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Ciara's Pink Sparkle Podcast is all about raising positive awareness of people who live with a learning disability like me to challenge attitudes and stigma. I'm joined by fab interview guests for all of my episodes. My Podcast is Not linked to my employer. All views & thoughts are my own!
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Okay, ciao! Der Popkultur Podcast

Maria Panagiotidou, Marzia De Levo

Willkommen bei "Okay, ciao!", dem Podcast, der sich mit allem beschäftigt, was in der Welt der Promis, des Film und Fernsehens und auf Social Media passiert. Maria und Marzia nehmen dich auf eine unterhaltsame Reise durch die glitzernde Welt des Showbiz mit.
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Vanessa Canuto, Márcia Matos e Lily Montalván

Com vocês o podcast Cianóticas! Somos três colegas de profissão que se tornaram grandes amigas. Vanessa Canuto, Márcia Matos e Lily Montalván. Apaixonadas pela cardiologia pediátrica, também somos dedicadas ao ensino, com contato próximo e continuo com o médico residente. Agora se concretiza um sonho, um podcast de cardiopediatria, com discussão de casos, artigos de atualização e troca de experiências com convidados de várias áreas afins. Aguardamos vocês!
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El podcast donde los profesionales del derecho se quitan la toga y comparten su visión sobre temas de actualidad Este podcast se publica dos días por semana bajo dos formatos diferentes. Lunes hablamos de Marketing Jurídico, Gestión de despacho, ventas y captación de clientes para tu despacho de abogados. Jueves nos tomamos un café jurídico y hablamos de forma más personal con profesionales del Derecho.
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CIA: The Contagious Influencers of America Podcast. Meet the Gamechangers, the Influencers and those who are not afraid to show up with a shovel if that's what it takes to move a mountain. Go inside the minds of true American trailblazers who are making a difference by sharing their stories of personal triumph, overcoming obstacles, defeating fear, fighting addiction, and rejecting failure. Hosted by 9-time Emmy winner David Sams.
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🏡☀️ Ciao Paris, le podcast qui booste votre changement de ville et de vie. Vous rêvez de quitter Paris mais ça vous fait peur ? Vous ne savez pas par où commencer ? Ecoutez les témoignages optimistes et réalistes de celle.eux qui ont sauté le pas. Et passez à l’action grâce aux conseils concrets de nos ! 💌 + de ressources et de conseils en vous inscrivant à notre newsletter ensoleillée 👉🏼 + de témoignages et de conseils sur Insta https://www.instagra ...
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Prezydenckie Ciastka

Ciastkoffy Noffy

Wraz z moim kompanem Prezydentem Piesełem, postanowiliśmy nagrywać nasze dysputy na tematy popkulturalne. Podcast to idealna forma, w której szeroko można omówić przeróżne dzieła.
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Welcome to The Empowered Feminine Podcast. I’m your host Ciara Foy, Author, Nutritionist and Women’s Health Expert. This podcast is designed to help you uncover the why behind your hormonal chaos, discover strategies to help you better manage stress and ultimately become unstoppable in the pursuit of living your life from a totally empowered state. We’ll be exploring all of the things…holistic health, abundance, wealth, success, vulnerability, personal growth, creating rock-solid boundaries, ...
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As is common with popular prescription medications, off-label or so-called “enhanced” versions sometimes enter the market under names like “Cialis Black.” This product is often marketed as stronger, faster, or longer-lasting than standard tadalafil. But is “Generic Cialis Black” safe for everyone?
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Welcome to Ciancio Speaks Sports. I have an open forum radio show that airs from 6:30-7:00 PM EST every Saturday. Make sure you call in at (657) 383-1418. Support this podcast:
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Welcome!! Podcast『Aki_cian Radio NEO』Podcast『Aki_cian Radio』は、主にメインパーソナリティ二人のプライベートな事を中心に幅広いジャンルでお送りする不定期配信Podcastです。
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Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference

For fans that simply can't get enough conversation about high school sports, the CIAC presents CIACcast. The 'Cast will feature news you might have missed, a behind-the-scenes look at the CIAC, and conversations with media members, coaches and other notable figures from the Connecticut High School sports world. Check out the CIACcast regularly to insure you are part of the conversation.
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Ten podcast jest o rajdach. Ten podcast nie będzie jednak o silnikach i szczegółach technicznych samochodów. Ten podcast nie będzie mówił tylko o bieżących wydarzeniach sportowych. Ten podcast mają tworzyć opowieści o emocjach i niezwykłych postaciach tworzących rajdy samochodowe.
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Ciara Farmer

Ciara Farmer

Hi! My name is Ciara! Welcome This station is for the lost, the forgotten, and the broken hearted! Enjoy! | This podcast was created in Anchor. To make your own podcast for free, visit
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Dlaczego drzewa rosną tak wysoko? Czy dzięcioła boli głowa? Czy drzewa potrafią mówić? Czy są w Polsce ptaki zombie? Znajdź odpowiedzi na te i wiele innych pytań, wraz ze swoimi dziećmi. Każdy odcinek zawiera potwierdzoną naukowo wiedzę opowiedzianą w fenomenalny i prosty sposób wzbogaconą o podkład muzyczny i odgłosy zwierząt żyjących w Polsce. Każdy odcinek zawiera również prosty eksperymentem do wykonania samodzielnie w domu lub lesie. zaprasza!
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Welcome to Sometimes Ciabatta Slaps with Mak & Jubes where we talk about holistic wellness and everyday life. Join us every Tuesday as we discuss a relevant topic from the wellness industry and share our personal experiences with said topic. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Bella Ciao Connection

O Podcast da Bella Ciao Connection é mais uma plataforma interativa para divulgar conteúdo político em forma de notícias, análises, comentários. O objetivo é contribuir para fortalecer a Resistência contra toda idéia conservadora e reacionária.
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The Langley Files: CIA's Podcast

Central Intelligence Agency

You might have heard a thing or two about the CIA, but have you ever heard from the CIA? In the Central Intelligence Agency's first public podcast, you will. Let us be your guides around the corridors of CIA Headquarters in Langley, as you step beyond the Hollywood scripts and shadowed whispers to hear directly from the people serving each day as America's first line of defense. These are their stories. This is The Langley Files.
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show series
Si entras en el canal de Whatsapp te regalaré recursos exclusivos que puedes aplicar en el marketing de tu despacho para que empieces a ganar clientes desde ya! Apúntate a la newsletter de Aboga&Cia tu podcast de Derecho: Este es el enlace que hemos estado ha…
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The epic tale of David and Goliath has inspired generations—but what if you could experience it like never before? Award-winning filmmaker Jon Erwin (Jesus Revolution, I Can Only Imagine) is bringing this legendary story to life in House of David, a groundbreaking new TV series streaming worldwide on Prime Video starting February 27th. In this comp…
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🌍 Il mondo digitale cambia in fretta, e anche questa settimana nella LIVE del lunedì ''W33K – Cosa accade in Rete'' abbiamo esplorato le notizie più calde. Dalla crescita impressionante di Anthropic ai nuovi problemi di disinformazione con l’AI, passando per sicurezza, Big Tech e molto altro. Se vi siete persi la puntata, ecco un assaggio dei temi …
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✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! Alle 21:30 in LIVE, ti aspetto per un appuntamento che cambia le regole: tecnologia, comunicazione e policy spiegate in modo semplice, utile e senza giri di parole. ✅ Novità chiave per orientarti nella settimana ✅ Le notizie che forse avevi perso nel mare di rumore ✅ Uno spazio per capire cosa conta davvero 5…
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L’accesso a una versione di ChatGPT paragonabile a un ricercatore di alto livello potrebbe arrivare a costare 20.000 dollari al mese. Si tratta di un prezzo che apre uno scenario in cui l’intelligenza artificiale, da strumento democratizzato, rischia di diventare un lusso per poche realtà con grandi budget. Le implicazioni spaziano dal controllo de…
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In this episode I provide the benefits that become available once you add and Azure subscription to your Microsoft environment. From pay as you go options with Copilot and SharePoint all the way through adding more security to your environment, Azure contain a range of features that you should consider. I'll also bring you up to date with all the l…
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MOS MOSH – Premium Fashion with a Signature Touch. Seit 2010 steht MOS MOSH für außergewöhnliche Qualität, perfekte Passform und raffinierte Details. Jedes Kleidungsstück vereint zeitlose Eleganz mit modernem Stil. Entdecke die aktuelle Kollektion online auf oder besuche unseren neuen Store in Hamburg (Große Bleichen 23–27). Spare 10…
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Check out this brand new episode of my Podcast! it's all about International Women's Day and i am joined for a chat by my lovely friend Kasia who i met through my job. we talked about what it means to be women and we talked about what international women's day means to us and we talked about some of the amazing women who we admire in our lives!…
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Firefox ha aggiornato i propri termini d’uso, generando una grande ondata di discussioni e timori: molti utenti temono che i loro dati personali vengano venduti a terzi e utilizzati per addestrare l’intelligenza artificiale. In realtà, si tratta di un fraintendimento dovuto a una comunicazione poco chiara: Mozilla chiarisce che la raccolta dei dati…
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I chat with the Campaigner and Journalist Sam Carlisle about becoming a mum to her daughter Elvi who has a disability, we chatted about our work careers and how we have worked together in the past, we chatted about disability representation in the media and also about attitudes and stigma faced by people with a disability and public attitudes.…
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Ready to discover the hidden factor that could be sabotaging your health and weight loss efforts? In this episode of The Empowered Feminine Podcast, I'm pulling back the curtain on inflammation - what I consider the root cause of nearly ALL our health struggles after 40. Here's the truth: if you're dealing with stubborn weight, unpredictable energy…
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I chatted to my friend Helen Shiers. Helen is a wonderful Mum to her daughter Thea who has Down's syndrome. She shared with me about her experiences of becoming a mum and about her experience of being a mum to Thea and we talked parenting and disability representation and we talked about disability and media. She is also a Co-Founder of a wonderful…
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"Notre société valorise beaucoup l'audace dans la mobilité, donc revenir chez soi, c'est pas hyper sexy" Dans cet épisode, je plonge dans la question fascinante du retour aux sources. Quand quitter Paris signifie revenir là où tout a commencé, dans sa région d'origine, avec tout ce que ça implique d'ambivalence, de doutes et de joies. Mon invitée, …
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Faked Kim Virginia ihre Schwangerschaft?! MOS MOSH – Premium Fashion with a Signature Touch. Seit 2010 steht MOS MOSH für außergewöhnliche Qualität, perfekte Passform und raffinierte Details. Jedes Kleidungsstück vereint zeitlose Eleganz mit modernem Stil. Entdecke die aktuelle Kollektion online auf oder besuche unseren neuen Store i…
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"Les racines, ça me pose problème..." Comment être attaché à un lieu sans être prisonnier de la terre ? Après avoir exploré dans la première partie les enjeux personnels du retour au pays, je poursuis ma conversation avec Pauline Rochart sur un terrain plus politique et social : la cohabitation entre ceux qui reviennent et ceux qui sont restés. Cet…
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This week’s guest on Inside Business is Leo Crawford, who recently stepped down as the head of BWG Group after nearly 40 years with the business. BWG is a wholesale group at heart that supplies groceries to a large network of shops in Ireland and the southwest of England under a variety of retail brands, including Spar, Eurospar, Mace and Londis. L…
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L’Intelligenza Artificiale diventa sempre più accessibile ed efficiente, ma i consumi legati alla sua adozione non diminuiscono: anzi, crescono in modo esponenziale. È il cosiddetto “Paradosso di Jevons”, una teoria emersa nell’800 che mostra come, quando una risorsa diventa più economica, la domanda si amplia e il consumo complessivo aumenta. Appl…
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Rozmowy Małgorzaty Tułowieckiej i dr Agaty Hąci o języku polskim. Rozwiązujemy zagadki językowe, rozwiewamy wątpliwości słuchaczy, objaśniamy, jak się mówi i pisze poprawnie i dlaczego właśnie tak. Zastanawiamy się nad tym, skąd się biorą słowa, jak się zmienia polszczyzna i czy należy się tym niepokoić, czy wręcz przeciwnie. Tym razem trochę grama…
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Cos'hanno in comune Trump, l’intelligenza artificiale e le criptovalute? Ne abbiamo parlato nella puntata di questa settimana di ✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! 📌 Ecco le notizie principali affrontate: 💰 Trump e la sua riserva di criptovalute 🚫 Piracy Shield e i nuovi blocchi in Italia 🧠 L’IA che entra nel dibattito sulla p***po**ografia ge…
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