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The Revisionist’s Almanac

The Revisionist’s Almanac

This podcast will use the benefit of hindsight to look back at past Academy Awards and determine which winners have stood the test of time, and which have aged poorly. Andrew and revolving guests will debate who should have won the major Oscars from every ceremony!
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Alman Arabica

Staiy & Dekarldent

Alman Arabica - Staiy und Karl, zwei hochgewichtige Urdeutsche mit ausgeprägter suburbaner Sprachkultur pressen erfrischend polarisierende Meinungen satirisch in perfekt maßgeschneiderte Siebträger, um sie wohltemperiert mit 8-10 Bar in eure Gehörgänge laufen zu lassen. Ehrlich, direkt und ohne Scheu. Dies ist Satire, wir beleidigen hier nicht die Privatperson/en, sondern die öffentliche Kunstfigur/en.
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The Christian History Almanac is a daily 5-minute podcast that highlights those stories- sometimes well known, other times less so- that have shaped the history of the church. Hosted by historian and author Dr. Daniel van Voorhis, each daily podcast concludes with a piece of prose or poetry and the reminder that because of the Good News, everything is going to be ok.
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Antenne Alman

Jana Heinisch, Julian Hutter

Zwei Medienheinis aus Berlin unterhalten sich über dieses und jenes. Jana Heinisch ist erfolgreiche Influencerin und Pilotin. Julian Hutter ist ein okayer Radiomoderator mit landesweiter Sendung bei ENERGY. Beide wissen nicht, ob sie befreundet sind. Der Status wird bei jedem Treffen neu eruiert. Heinisch und Hutter beobachten klug, ordnen popkulturelle Phänomene ein und erzählen von ihrem täglichen Scheitern. Es gibt viel Namedropping, temporäre Antipathien werden im Podcast offen ausgetrag ...
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The Palgary Almanac

CJSW 90.9 FM

Thoughtfully curated new music spanning the genres of experimental, avant-pop, electronic, folk, world, and hip-hop featuring interviews on the subjects of art, politics, the environment, and community in Calgary, Alberta and beyond. Sponsored by the Establishment Brewing Company Alternates with What's Your Niche every Thursday morning.
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The Poor Prole’s Almanac

The Poor Prole’s Alamanac, Bleav

Climate Change got you down? Worried about the fact that *everything* seems to be getting worse? Wondering how we got to this point in the first place, and what can we do to build a more resilient future? We take a look at historical pastoral & agricultural societies to see what worked and what didn’t, as well as what resources we have today to make better decisions to build equitable systems. We don’t just discuss ecology and history but also take a leftist perspective on prepping, foraging ...
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Rodrigo de Oliveira

ALMANACAST é o podcast da ALMANAQUE21. Apresentado por Rodrigo de Oliveira, o Almanacast traz cultura pop para seus ouvintes, sempre com convidados especiais falando sobre cinema e séries. Todas as quintas, um novo episódio!
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São áudio documentários pra você conhecer a história de grandes nomes da comédia. A cada episódio você vai descobrir um pouco sobre a trajetória de humoristas que marcaram gerações
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Almanca Öğrenme Hızlandırıcısı

Language Learning Accelerator

Almanca öğrenmenin yolunu bulmaya çalışıyorsan, yanlış yapıyorsun. Almancayı Türkçe öğrendiğiniz gibi öğrenin: büyük bir kısmını duyarak. (En azından ne anlama geldiğine dair belirsiz bir fikirle!) Pratikten felsefiye ve flört etmeye kadar doğrudan beyninize sunulan binlerce Almanca Söz ve Türkçe çeviri. Sadece ifadeler, dolgu yok! Sadece iletişim kurmak için değil, aynı zamanda Almanca'da gerçekten ilginç bir insan olmak için Almanca temellerinin çok ötesine geçin. Almanca öğrenmek için yal ...
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Native Gardener’s Almanac is your go-to podcast for all things native plants, sustainable gardening, and ecological landscaping. Hosted by passionate plant enthusiasts, we dive into expert interviews, practical tips, and inspiring stories from gardeners, nursery owners, and conservationists dedicated to restoring natural habitats. Whether you’re looking to attract pollinators, prevent soil erosion, or cultivate a thriving native garden, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge and insp ...
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Mª Carmen Almansa

Punto 4. Acabas de incorporarte a la dirección del centro. Has heredado la siguiente dinámica de trabajo: todas las decisiones pasan por ti y, además, los acuerdos del claustro mayoritariamente no se cumplen Cover art photo provided by Koushik Chowdavarapu on Unsplash:
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O Informe do Almanaque é uma série em áudio que tem como missão dificultar que as pessoas consigam explicar do que ela se trata ou até mesmos rotularem propriamente seu conteúdo, forçando todos a desistirem da empreitada e se resignarem com os termos “humor” ou “ficção”.
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Five minutes of civilised calm. As featured on BBC Radio Suffolk. Sign up at to receive an email when new episodes are added. You can find a playlist of the recommended songs on YouTube at
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.برنامج تاريخ ألمانيا ، هو مدونة صوتية متوفرة باللغة الإنكليزية و الألمانية و العربية، و يناقش البرنامج الشعب و الحضارة الألمانية بالإضافة للتاريخ الألماني Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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West-östlicher Alman

Ralph Baudach, Justus Geilhufe

Ralph Baudach (tagesschau-Sprecher, Künstler und Musiker) und Justus Geilhufe (promovierter Theologe, Publizist und evangelischer Pfarrer in Sachsen) sprechen miteinander über gesellschaftliche, kulturelle und politische Auffälligkeiten in West und Ost und überall dazwischen. „West-östlicher Alman” ist ein Diskurs-Experiment mit offenem Ausgang.
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Airmid’s Almanac

Rue McDonald, Otis Bell

A podcast hosted by queer settlers navigating decolonial healing through herbal medicine and myth, queerness and magic, astrology and ancestral Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Queer Almanistan

Anlaufstelle Islam Diversity (AID)

Queer-Muslimisches Leben? Gibt es sowas? Und dann auch noch in Deutschland? Die Antwort lautet: Ja! Wir wollen queere (Ex-)Muslim*innen sichtbar machen und mit ihnen ins Gespräch kommen. Ihr hört hier den Podcast der Anlaufstelle Islam Diversity. Am Mikrofon: Tugay. Und jede Folge ein neuer Gast. Ein Projekt der Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee. Stay tuned!
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Uma iniciativa do Departamento de Música da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, com apoio da Pró Reitoria de Extensão, que visa a análise e apreciação de músicas de jogos de vídeo game. Nosso objetivo é introduzir um olhar teórico e crítico aos compositores e fãs do gênero de forma leve, através de conversas com nossos convidados. Agradecemos pela sua colaboração e boa escuta!
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show series
"ich sehe doch nicht aus wie ein 30-Jähriger!" Es ist so weit: Julian ist 30. Aber diese Folge ist noch vor seinem Geburtstag aufgenommen worden und das neue Jahrzehnt macht ihn sichtlich nervös. Jana versucht ihm aber die Angst zu nehmen. Der zweite Teil der Folge handelt von einem Arzt aus Frankreich, der gerade vor Gericht steht. Ein krasser Fal…
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Es gibt uns jetzt auch wieder auf YouTube! Hier gibt's mehr Content von Staiy & Dekarldent Dekarldent: Twitch: Staiy: Twitch: Es gibt uns jetzt auch wieder auf YouTube! gibt's mehr Content von Staiy & Dekarlde…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we wish a happy birthday to the “Godfather of Gospel Music." Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: Celebrate 2,000 Episodes of Christian History Almanac!…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, Dan tells a story about a tract he was given and a curious date for the season’s celebrations. Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember the eccentric (and electric!) Czech Priest Prokop Diviš, the “European Franklin.” Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize:…
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Current issues focusing on civil discussions, changes in society and politics were the focus of a new study in rural Nebraska. Poll results help communities navigate common problems and help build solutions. Extension Ag Policy Specialist Brad Lubben discusses poll results and some of the insights gathered about rural Nebraska.…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember what might be the most significant day in world history! Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addiction …
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The fear gripping immigrant communities under Trump's intensified ICE operations is palpable, and the narrative that these efforts solely target criminal elements is being scrutinized. Join us as we uncover how these actions, particularly in Chicago, create an atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty among immigrants. There's a glaring lack of transpa…
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Nothing can replace experience and wisdom when it comes to farming, but old traditions are being challenged by new research and technology. When younger family members come back to work the farm, sometimes these ideas clash. Extension Ag Economist Anastasia Meyer talks about how to navigate potential problems when trying to blend the old with the n…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head to the mailbag to dig a little deeper into numerology and the Bible. Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Ad…
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If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor. Visit for a discount on your first month of therapy. If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Ci…
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Weekend Edition for March 22-23, 2025 Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addiction by Donavan Riley:…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember the extremely influential medieval order of the Cistercians. Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addict…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember Isaac Newton and consider his study of God’s “Two Books.” Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addiction…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember the man who “invented” the Biblical concordance. Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addiction by Donav…
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Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember the Frankfurt Recess of 1558 and what it meant for the future of the Reformation. Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize:…
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