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Cele mai bune podcasturi Android am putea găsi
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Android Faithful

Subrilliant LLC

Android Faithful is your weekly source for Android news, hardware, apps and more. Join Huyen Tue Dao and Ron Richards, along with a host of Android friends and experts as they keep you up to date every week on everything important to the world of Android From phones and foldables, to tablets and TVs and more. We are the Android Faithful. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Android Police

Android Police

From smart phones to smart homes, the Android Police Podcast gives you exactly what you need from a tech podcast - no more, no less. Every week, each of our hosts curate topics to talk about. It could be tracking through your newsfeed or a passion project or two. We're centered on Android, but go far and wide, so if you're looking for good talk that won't waste your time, listen and subscribe.
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Android Backstage, a podcast by and for Android developers. Hosted by developers from the Android engineering team, this show covers topics of interest to Android programmers, with in-depth discussions and interviews with engineers on the Android team at Google. Subscribe to Android Developers YouTube →
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This show gives listeners a quick run-down on things that the Android team has done recently that developers may want to check out. It covers library and platform releases, articles, videos, podcasts, samples, codelabs - whatever seems relevant and interesting for Android developers. Subscribe to Android Developers YouTube → Android’s a big platform and there are many things being released all the time; listen to this podcast to stay up to date on what those thing ...
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Tu Podcast sobre Videojuegos independiente. Esperamos que te guste. Ah! y no olvides valorarnos con muchas estrellas, comentar y suscribirte!!! Te esperamos en nuestra comunidad de Telegram: Y síguenos en nuestro Substack para leer artículos y análisis sobre videojuegos:
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Desata tu potencial como Developer 🚀 Acelera tu crecimiento profesional como programador. Entrevistas a referentes, charlas técnicas, tips de programación, buenas prácticas... Topics que tratamos: - Testing - Unit Testing - Instrumented Testing - Inyección de Dependencias - CI/CD - Clean Code (Código Limpio) - Clean Architecture (Arquitectura Limpia): ViewModel -> UseCase -> Repository -> Datasource -> Service - Jetpack Compose - Corrutinas - Flow - Kotlin Multiplatform - Patrones de present ...
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At Blind Android Users, we strive to make using Android as easy as possible for every blind person who's starting the Android journey.We bridge the dividing gap that stands between blind people, both new to Android and those familiar with the platform, on the use of the platform and revealing what makes the OS the platform to be on!The Blind Android Users Podcast believes that, no blind person should be struggling with their Android device, thus, we have determine to embark on a mission of u ...
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Два андроїдщики, два Вови і деколи дві різні думки. Кожний подкаст ми обговорюємо нові релізи в світі android розробки, кращі і не дуже практики. Ділимося своїми думками, досвідом і деколи пробуємо не смішно жартувати. Також тут ви знайдете рекомендації початківцям, а хто давно в розробці мають тут просто гарно провести час. Якщо вам тут сподобалося то заходьте в наш telegram chat Якщо прям сильно сподобалося закиньте там трішки грошей. ...
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Welcome to Android's Amazing Podcast a comic book podcast sponsored by Android's Amazing Comics in Sayville, NY! James Santana and Hunter van Lierop bring you comic book news, reviews, and interesting dives into the wonderful world of comic books!
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The Fragmented Podcast is a podcast for Android Developers hosted by Donn Felker and Kaushik Gopal. Our goal is to help you become a better Android Developer. We chat about topics such as Testing, Dependency Injection, Patterns and Practices, useful libraries, and much more. We will also be interviewing some of the top developers out there. Subscribe now and join us on the journey of becoming a better Android Developer.
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All About Android delivers everything you want to know about Android each week--the biggest news, freshest hardware, best apps and geekiest how-tos--with Android enthusiasts Jason Howell, Ron Richards, Huyen Tue Dao, and a variety of special guests along the way. Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy over a decade of Android in our archives.
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Android Broadcast

Кирилл Розов

Подкаст о разработке под Android и все что с этим связано Telegram канал "Android Broadcast" с подборкой новостей и для разработчиков Магазин мерча Android Broadcast YouTube канал Android Broadcast Поддержать проект и эклюзивный контент на Boosty
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Canal dedicado a la comunidad hispana de usuarios ciegos y con baja visión del sistema operativo Android. Aquí encontrarás Audiodemos y Podcast que tratan distintos apartados del funcionamiento de dispositivos con sistemas android, cuyo foco central es su accesibilidad
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Weekly discussions and long-form content with reviews about products, apps, services, and more. Also included are historical perspectives on various major releases over the history of Android, interviews, and conversations about specific topics.
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Android isn’t just phones. It's a complex ecosystem. It’s feature-filled. It’s customizable. Each week, Jason Howell will take a closer look at the Android operating system as well as the unique devices running it worldwide. From feature spotlights, to tips and tricks, and even reviews of apps that make Android so much fun, Hands-On Android will change how you use your smartphone for the better. Screen reader support enabled. Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episod ...
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O2 má v nabídce příslušenství dvouportovou GaN nabíječku s výkonem 67 W Běžně ji nabízí za 799 Kč, což je za nabíječku této kategorie přiměřená cena Nyní ji můžete mít za pouhých 299 Kč O2 nabízí pro své zákazníky, kteří jsou zároveň členem Unity, GaN nabíječku o výkonu 67 W, schopnou nabíjet dvě zařízení současně […] Celý článek si můžete přečíst …
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Episode 197: Accessibility Part 2 in One UI Settings ANNOUNCEMENTS Our 200th episode is coming up on October 5th, 2024 and we encourage you to set aside some time and join us to party for this great milestone! ANDROID BASICS We return to our journey through the One UI Settings and this week, we bring you Accessibility part 2 as we shine the light o…
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Another year of Apple has really grown to become just that: another year. At least, that's what we think of it. And by "we," we of course mean the Android Police podcast and Joe Maring, mobile editor for Digital Trends who happened to be at Apple Park this week for the big launch. That leaves us with some questions about how the deck is stacked aga…
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In this episode Chet, Romain and Tor chat with Doris Liu from the Compose team about animations in Compose -- covering everything from the basic primitives up to the recently added Shared Element Transitions. Chapters: Intro (00:00) Animation capabilities of Compose (1:06) Different types of animation specs (3:43) Layers of functionality, transitio…
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La Taberna del Androide: Tu podcast independiente sobre videojuegos. Actualidad, debates, análisis, y mucho más! Bienvenido/a de nuevo a La Taberna del Androide, Estrenamos aquí tenéis un nuevo programa de La Taberna del Androide, en el que hablamos, debatimos y desvariamos sobre videojuegos y un poquito de cultura pop En este programa hablamos de.…
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Huyen got the Pixel Watch 3 on her wrist, Mishaal caught a glimpse of an Android 16 feature, and Jason became a believer in the tri-fold format. Note: Time codes subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor. NEWS 0:19:43 - Google is preparing a major overhaul to notifications and Quick Settings in Android 16 0:26:24 - Here…
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05/02 All The New Links In This Weeks Cue (Free for all): iTunes: RSS: Show – Patreon:…
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Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what's new and notable in the world of Android development. In this episode, Android 15 Beta 4, Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked event, Google Play’s new collection feature, lots of stable AndroidX release, and much more! For links to these items, check out Now in Android #109 on Medium →…
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Xiaomi uvedlo novou 10 000mAh powerbanku s celkovým výkonem 165 W Má zabudovaný kabel a povedený barevný displej ukazující rychlost nabíjení Konstrukce působí pěkně, ale nezdá se být zrovna kompaktní Xiaomi na čínském trhu představilo další lákavou powerbanku, která se od běžných produktů tohoto typu liší hned v několika aspektech. Zaprvé jde o zab…
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Google Gemini ve Zprávách Google se zřejmě rozšiřuje k většímu počtu Čechů Asistenta schopného komunikace v češtině tak můžete mít na dosah ruky Neumí generovat obrázky, ale dokáže pracovat s těmi, které mu poskytnete Koncem července se umělá inteligence Google Gemini naučila rozumět mluvenému slovu v češtině a současně s tím se oficiálně dočkala p…
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Při povodních se hodně lidí ocitlo odříznutých od internetu Mobilní internet funguje, ale problémem může být dodávka elektřiny O2 nabídlo data zdarma lidem jako alternativu k pevnému internetu Operátoři nezůstávají stranou při snaze pomoct lidem, zasaženým povodněmi. Kromě své primární úlohy, a to udržení infrastruktury v chodu, se snaží vyjít vstř…
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Česko se potýká s katastrofálními povodněmi vyvolanou extrémními srážkami Operátor T-Mobile v reakci na ni aktivuje všem zákazníkům neomezená data i volání Zvýhodnění budou fungovat v rámci ČR a zasáhnou i klienty značek Kaktus, a innogy Mobil Operátor T-Mobile se v reakci na katastrofální povodně, vzniklé v důsledku extrémních srážek a su…
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Google experimentuje s oznámeními v operačním systému Android Testuje zobrazování originálních ikonek aplikací namísto jejich upravených verzí Náš stavový řádek by ve finále mohl být barevnější, ale opravdu to chceme? Google neustále experimentuje s funkcemi v operačním systému Android a kromě nového desktopového režimu aktuálně testuje zajímavou z…
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Huawei Watch GT5 se představí už za několik dní Oficiálně vypadající rendery odhalují 41mm a 46mm verzi Menší modely budou elegantnější, větší potěší sportovce Čínský technologický kolos Huawei za několik dní představí na konferenci v Barceloně novou nositelnou elektroniku. Těšit se můžeme třeba na Huawei Watch D s unikátní zdravotní funkcí či všes…
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Klávesové zkratky vám mohou značně usnadnit používání aplikací Gmail jich ve svém webovém rozhraní podporuje opravdu mnoho Naučíme vás, jak s nimi pracovat, a představíme vám 15 nejlepších Klávesové zkratky mohou značně usnadnit pohyb snad v jakékoliv aplikaci, která je podporuje. E-mailový klient Gmail naštěstí na seznamu najdeme, a tak si můžeme …
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Xiaomi v Číně uvedlo dokonalou vychytávku do koupelny Hodit se bude hlavně v zimě, dokáže rychle ohřát vzduch Kromě toho umí i posvítit, navíc se dá ovládat mobilem Xiaomi chrlí jeden produkt chytré domácnosti za druhým. Zatímco nedávno firma představila pokročilejší verzi své oblíbené inteligentní váhy, nyní na čínský trh uvedla skvělou vychytávku…
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Google předvedl naprosto geniální funkci pro tablety s Androidem Novým desktopovým režimem se přiblíží počítačům a notebookům Aplikace se budou otvírat v oknech, která půjde zvětšovat a zmenšovat Výrobci tabletů s Androidem si uvědomili, jak důležité je využívat plný potenciál velkých obrazovek. Do svých nadstaveb tak začali implementovat například…
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Tecno Phantom V Flip 2 byste si s loňským modelem nespojili Je daleko hezčí a má o poznání větší baterii s rychlým nabíjením Přesto se mu oproti konkurenci povedlo udržet cenu velmi nízko Čínský výrobce technologií Tecno v loňském roce přišel se svým prvním véčkem. Na rozdíl od konkurenčních modelů typu Galaxy Z Flip nenabízel […] Celý článek si mů…
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Episode 196: Talkback 15 Announcements Our 200th episode is on Saturday 5 October 2024. We would be delighted if you could join us then so save the date! Spotlight This week it’s all about the release of Talkback 15, one of the most consequential Talkback releases in years. Talkback highlights John demonstrates the new, Gemini-powered AI image desc…
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The Pixel 9 Pro Fold is coming into its own... or at least it's helping Google do so in the field of foldable phones. On this Android Police podcast, we've invited back Michael Fisher of the Mr. Mobile fame to rattle through the full width of the delta from the Pixel Fold. The 9 Pro Fold is so much better, no doubt, but will it make the case for mi…
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It's a classic episode all about Android as we welcome back Florence Ion to take a trip to hardware leak city with Jason Howell and Ron Richards! Hey! We'll be at Droidcon NYC this September! Also hey! You can get Android Faithful merch for up to 40% off at Threadless! Note: Time codes subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the dist…
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Domina el UI TESTING. Aplica técnicas avanzadas y EVITA ERRORES en tu apps. 💥 NOTAS DEL EPISODIO: 👉🏼 ÍNDICE:- Previa - Bienvenida y presentación - Sergio nos cuenta sobre él, su experiencia y su background - ❓ ¿Qué son los UI Tests? - 👁‍🗨 ¿En qué se diferencian de los test end-to-end? - 🐾 Alguien que aú…
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Congratulations on stumbling upon another Android Police podcast! This week, we conclude our collective reviews on the slab Pixel 9 series and we come to a resounding "it's alright." Whether or not you should buy it coming up from somewhere outside of the brand loyalty fold is another question and that really gets to whether you think the artificia…
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Episode 195: An Interview with the Developer of StreamSphere RSS Reader Spotlight We are delighted to be joined by Martin Vivian, the developer of StreamSphere (an RSS reader demonstrated by Warren a few weeks back). App of the Week Warren demonstrates Thumbtack, an app for hiring folks to do projects around the house that you don't want to tackle …
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02/22 All The New Links In This Weeks Cue (Free for all): iTunes: RSS: Show – Patreon:…
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We just can't quit you Pixel 9, can we? Even with guest Adam Doud on the show, Huyen Tue Dao, Mishaal Rahman, Jason Howell and Ron Richards are at it again. We'll be at Droidcon NYC this September! Note: Time codes subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor. NEWS 0:17:26 - The dawn of AI Photos and the ethics of images t…
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La Taberna del Androide: Tu podcast independiente sobre videojuegos. Actualidad, debates, análisis, y mucho más! Bienvenido/a de nuevo a La Taberna del Androide, Estrenamos aquí el formato de la decimoprimera temporada de la taberna y lo hacemos a lo grande porque lo hacemos estrenando nuevo Androide titular, así que Bienvenido Blackneku! Pero es q…
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Android Police's editor-in-chief rejoins the podcast with Will and Daniel this time as the trio give a debrief on their time reviewing the Pixel 9, 9 Pro, and 9 Pro XL. We get to the fundamentals of the phones and everything is actually better this year! And there's a lot of positivity going on until we get to Pixel Studio and Reimagine and the con…
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Episode 194: Pixel 9 series unboxings and a review of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Announcements Thank you to those who entered our competition to win a lifetime’s access to the PiccyBot app. We’ll be in touch with the winners this week. Our 200th episode is on Saturday 5 October 2024. We would be delighted if you could join us then so save the date…
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12/21 All The New Links In This Weeks Cue (Free for all): iTunes: RSS: Show – Patreon:…
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Jason, Mishaal, and guest Shannon Morse discuss the potential breakup of Google's Android division, #TeamPixel controversy, the new OnePlus Buds Pro 3, as well as the promised Pank interview! Note: Time codes subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor. NEWS 0:17:33 US Considers a Rare Antitrust Move 0:28:01 Google threat…
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La Taberna del Androide: Tu podcast independiente sobre videojuegos. Actualidad, debates, análisis, y mucho más! Bienvenido/a de nuevo a La Taberna del Androide, Estrenamos aquí el formato de la decimoprimera temporada de la taberna y lo hacemos a lo grande porque lo hacemos estrenando nuevo Androide titular, así que Bienvenido Blackneku! Pero es q…
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Descubre la inspiradora historia de Joe Birch, uno de los Android Developers más reconocidos a nivel mundial. Desde su infancia a ser SENIOR ENGINEER II en Buffer. Es speaker, educador y GDE en Android. 💡 NOTAS DEL EPISODIO: 👉🏼 ÍNDICE: - Welcome! - Who is Joe? and Joe’s background - 🧑 What were you like as a child? …
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Episode 193: Made by Google 2024 Announcements Enter our competition to win access to the PiccyBot app following our interview with the developer last week. Our 200th episode is on Saturday 5 October 2024. We want you to join us then so save the date! Spotlight This week saw Made by Google 2024 take place on 13 August. The crew discuss the phones, …
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This Android Police podcast has been recorded live in front of a studio Will and Daniel as both wax critical on this week's Made by Google event. What of the Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL, and 9 Pro Fold? Is the narrative over artificial intelligence being steered in the right direction, perhaps maybe towards a thousand little directions? Hey, Fisher, w…
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В цьому випуску 00:00:00 - Вступ. Coroutines. 00:05:57 - Популярні помилки з Coroutines. Зміна контексту. 00:14:36 - GlobalScope. ViewModelScope. 00:24:35 - Синхроний запуск незалежних корутин. 00:30:48 - Cancelation handling для корутин. 00:41:06 - Не ловіть CancelationException як Exception. "Дивні" Detekt правила. 00:53:21 - Як робити CoroutineE…
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It's a big week in Android-land as the AF team and the rest of the tech industry descended on Mountain View, California to go to Google's headquarters for the keynote presentation and launch of the new Pixel phones, watches and earbuds, all wrapped up in a big Artificial Intelligence bow called Gemini. We truly are in the Gemini Era with this lineu…
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