A blend of the latest and classic sermons preached at Ammanford Evangelical Church. Speakers include our current pastors Sammy Davies and John Perry as well as some old friends.
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Ammattina rikos -podcast vie kuulijat syvälle rikosten maailmaan ja paljastaa sellaisia kulissien takaisia yksityiskohtia, joita ei ole ennen kerrottu. Iltalehden rikostoimituksen ohjelman ensimmäisellä kaudella äänessä ovat yli 30 vuotta Helsingin rikos- ja huumepoliisissa työskennellyt Kale Puonti sekä yhtä pitkän uran rikostoimittajana tehnyt Risto Kunnas. Työryhmä: Toimitustyö: Kale Puonti ja Risto Kunnas Tuotanto ja editointi: Riikka Nyman (kausi 3) ja Jenni Kivessilta (kaudet 1 ja 2) J ...
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About Friendship 👩👧
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Literary event podcast
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Discover the keys to living life with the spark. Learn how to face difficulty and keep your zeal, your joy, your purpose and discover all that life has to offer. Be inspired with designer and entrepreneur, AMMA JO.
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Welcome to the Ammar Khawaja podcast, where amazing things happen.
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We're here to open up and discuss our feelings! It's a place where anyone is welcomed and supported!
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Namaskaram, nenu mee RagaLeena. Telugu Ammai Podcast solely dedicated to audio-stories on issues that matters. Produced by RagaPod, Telugu's Largest Podcasting Network. New Episode on every Sunday, stay tune and its worth listening.
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Recitation of Juz 'Amma by Shaykh Ahsan Hanif recorded during Taraweeh 2021 at Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre.
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Bem vindo a Inglês com Ammar podcast. Aqui você vai aprender Inglês comigo, visse!? 😃😎
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This Podcast is based on real life truths and Real life stories from around the world. Share your stories with us and we will bring them live on our channels.
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Welcome to the first season of “Health Insights” by Ammaya Vox. As they say “Your Body is your most prized Possession”. We will have interactive sessions with Wellness and Fitness experts who will guide us to achieve our goals to live Healthy life.
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Hey there! Welcome to the Amma Human Podcast. The podcast focuses on human potential, disintegrating the ego, and awakening fully in this lifetime! If you enjoy and learn something please share. And most importantly ENJOY!
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Juz 'Amma Recitation by Qari Muhammad Taha Junaid
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Studio Recording of Juz 'Amma recited by Qari Zakaullah Saleem, Head Imam, Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre.
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Podcast condotto da Massimo Ramaioli con protagonista la storia del medio oriente. Sarà un viaggio in 8 puntate, tutte incredibili, volte a scoprire le vicissitudini del mondo arabo musulmano durante gli ultimi 150 anni!
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Live in London: From Adam to Muhammad with Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshwani - Ramadan Special
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Tutte le settimane, Giulia e Giorgia si raccontano a vicenda i loro casi preferiti di cronaca nera. In ogni episodio a una storia diversa vengono abbinati temi di attualità come victim blaming, xenofobia, revenge porn e tanto altro. Non vi resta che premere play per scoprirlo.
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Making It Happen with Henry Ammar is a podcast that will provide real-world insights and evidence-based principles to create an empowered life that you can wake up excited for. The podcast is a mix of the best speeches, interviews, and any important empowering thoughts I will record intentionally to help you create a life you wake up excited for. It's time to fully live life making it happen the way YOU want it to! Henry Ammar is a human behavior specialist, impact entrepreneur, award-winnin ...
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26. Ampumavälikohtaus liikenneruuhkassa
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33:08Tiistai-iltapäivänä 23. heinäkuuta 2019 Kampin liikenneruuhkassa nähtiin poikkeuksellinen tilanne. Keskustan suunnasta kohti länttä ajanut pakettiauto teki äkkikäännöksen kaistojen yli törmäten vastaan tulleen punaisen henkilöauton kylkeen. Törmäyksen kohde ei ollut sattumaa. Se kävi selväksi viimeistään siinä vaiheessa, kun pakettiauton kuljettaja…
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This week we consider the Lord's Prayer - and how as we grow in our discipleship to Jesus it should increasingly be called "Our Prayer"De către Sammy Davies
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Reading the Bible regularly is an assumed, and often encouraged, practice for a Christian. But for many (most?!) of us it's hard, unprofitable and guilt inducing!In this podcast, Sammy is joined by Jonny Raine to discuss why we'd even want to read our Bibles regularly, what expectations we should have, how we deal with the disappointment of not rea…
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Ammattina rikos jatkuu uusin jaksoin 19. maaliskuuta alkaen.De către Iltalehti
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We dive into Matthew 6:1-18 and ask 3 questions:Who do we look like? Who pays our wages? Where does it all lead?De către Sammy Davies
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Looking at Matthew 5:33-48 - and how we pursue justice in our lives and in our world.De către John Perry
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Int this sermon we look at Jesus' teaching on adultery, lust and divorce and ponder whether it's all symptomatic of a great truth.De către Sammy Davies
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We pause our regular series in the Sermon on the Mount to dive into(!) Jesus' baptism recorded in Matthew 3De către John Perry
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This week we begin to look at the meat on the bones of Jesus saying He's come to fill up the law - and how living in the Fathers world means more than staying away from Murder.De către Sammy Davies
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Season 5: #29 - "The Most Powerful Choice: Joy, Boundaries, and Purpose with Amberly Lago"
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31:05In this episode of Making it Happen with Henry Ammar, Amberly Lago shares her raw, candid experiences of learning to walk again after a debilitating motorcycle accident. After her accident, Amberly was told she had a 1% chance of saving her leg—a 1% chance to ever walk again. But instead of surrendering to the odds, she clung to that 1% with everyt…
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This week Pastor John take us through Matthew 5:17-18 and unpacks how Jesus views the Old Testament - exploring how His life would become the fulfilling of the life God has always offered by faithDe către John Perry
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This week we consider Matthew 5:13-16 and how the Kingdom Christ reveals calls us to live distinctive lives.De către Sammy Davies
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This week John Perry starts proper in the Sermon on the Mount as he dives into the BeatittudesDe către John Perry
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Smartphones are everywhere - for good or for ill. But that doesn't mean they should have free reign in our lives. In this podcast, Sammy is joined by Jonathan Thomas to discuss 5 tactics we can employ to ensure we rule over our phones instead of having our phones rule over us. Jonathan Thomas is the author of, 'Intentional Interruptions: Learning t…
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We begin this week a study in Jesus' great Sermon on the Mount (SOTM). One of the most influential teachings in human history ... what is it?Is it a template for what life SHOULD be like? Is it a mirror held up to to our shortcomings, our CAN'T? Or is it pulling back the curtain on what life lived in the Father's rule COULD be like?Pastor Sammy Dav…
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EPISODE 1O - The Multifaceted You
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8:04There are many different sides to you. Are you in tune with multifaceted you? Your life doesn't have to be so limited and so small. Expand your life and mind. Give yourself permission to live beyond your norm.De către AMMA JO
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EPISODE 9 - Breaking Free from Validation
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8:58Many of us live with this sense of needing approval from others. We live in our titles, our jobs and within the constructs of how we're viewed. Secretly, many of us just want to BREAK OUT and be free, but how? Let's talk about breaking free from the need of validation.De către AMMA JO
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EPISODE 8 - Creating Space for Self-Discovery
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9:09There's so much more inside of you and guess what? It's going to take time to intentionally create space for self-discovery. Here are 3 simple steps you can take to draw closer to your purpose.De către AMMA JO
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EPISODE 7 - How Are You? 7 Point Tool for Self-Assessment
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6:52Stop and think: how are you? How is life really going for you? Let's talk about this 7 point self-assessment. Take time out over the year to check in with yourself. To download the self assessment wheel, visit www.ammajo.com.De către AMMA JO
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EPISODE 6 - The Power of a Positive Perspective
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8:13Life is truly about perspective. What dominates your thought life? The positive or negative. Here are a few simple keys to approaching life with a more positive perspective. You'll need to have a positive mindset to truly fulfill your purpose.De către AMMA JO
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We begin 2025 by considering the wise men - who investigated and sought out the new king they had heard of.Matthew 2:1-12De către John Perry
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EPISODE 5 - The Power of Saying No
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4:23When is the last time you said "yes" but you actually wanted to say "no" and why? Learn what can happen in your life when you say "no".De către AMMA JO
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We honor our dreams by taking action towards our dreams. What have you done this week to reach your goals? It's time to TAKE ACTION.De către AMMA JO
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EPISODE 3 - Check Your Belief System
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3:23Is there something holding you back but you can't pinpoint what it is? Check your belief system. We need a system update to move forward with our dreams.De către AMMA JO
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EPISODE 2 - Stop the Shame. You're A Dreamer.
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2:56You MUST conquer this feeling if you're going to pursue your dream. Stop the SHAME. You're a dreamer. Go tell somebody today!De către AMMA JO
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EPISODE 1 - Discover the Beauty of Who You Are
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3:11Embracing who we TRULY are is the first step to living the inspired life. Do you love yourself? Let's chat about how to be more accepting of your true self and how this will help you embrace others.De către AMMA JO
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It's the final Sunday in Advent - and Pastor John Perry helps us to contemplate waiting and hope through the story of AnnaDe către John Perry
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Waiting for Jesus by exploring Mary's revelation of favour.De către Sammy Davies
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Waiting for Jesus by exploring Elizabeth's first encounter with Jesus.De către John Perry
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We reach the end of our time in the Book of the Kings - but is this the end of the story? Does it finish with sorrow? With sadness? Or does it lead us on, somewhere, someone more?De către John Perry
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As we draw near the conclusion of the book of Kings, Pastor Sammy takes us on a quick tour of Josiah, the child King who oversaw a great renewal in the people. The question for us is, do we want it? Do we want God's Kingdom come? What might that look like amongst us?De către Sammy Davies
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Season 5: #28 - "The Compassion To Heal: Trauma Expert Dr. Frank Anderson on How Healing Starts With You"
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56:10In this incredible classic episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, Henry revisits one of the most eye-opening conversations he has had with trauma expert, Dr. Frank Anderson. If you are someone who is still carrying the weight of past wounds, trapped in cycles of self-criticism, never feeling heard, seen or understand by the people closest to…
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We are back in the book of Kings, stopping at some of the 'highlights.' This week, Sammy takes us to chapter 17 of the second book and the sad story of Israel's exile from the land. What hope can we draw from such a sad story of continued rebellion?De către Sammy Davies
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Pastor John Perry continues our series exploring some of the defining characteristics of our church. In this sermon we consider why the sacraments (baptism and communion) are important parts of our church life.De către John Perry
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Season 5: #27 - "How to Go From Deep Struggle to Billion-Dollar Impact: Lloyd Roberts’ Epic Journey"
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48:29What if your biggest struggles were actually your greatest gifts? Are you ready to stop playing small and step into the life-changing impact you were born to create? In this episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, I sit down with the truly inspirational Lloyd Roberts who has not only risen from terminal illness, but also risen as a leading bi…
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The more we 'live for Christ' the more we can expect opposition for His sake. But how do we respond? How do we endure? Guest Preacher Clive Bowsher joins us to help share the good news that God still dwells with His people and strengthens us in our sufferings.De către Ammanford Evangelical Church
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At Ammanford Evangelical Church we want to be open and accessible to all sorts of people. Why is that? Why do we go out of our way to be accessible to all?De către John Perry
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Surely knowing about, or better still knowing personally, Jesus is all that really matters. And once you know him ... there's nothing more? Today Pastor John Perry helps us to consider why we want to know Jesus more and more all our lives.De către John Perry
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Season 5: #26 - "Why You’re Still Anxious: The One Thing You’re Missing" With Expert, Dr. Russell Kennedy
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49:38Are you tired of anxiety controlling your life? In this episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, we’re revisiting one of the most powerful, life-changing conversations I’ve ever had – with none other than Dr. Russell Kennedy, aka AnxietyMD. His new book, Anxiety Rx, has just been released, and it’s already a #1 best seller in Anxiety Disorders…
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It's almost an assumed that believers and churches will spend time, energy, and effort in order to make Jesus more known - why tho? We walk. through a number of scriptures to help unpack both the duty and the delight of sharing Jesus with the world.De către Sammy Davies
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Season 5: #25 - "It's Time: Step Out Of Fear and Into Freedom – Unstoppable Success (speech) " With Henry Ammar
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45:36In this special episode of Making It Happen With Henry Ammar, I will be sharing the full, exclusive speech I gave at the Unstoppable Success Summit in Dallas this year. “It’s time.” Those were the first words that hit me as I took the stage, and that’s exactly what this episode is about: it’s time to break free. It’s time to stop letting fear run y…
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The Bible bubbles to the service of all we do publically and privately - why is that? Isn't it outdated and unreliable? Why are we always banging on about the Bible????De către Sammy Davies
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Season 5: #24 - "The Fearless Formula Masterclass: From Fear to Freedom, Step-by-Step" With Henry Ammar
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1:02:17In this special, one-of-a-kind solo episode, I’m sharing an exclusive, one-hour segment from my two-hour Fearless Formula Masterclass replay. This is your chance to experience the most powerful parts of my evidence-based blueprint designed to take you from fear to absolute freedom. For years, I’ve studied human behavior and the subconscious mind to…
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As we continue to explore the sort of church we are, we look to 'leadership' and why our leaders *shouldn't* be revered, exalted, or put on a pedestal. Simply, it's because Jesus tells us that the world we're used to has gotten leadership very, very, wrong.De către John Perry
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Season 5: #23 - "Healing Family and Collective Trauma" With Expert Dr. Thomas Hubl
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44:28In this episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, I sit down with expert Dr. Thomas Hubl, a renowned expert and author on collective trauma healing, to discuss how the unresolved pain passed down through generations impacts every aspect of our lives. From personal relationships to global conflict, the legacy we inherit shapes our world in ways …
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IN our new series, exploring some of the things that describe and define us, we ask the question, 'why is the Gospel foundational to all we do?'De către Sammy Davies
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Season 5: #22 - "Breaking Free: Turning Tragedy into Purpose" With Anna Akana
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47:02In this powerful episode of the Making It Happen with Henry Ammar podcast, we sit down with the inspiring Anna Akana—actress, comedian, and filmmaker—who shares her journey from tragedy to triumph. Anna opens up about how the loss of her sister became the catalyst for her creative explosion and self-discovery. Not only is this a truly raw, vulnerab…
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How can we ever expect to understand the Kingdom of God when we won't listen to the one revealing it?De către Sammy Davies
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Season 5: #21 - "From Pro-Athlete To Losing Everything: Faith, Failure, and Identity" With Trent Shelton
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46:50What if you get everything you’ve ever wanted, but lose everything you have in front of the whole world? In this classic episode of Making it Happen, Henry interviews Trent Shelton, a former aspiring NFL player who shares his incredible story of failure, faith, and rebuilding your identity after losing it all. Trust me, Trent’s story is a wild ride…
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Season 5: #20 - "The Secrets To More Love & Better Intimacy" With Relationship Expert, Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife
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47:34In this powerful discussion on intimacy, relationships, and how to heal sexual disconnect, Henry Ammar interviews the incredible relationship expert, Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. Dr. Finlayson-Fife doesn't shy away from the tough truths: many of us are terrified of being truly known, holding back out of shame, fear, and past wounds. But what if you…
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