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BDSM ist absolut unvernünftig - Macht aber unglaublich viel Spaß! Dieser Podcast über BDSM von aktiven SMern für Interessierte und alte Hasen. Ganz ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger, lustig, intim und manchmal kontrovers. Ich habe mir für jede Folge einen neuen Gesprächspartner gesucht und wir plaudern über alle Themen, die uns vors Mikrofon laufen. Switchen, Spuren, Bondage, Technik oder Parties und Missgeschicke. Hier ist der Platz dafür.
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O Podcast do Banco de Portugal. Criado para dar a conhecer as atividades desenvolvidas pelo Banco de Portugal e abordar temas que possam ser úteis no dia-a-dia dos cidadãos, sejam dicas para a utilização de serviços financeiros e de pagamentos ou informação sobre os diferentes serviços disponibilizados a particulares e empresas.
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Adventures Of BDR Podcast is short episodes in length podcast that chronicles a man's life nicknamed BDR he is open mic stand up comic and self proclaimed ladies man listen to find out more
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The BDA Boxing Show

BDA Boxing

We’re not here to preach, we’re here to entertain. We don’t delete messages or censor voices. So stop procrastinating and join us now. Subscribe/ Follow us on BDA Boxing (Spotify, iTunes, Spreaker, YouTube)
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BDA Baby (Before, During and After Baby)

Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt

BDA Baby™ (Before, During & After Baby) is an interview-based series hosted by New York Times bestselling author, mother, wife and advocate, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. Each week, Katherine has meaningful conversations with experts, notable specialists, and friends, covering topics that resonate with the BDA Baby community surrounding pregnancy, sex, partner relationships, birth experiences, fertility challenges, health and wellness, and so much more.
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Machtfertig`s BDSM Podcast

Herrin Sabina

Mein BDSM-Podcast informiert, nimmt mit und vereint. Auf frische und kreative Art gebe ich Einblick in mein Fetischleben, meinen Alltag und meine Erziehung. Getragen wird alles stets von meiner ehrlichen Liebe zu BDSM. Das wirst Du spüren. Ich freue mich über jeden Hörer, jeden Verbesserungsvorschlag und jeden Kommentar. Nur im Zusammenspiel mit meinen Hörern und Sklaven kann es ein guter Podcast sein. Und nun Ohren gespitzt. Viel Spaß in meiner Welt. Herrin Sabina
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BDA-Denklabor – Der Architektur-Podcast

Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten BDA

Wir sind derzeit von zahlreichen Krisen umgeben, die von der Corona-Pandemie zusätzlich verstärkt oder transformiert werden. Klimawandel, Urbanisierung, Wohnungsnot sowie Digitalisierung und demographischer Wandel – vieles ist dabei direkt oder indirekt mit unserer gebauten Umwelt verknüpft. Doch der Krisenzustand und das Verlassen der gewohnten Bahnen des Handelns und Denkens bieten enorme Chancen: Ungewohntes wird zugelassen, Veränderungen werden schneller umgesetzt. Architektur und Städte ...
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Whether you are building a BDC from the ground up or you have a an existing BDC, Colin can analyze your sales process, make recommendations on how you can sell more cars, assess the sustainability of your team members, provide one-time or ongoing training, coaching and management both in a classroom group environment and one-on-one, help your BDM/BDD by installing tools and metrics to hold your team accountable, or have an open-house recruiting event for your sales floor or BDC, 708-RED-LINE ...
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Dans l'Atelier BD

Dans l'Atelier BD

Dans l'Atelier BD s'invite dans les ateliers des auteurs et autrices. Un podcast original dans l'intimité de la création BD par Paul Satis. Les photos et vidéos des ateliers sont à retrouver sur Instagram dans_l_atelier_bd_podcast. X : dans l'atelier/ podcast BD @atelier_BD Threads: dans l'atelier BD visuel: @gally Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Welcome to the Dom Sub Living Podcast, your go-to kinky resource, so you can get out of the vanilla rut, become the best Dominant or submissive you can be, and make BDSM a lifestyle. Explore the many facets of the Dom/sub lifestyle and gain practical insights and tips to enhance your journey. Your host, Alesandra Madison, is a renowned BDSM educator, empowering individuals and couples to embrace their sensual selves. As the creator of, Alesandra promotes sex education, healt ...
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Quirky girl giving some (unwanted) onsite to how she sees the world around her. Talking about social media, personal experiences, and the everyday life of a high school girl
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Blazer Dave

Talking random nonsense that pops into my head! Newfound love for Alternative News and perspectives. Open minded and here to learn. Big believer in humanity. Hugely passionate about Music, TV shows, photography, gaming, art and the truth. Some episodes will feature guests. Question everything. Stay Weird.
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Delve deeper into the latest trends and opportunities shaping the digital landscape and the world of business with the BDO Digital Digest podcast series. Uncover how business leaders can gain deeper visibility into technology’s impact on their organizations. Each episode delivers quick, practical insights on a variety of tech-driven topics with our forward-thinking technologists and special guests who offer innovative perspectives on digital transformation and how businesses can leverage cut ...
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BDSP Podcast

BDSP Podcast

Follow Ashhole & Velly on their journey as they share laughs and personal experiences with each other and guests on occasion. Support this podcast:
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The BDB Podcast is about current, recent and upcoming events in the gaming industry/community coming from gamers and future developers. We give our honest opinions on our topics and talk about what we really think
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Beating BDD

BDD Foundation

Information and inspiration for people living with body dysmorphic disorder, from the BDD Foundation in the UK. To learn more about the show and the work of the BDD Foundation, visit
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BDO Czech Republic

Aktuální rozhovory s úspěšnými osobnostmi a specialisty BDO o podnikání, strategii a jejich zkušenostech. Inspirujte se a pojďte s námi převzít vedení! It's time to lead.
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show series
Les beaux jours reviennent...comme l'amour ?! L'épisode 2 de la saison 2 de Crossover c'est un spécial super-couples !! 1h20(!!!) pour parler de toutes les formes d'amour dans la pop-culture 🤫🔞💕 Personnages : Gwen Stacy X Spider-Man Batman x Catwoman Big Barda X Mister Miracle Lois Lane X Superman Atomic Eve Wally West - The Flash ALBUMS : 💓 Saga 💓…
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#sandalsresorts #traveladvisors #groups 🎙️🏖️ Join us today as we dive into the world of Group Contracts! //HOST Krysti Konopacky - BDM Colorado and Wyoming //GUESTS Ian Braun - Sr Regional Sales Manager for the Western Region Michaela Nuckels - Travel Advisor with Simply Magical Vacations Nicole Zillman - CRC Travel Advisor 🎧 Available On: Spotify:…
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O salário mínimo nacional foi instituído apenas um mês depois do 25 de Abril. O seu valor nem sempre acompanhou a subida dos preços, mas, em maio de 1974, foi uma conquista para cerca um milhão de trabalhadores. Saiba como tem evoluído o salário mínimo no novo episódio de “Contando a Liberdade”, uma série de podcasts sobre a transformação económica…
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In this episode, I sit down with Elle Rowley, founder of Solly Baby, to hear the inspiring story behind her iconic baby wrap—a product that has become a staple for parents navigating postpartum life. Elle shares how her journey began when she was a mom of two, juggling a colicky baby and a toddler. Out of necessity, she designed her first Solly Wra…
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#075 Think your kink is too weird or too basic? Spoiler: It's probably more common than you think! ✅ Download your free checklist of over 50 different kinks at today! We're uncovering the top 10 kinks that captivate and connect people worldwide. From sensation play to intense power exchanges, we dive deep into wha…
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Dr. Sarah Oreck joins us today to dive into postpartum mental health, and how our hormones can play a role in managing our mental wellbeing after giving birth. Dr. Oreck is a specialist in reproductive psychiatry, and today she shares insights into managing metal health in the pre and postpartum period. One of the biggest changes moms will experien…
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Warum Fearplay dazu gehört Unvernunft Live Auf gibt es den Livestream & Chat und hier nun das Ergebnis für alle, die nicht dabei sein konnten und können. Theme heute: Die Lust an der Angst Angst wollen wir vermeiden, uns davon fernhalten. Aber im BDSM setzen wir uns diesem starken Reiz manchmal freiwillig aus. Ob wir uns vor…
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#sandalsresorts #traveladvisors #IslandRoutes 🎙️🏖️ In this episode of TWO BDMs and a MIC, Candice Waldeck Bdm (BDM Virginia & W. Virginia) and Emily Wise Bdm (BDM Northern Illinois) step in as the podcast's first ever guest hosts! They're giving James and Krysti a much-needed break to talk all things PERKS!Did you know that your BDM can hold a webi…
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Em junho, o Banco de Portugal lançou o SPIN, uma funcionalidade sem custos para fazer transferências sem digitar o IBAN, uma longa sequência de números, quase impossível de memorizar. Com o SPIN basta ter o número de telemóvel do destinatário ou, no caso das empresas, o número de identificação de pessoa coletiva. Tereza Cavaco e Hugo Mira, diretora…
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Trümmerwüsten, wo einmal Städte waren, Häuser ohne Dach und Fenster, die kein Zuhause, kein Ort zum Leben mehr sein können. Diese Bilder, aktuelle wie historische, kennen wir alle. In dieser ersten englischsprachigen Folge des Denklabors geht es um den „Domizid“. Der Begriff beschreibt die massenhafte und mutwillige Zerstörung von Wohnhäusern als M…
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This episode was recorded before my baby arrived, and I’m so excited to finally share it with you! In this episode, I sit down with Kate Love, an entrepreneur, model, and mother, who is preparing to welcome her second child. Kate shares an honest and unfiltered look at her pregnancy journey—from battling persistent nausea and exhaustion to navigati…
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#sandalsresorts #traveladvisors #IslandRoutes 🎙️🏖️ Join us today as David Black is back on the show to discuss some new and exciting things with Island Routes! //HOST James Ayres III - BDM North Texas and Oklahoma Krysti Konopacky - BDM Colorado and Wyoming //GUESTS David Black - Head of Global Sales for Island Routes 🎧 Available On :Spotify: @TWOB…
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#074 Discover game-changing sensation play techniques! 🔥 Read a real-life sensation play scene in action: Ever wondered how to make your BDSM scenes 10 times more intense? Spoiler: it's not about hitting harder or using fancier toys. Dive into this episode where we reveal how sensation play can transform your experien…
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Dr. Morgan Cutlip joins us today to talk about burnout and mom guilt. Burnout is a common experience many parents feel throughout various stages of parenthood. Dr. Cutlip shares how due to the overwhelming amount of information and social comparison in today’s society, burnout is frequently reported among parents. Our conversation highlights the im…
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Besserung im Internat? Ich bin mit der Bahn nach Norden gefahren und habe Svenja besucht.Sie ist 42 Jahre alt, sub+ und ist heute happy. Sie hat SpielpartnerInnen im Polykül gefunden und dann ist da noch der Koch. - Alles fein, alles passt. Angefangen hat sie schon sehr früh und hatte Menschen, die ihr die Freiheit und Möglichkeiten schenkten, BDSM…
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Vertrauen Ich bin Herrin Sabina und erziehe seit nunmehr 9 Jahren im deutschsprachigem Raum. Über die Seite: kannst du mich erreichen und meinen BDSM Horizont deutlich spüren. Der Anfang beleuchtet meine Geschichte, mein Tun und meine Intention. Auch der Unterschied zu anderen Herrinnen wird klar umrissen.…
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durée : 00:02:21 - BD bande dessinée - par : Jean-Christophe OGIER - Avec "Billy Lavigne", un cow-boy bouleversant de sensibilité exacerbée, Anthony Pastor signe le deuxième volume de sa trilogie western. De son côté, Glen Chapron met en scène "La Veuve", émouvante figure de femme créée par la romancière canadienne Gil Adamson.…
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Nos últimos 50 anos, a população portuguesa envelheceu. Há menos nascimentos, reflexo da mudança do papel da mulher na sociedade. E a longevidade aumentou, em resultado da melhoria das condições de vida. Perceba as alterações demográficas em Portugal no novo episódio de “Contando a Liberdade”, uma série de podcasts sobre a transformação económica d…
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This episode was recorded before my baby arrived, and I’m so excited to finally share it with you! Did you know that talking to your baby from day one is one of the most powerful things you can do for their brain development? In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Dana Suskind, pediatrician, professor, and author, to explore the science of early lang…
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A huge THANK YOU to our Patrons: Michael Devries, irvin ruiz, Hoshi 127, and Nora Klimek, who are supporting us on the “credited” level. Thanks to the following for providing fodder for our Q&A: @musaali4435 (Non-store character promotion) Public Mobile referral code: VPM35Z
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#073 Are you guilty of these biggest BDSM blunders? You're not alone! 💪 Master the Dom/sub lifesyle: We're revealing the surprises and challenges we encountered when we thought we had it all figured out. Worried you might mess up on your BDSM journey? Tune in now to avoid these common missteps and navigate your dynamic…
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Dr. Marta Perez joins us today to discuss pregnancy and breastfeeding with the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Perez received the vaccine herself shortly after giving birth. She addresses common concerns regarding the vaccine’s effects on fertility and breastfeeding. We discuss the importance of vaccination for protecting both mothers and infants. She shares…
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Subjektiv höllisch Unvernunft Live Auf gibt es den Livestream & Chat und hier nun das Ergebnis für alle, die nicht dabei sein konnten und können. Theme heute: Erniedrigung & Schamgefühle Handlungen, Situationen, Worte. Manchmal durch Top verursacht und manchmal stellen wir uns von ganz allein bloß. Da steckt aber auch viel L…
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durée : 00:02:31 - BD bande dessinée - par : Jean-Christophe OGIER - L'historien Jean-Yves Le Naour voit en Ronald Reagan le modèle de Donald Trump. La dessinatrice sud-coréenne cherche à comprendre ce qui se passe au Nord, de l'autre côté de la frontière près de laquelle se trouve sa maison.De către Jean-Christophe OGIER
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A nossa relação com o aconselhamento financeiro está a mudar. Neste novo enquadramento, ganhou relevância a figura do “finfluencer”, “influencers” digitais na área financeira. A disseminação mais eficaz de informação tem vantagens num país com défice de conhecimento nesta área, mas traz também múltiplos riscos. A administradora Francisca Guedes de …
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#072 Can you balance a power exchange with everyday life? What about raising kids in a D/s relationship? 🔥 Grab our free BDSM resources at In this episode, listen in as Alesandra sits down with Auntie Vice on Fat Chicks on Top to talk about BDSM beyond the bedroom. We cover behavior modification, the psychology of kink…
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In this pre-baby, pre-recorded episode, I sit down with Jordan Harper, founder and CEO of Barefaced, to explore her incredible journey of launching a thriving skincare brand while navigating the chaos of motherhood. We kick off by tackling pregnancy-specific skincare challenges, like melasma, and Jordan shares her expert insights on how to care for…
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#sandalsresorts #traveladvisors #saintlucia 🎙️🏖️ Join us today as we do a little Island Hopping with Richard Moss, Director of Global Sales for Saint Lucia. We ask Richard a very simple question, Why should your clients go to Saint Lucia? Join us live and have your opportunity to ask your own questions! //HOST James Ayres III - BDM North Texas and …
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In this episode, I highlight what probably begin as a dealers good intentions to implement artificial intelligence replacing a trained human to handle phone calls. If you’re using artificial intelligence in your sales process, I implore you to have a second set of eyes look over what it feels like to interact with your dealership . Call me. Call an…
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durée : 00:04:20 - Bulles de BD - par : Laetitia Gayet - Quand le prix BD Fnac France Inter 2021 s'allie au très remarqué auteur de Frontier, ça donne une BD métissée aux influences nippones. Bablet et Singelin vous disent que les héros d'hier ne sont plus, mais qu'ils pourraient jouer un rôle majeur, eux aussi.…
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A huge THANK YOU to our Patrons: Michael Devries, irvin ruiz, Hoshi 127, and Nora Klimek, who are supporting us on the “credited” level. Thanks to the following for providing fodder for our Q&A: @LuqmaanOfficial (Facing Flashpoint) @jericocarr9409 (Static/Rebirth Raven) @burkeshomemadememes (Crutches, Canada!)) Public Mobile r…
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Missed the Southeast Region Rising Stars event? No worries—we’ve got you covered! We’re bringing the event straight to you, so you can catch up on all the insights, updates, and key takeaways from the team. Join Senior Regional Sales Manager Anita Cuoto as she sits down with Coach Joe and Dawn Bolte for an engaging panel discussion. Plus, you might…
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#071 Why do forbidden things turn us on so much? It's not just about pleasure—it's psychology. ✅ Get your FREE BDSM checklist with 50+ kinks: We're unravelling the psychology behind BDSM, exploring misconceptions about trauma, the science of endorphins and dopamine, and the vital role of trust and control. Delve i…
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Dr. Marc Brackett joins us to talk all things social and emotional learning for ourselves as well as our kids. Dr. Bracket is the director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and the author of the book Permission to Feel. In todays episode, he shares tips on how to help our children lean social and emotional intelligence, as well as ways …
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Gelegenheit macht Kink Zu Gast bei mir war Meddie, 27 Jahre alt. Seit etwa einem Jahr erkundet sie die Welt des Kinks – und das in beide Richtungen, oben wie unten. Ihr Weg dorthin war allerdings nicht ganz einfach, denn ihre christliche Erziehung stellte Themen wie Sex vor der Ehe zunächst gar nicht zur Debatte. Heute sieht das ganz anders aus: Si…
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Die Herrin in ihr wecken Ich bin Herrin Sabina und erziehe seit nunmehr 9 Jahren im deutschsprachigem Raum. Über die Seite: kannst du mich erreichen und meinen BDSM Horizont deutlich spüren. Der Anfang beleuchtet meine Geschichte, mein Tun und meine Intention. Auch der Unterschied zu anderen Herrinnen wird klar umrissen.…
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A recent call from a connection of mine in South Florida who runs a decent size Turo fleet asked me if I could direct him to a store that would help him add an additional 20 to 30 units to his fleet. What I didn’t know at the time was how difficult it would be to find a dealership that would actually be interested in selling an extra 20 or 30 cars.…
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O 25 de Abril trouxe uma revolução do papel das mulheres na sociedade portuguesa. Mais anos de escolaridade e maior participação no mercado de trabalho, refletindo novos valores políticos, morais e culturais. São essas mudanças que descrevemos no primeiro episódio de “Contando a Liberdade”, uma série de podcasts sobre a transformação económica do p…
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Der Stadtplaner Daniel Luchterhandt spricht in seinem Vortrag „Von der Aufgabe, eine gemeinsame Sprache zu finden“ über die Herausforderungen bei der Einbindung von Öffentlichkeit in Planungsprozesse und erläutert, wie Architektinnen und Architekten ihre Kommunikation verbessern können. Daniel Luchterhandt hielt seinen Vortrag anlässlich des 29. Be…
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