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Un podcast creado por una persona común y corriente donde hablo sobre el crecimiento personal, la resilencia mental, lecciones aprendidas de la vida, historias, motivación, descubrimiento personal, sanación emocional, temas más allá de la vida y las crisis existenciales. Dale like, follow, comparte y habla conmigo. Me gustaría saber de ti!
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Fabulous Over 40 Hosted by Kara Allan

Kara Allan, Personal Stylist and Brand Image Consulant

Welcome to the Fabulous Over 40 Podcast, where we celebrate, elevate, and empower those stepping into their most extraordinary years with style, grace, and unapologetic authenticity. I’m your host, Kara Allan, a Personal Stylist, Confidence Catalyst, and Style Expert, passionate about helping women and men shine at every stage of life. This isn’t just a podcast—it’s a movement. A celebration of reinvention, resilience, and radiance for those in their 40s, 50s, and beyond who are thriving, ev ...
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Film alla Radio

Marco Pieroni

Film alla Radio: la trasmissione che vi porta al cinema con le parole. Ti piacciono i film? Ti piace ascoltare le storie? Allora non perderti Film alla Radio, la trasmissione che ti porta al cinema con le parole. Ogni settimana, un team di esperti ti racconta un film in 40 minuti, parlandoti della trama, dei personaggi, del regista, dell’ambientazione, dei costumi e di tutto quello che rende un film un’opera d’arte. Ti faranno vivere le emozioni, le risate, le lacrime, le sorprese e i colpi ...
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Gloria Allanah

Gloria Allanah

The new era in America,is called Trump,Trumpism, Donald Trump. Welcome to my Podcast,my name is Gloria Allanah,this is where to listen to the latest,breaking political news ,on Donald Trump and his policies, as the 47th president of the United States of America. My name is Gloria Allanah and on this Podcast, we believe in making America, great again and supporting, Donald Trump and his policies and vision, of making America great again. I am a published,poet and author on Amazon,with 3 books ...
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Mas Allá Con Ivelisse

Coach Ivelisse Lopez

¡Te doy la bienvenida a ”Más Allá Con Ivelisse”! Soy Ivelisse López, tu apasionada guía en el fascinante viaje de la vida y los negocios. Como Coach de Vida y Negocios, Mentora en Bienes Raíces y Emprendedora apasionada, mi visión trasciende los límites convencionales. Aquí, nos sumergiremos juntos en el terreno donde convergen la vida, los negocios y la realización personal. Mi enfoque como coach se centra en desbloquear tu potencial, cultivar la resiliencia y construir una base sólida para ...
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Join Dr. Allana Da Graca and upgrade your personal and professional goals. Learn how to leave procrastination, activate your genius and strive with a tribe. Join the drdinspyre tribe today at Dr. Allana wants to help you to do the following: 1. Pivot into the Post Pandemic Economy 2. Learn to Convert Your Fans into Consumers 3. Increase Your Brand Organically 4. Learn Ways to Attend Drdinspyre Live Virtual events SUBSCRIBE: Download the Official Upgr ...
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Impostare la lista della spesa su Alexa, ordinare un pacco e riceverlo il giorno dopo, guardare una serie tv. Sono azioni entrate nel nostro quotidiano e che svolgiamo con naturalezza.​ ​Di tutto ciò, però, vediamo solo il risultato. Ma come funzionano alcuni dei servizi che hanno cambiato le nostre vite? ​​È arrivato il momento di aprire le porte dell’universo Amazon, con un racconto itinerante che, attraverso la voce di Matteo Curti, farà emergere un mondo fino a ora inedito. Buon viaggio!
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RandomMakingMovies Podcast med Jonsson, Kulan och Jonas. Nya avsnitt varje onsdag och specialavsnitt för publicerade videos en gång i månaden på YouTube. Längre och reklamfria avsnitt hittar ni på vår Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Il dramma si confronta con la storia della Repubblica Democratica Tedesca e indaga lo scenario culturale della Berlino Est controllata dalle spie della Stasi (il Ministero per la Sicurezza dello Stato), temuto organo di sicurezza e spionaggio interni. "Una spy story ambientata a Berlino Est pre-caduta del muro che fa leva sull'ambiguità di tutti i …
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En este episodio platiqué con Roberto Levy, psicólogo, s3xólogo y fundador de Meibi MX. Roberto nos platica la importancia de la s3xu4lidad en relación a nuestra persona, como la vivimos y como se ha educado principalmente a los hombres a concebir el placer y el deseo. Roberto habla de como la s3xu4lidad no se limita solo a tener penetración; nos h…
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Uno studio del Sipri conferma il riarmo dell'Europa, con la crescita del 155% delle importazioni europee di armi. Ne parliamo con Sebastiano Nerozzi, professore ordinario di Storia del pensiero economico presso l’Università Cattolica e segretario del Comitato organizzatore della Settimana Sociale. I dazi "saranno la cosa più grande che abbiamo mai …
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La IA y la tecnología están revolucionando el mercado inmobiliario. ¿Te estás adaptando o te estás quedando atrás? "La tecnología no reemplazará a los agentes de bienes raíces, pero los agentes que la usen reemplazarán a los que no lo hagan." – Coach Ivelisse López Hoy, en Más Allá con Ivelisse, vamos a vamos a aclarar las dudas y romper barreras s…
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Judgment Night, che in italiano diventa Cuba libre - La notte del giudizio è un film dallo scarso successo, ma dalla colonna sonora esplosiva, diventata un vero cult negli anni '90 per aver osato accoppiare artisti rock/metal/grunge con professionisti della rappata del mondo hip hop. La musica stava cambiando e questa raccolta ne è la testimonianza…
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KOMEDI: Ofelia bjuder på show och karaktärsmördar Hamlet inför publik. I kaoset som uppstår attackerar Hamlet Claudius och flyr landet. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Om dramaserien Hamlet Hamlet är Elis Monteverde Burrau och Ali Alonzos nytolkning av Williams Shakespeares klassiker. En skruvad arbetsplatskomedi som utspelar sig på S…
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- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Quando il Figlio dell'uomo verrà nella sua gloria, e tutti gli angeli con lui, siederà sul trono della sua gloria. Davanti a lui verranno radunati tutti i popoli. Egli separerà gli uni dagli altri, come il pas…
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Acquista il mio nuovo libro, “Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva”: Nel 1941 Unione Sovietica e Stati Uniti entrarono in guerra, entrambi trascinati dalle potenze dell'Asse. E fu una mossa che, nel medio periodo, avrebbe portato Germania e Giappone alla rovina. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker…
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I detta avsnitt pratar vi med Andreas från Rojavakommittéerna. I media har rapporterats att Öcalan tillåtits göra ett uttalande, där han pratar om att PKK bör överge den väpnade kampen, men vad sas egentligen i uttalandet, och vad innebär det? Vad är Erdogans avsikter bakom detta? Endel kan vi veta, men mycket blir också spekulationer. På slutet pr…
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Details are being revealed about the Sydney caravan hoax - described by police as a 'fake terrorism plot'. NSW police were given a tip-off in January about a caravan at a property in Dural, filled with explosives and a note referencing Jewish targets. Police have now revealed it was a con job - manufactured by organised crime. Australian correspond…
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T20 franchise globetrotters Finn Allen, Jimmy Neesham and Tim Seifert will return to the Black Caps for the home T20 series against Pakistan starting on Sunday. Michael Bracewell has been named captain and is one of seven players from the Champions Trophy runners-up who'll join the squad. There's no Kane Williamson, Bevon Jacobs, Devon Conway, Lock…
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More consumers are falling into subscription traps - prompting warnings from advocacy groups. The Commerce Commission has filed criminal charges against HelloFresh. It's accusing the meal company of reactivating subscriptions without clearly seeking customers' permission - during cold calls between February 2022 and July 2023. Consumer NZ's Sahar L…
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00:00 Marc Andre Fleury plays his final game against Pittsburgh 09:45 Trade Deadline trends and the inner workings 28:30 Waiving a No Trade Clause Follow us on Twitter: @walsha & @AdamWylde Recorded: March 9, 2025 Visit for more episodes of Agent Provocateur with Allan Walsh and Adam Wylde. Reach out to [email protected]
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Já imaginou liderar um time que não confia em você? Pois é... Se confiança não é prioridade, você já perdeu. A Nova Liderança exige muito mais do que comando e controle. Sem confiança, você vira um obstáculo – e sua equipe só finge que segue. 🚀 Ambientes de confiança geram 31% mais produtividade. 🔥 Times que confiam no líder têm 44% menos turnover.…
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A 29-year-old who scaled Big Ben's Elizabeth Tower at the Palace of Westminster in central London has been charged by police after the incident took place. Daniel Day has been charged with causing a public nuisance and trespassing on a protected site after climbing the clock tower - resulting in the closure of Westminster Bridge and Bridge Street. …
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New Zealand is hoping for an economic reprieve - but experts warn that's less likely to happen this year. Donald Trump's ascension to the presidency has generated plenty of economic concern, with many worried it could contribute to the ongoing downturn. HSBC chief economist Paul Bloxham explains further. LISTEN ABOVE See for…
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US President Donald Trump has declined to rule out a recession this year as his administration's tariffs spark economic concern. It comes after a volatile week for US financial markets as investors grappled with ongoing uncertainty as a result of the administration's trade policies. Harbour Asset Management's Shane Solly explains further. LISTEN AB…
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On the Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive Full Show Podcast for Monday, 10 March 2025, Chris Hipkins has overtaken Chris Luxon in the latest political poll - and we'll dig into what's going on with the PM's popularity. Who is Mark Carney? Ryan Bridge tells you everything you need to know about Canada's new PM. Ryan asks Finance Minister Nicola Willis w…
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Tonight on The Huddle, Trish Sherson from Sherson Willis PR and Child Fund CEO Josie Pagani joined in on a discussion about the following issues of the day - and more! Another new poll shows the Government is losing popularity - and Chris Hipkins has overtaken Luxon as preferred Prime Minister. Should the coalition be worried? Will this hurt Chris …
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Despite some less-than-ideal poll figures, Minister Nicola Willis doesn't believe Kiwis have lost faith in the Government. The latest Taxpayers Union-Curia Poll has Labour on 34.1 percent, overtaking National on 33.6 percent. Chris Hipkins is also ahead of Chris Luxon as preferred Prime Minister. Nicola Willis says there's plenty of polls left betw…
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Auckland Council’s Community Committee is urging the Government to help the city as rates of homelessness grow. This comes as new data shows the number of people sleeping rough in the city has gone up by 53 percent since September. Committee Chair, Councillor Angela Dalton, says she's never seen a spike like this before. She also explained that thi…
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Canada's new Prime Minister is expected to tout his economic expertise as he enters the job. Mark Carney has served as Governor of Canada's and England's central banks. He'll lead the Liberal Party into this year's general election. Canadian correspondent Rachel Aiello says it's important for Carney to sell himself as a numbers man. "At this curren…
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An Auckland community leader says mandatory police body cameras would help everyone. David Letele is behind a petition calling for the change - a petition that's garnered nearly 10,000 signatures so far. A 45 year-old man died a week ago at Auckland's Ōrere Point, after he and another person fled police. Faasala Samu Matue lost consciousness after …
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KOMEDI: Hamlet ska hämnas på sin farbror Claudius och avslöja mordet på sin far. Men längs vägen sviker han både Ofelia och Horatio. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Om dramaserien Hamlet Hamlet är Elis Monteverde Burrau och Ali Alonzos nytolkning av Williams Shakespeares klassiker. En skruvad arbetsplatskomedi som utspelar sig på Sver…
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KOMEDI: Teaterläraren Hamlet trånar efter eleven Ofelia. Hamlets döda pappa återvänder och avslöjar ett förrädiskt mord. Av Elis Monteverde Burrau & Ali Alonzo. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Om dramaserien Hamlet Hamlet är Elis Monteverde Burrau och Ali Alonzos nytolkning av Williams Shakespeares klassiker. I denna komiska tragedi m…
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Another poll is showing a clear drop in support for the coalition Government - and some are wondering if it's cause for concern. The newest Taxpayers Union-Curia Poll has Labour on 34.1 percent, and National on 33.6 percent - and Hipkins in the lead for preferred Prime Minister. ACT has fallen 2.3 points to 7.7, and New Zealand First is just above …
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Labour has overtaken National - and Chris Hipkins has leap-frogged Chris Luxon as preferred Prime Minister in a new poll. The Taxpayers' Union-Curia Poll has Labour on 34.1 percent and National on 33.6 percent - leaving the coalition unable to form a Government. Newstalk ZB senior political correspondent Barry Soper says Luxon doesn't appear to be …
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Severe weather warnings remain in some eastern parts of Australia recovering from ex-tropical cyclone Alfred. Flood warnings ranging from minor to major still apply in northern New South Wales - with rain expected to ease - and southeast Queensland. New South Wales Premier Chris Minns says people should keep clear of dangerous powerlines, likely to…
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India have chased 252 to beat New Zealand by four wickets with an over to spare in the Champions Trophy final at Dubai on a pitch that could've been used to re-enact the moon landing. Daryl Mitchell top-scored with 63 off 101 balls but the Black Caps struggled at times, including an 81-ball gap between boundaries from the 14th to 27th overs. Sports…
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Pharmac's board chair says the drug buying agency has a management issue with listening to patient voices. A review of consumer engagement with the Government agency finds it's seen as 'defensive'. It also says Pharmac's slow to respond and lacks respect for patient advocates. Chair Paula Bennett says the organisation had become insular and inward-…
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