Chinese Pod public
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Li Laoshi' Chinese Pod is to offer authentic Chinese listening materials to Chinese learners! I am a Mandarin teacher and I love teaching Mandarin! In this pod, I use Comprehensible Input strategies to create topic talkings, adapt stories, legends and fairy tails and make learning fun and accessible. Most of the materials are also used in my Mandarin classes. Hope you like them and hope my Chinese Pod be very helpful for your learning. Support this podcast: ...
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欢迎收听一体中文聚会播客!中文聚会由王锦祥传道带领, 是注重神为中心、群体生活和训练门徒的会众。 更多详情请关注我们的网页 您也可以透过此链接 支援我们的事工, 好让福音广传各地。
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Learn Chinese Podcast

LC Chinese School

Learn Chinese Podcast! LC Chinese School's Learn Chinese Podcast provides daily Chinese lessons. We invite a special guest to share cultural insights and stories with you, as well as teach you some useful Chinese phrases. Our guests include pop stars, artists, CEOs, founders, adventurers, scientists, and other notable individuals. While learning the fundamentals of Mandarin Chinese, you'll also gain an understanding of the vibrant culture that surrounds the world's most widely spoken languag ...
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欢迎您收听《柠檬变成柠檬水with Hua and Poy》中文商业播客。在这里,北美品牌专家Hua Yu (俞骅) 与Poy Zhong (钟丽娟) 用通俗易懂的语言,有趣的视角,立足北美,与大家一起解读和理解当下的商业现象,聚焦分享如何将挑战变成机遇,让柠檬变成柠檬水!
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Hacking Chinese Podcast

Olle Linge

A podcast about how to learn Mandarin. In-depth discussions about how to overcome challenges, solve problems and get the most out of your learning. For more information and inspiration, visit!
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Dedicated to helping people understand Chinese Medicine, The Chinese Medicine Podcast is run by Herbalist and Acupuncturist, Marie Hopkinson. Marie appreciates your reviews :) The Chinese Medicine Podcast (CMP) started out in 2013 just as a a way for Marie to share the self help aspects of Chinese medicine with her own patients via youtube, but soon found that people all over the world were watching and benefiting from Marie's Chinese medicine videos, and now we're on audio too!
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雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 (華語) 在澳洲雪梨三十年的台灣阿紀和你分享雪梨生活,工作,新聞,書籍, 想法, 旅遊, 好笑事 . 中文,台語,澳洲英文和廢話全部混在一起。好笑又加減建設性的網路廣播就來阿紀這裏吧! Youtube: Susie Wang 雪梨台灣阿姐 臉書: Susie 阿紀closed group 碎碎念LIVE IG: sydneytaiwansister The Susie Wang Blog:
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Hi! This is Chinese Teacher- Ruyi's slow Chinese podcast, designed to help you enhance your listening ability to the Chinese language and learn about some Chinese culture. Thank you for subscribing:) About Ruyi: Professional Online Chinese language teacher with 10+ years of teaching experience. Want to learn Chinese with me? pls contact: 嗨!这是中文老师-Ruyi的慢速中文播客,旨在帮助您提高中文听力能力并了解一些中国文化。感谢您的订阅:) 关于Ruyi:拥有10年以上教学经验的专业在线中文教师。想和我一起学中文吗?请联系
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This Is The Way is a podcast on Chinese philosophy, exploring philosophical themes by reflecting on significant Chinese texts and through interviews with scholars of Chinese thought. We aim to offer discussions that are informative and accessible to a broad audience. Please email us at: and follow us on X @ChinesePhilPod
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这个频道里的播客是为中文学习者制作的。欢迎关注我的Youtube频道:Chinese Podcast With Shenglan,那里有更多的中文学习视频和播客:)成为我的Patreon会员,即可获得文字稿和更多播客内容
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Join Dr. Igor Micunovic to explore the history, healing, and combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, feng shui, food, diet, wellness and exercises, diseases prevention, spirituality, body-soul-mind transformation, natural treatments and holistic medicine. Host Dr. Igor Micunovic, is an expert in Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, and personal transformation. Dr Igor Micunovic is the president of Educational Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies - WFC ...
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Chinese Mythology Podcast

Yang Li & Eric Parfitt

Chinese Mythology Podcast is the first and only English podcast focusing on Chinese mythology where you get to join Yang’s husband Eric as she tells him of myths and legends she grew up with. We hope you enjoy these stories as much as we do!
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Chinese Revolutions is a podcast showing how China came to be the way it is today. We are looking at modern Chinese history through the lens of revolutionary movements from the Opium Wars to the present. The Communist Party of China inherits quite a lot from previous revolutionary movements, and the Chinese nationalism it brings forward all come from somewhere. Here, we’re going to find out. Your host, Nathan Bennett, lived in China for seven years. This podcast is a love letter and a farewe ...
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A podcast about English translations of Chinese literature, hosted by Angus Stewart. All eras, all genres, all ideologies. Shanghai villas, Beijing alleys. Frozen Manchuria, Sichuan furnaces. Sanmao's Sahara, Liu Cixin's apocalypse. That's where this podcast lives!
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The World of Chinese Podcast

The World of Chinese

The World of Chinese is a bi-monthly English magazine dedicated to Chinese language and culture. Our mission is to share stories that entertain, inform and connect the growing number of Chinese learners and people interested in China. Our content focuses on people, contemporary trends, history, customs, cultural interaction, and more. We share personal experiences, human interest and the lighter quirkier side of things Chinese.
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There are so many -- SO MANY -- people learning Chinese these days, but there’s so much more to learning Chinese than just, like, memorizing characters. Taiwanese-American millennial Patricia Liu is an actual, living, breathing high school Mandarin teacher here to help you make sense of it all. This podcast is where you’ll find frank, honest discussions about Chinese learning and teaching, as well as how language shapes people’s identities and stories.
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World Languages Podcasting provides a podcast series in various languages for the language student or native speaker to help improve language skills and knowledge of Australian culture. Each conversation is complemented with a full transcript and a page of language exercises that may be downloaded from the website
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Join Laszlo Montgomery for bi-weekly episodes that introduce commonly used Chinese Sayings and the stories, history and rich meanings behind each phrase. Whether you speak Chinese or not, enjoy a few nice stories and pick up a new and useful phrase or two from China’s ancient times.
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---- Situational Animations updated weekly. Stay tuned with us !! ---- We are a leading e-learning company specializing in publishing and producing textbooks, animations, games, mobile apps and customized services for all the Chinese learners. Website Facebook Twitter!/TKBHuayuSchool App Blog Youtube
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show series
Hi dàjiā大家!Thank you for watching today's slow Chinese podcast! The following are the text manuscripts, English manuscripts, and HSK vocabulary. 💡Want to learn Chinese with me? I provide one-on-one online Chinese Courses👉 📧 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.我喜欢的美食 大家好,我是你的汉语老师 Ruy…
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Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People by Vanessa van Edwards 你是否曾經在社交場合感到不知所措?其實,社交是有方法的!這支影片是阿姐說書系列 Part 1,分享 Vanessa Van Edwards 的暢銷書《和任何人都能愉快相處的科學》(Captivate)中的關鍵技巧,教你如何根據自己的個性選擇最佳策略,讓你在任何社交場合都能自在交流、留下好印象。我也會分享自己的經驗,讓你更容易理解這些技巧的實際應用! #社交技巧 #和任何人都能愉快相處的科學 #CaptivateByVanessaVanEdwards…
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There are at least 4x the videos /content on Youtube than on Audio /Spotify, so head on over to Youtube at Chinese Medicine Podcast for more videos Chinese Medicine Podcast is run by Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist, Marie Hopkinson. About Dr Marie Hopkinson (Chinese Medicine Doctor) Marie is an experienced Chinese Medicine practitioner both a h…
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Videos are ideal for learning Chinese, because the visual element enhances comprehension and engagement. But what videos should you watch? What are the best YouTube channels? #learnchinese #youtube #video #immersion #listening Link to article on Hacking Chinese: The best YouTube channels for learning Chinese in 2025:…
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用最有趣的方式學語言 Lingopie 讓你透過影集電影輕鬆沉浸學習我有訂一年看日文西文和德文節目我覺得挺不錯的也不貴一個月大概就$6而已對學語文的人我還蠻推 ▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST…
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Much of the technical philosophy of Confucianism was developed by sophisticated thinkers that came well after the time of Confucius, starting in the Song dynasty. This episode is our first devoted to the foremost of these "Neo-Confucians," Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200 CE). To help us with this introduction, we are joined by special guest Stephen C. Angle, …
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Send us a text 自今年春节上映以来,中国动画电影《哪吒2》已跃升为全球票房最高的非英语电影及动画电影,并有望跻身全球票房前五。以8000万美元的制作成本,这部作品目前票房已逼近20亿美元,创下惊人纪录。在最新一期《柠檬变成柠檬水》播客中,主持人俞骅与Poy Zhong 深入探讨了这部电影的票房奇迹对好莱坞的影响,以及中国文化财富如何真正走向世界,树立文化自信,欢迎大家收听。 请您在Apple Podcasts, 小宇宙APP, Spotify, iHeart Radio, YouTube, Amazon Music等,搜寻”柠檬变成柠檬水“。 Support the show Thank you for listening to our podcasts. We also we…
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一天输几千!24小时都在赌! 深深陷入 无法自拔…… 家人先救却束手无策… 曾经的Ps Elvis就是过着这样的人生 后来却经历上帝的奇妙作为 一步一步脱离赌徒人生,从此摆脱赌徒心态! ——————————————————— 【 一体中文教会】Collective Chinese 神为中心之群,热切爱人之体 参与在我们的主日聚会 9am | 星期日 | Auditorium 🔥2025年 一体点燃 light up特会 🔥不顾一切 名额有限 立即报名 : 想更多认识一体,找到归属感,在信仰上成长 : 支持一体 为着下一代和城市一起守望 :…
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很多人問:「40歲50歲後還能開始做YouTube嗎?會不會太晚?」其實,現在才是最棒的時機!在這支影片中,我會分享 45歲開始做YouTube的優勢、實戰心得,以及如何輕鬆開始,即使沒有經驗,也可以經營自己的頻道! 麥克風推薦: Wireless GO II către Susie Wang
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Is learning Chinese slang worth your time? What do you do when someone with less study time speaks better than you? And how can you escape the expat bubble and start learning Mandarin? #learnchinese #q&a #speaking #slang #expat #progress Chinese speaking challenge, March 2025: Student Q&A: …
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More Swindles from the Late Ming is the companion piece to the Book of Swindles, a translation of a Late Ming text by Zhang Yingyu (fl. 1612–1617) which details various types of scams and swindles and how to guard against them. More Swindles from the Late Ming "presents sensational stories of scams that range from the ingenious to the absurd to the…
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Podcast 裡面有說我今天開始玩的Pinterest 收集的不一樣的時尚點子 ▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP ▶雪梨台…
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Lock up your daughters and watch your wallet. In this episode, we are going to take a look at stories from the late Ming's most famous grift manual, a book by Zhang Yingyu. For this episode, the translators, Bruce Rusk and Christopher Rea have kindly agreed to come on talk about this text without stealing anything. I highly recommend this book to a…
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一个孩子的成长原生家庭扮演重要的角色,本集我们将讨论单亲家庭的孩子如何在原生家庭中长大? 原生家庭是否对孩子的未来造成一定的影响? 复杂的爱 孩子还能理解吗?孩子在家庭中如何找到自信 如何确定自己是被爱的? ——————————————————— 【 一体中文教会】Collective Chinese 神为中心之群,热切爱人之体 参与在我们的主日聚会 9am | 星期日 | Auditorium 🔥2025年 一体点燃 light up特会 🔥不顾一切 名额有限 立即报名 : 想更多认识一体,找到归属感,在信仰上成长 : 支持一体 为着下一代和城市一起守望 : http…
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💡Want to learn Chinese with me? I provide one-on-one online Chinese Courses👉 📧 大家好,我是Ruyi,欢迎收听这集的慢速汉语播客,在这集播客里,你可以学到如何介绍你自己、你的出生地、你的兴趣爱好以及性格。那现在我们开始吧!我的名字叫 ruyi,我是中国人。我从小在上海长大。所以我会说两种语言,汉语和上海话。我是一个非常有好奇心的人,所以我曾经有很多的兴趣和爱好,这里我用了“曾经”,这是因为一般我很难坚持下去,这种情况我们也叫“三分钟热度”。比如,我会弹钢琴、玩滑板、射击、游泳、开车、做饭,甚至我对中医按摩也略知一二。虽然我知道很多事情,但是了解的都不是很深入,只能说是“蜻蜓点水…
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Send us a text Hello everyone! In this video, we guide you through the progression from HSK3 to HSK5, demonstrating how to steadily improve your Chinese expressions. By exploring these example sentences, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of vocabulary and sentence structures, helping you build a solid foundation for daily communication, business …
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Youtube 你覺得做Podcast很難嗎?錄音、剪輯、上傳好像很花時間?分享 最快速的錄製流程、用什麼設備,還有 如果2025年我重新開始,會怎麼做? 💡 本集重點: 我的超快速錄製 & 剪輯流程,省時高效!什麼重要?什麼不重要? 設備推薦: RØDECaster Pro II All-in-One My Sehnheiser Microphone Blue yeti mic My favourite super useful stand https…
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Board games are more than just fun, they’re a powerful way to learn Chinese, boosting vocabulary, fluency, and communication skills! #learnchinese #boardgames #game #fluency #communication Link to article on Hacking Chinese: Learning Chinese by playing board games: How to use comp…
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Send us a text 长期以来,硅谷与民主党的联盟看似牢不可破,从克林顿到奥巴马,民主党一直是科技行业的政治靠山。但近十年来,美国政治环境急剧变化。从Elon Musk开始,众多硅谷的重量级人物在2024年把他们的支持、资金和社交媒体影响力投入到Trump的竞选之中。在最新这一集“柠檬变成柠檬水”播客里,主持人俞骅和Poy Zhong深入讨论了为何硅谷似乎在一夜之间集体倒戈支持共和党,整齐地站到了Trump的阵营里,欢迎大家收听。 请您在Apple Podcasts, 小宇宙APP, Spotify, iHeart Radio, YouTube, Amazon Music等,搜寻”柠檬变成柠檬水“。 Support the show Thank you for listening t…
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本集帶你進入外太空!一位太空人在 NASA 滯留 8 個月還沒回來,他的身體和心理會發生什麼變化?每天的太空生活到底長什麼樣? 除此之外也分享 如何提升個人魅力(charisma),並從 Vanessa Van Edwards 的書 Cues 中提煉出 最重要的兩個關鍵,讓你在人際關係中更具影響力!Cues: Master the Secret Language of Success ▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室…
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感情教练原来是帮助夫妻“改变”婚姻关系,如何让婚姻不需要走到离婚这一步! 感情教练给伴侣最好的建议:在结婚前就有共同的感情训练❤在进入婚姻前就学习【沟通】、【解决问题】、【如何去爱】 ——————————————————— 【 一体中文教会】Collective Chinese 神为中心之群,热切爱人之体 参与在我们的主日聚会 9am | 星期日 | Auditorium 🔥2025年 一体点燃 light up特会 🔥不顾一切 名额有限 立即报名 : 想更多认识一体,找到归属感,在信仰上成长 : 支持一体 为着下一代和城市一起守望 : https://give.col…
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大家好,我是你的汉语老师Ruyi,欢迎收听我的慢速汉语播客。这是播客适合初级及中级的汉语学习者。通过收听慢速汉语播客,你可以有效提高你的汉语听说能力。 今天的播客我想和大家聊一聊,茶。你喜欢喝茶吗?你知道中国哪些茶呢?我本人是特别喜欢喝茶的。我觉得喝茶是一种非常健康的生活方式,而且和咖啡相比,茶对我来说更柔和,更能让身心感到放松。 中国是茶的故乡,茶的历史很长很长。传说很久以前,有一位叫神农的人,他发现了一种植物,可以治病,这种植物就是茶。从那时起,中国人就开始喝茶了。 中国有很多种茶,比如绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、白茶、黄茶和黑茶。每种茶的味道都不一样,有的苦,有的甜,有的香。 我们先来说说绿茶。绿茶是不发酵的茶,颜色是绿色的,味道很清新。龙井茶和碧螺春是很有名的绿茶。 红茶是全发酵的茶,颜色是…
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1.我的小狗 大家好,我是Fiona老师,欢迎收听我的慢速汉语播客。这集播客适合初级及中级的汉语学习者。通过收听慢速汉语播客,你可以有效提高你的汉语听说能力。今天我想和大家聊一聊我的小狗,Lucky。Lucky是一只香槟色的迷你贵宾犬。2019年,它在上海出生。到今年,它已经快6岁了。Lucky香槟色的毛有一些些微微卷曲,摸上去软软的。我特别喜欢抚摸它的毛,因为这样会让我感觉非常放松,当然,Lucky也很喜欢我摸它。我还特别喜欢它的尾巴,是一个圆球的形状。Lucky高兴的时候,特别喜欢摇着它的尾巴,就像装了一个发动机一样。Lucky最喜欢的食物是牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉和鸭肉。可以这么说,几乎所有的肉它都喜欢。哦,对了,它还很喜欢吃大白菜。每天晚上,我都会给他吃一点狗粮加我自己做的鲜肉。这是我从书上…
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▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP ▶雪梨台灣阿姐Susie Wang Blog ▶INSTAGRAM…
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Some say that dating a native speaker is the ultimate shortcut to fluency. “You’ll learn effortlessly with a teacher always by your side!” But is learning Chinese with a partner really the silver bullet it’s often made out to be? #learnchinese #partner #boyfriend #girlfriend #wife #husband Link to article on Hacking Chinese: Love and language: Chal…
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In this episode, we delve into the Mozi’s "state of nature argument," a vision of human life before political order and an explanation of how humans left that state. The Mohists were history’s first consequentialists and an important and influential classical school of thought. Were they right about the foundations of political society and governme…
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牧师和师母从远距离到近距离 从谈恋爱的天天吵架到走入婚姻 他们是如何度过吵架的危机呢? 在幸福婚姻中 最重要的是什么呢? 是【正确价值观】是【付出代价】 是【妥协】 ——————————————————— 【 一体中文教会】Collective Chinese 神为中心之群,热切爱人之体 参与在我们的主日聚会 9am | 星期日 | Auditorium 🔥2025年 一体点燃 light up特会 🔥不顾一切 名额有限 立即报名 : 想更多认识一体,找到归属感,在信仰上成长 : 支持一体 为着下一代和城市一起守望 : https://give.collective.m…
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This is a video about the story of the oracle bone script and Chinese characters. This series of videos can enable you to understand the history of the formation of Chinese characters and the related stories behind them. Today, let's take a look at the first Chinese character - "巳". During the oracle bone script period, this character was depicted …
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▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP ▶雪梨台灣阿姐Susie Wang Blog ▶INSTAGRAM…
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Most students of Chinese find listening comprehension a challenge. To truly become a fluent listener, use the Input Pyramid to rethink and upgrade your listening practice! #learnchinese #listening #input #fluent Link to article on Hacking Chinese: Link to a video …
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Send us a text 🎉 Want to improve your Chinese speaking skills and pass the HSKK exam with confidence? We’ve got the perfect course for you! 🚀 At LC Chinese School, we specialize in structured courses designed to help you develop fluency, improve pronunciation, and express yourself naturally in Chinese. Our expert instructors guide you through every…
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How do you improve listening ability as quickly as possible? Are there any strategies to deal with rapid speech? And how many times should you listen before using a transcript? #learnchinese #improvement #strategies #rapidspeech #transcripts Chinese listening challenge, February 2025: The …
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▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP ▶雪梨台灣阿姐Susie Wang Blog ▶INSTAGRAM…
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Full script at: Short script: Advances in nutrition, healthcare, and awareness of healthy living have led to increased life expectancy and lower mortality rates. Currently, Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea hold the highest life expectancies worldwide, significantly influenced by Chinese cultural practices, particularly in the rea…
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▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP ▶雪梨台灣阿姐Susie Wang Blog ▶INSTAGRAM…
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I started Hacking Chinese to help people learn Mandarin, and your feedback is essential, so please fill out my listener survey. Also, to celebrate the Lunar New Year, I'm offering a hefty discount on three of my courses. #learnchinese #cny #discount #courses #survey Hacking Chinese reader and listener survey:…
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