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Amigos Retro Gaming is a conversational, congenial series of podcasts about the computers and consoles of your youth. Includes Amigos: Everything Amiga, ARG Presents, Sprite Castle, and Pixel Gaiden! Amigos: Everything Amiga - ARG Presents - Sprite Castle - Pixel Gaiden -
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The Other 3 Amigos Podcast

The Other 3 Amigos

The Other 3 Amigos Podcast is a weekly podcast all about Cork City FC. Hosted by Dan Casey with his other 3 Amigos Wayne Mullins, Declan Carey & Declan McCormack they chat about everything to do with the club. With special guests joining them, it'll be heavily opinionated & plenty of fun
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La cara oculta de la Economía. Los datos y el análisis que no encontrarás en ningún otro podcast. Un enfoque diferente, didáctico y entretenido de una materia que cada vez interesa a más oyentes. Explicaciones sencillas pero rigurosas de todo tipo de cuestiones económicas: desde la macro que ocupa los titulares de los periódicos a los temas de consumo o ahorro personal. Con Nuria Richart, Domingo Soriano y Beatriz García.
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Amigos: Everything Amiga

Amigos Retro Gaming

Do you have memories of all-night gaming sessions, falling asleep at the keyboard? Do you remember the thrill of calling into a local or (if you could intercept the phone bill before your parents saw it) long-distance BBS to chat or "acquire" some new software? Are you still part of the Amiga scene, and keep buying new hardware upgrades as soon as they come out, regardless of cost? Amigos: Everything Amiga is the show for you! Each week, Boat and Aaron run down the latest Amiga community and ...
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TUDN, Uforia Podcasts

Amigos, el podcast de Enrique Burak, Toño de Valdés y Pepe Segarra. Nos comparten sus experiencias en NFL, coberturas de Super Bowl, MLB, Serie Munial, NBA y muchas anécdotas.
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The Dental Amigos

The Dental Amigos

Friendship, collaboration and education for the dental profession. Dentistry can be a lonely profession without good friends. The Dental Amigos hope to serve as a resource for dentists and those who like, love or spend time with dentists, and to bring the dental world together for the RIGHT reasons–fun, friendship and (practical) learning inside and outside of the operatory.
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O podcast amigoools é o seu podcast de entretenimento para você que é apaixonado por futebol nacional e internacional... Gerenciado por 2 amigos que torcem para alguns times diferentes e em alguns casos até rivais, a zoeira e a provocação é garantida, mas também muita informação e análises sobre os nossos clubes.
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Amigos Cast

Com um caráter informativo e de entretenimento, o AmigosCast trás indicações e conteúdos para preencher o seu dia, envolver em algo novo ou até mesmo proporcionar um bom papo descontraído. Sobre saúde, arte, entretenimento, cultura, regionalismo e muito mais. Você já conhece a nossa história no amigos da comunidade, agora chegou a hora de vocês nos escutarem. Vamos conversar sobre como podemos mudar o mundo!
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Podcast dos Amigões

Maxmiliano Rodrigues Bícego

Dois amigos conversando sobre assuntos dos mais diversos, sejam eles séries de tv, filmes ou esporte. Nossa função é divertir os ouvintes assim como nos divertimos ao comentar sobre os assuntos que amamos!
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Amigo Treks & Expedition

Amigo Treks & Expedition

Amigo Treks and Expedition, a trekking agency based in Kathmandu, is rapidly expanding and leading the industry. They provide and organize a variety of adventure and cultural tours in Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. Their objective is to offer exceptional trip packages, and they achieve this through a team of carefully selected professionals who are highly skilled and have local experience. With their expertise, passion, understanding of the sites, and innovative ideas, they can safely guide you t ...
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Grupo de Oración de carácter Laical-Católico Carismático: Ayuno e Intercesión; Encuentro Carismático; Santo Rosario a María Rosa Mística, e intimidad con el Señor Jesucristo mediante la vivencia de la Palabra de Dios.===_____====_______________==_____===Miércoles de Victoria 10:am Ayuno e Intercesión; 2:00pm. - Encuentro Carismático;-Santo Rosario a María Rosa Mística.====__No tengo los derechos de autor de las alabanzas.
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Combo amigos

Moy Osegueda

Cine y entretenimiento contado de una forma diferente, dos amigos cotorreando incluyendo anécdotas, opiniones e información de próximos estrenos, cartelera y películas destacadas.
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show series
Juan Manuel González y Daniel Palacios (par-Impar) nos visitan para hablar de películas y mercado laboral: este año, Big y Entre Pillos Anda el Juego.Juan Manuel González y Daniel Palacios (Par-Impar) nos visitan de nuevo para hablar de películas y mercado laboral: este año, Big y Entre Pillos Anda el Juego.…
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Warhead puts you in the cockpit of a starfighter-and doesn't hold your hand!🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!📌 Chapters:0:00 Ridiculous Banter4:14 Warhead Review45:44 for all your Commodore computer needs!46:15 Amiga NewsSubscribe to the podcast version of the show at https://podcasters.s…
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Warhead puts you in the cockpit of a starfighter-and doesn't hold your hand! 🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast! 📌 Chapters: 0:00 Ridiculous Banter 4:14 Warhead Review 45:44 for all your Commodore computer needs! 46:15 Amiga News Subscribe to the podcast version of the show at https://podc…
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We're back for Episode 149! In this episode Cody, Tim, and Eric catch up on what they've been playing and adding to their collections + 6 Good Games With Hearts 7:31 - Quick Questions 33:55 - Patreon 38:52 - Tea Time With Tim - CompuNet 53:56 - Cody's Corner - Retro Modern Retro 1:31:38 - Catching Up 2:36:58 - 6 Good Games With Hearts Please give u…
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RETRO ENTRE AMIGOS – 13X07 ¿Pero dónde está mi paga extra??? Saludos a todos los buenos amigos del retro. Tenemos el placer de volver con vosotros en este primaveral mes de Marzo a lo largo de unas tres horitas que han dado para bastante. ¡Como GRAN novedad, decir que en este programa HABLAMOS BASTANTE de videojuegos! Sabemos que os extrañará a tod…
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Zum Jubiläum ihrer 20. Folge hat sich jeder der Drei Amigos einen Film (im weitesten Sinne) ausgesucht, der irgendwas mit der Zahl 20 zu tun hat. Darüber hinaus werden natürlich noch weitere Zahlen erwähnt. So wie die 4. Und die 8. Und die 15. Und die 16. Und die 23. Ihr wisst schon. Viel Spaß beim Hören und auf die nächsten 20! Ablauf der…
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Welcome to ARG Presents 309! This time out, we ponder a questions as old as time - Do games look better on a CRT?!?!? Obviously, old games were made to play with old TV's...but is there enough of a difference to bother? We'll discuss this very point, and then we'll examine a few games more closely that WE have chosen to make this very point. Join u…
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🚨TOTAP - EPISODE 254 is OUT NOW🚨 • Decky reviews Shamrock Rivers away win • We preview Waterford and Bohs next week • The Celtic game • The Careman takes us through the FORAS AGM • The ARC Cinema deal • Are we too soft? • It's your weekly unofficial Cork City podcast All this and more on your 2025 TOTAP episode 5…
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¿Es cierto que los nuevos antisistema no son los que llevan pelo morado y pendientes, sino los que van a misa y se casan con su novia de toda la vida?¿Está de moda ser conservador? De hecho, ¿es cierto que los nuevos antisistema no son los que llevan el pelo morado y pendientes... sino los que van a misa y se casan con su novia de toda la vida a lo…
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The Skate or Die sequel no one asked for is here!🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast! Ridiculous Banter5:45 Ski or Die Review51:40 for all your Commodore computer needs!52:37 Amiga NewsSubscribe to the podcast at🔗 Get social!Twitter: …
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The Skate or Die sequel no one asked for is here!🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast! Ridiculous Banter5:45 Ski or Die Review51:40 for all your Commodore computer needs!52:37 Amiga NewsSubscribe to the podcast at🔗 Get social!Twitter: …
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Inácio Araújo é uma lenda do jornalismo cultural brasileiro. Há décadas traz indicações e resenhas de cinema na Folha de S.Paulo que influenciaram gerações de leitores como nós, que também tivemos o privilégio de dividir a redação com ele! Em sua participação no ABFP, Inácio mostrou também seu lado de escritor. Ele acabou de lançar "UTOPIA 3: Últim…
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This week, the Dental Amigos welcome David J. Goodman, CPA, a partner and Dental Practice Solutions Team Leader at PFK O’Connor Davies Advisory, LLC. David has over 35 years of experience working with a client base of individuals and closely held businesses. Before joining the PKFOD, David was Managing Director of LB Goodman. He is a member of the …
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Hoy Enrique Burak y Toño de Valdés nos hablaron de los mejores agentes libres que hay disponibles en la NFL para la próxima temporada, además Luis Urías pelotero mexicano llega a los Atléticos y además todos los detalles de la suspension de SinnerDe către Uforia Podcasts
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