Twitch Streamer, Esports Communications @Braver and music addicted person living the fandom life. I like to talk about people, tech, marketing and entertainment.
I haven't said much about my Podcast in a while. After carefully thinking about it, I decided to come clean with you about my thoughts and let you know what I've decided. Another #REALTALK episode in which I get candid about past and future. Feel free to message me with your own questions.
Back with EP. 2 of “Vasco is building my website” ? Find out: how we chose domain and hosting; sitemap; look and feel. In this episode, I also mention my WhatsApp Newsletter ( and Twitch Channel (
Starting a new Mini Series called “Vasco is building my website” ? Find out: How the idea came together; What is this Mini Series about; Why I’m creating a website”.In this episode, I also mention my WhatsApp Newsletter ? which you can sign up right here:…
A few weeks ago, I had a really depressing day and wasn’t feeling like myself ? It made me think about happiness and self-awareness. I think a lot. Sometimes I organize those into a Podcast episode and that's how this one came together.
Daniela "Schyax" Monteiro is a Gaming Twitch Streamer who mainly plays League of Legends, PUBG and Fortnite. In her free time, she does graphic design work for fellow streamers and youtubers. I have worked with Schyax due to her partnership with Xbox, but this time we chat about everything but that.
Bruno Nogueira, Device Seeding Manager @ Microsoft aka The boy in Ana’s Instagram Stories comes to the show. Excuse my rambling, but Bruno hates talking. Find out what he does love, on this episode.
I have been posting to Stories almost every single day for the past 6 months and I've been told that my stories are quite entertaining. This is me calling out bad stories and telling you what you can do about it. These are my 5 tips and tricks to ace this platform:
I finally went on holidays and spent 5 days in Berlin ?It was a good mix of local, tourist and cat-seeing. Listen to my views on the city and its people.For more Berlin, check out my saved Instagram Stories:
Facebook's reputation going downhill, "can they listen to us", GDPR, being a responsible web user and other data security and protection topics. Honestly, we don't know much... just running a Podcast here, okay!?
Today we try to analyze social media from the perspective of the average consumer. It's hard. We end up with very existential questions such as "Do we even follow brands on social media?" and "Why do we have to be on every social media platform?". A must-listen episode for professionals working in branding, social media and digital marketing.…
Last Easter, I was struck by the idea of creating a Music YouTube channel with 2 other people. We were going to create a channel that celebrated music, no matter the style. This is a story about what I learned while trying to launch it.
This episode I go into very personal topics again such as loving tech gear, being invited to speak at an event, playing videogames and livestreaming. You don't wanna miss me rambling for 37 minutes.
Vasco is a Digital Designer working at Hole19, an app that guides athletes in the golf world. He was discovered through his Behance account at 17 years old. Vasco also runs a very successful Instagram page about old cars named @mk2swag which has gathered over 10,000 followers. Find him on…
Find out 3 of my favorite internet people! Their names are Sara Dietschy, Alexis G. Zall and Jon Olsson. These guys (mostly girls though) have impacted my work and the way I run my life, now they might be able to change your life too.…
Today we talk music artists and role models, name drop a few celebrities, wonder about what makes great music and analyze how writing is different from performing. An episode with drama and I don't mean performing arts.
We all have people we stalk on LinkedIn, know exactly what companies they have been, universities, job positions. However, we never ever speak to them, or will if the opportunity arises.
Podcast Intro • 3 questions for you ? • Thanks Santiago ? • I loved that Barbie house ? • I wore shoes 7 sizes higher ? • I wore shoes 7 sizes higher ? • I wanted to be a journalist or PE teacher • Keep'em coming
3 FACTS ABOUT ME intro • Recent facts about recent me • I don't listen to podcasts • I'm terrible at group chat conversations • I never know how to spell certain words
Being a Microsoft Intern Intro • Lack of strength, time and patience • Thought it was someone else • Social media isn't as fun anymore • Social media isn't as fun anymore • Improving my performance
Negativity with a light • Station Problems • Promoting the Podcast instead of Anchor • Promoting the Podcast instead of Anchor • Bring the podcaster to the audience • Bring the podcaster to the audience
Answering everyone's questions tonight • Hey Ana! Do you play? • Thanks ? • What is your job at Microsoft? • Do you have a work schedule? • Do you work from home? • Do you use Microsoft Edge and Bing? • Do you get a free Xbox? • What games do you play?
Being a Microsoft Intern Intro • Retailers, Partners and Microsoft • Brands do not pay for... • Big versus small • Big versus small • One Microsoft Spirit
Being a Microsoft Intern Intro • Workshops, Errands and Working Home • PowerPoint like a PRO • PowerPoint like a PRO • Running errands HOW!? • We can work from Home Ohh Ohh • We can work from Home ...
Being a Microsoft Intern Intro • Instagram Polls Yay or Nay • Instagram Polls Yay or Nay • I hate Mondays and it's not what you think • Skinnier since I started working • Olá everyone
Need to sleep ZZZzzzz • Hello from Madrid • Enjoying the internship • What are you most excited about learning? • Learning is fun ? • Office jokes and 9 to 5 • Giving away all the secrets ? • It'...
Being a Microsoft Intern Intro • Things are more in control now • Key moments of today • I GOT THE POWER ? • I'll answer your questions! • Being a Microsoft Intern Intro