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Alle reden immer über Täter, aber wer waren eigentlich die Opfer? Was wollten sie im Leben erreichen? Und wie gehen ihre Familien mit diesem schweren Verlust um? YouTuberin Bekki (Bekki_k) geht echten Kriminalfällen aus aller Welt auf die Spur. Neben einem detaillierten Bericht über den Tathergang, die Ermittlungen und über den Täter selbst, liegt der Fokus hier besonders auf den Opfern.
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Pusher the scavenger android and Phax the scout android must investigate a threat to the remaining private network of Verloren's underclass from an enigmatic actor. Dive into a tech noir mystery full of intrigue and funny robots! Starring: Gianni Matragrano Andrew DeCrescenzo Bizarro Genki-JAM DementedID Shawn Chapman Gargoyle House and Deft Beck Written, produced, directed, and edited by Deft Beck All illustrations by Jacob Mcmanamy The Bekkoning was created by Deft Beck, all rights reserved.
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Alle snakker om målstyring, men hvordan får vi det egentlig til å funke i praksis? I denne episoden ser vi på hvordan produktorienterte organisasjoner kan binde sammen langsiktige virksomhetsmål og konkrete teammetrikker som kan styres etter i hverdagen. Vi snakker om knipetangsmanøveren – en metode der vi både bryter ned store mål ovenfra og bygge…
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En MVP - minimal viable product - skal være liten, det ligger i begrepet. Men noen ganger blir den likevel tykk. Hvorfor? Maria Skaaden forklarer hva som skjer når man får en tykk MVP i den siste episoden av Drypps julekalender der vi forklarer ord og begreper fra produktorientert utvikling. Programleder er Kari Westby Romøren.…
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Et featureteam er et team som tar imot bestillinger på funksjonalitet fra interessenter innenfor og utenfor organisasjonen, og bruker all sin kapasitet til å pumpe ut nye ting produktet kan løse. Er ikke det bra, da? Nei, mener Maria Skaaden - og forklarer hvorfor i denne episoden av julekalenderen fra Bekk som hver dag tar for seg et nytt ord elle…
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Drypp har et amibisiøst julekalenderprosjekt på gang: I løpet av 24 dager frem til julaften skal vi hver dag gå gjennom et ord eller et begrep innenfor produktorientert utvikling. Med noen minutters kunnskapsdrypp hver dag gjennom hele adventstiden, vil du dermed ord for ord få på plass hele begrepsapparatet du trenger for å forstå hvordan og hvorf…
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Pusher and company struggle with chess puzzles as zombots encroach on Euphoria. An unexpected guest arrives, with new, uncomfortable truths in tow. Will the latest, devastating revelation break apart the fight against Maxis? Cast: Gianni Matragrano as Pusher Genki-JAM as Hecker Andrew DeCrescenzo as Phax Andrew DeCrescenzo as Vic Shawn Chapman as V…
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Kristoffer Winther og Fredrik Heiberg tar praten om en ny tilnærming til innovasjon som får økt oppmerksomhet om dagen. Blogg: Hvordan navigere innovasjonslandskapet med ODI
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Aus der aktuellen Kriminalstatistik geht hervor: Jede dritte Frau in Deutschland ist mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben von physischer und/oder sexualisierter Gewalt betroffen. Statistisch gesehen wird alle drei Tage eine Frau von ihrem Partner oder Ex-Partner getötet. Betroffen sind Frauen aus allen sozialen Schichten. Hinter diesen Zahlen stecken e…
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Pusher reconvenes at his hideout; he has many unexpected guests, and a new encounter with Maxis challenges his resolve. Will Pusher be able to stop Maxis in time? Cast: Gianni Matragrano as Pusher Genki-JAM as Hecker Andrew DeCrescenzo as Phax Andrew DeCrescenzo as Vic Shawn Chapman as Viper Deft Beck as Maxis Luyorin as Pusher's Computer Opening t…
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Pusher the scavenger android and Phax the scout android must investigate a threat to the remaining private network of Verloren's underclass from an enigmatic actor. Cast: Gianni Matragrano as Pusher Andrew DeCrescenzo as Phax Bizarro as Warp Demented_ID as Maxis Theme song HARSH WORDS by bhyper New to The Bekkoning? Check out http://www.thebekkonin…
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Pusher the scavenger android and Phax the scout android must investigate a threat to the remaining private network of Verloren's underclass from an enigmatic actor. Cast: Gianni Matragrano as Pusher Andrew DeCrescenzo as Phax Bizarro as Warp Demented_ID as Maxis Theme song HARSH WORDS by bhyper New to The Bekkoning? Check out http://www.thebekkonin…
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Dispirited, Phax the scout android visits his deejay friend Abyss and learns about the power of radio for the downtrodden of Verloren. Cast: Arthur Locke as Abyss Andrew DeCrescenzo as Phax Gargoyle House as Motion Deft Beck as ??? Theme song HARSH WORDS by bhyper New to The Bekkoning? Check out Check out Thieftender, to…
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Pusher the scavenger android and Phax the scout android must investigate a threat to the remaining private network of Verloren's underclass from an enigmatic actor. Cast: Gianni Matragrano as Pusher Genki-JAM as Hecker Andrew DeCrescenzo as Vic Shawn Chapman as Viper Theme song HARSH WORDS by bhyper New to The Bekkoning? Check out http://www.thebek…
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Pusher the scavenger android and Phax the scout android must investigate a threat to the remaining private network of Verloren's underclass from an enigmatic actor. Cast: Gianni Matragrano as Pusher Andrew DeCrescenzo as Phax Genki-JAM as Hecker Theme song HARSH WORDS by bhyper New to The Bekkoning? Check out Check out T…
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Die 21-Jährige Lauren Agee strotzt im Sommer 2015 nur so vor Energie und Lebensfreude. Gerade erst hat sie ihr Strafrechtstudium an der Volunteer State University begonnen, führte eine glückliche Beziehung. Und dann schlug ihre Freundin Hannah Palmer im Juli schließlich einen gemeinsamen Besuch wauf dem WakeFest, einem Wakeboard Turnier am Center H…
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Im Januar 2011 steht Bethany Deckers Leben komplett Kopf. Sie ist 21, frisch verheiratet und hat einen kleinen Sohn, doch neben dem Militrädienst ihres Mannes, der Erziehung des kleinen Kai, ihrem job und ihrem Studium, befürchtet sie immer mehr sich selbst zu verlieren. Und dann trifft plötzlich ein neuer Mann in ihr Leben. Bethany steht vor einer…
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