De los creadores de "No soy solo una cara bonita" llega: "Sí, soy solo una cara bonita". Samantha Hudson y María Barrier abordarán los temas más trillados y woke en bimboficadas. Todos los lunes en Spotify. Edición, sonido y cámara de: @junaked e @ikertorre. <3
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Alright babes, Bimini is here with their very own podcast! Bimini is challenging the world around us and asking how the experiences we’ve lived have made us the people we are today. From pop stars to politicians, artists and activists, every week Bimini will be unearthing the moments that have shaped their guests’ identities, whilst exploring how the world today is impacting the people we are becoming. New episodes drop Tuesdays, from October 22nd.
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All the Tools, Systems and strategies you'll need as a full-time working parent to turn those dreams you have on hold into a reality.
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Podcast v katerem se Matevž in Robert z gosti sproščeno pogovarjata o informacijskem modeliranju zgradb (BIM) in informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologijah v gradbeništvu.
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TDH by BIMrras es el spin-off de BIMrras en el que semana a semana repasamos el tema que más nos ha llamado la atención en el mundo de la tecnología aplicada al sector de la construcción, o no. Un espacio donde cada uno de los BIMrras expone su opinión sin tapujos y con el auténtico estilo BIMrras.
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Rabbis Efrem Goldberg, Philip Moskowitz, and Josh Broide, from Boca Raton Synagogue, shmooze about contemporary issues. Every week features an unscripted and lively discussion, special guests, and a behind-the-scenes look at leading a large and dynamic Jewish community.
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Bringing weekly Jewish insights into your life. Join Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz, Rabbi Michelle Robinson and Rav-Hazzan Aliza Berger of Temple Emanuel in Newton, MA as they share modern ancient wisdom.
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En podkast fra Standard Norge og buildingSMART Norge. Podkasten vil ta for seg hvordan BIM bidrar til digitalisering av bygg-, anlegg- og eiendomsindustrien i Norge og Internasjonalt. Vi vil informere om utvikling som skjer innen det tekniske rammerverket som f.eks. Relevante standarder og hvordan BIM blir tatt i bruk i næringens verdikjeder. Dette vil vi gjøre gjennom å prate med sentrale aktører, og gjennom rapporter fra sentrale møteplasser.
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Bienvenido a BIMrras Podcast, Podcast sobre BIM en español. El Primer Podcast Colaborativo sobre BIM ¡El PODCAST sobre BIM que Chuck Norris no se atreve a escuchar! Donde 4 arquitectos BIMtrastornados discutimos sobre todo lo relacionado con el mundo del Building Information Modeling. Dirigido a todos los profesionales que intervienen en el ciclo de vida de una edificación o infraestructura, desde las primeras ideas o intenciones, pasando por las fases de diseño, construc ...
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Do you want to keep up to date with all the true crime news but you're too afraid to listen alone? Breakfast With Bimbos Is the true crime slumber party of your dreams! Audie, Danni, And Alysse, Sit down weekly to talk about true crime cases while laughing about, well, just about anything. from crazy stories to inside jokes you will be considered one of the girls listening to these episodes.
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On The Bimah (formerly known as Theatre Schmooze) is a monthly podcast where we chat with Jewish theatre makers from around the world about their art, Judaism, and vision for theater’s future. Hosted by Danielle Levsky, On The Bimah features one-on-one conversations with artists that will illuminate the heart, soul, and diversity of contemporary Jewish theatre. On The Bimah is an Alliance for Jewish Theatre program, produced by Danny Debner and Danielle Levsky. Our theme music is by Ilya Lev ...
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BIM is a big part of the construction process that sometimes goes misunderstood. This podcast is to highlight the benefits of BIM and it's role within the construction sector. BIMTech is a company that works with some of the biggest construction companies in the UK, delivering time and time again. Listen and get to know the workings of BIM, hear from some of the biggest construction companies in the UK, meet the people behind BIMTech and see the culture behind our offices. This is The BIMTec ...
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Un micropodcast diario sobre reflexiones del ámbito tecnológico y empresarial.
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Podcast ini adalah rangkuman apa yang saya pelajari sehari-hari.
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Diskusi asik asik, segala hal yang bersifat random
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Just some bimbo girls talking NONSENSE on a weekly basis.
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Bimbam means "Reflection". This show will have episodes about Science & tech, Nature & Astronomy.
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bimabroadcaster communication and sharing, motivation, nice moment, song, poem Etc
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Introducing @bimbeads
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Selamat datang di Bimbel bersama Yesaya Ferdinand, Shuliya Ratanavara, dan Surya Laili! Di sini kita akan membahas isu-isu yang sedang hangat dibicarakan—even the most random things in life. We'll try to give you some perspective and insight through every day noises.
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ברוכים הבאים Bienvenidos a Bimah Digital.
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„BIM & Bier“ ist der Building Information Modeling Podcast von Formitas. In jeder Folge gibt es nicht nur nützliche Infos über BIM und interessante Gespräche mit Gästen aus der Bauindustrie, sondern es wird auch jedes Mal ein neues Bier präsentiert. Was hat Bier mit BIM zu tun? Beides sind prozessuale Themen, die sich durch kleine Veränderungen beeinflussen lassen und am Ende ein tolles Produkt ergeben.
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Pro bimers podcast
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Sports Bimbo is a weekly combat-focused sports podcast providing lighthearted weekly commentary on the latest UFC & Boxing news from a female fan's POV.
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Un espacio para el encuentro de ideas y novedades sobre BIM, y la transformación digital de la industria AEC en Latinoamérica y el mundo.
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Podcast berisi banyak hal..
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엔지니어링 분야 podcast 방송(BIM, 컴퓨터 그래픽스, 소프트웨어 공학)입니다. 기존 Podcast 업체 서비스 종료(2011~2014.12)로, 해외 서버로 옮겨 다시 시즌 3(2015.4~)방송을 시작합니다.
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Introducción a los conceptos básicos de la metodología BIM y como ella ha impactado las diferentes formas de contrucción. Llega para innovar en Colombia.
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The unofficial podcast
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Podcast FnB (Podcast Fira dan Bimo) tiap Selasa malam akan membahas tentang cinta, dari sudut pandang high quality single ibukota. Stay tune! Connect with us on IG @podcastfnb @squilliams @zhafirahfarina email:
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Une discussion à la cool avec des gens plein d’énergie qui font bouger les choses. Bim. Bam. Boom Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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O Segunda BIM é um evento mensal promovido pelo GT BIM da AsBEA-RS e patrocinado pelo CAU-RS. Seu objetivo é difundir a metodologia BIM por toda a cadeia construtiva.
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Just two girls interviewing the stonages of the world one bimbo at a time
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A series of BIM Podcasts, with which you will find many aspects of BIM. Charlton Recruitment introduces “BIM 2017 podcasts” a must-listen series for anyone involved in Government construction projects as BIM is still a major trend. Charlton Recruitment will train the market place by bringing BIM Industry experts who all give their opinion regarding their proper experiences.
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B.I.M.O Two belfast podcast pioneers just shooting the shit talking about local events and happenings as well as covering everything in-between from Paranormal to Sports.
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BIMM’s ITMI (Inside the Music Industry) podcast pulls back the curtain on today’s music business. Hosted by acclaimed best-selling author and industry legend Dr Jennifer Otter Bickerdike, ITMI discusses, challenges and answers the big questions in music.
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Bima Leap Insurance Broker is fully committed to provide you with first in class general insurance solutions that are fully compliant with IRDAI guidelines. We aim to protect all of our customers with their insurance needs. All insurance products provide customers with state-of-the art solutions, and come with the in-house support of a dedicated & professional team and insurers who are there for you ALWAYS.
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Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses. From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more. Follow Claima Stories (@claimastories) and Bimma ...
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Creating awareness about BIM and Digital Transformation in AEC Industry has been our mission since inception. Since Covid hit, we started to create online content openly accessible in different forms like YouTube. Launching our Podcast ‘The BIM Student” is another effort in the same direction. Creating content in a for that is easily accessible and creating wealth of knowledge that can be used by anyone ...
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This podcast that focuses on the ever-expanding topic of building information modelling, digital workflows and integrated experiences. Doorway to BIM is brought to you by the ASSA ABLOY team behind the award-winning software solution - Openings Studio.
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Herzlich Willkommen zum BIM TALK der Podcast für Architekten die sich für BIM interessieren und genauer erfahren wollen: > was sind die Vorteile und Herausforderung > was erwartet uns auf diesem Weg und einen Austausch mit Architekten und Experten wünschen. Hier geht es nicht darum eine Rosarotewelt darzustellen, sondern vielmehr die Vorteile und Herausforderungen klar auf dem Punkt zu bringen und eine Vision zu der Digitalisierung zu vermitteln. Du bekommst konkrete Tipps für die Projektbea ...
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Insurance penetration in Kenya is quite low compared to the global benchmark. The same can be reported about Insurance distribution as well. In this podcast we seek to educate and empower Kenyans all over the world on the various Insurance brackets and key stake holders. This shall ensure we have an informed population and thus better the insurance uptake, thus reducing the cost of the same.
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O primeiro Podcast sobre Revit do Brasil, dicas de uso, melhoria de workflows, conteúdos sobre BIM e alguma coisa a mais. Siga no Instagram: @revitcast Meu nome é Erick Mark, gravo os episódios Revitcast em momentos que tenho algum tempo livre, espero que aproveite e que agregue valor para você. 😉 Você pode me seguir lá no LinkedIn. Compartilhe! 🏆
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Silicon Valley is a one-stop engineering consultant provider, that delivers and assists its clients in providing all types of engineering services. The professed team of engineers, designers, and drafters are well-trained and experienced in providing architectural engineering consultancy services, structural engineering consultancy services, MEP engineering services, Civil engineering services, CAD services, in a single roof.
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Welcome to the electrifying world of Bimbo Baux, the brainchild of yours truly – the unapologetic Kelsey Pennywinkle, aka Fawxy Baux. Brace yourself for unfiltered conversations with the coolest cats in town, where we dish out truths like it's nobody's business. I'm not just an amateur bimbo historian, adult film sensation, and plus-sized model – I'm your podcast partner in crime, infusing humor sharper than stilettos into every episode. Join me for a wild ride that feels like a night out wi ...
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The performance podcast from the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Streamed live to a phone, played back on headphones and recorded with in-ear microphones at a street corner in front of the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. In the end no one really knows whats going on anymore in the end but we think it is rather good. Produced by Benjamin Tomasi. This podcast features binaural recordings, which sound best through headphones.
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Born in Barbados… raised in DC, Dj Bimshire is one of the Nation's Capital most versatile djs. Known for his smooth mixes and high energy, this rising star has carved his way into the minds, hearts and EARS of party-goers in the DMV. Bim, as he is affectionately known by his peers, followers & dj counterparts, started his professional dj career at the young age of 15, with Muzik Nashun Sound in 2000. Now almost 15 years later, Bim's dj career extends over all the major nightclubs, promoters ...
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Hosted by Holly and Harley, two professional hot girls with a mutual love for a good story. Bimbo Book Club is, at face value, an excuse to get together and talk about what we’re reading. It's also a refusal to choose between boobs and brains, but most of all BBC is a celebration of our friendship at its silliest, smartest, stupidest, and its sexiest. And it's an invitation extended to you, to step outside your world and adventure with us as we take you on a wild ride across the pages of the ...
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ATENÇÃO: O objetivo deste programa não é chegar a um concenso, mas sim apresentar uma discussão superficial dos assuntos tratados.
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BimTube's Mission We aim to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable better decisions, better infrastructure, better services, and better outcomes for our social, economic, and environmental infrastructure. Background The podcast's theme revolves around 'Better Information Management'—exploring how Digital, Data, and Technology enable other sectors, domains, activities, initiatives, and outcomes. Audi ...
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Bonus: Oppdatering fra BIM-standardisering i CEN
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34:07Bonus: Øivind og Lisbet gir oss en oppdatering fra BIM-standardiseringsmøtene i CEN.De către buildingSMART Norge
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177 Cómo arruinar tu empresa con BIM I
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59:56Si crees que BIM es la llave del éxito, espera a ver cómo también puede ser la vía más rápida al desastre. En este episodio desmontamos los errores más comunes que pueden hacer que tu empresa acabe en ruinas: falta de estrategia, resistencia al cambio, costos ocultos, formación deficiente e interoperabilidad caótica. Porque BIM puede llevarte al éx…
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World Zionist Congress Elections Coverage (Part 1)
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1:36:40Boca Raton, Florida, this is Behind the Bima. On this week's episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg navigates the intricate landscape of the 39th World Zionist Congress. Rabbi Goldberg is joined by five influential voices in the Jewish world: Rabbi Moshe Hauer representing the OIC-Mizrachi Slate, Rabbi Pesach Lerner of Eretz Ha’Kodesh, Rabbi Steve Burg from…
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¿Cansado de ver siempre las mismas noticias funestas en los telediarios?¿Y si te dijéramos que en realidad es "el algoritmo" el que escoge las noticias que van a resultar más adictivas para nosotros, pobres humanos?Parece que va llegando el momento de rebelarse contra las máquinas.De către BIMrras
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David Walliams on Comedy, Self-Expression & Celebrating Difference
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46:17David Walliams is one of the UK's most celebrated comedians, writers and TV personalities. As the co-creator (with Matt Lucas) of the acclaimed BBC comedy series Little Britain and Come Fly With Me, David dominated early-00's pop culture. For his stint on Britain's Got Talent, he won Best TV Judge at the National Television Awards for 4 years. He i…
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56:30Inés es el vivo ejemplo de "que nunca sepan tu próximo movimiento". Hablamos de vivir del cuento, el paternalismo a las personas discas, la inmunidad a la cancelación, fake it until you make it, estar al borde de la muerte, intrusismo laboral y en definitiva regaladnos un triciclo.
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152: BIMpogovori ob 10 obletnici siBIM
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40:59Gost v oddaji je prof. dr. Andrej Tibaut (UM FGPA) - prvi predsednik Združenja siBIM, ki v letu 2025 prazuje 10. obletnico, kar je tudi iztočnica za pogovor. Seveda v tradiciji BIMpogovorov zelo hitro zajadramo daleč od predvidene smeri in se pogovarjamo o USD zapisu, IFC 5, MVD/IDS, ...De către Matevž Dolenc in Robert Klinc
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Shabbat Sermon: Counterworld with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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17:07A woman named Jessica Sklar, her husband and their two children were happily living their lives in Pacific Palisades when their house burned down. Since losing all their earthly possessions, they have been wandering in the wilderness. In less than two months, this family has moved five times, from A B & B X5. In the home they used to love, they had…
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Talmud Class: Mahmoud Khalil and the Documentary Hypothesis
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37:44How are we to understand the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil and the stated intent of the federal government to deport him? It is good. He is an Israel hater. Finally the federal government is cracking down on Israel hate and Jew hate that have been running rampant on college campuses, leading to the intimidation and harassment of Jewish students and supp…
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¿Un congreso de teléfonos móviles en el que se presentan helicópteros unipersonales?¿Se nos estará yendo de las manos?¡Bienvenidos al MWC 2025!De către BIMrras
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Owen Jones on Politics, Social Justice and the Fight for Equality
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51:53Owen Jones is one of the UK’s most vocal political commentators. As a columnist for The Guardian (and previously The Independent), as well as the host of The Owen Jones Show and The Owen Jones Podcast, he is a consistent advocate for liberal values and social inequality. Through-out his career, he has been named as one of the most influential peopl…
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EP.12 The Strange Memory Loss Of Agatha Christie
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45:20Agatha Christie is a well known English playwright and detective novelist. For two weeks in the 1920's the famous writer went missing after a car crash only to be found dancing in a hotel with no idea who she was. . . . Follow us on Instagram! - @breakfestwithbimbos Twitter! - @Breakfastbimbos TikTok - @Breakfastwithbimbos . Audie's Instagram - @aw…
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How To Manage Family, Finance, Work and More Without The To Do List!
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11:21Life is so busy when you are working full-time and raising a family. A to-do list is no longer enough; we need a project planning tool. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the exact methods I use to manage all areas of my life in one place. Let's connect on Instagram: Subscribe and get my free time manage…
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SEAMOS HONESTAS - Bimboficadas 2x24
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33:08Samantha y María hablan sobre la honestidad... El dolor de afrontar la verdad, el derecho a la mentira, la honestidad como arma contra la manipulación, aprender a callarte la bocaza y ser real con una misma. Y como dijo Lola Flores: ''lo que diga la gente me importa tres pepinos, mi verdad es mi verdad, yo nunca miento''.…
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Klassifikasjon med gjest Gunnar Slinning Østad
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31:50I denne episoden av BIM praten får vi igjen besøk av Gunnar Slinning Østad fra Sweco, og tema denne gangen er klassifikasjon.De către buildingSMART Norge
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166 Netflix se está cargando el cine
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18:30Que las plataformas de streaming monitoreen las visualizaciones de sus suscriptores puede servir para sugerirles contenidos que puedan encajar con sus gustos o, si el canal tiene el pulmón necesario, para crearlos de 0.Pero ¿qué pasa cuando se trata de contentar a la mayoría? Que si no se hace bien, se corre el riesgo de que el producto resultante,…
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Zevi Samet, Basketball Star and Yeshiva Bachur
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1:05:40From Boca Raton, Florida, this is Behind the Bima. On this week’s episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, and Rabbi Josh Broide sit down with the extraordinary Zevi Samet—a dynamic yeshiva bachur and celebrated basketball star whose journey is as inspiring off the court as it is on. Zevi shares his unique story of balancing Torah lea…
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The fear of failure has kept our dreams at just dreams, or worse, stagnant. In today’s episode, I share my origin story, the scripture and prayers I used to overcome fear, Agile’s impact on my life, and how I’ve changed my view of failure. Let's connect on Instagram: Subscribe and get my free time management…
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Mikaela Loach on Capitalism's Failures, Climate Activism & AI
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47:34When it comes to campaigning in the digital age - Mikaela Loach is one of the UK's most effective change-makers. Having been named one of Prospect's top thinkers of 2024, Mikaela advocates for environmental and racial justice, sustainable fashion and issues such as the mistreatment of migrants. She has also worked tirelessly on climate action and d…
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EP.11 The Black Dahlia: The Story Of Elizabeth Short
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1:01:39On January 15th of 1947, 22 year old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short was found dead in an empty lot. she had been severed in half and drained of all her blood. her murder is still unsolved to this day...or is it? . . Follow us on Instagram! - @breakfestwithbimbos Twitter! - @Breakfastbimbos TikTok - @Breakfastwithbimbos . Audie's Instagram - @awkw…
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Gost v oddaji je Elvis Štemberger, dipl. inž. el. - tehnični direktor v podjetju IBE d.d., član UO siBIM, koordinator siBIM foruma, ... preveč, da bi našteli vse. Pogovorjamo se o novem gradbenem zakonu GZ-1 in še posebej o delu zakona, ki se nanaša na uporabo BIM pristopa za pripravo projektne dokumentacije za objekte za katere je za izdajo dovolj…
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EL CAMINO con JUANJO BONA - Bimboficadas 2x23
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50:43Juanjo no tiene una, sino dos Jotas en su nombre. Con Jota de Juanjo y de Jot Talent, está claro que esa letra le pertenece. Hoy hablamos con él sobre crecer siendo diferente, la espiritualidad, fluir con lo que somos, confiar en el destino y abrazar nuestros caminos. El amor a su tierra, al folklore maño y a las personas que le rodean.…
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Brotherhood Shabbat Sermon with Yad Chessed Founder Bob Housman
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16:25Robert Housman established Yad Chessed so he could help his neighbors struggling in Boston’s Jewish community. In the early years, he ran it by himself, with help from his wife Sue, as he worked full-time as a computer programmer. He directed Yad Chessed until the summer of 2012 when he became a member of its Board of Directors.…
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Talmud Class: Do We Own It, and if So, What Do We Do About It?
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41:16On Yom Kippur, October 9, 1943, in the middle of the Holocaust, Rabbi Walter Wurzburger gave a sermon at Congregation Chai Odom in Brighton, Massachusetts entitled “The Individual in the Crisis.” He argued that Jews in Greater Boston own moral responsibility for the Holocaust. On the basis of the High Priest’s avodah service, Rabbi Wurzburger offer…
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176 Bonsai, opensource BIM with Dion Moult
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1:20:01Big BIM wants you trapped. Bonsai sets you free. Dion Moult brings the next-gen IFC tool that proprietary software doesn’t want you to use. No more lock-ins. No more nonsense. Just pure, open-source BIM power. #Bonsai #OpenBIM #IFC Welcome to episode 176 of BIMrras! In this podcast 0:00:34 Welcome and introducing Dion Moult 0:03:22 What is an emerg…
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330 generaciones después ¿cómo sería el hombre?1.000 años de evolución teniendo en cuenta aspectos como la selección natural, la vida en el espacio y el uso de la tecnología.De către BIMrras
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Rabbi Daniel Kalish, Community Builder and Shaper of Souls
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45:10From Boca Raton, Florida, this is Behind the Bima. On this week's episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is joined by Rabbi Daniel Kalisch, the Menahel of the Mesivta of Waterbury. Rabbi Kalish delves into the themes of community legacy, the impact of his father's dedication to Torah, and the importance of connection both within the community and in persona…
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Jayde Adams on Stand-Up Comedy, Sexism & Body Positivity
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45:39Comedian, actress, writer and singer Jayde Adams is, perhaps, one of the most honest people in entertainment. Bravely wearing her heart on her sleeve at all times, the winner of the 2014 Funny Women Award has had a decorated career - from winning countless comedy awards, to starring in the likes of Amazon & BBC's Good Omens, Alma's Not Normal and e…
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"Directing someone in a parked car won't get you to your destination. Similarly, dreaming about your dreams without making a start will not bring them into reality." Ever found yourself choosing a K-drama over that important task you need to complete? You're not alone! In this week's episode, we dive into a simple yet powerful technique that can tr…
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DRAG ANDALUZ con LAS NIÑA - Bimboficadas 2x22
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50:58La @ccarvento y @belial_romerito vienen en representación del colectivo Drag Andaluz Las niña para hablarnos sobre su nuevo espectáculo Historia de una Amapola. Hablamos de sindicalizar el drag, la andaluzofobia, el patrimonio cultural religioso, y las travestis que aunque muevan el mundo, siempre están detrás de todo.…
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Shabbat Sermon: Sing Your Song with Rav Hazzan Aliza Berger
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16:16In 1992, then 25-year-old Sinéad O'Connor appeared on Saturday Night Live. She was a budding international musical superstar with two chart-topping records to her name. And, unbeknownst to producers, she had decided to use her platform to protest rampant child abuse in the Catholic Church. At the end of her performance, she stared straight into the…
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Talmud Class: Joy and Sorry in Megillat Esther - Is There Room for Both?
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48:56Often music reflects the mood of the time we are in. That is the case with Megillat Esther – but in a surprising way. While we are chanting in a joyous musical mode, reflected in the trope of Purim, we suddenly hear two mournful tunes at several points during the Megillah reading. There are six verses that we sing to this mournful trope, the trope …
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Between Two Worlds: Nancy Gaddy - Season 4, Episode 7
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29:41"Between Two Worlds" (Season 4, Episode 7) welcomes Nancy Gaddy, a performer whose career spans from national theater tours to klezmer music stages. Known for her character "Mrs. Schmaltz" and her latest production "Beyond the Borscht Belt," Gaddy celebrates the evolution of Jewish performance traditions in America. In this conversation, Gaddy shar…
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¡Qué bonita pecera te has montado al lado de la TV de 72 pulgadas!Pero espera... ¿Qué pez es ese?¡Parece un humano pequeñito!Amigos, ¡las granjas de humanos de Matrix ya están aquí!De către BIMrras
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Rabbi Doron Perez, Grieving Father & Resilient Leader
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53:19From Boca Raton, Florida, this is Behind the Bima. In this week’s episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and Rabbi Josh Broide sit down with Rabbi Doron Perez—a dedicated father, compassionate leader, and a unifying force for our Jewish community. Known for his steadfast role as executive chairman of the Mizrahi World Movement, Rabbi Doron opens his heart a…
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Fats Timbo on Stigmas, Personal Resilience & Fashion
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35:58Growing up looking and feeling different can end up defining who you are - in the case of Fats Timbo, it has become a superpower. The creator, comedian, author and educator rose to prominence online with her snappy sketches, quick wit and advocacy. Alongside her incredible talent, she also happens to be a little person, at 4ft tall. As somebody who…
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EP.10 Nichole Brown & Ronald Goldman - The O.J. Simpson Trial
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1:01:53Nichole and Ronald were both murdered in 1994 by an unknown assailant. Evidence lead them to Nichole"s ex husband and NFL star OJ Simpson. When questioned by police O.J. decided to lead them on an 8 hour "low speed" chase. . . . Follow us on Instagram! - @breakfestwithbimbos Twitter! - @Breakfastbimbos TikTok - @Breakfastwithbimbos . Audie's Instag…
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Ready to transform workplace tensions into opportunities for growth? In this powerful episode, we tackle the conversations that 57% of employees avoid, showing you how to handle them with grace and confidence. 🎯 Episode Highlights: "Sometimes the hardest conversations lead to the best opportunities." What You'll Learn: Converting "you" statements i…
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OKUPA con CIBERPONY - Bimboficadas 2x21
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57:38Ciberpony es mucho más que puta y okupa; también domina diversos ámbitos artísticos como la interpretación, la ilustración y la música, siendo une DJ habitual de Razzmatazz (contratadle). Hoy hablamos de okupación, un capítulo que no pretende incentivar la okupación ni ofrecer consejos legales al respecto (mentira). Pd: No tenemos la verdad absolut…
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Shabbat Sermon: Meeting our Moment
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16:34Has this ever happened to you? One frigid morning, I grab my warmest jacket. I reach down to zip the zipper and it won’t budge. I pull. I push. I take it apart. I put it back. I pull again. I’m late. I’m from California – I need this coat to zip. Now there are probably more rational things to have done, but I do not do them. I pull with all my stre…
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I was out having a coffee last week with a friend. In our musings about the vagaries of life, the phrase, “If only” come up in conversation. How would our lives be different “if only?” Would they be better? Worse? If only we had done this and not that, or NOT done this or that? Our micro and macro decisions effect not only the trajectory of our liv…
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175 Gaussian Splatting, ¿el fin de las nubes de puntos?
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1:03:16Gaussian Splatting es una técnica que redefine la captura y visualización 3D, utilizando splats gaussianos para representar la realidad de forma eficiente y precisa. Una evolución que plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro de las nubes de puntos en el mundo BIM. ¿Un modelo 3D desde un vuelo dron con una calidad fotográfica? ¿Es el Gaussian Splatting…
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Episode 8 | 10 Years of BIMTech: Stories, Success & The Road Ahead
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30:28In this episode of The BIMTech Podcast, Matt McGuire and Adam Speakman take a trip down memory lane, celebrating a decade of BIMTech. With plenty of laughs along the way, they reflect on the journey from humble beginnings to becoming a leading force in BIM.
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¿Trabajas en una plataforma petrolífera y estás esperando tu momento para salvar la humanidad?¡Estás de suerte!El asteroide 2024 YR4 está acercándose a la órbita terrestre y hay una pequeñísima posibilidad de que pase rozándonos.De către BIMrras
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Ben Shapiro and His Dad on War, Peace, Music, and Everything In Between
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45:42From Boca Raton, Florida, this is Behind the Bima! This week, prepare for a powerful father-and-son duo who’ve made an indelible mark on both the Jewish community and the broader cultural landscape. Join Rabbi Efrem Goldberg as he sits down with the one and only Ben Shapiro and his father, David Shapiro, in an intimate, heartfelt conversation that …
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Danielle St James on Joy In Activism, Tackling Extremism & Not A Phase
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38:10At a time when young trans people have needed somebody to fight for their issues on the main stage - Danielle St. James has stood up and fought every for trans issues to take centre stage. Having come out as trans when she was a teenager, the content creator and model (who has also appeared on Channel 4's First Dates), is now best known as the Chie…
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EP.9 Israel Keyes: The Murder Of Samantha Koenig
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56:25Israel Keyes was an American serial killer, bank robber, burglar, arsonist, kidnapper, and sex offender. He murdered at least three people and committed dozens of other crimes across the United States from the late 1990s to February 2012. Keyes was arrested in March 2012 and killed himself while awaiting trial. . Link to Israel Keyes Suicide note h…
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Planning for a Future without Overwhelm
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7:46"What if it does work and you have been keeping people waiting? You won't know until you try." Ever caught yourself saying "I'll start tomorrow" to your biggest dreams? In our latest episode, we tackle the paralysis of planning and transform it into exciting action steps. As someone who once had "too many notebooks and too many ideas," I share my p…
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Hvordan ser BIM-verdenen ut uten åpne standarder?
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22:09I denne episoden diskuterer Steen og Sofie om hvordan BIM-verdenen ser ut uten åpne standarder.De către buildingSMART Norge
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CANCELADAS - Bimboficadas 2x20
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52:42Hablamos de la cultura de la cancelación, Kanye West, Karla Sofía Gascón, X, Musk, punitivismo y ultraderecha, lucha de clases y muchas más cosas woke desde un discurso igual de vacío que nosotras.
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