Le Chronotest du jour
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«Chronology» is a weekly podcast that includes the most outstanding examples of electronic music.
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One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible chronologically in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe following the same quest.
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⭐週1ペース(不定期)で配信中⭐ 今、注目の「時間栄養学」。 「何を」「どれくらい」食べるのかを中心に栄養学は考えられてきましたが、実は「いつ」食べたかで栄養効果が増減したり、違う意味を持ったり、とっても重要であることが遺伝子解析技術が発展したおかげでわかってきました。 学問に新領域が展開されるのは、とっても珍しいこと。 私は、そんな時代の岐路にいることにわくわく莫大な可能性を感じて思わず大学院に進学してしまった管理栄養士。 まだまだ勉強中の身ですが、エピデンスをもとになるべくわかりやすく基本の基本や、すぐ暮らしに取り入れられるTipsをご紹介するPodcastをはじめました! 基本的には論文をわかりやすくご紹介してます◎ マイペースに更新してますが、ぜひみなさまの暮らしにお役立ていただければ嬉しいです。 ようこそ、新時代の栄養学/食養生へ◎ 【話すひと】 新田 理恵 Lyie Nitta 管理栄養士であり、国際中医薬膳調理師。 時間栄養学がおもしろすぎて思わず進学し、柴田重信教授の薬理学研究室にて研究。早稲田大学で修士(理学)を取得。 普段は、大好きな薬草(和漢生薬)を日本中 ...
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Welcome to your favourite watch-related podcast! Giving you the best in watch news, reviews, fun and interviews! Coming from London and Barcelona join Parm and Andy on their exciting journey into the watch industry, as they bring you a genuine enthusiast's take on the watch world. Feel free to reach out to us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/chrono_passion_7
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Daily Scripture readings by C Levi Farrell. The complete Bible (KJV) in a year, in chronological order.
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20 Minutes a day in The Word and You’ll have read or listened to the entire Bible in a year. Take a piece of that passage each day to meditate on and you'll become like a tree; planted by streams of living water… Psalm 1 ============================= This Years Chronological Bible Reading Plan HERE👉 https://tr.ee/ChronologicalBibleReadingPlanPDF ============================= 🔴 LIVE Stream Reading Schedule (EST) Monday through Friday - 6:00am Saturday and Sunday - 5:00am Pages Streamed To @ T ...
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Join us as we go through the entire Bible in Chronological order instead of the traditionally arranged order. It’s a great way to get the story of the Bible in all its breadth.
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Vintage Video: A Chronological 80's Film Rewatch Podcast
Vintage Video: A Chronological 80's Film Rewatch Podcast
Re-watching the 80's, so you don't have to!
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Join us on an incredible journey as we read through the chronological Bible in 2025! We hope you will tune in each day as we walk through Scripture one passage at a time, seeking to understand the full story God is telling. Reading through the Bible in a year can be challenging for some, but we know you can do it! Visit https://www.bellevue.org/bible for more resources. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast so you can find all of the latest episodes! If you like what you hear, please leav ...
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The Bible read daily, in chronological order, 365 days a year, with your host Hunter Barnes. Spend 20 minutes every day in the Bible, and allow it's story to point you to the God who is love. Follow our family of podcasts; Daily Radio Bible; Daily Bible for Kids; Daily Lectionary; Daily Psalms and Daily Proverbs. Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com.
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Welcome to 11441 Chronobreak, where amazing things happen.
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Partez deux fois par mois avec Tostaky à la rencontre des personnalités importantes de l'Histoire du Cinéma, de ses origines aux prémices du XXème siècle jusqu'à nos jours.
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The Burundi Sign Language - Chronological Bible Translation
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Season 5: Quentin Tarantino Season 4: Stephen King the 70s & 80s This season we move away from directors and look at the movies based on the works of Stephen King. Season 3: Shyamalan Starting August 2nd 2023. This time Jeff and Eric are taking a deep dive into the films of the master of the twist, M. Night Shyamalan. Of course, all done in chronological order. Season 2: Spielberg Just when you thought it was safe to unsubscribe, a chronological podcast returns with season two. Jeff returns ...
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CHRONOS is the story of a desperate search for a missing Internet rights activist that uncovers a secret at the heart of the world’s leading cryptocurrency. This audiobook is an unabridged reading of the novel, performed by the author (William Hern)
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The Castle Vault - A chronological deep-dive of Disney, PIXAR, and Marvel films/shows powered by Disney Plus
Josh Brown & Jason Grier
A weekly exploration of the Disney Vault as we watch and discuss every Disney Animated movie, PIXAR movie, Marvel films and shows - and so much more - thanks for Disney Plus!
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Chronosphere Fiction is a story telling anthology podcast where writers' creations come to life with sound effects and music.
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GreenChrono & Stalydan join to bring you a podcast about gaming and it's little nuances that interest and intrigue.
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Dr. Chronos' tidspodkast er en podkast av og med Dr. Chronos, spesialist på tid.
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Keralan Sign Langague - Chronological Bible Translation
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The American Sign Language Podcast - Chronological Bible Translation
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The Ghanaian Sign Language Podcast - Chronological Bible Translation
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Every week the Ibizan label Chronovision Ibiza will be hosting a weekly radioshow presented by their label owner JP Chronic himself with exclusive special guest mixes from the label's roster + once a month his personal selection from his playlist & the label new releases. Catch them at your favourite radio station listed below a week ahead then with tracklist on their network… Enjoy & Catch you next week for more adventures from the Islanders
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Et vous, c'était comment votre première fois 🍑🍆? Au micro de Zazie Tavitian des anonymes racontent leur dépucelage en 30 secondes chrono - ce moment inoubliable... ou pas. Drôles, émouvants, loufoques ou banals, à travers ces témoignages, se dessinent les injonctions d’une époque, le passage à l’âge adulte, la peur de décevoir, l’envie d’être aimé. Des récits bruts et pris sur le vif qui racontent ce moment de bascule où tout paraît possible et tétanisant à la fois. 30 secondes chrono | La p ...
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James M. Tour's Audio Files
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Occupation du site de Chronopost à Alfortville par des sans papiers en lutte le 11 juin 2019
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Interview. Le 11 juin au matin à Alfortville un groupe de sans papiers occupent le site de Chronopost. Pour ces travailleurs il n’est plus question de continuer à subir l’exploitation quotidienne, la précarité et les brimades qui s’ajoutent à leur statut de fantôme dans la cité. Leurs revendications : réintégrations de leurs camarades injustement licenciés et régularisations. Rencontre avec l’un de ces travailleur en lutte.
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English and French available below.Il Novecento è stato un secolo di guerre e miserie, ma al tempo stesso di grande prosperità e bellezza. Riviste come Vogue e Vanity Fair sono stati i luoghi in cui la fotografia ha provato a raccontare il mutare delle epoche e l’evoluzione dello stile nel passaggio da un decennio all’altro. “Chronorama. Istantanee dal Novecento” è un racconto audio in tre parti che ci porta all’interno della mostra “Chronorama. Tesori fotografici del 20° secolo” in apertura ...
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The Bible is a big book. Is it telling a lot of small stories or one big story? In this message series, we take one book or section of books per week to understand how they all fit together to put God’s glory and power on display through Israel, Jesus, and the church.
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Ep #48: The Last Word on Watch Talk with Sam Kessler From Oracle Time
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Recorded at the tail end of 2024, the boys speak to none other than Sam Kessler, the editor of world-renowned watch magazine and online platform Oracle Time. Coming from a family involved in watch journalism and vintage watches Sam has a fascinating take on the current state of the watch world both vintage and modern. We talk car and watch collabor…
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時間栄養学のじかん。 今回は、味覚について、年代によってどんな差があるのか。 そして味覚の感度の高める方法って?というお話です◎ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【参考】 年代別にみる味覚感度と食習慣について Comparisons of the taste sensitivity and food habit between generations 勝川 路子ら ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー#科学系ポッドキャストの日 に参加しました!1月のトークテーマ「子供」 ホスト番組は「ものづくりnoラジオ」&「奏でる細胞」です◎Spotifyプレイリストはこちら!https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3…
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Job's Friends and Their Many Opinions | Day 21
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Day 21 | Job 8:1–11:20Ben and Michael speak on the combative discussion between Job and his friends in today's reading. Job wishes to understand the reasoning of God's ways because he feels as though the Lord has treated him unjustly, while his friends want to emphasize that God doesn't make mistakes or do wrong. How do we reconcile the pain we fee…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 21st, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Vous avez 40 secondes pour répondre à 5 questions. Top… C'est parti !
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Day 21: Genesis 27-29 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Genesis 27 (07:17) Genesis 28 (10:47) Genesis 29…
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Genesis 27-29De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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When Life Doesn't Make Sense | Day 20
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Day 20 | Job 5:1–7:21Noah and Ben discuss the early conversations between Job and his friends as they help him process the grief he is experiencing. What do we do when life doesn't make sense? Job is honest with God and doesn't shy away from the tough questions. We can enjoy this same honesty with the Lord, as He fully understands what we are feeli…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 20th, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Vous avez 40 secondes pour répondre à 5 questions. Top… C'est parti !
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Day 20: Genesis 25-26 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Genesis 25 (04:32) Genesis 26…
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Genesis 25-26De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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20 Minutes a day in The Word and You’ll have read or listened to the entire Bible in a year. Take a piece of that passage each day to meditate on and you'll become like a tree; planted by streams of living water… Psalm 1 ============================= This Years Chronological Bible Reading Plan HERE👉 https://tr.ee/ChronologicalBibleReadingPlanPDF ==…
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Day 19 | Job 1:1–4:21Michael and Derek begin the story of Job with an encouragement to readers to continue the journey of reading through the whole Bible. Then, we look at the character of Job and how he withstands a series of devastations. How can we learn to live like Job and face the trials of life?Register here to receive encouragement and addi…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 19th, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Day 19: Genesis 22-24 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Genesis 22 (03:47) Genesis 23 (06:54) Genesis 24…
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Genesis 22-24De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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De către Vintage Video: A Chronological 80's Film Rewatch Podcast
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20 Minutes a day in The Word and You’ll have read or listened to the entire Bible in a year. Take a piece of that passage each day to meditate on and you'll become like a tree; planted by streams of living water… Psalm 1 ============================= This Years Chronological Bible Reading Plan HERE👉 https://tr.ee/ChronologicalBibleReadingPlanPDF ==…
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Jacob Blesses His Sons | Day 18
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Day 18 | Genesis 47:28–50:26Ben and Noah close out the book of Genesis with a look at Jacob's blessing for his sons and why they matter to us today.Register here to receive encouragement and additional resources to help you in your daily study: https://my.bellevue.org/OnlineReg/97840Thank you for joining us on our Chronological Bible Journey! We ho…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 18th, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Day 18: Genesis 19-21 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Genesis 19 (06:16) Genesis 20 (09:17) Genesis 21…
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Genesis 19-21De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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20 Minutes a day in The Word and You’ll have read or listened to the entire Bible in a year. Take a piece of that passage each day to meditate on and you'll become like a tree; planted by streams of living water… Psalm 1 ============================= This Years Chronological Bible Reading Plan HERE👉 https://tr.ee/ChronologicalBibleReadingPlanPDF ==…
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Day 17 | Genesis 45:16–47:27Derek and Michael walk through the moment Joseph and Jacob are reunited and what it meant for each character. We also see how this development plays into God's promises to Abraham's bloodline. Can we trust in God's promises? Through the examples of God's faithfulness to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, we know He is al…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 17th, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Vous avez 40 secondes pour répondre à 5 questions. Top… C'est parti !
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Day 17: Genesis 16-18 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Genesis 16 (02:32) Genesis 17 (06:29) Genesis 18…
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Genesis 16-18De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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20 Minutes a day in The Word and You’ll have read or listened to the entire Bible in a year. Take a piece of that passage each day to meditate on and you'll become like a tree; planted by streams of living water… Psalm 1 ============================= This Years Chronological Bible Reading Plan HERE👉 https://tr.ee/ChronologicalBibleReadingPlanPDF ==…
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Joseph Reunited with His Brothers | Day 16
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Day 16 | Genesis 42:1–45:15Noah and Ben compare and contrast Joseph and his brothers as they summarize the reunion between them. How do they view God in light of difficult times? What is the proper response when we face challenges? This important conclusion shows us how to accept God's timing and trust in His plans.Register here to receive encourag…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 16th, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Vous avez 40 secondes pour répondre à 5 questions. Top… C'est parti !
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Day 16: Genesis 12-15 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Genesis 12 (03:07) Genesis 13 (05:42) Genesis 14 (09:17) …
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Genesis 12-15De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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The Journey: Romans 13-16
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Now that Paul's clarified the incredible power of God's great news, he gets into some nitty gritty of living among a community of people who have been saved by this good news
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20 Minutes a day in The Word and You’ll have read or listened to the entire Bible in a year. Take a piece of that passage each day to meditate on and you'll become like a tree; planted by streams of living water… Psalm 1 ============================= This Years Chronological Bible Reading Plan HERE👉 https://tr.ee/ChronologicalBibleReadingPlanPDF ==…
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From the Pit to the Palace with Joseph | Day 15
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Day 15 | Genesis 40:1–23; Genesis 35:28–29; Genesis 41:1–57Michael and Derek walk through the journey of Joseph from a prison cell to being named the second-in-command for the Egyptian kingdom. God can use our greatest trials to prepare us for His ultimate blessing. How will God use you? And what lessons can we learn from the storms we are currentl…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 15th, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Vous avez 40 secondes pour répondre à 5 questions. Top… C'est parti !
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Day 15: Job 40-42 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Job 40 (02:17) Job 41 (05:23) Job 42…
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The four hundred seventy-ninth episode of the «Chronology» podcastTracklist:1) Doyeq — Mini Tomorrow2) Normen Hood — Prism Sentence3) Hermanez — Under The Tree4) Danielle Nicole — Girls (Klartraum Remix)5) ARTN — The Bold Quest6) Joseph Ashworth feat. Lyves — Signs7) Sven Tasnadi — Charisma Remixed8) Don Lockwood — Horizon (Dub)9) WhoMadeWho feat. …
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Job 40-42De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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20 Minutes a day in The Word and You’ll have read or listened to the entire Bible in a year. Take a piece of that passage each day to meditate on and you'll become like a tree; planted by streams of living water… Psalm 1 ============================= This Years Chronological Bible Reading Plan HERE👉 https://tr.ee/ChronologicalBibleReadingPlanPDF ==…
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Joseph the Dreamer and Judah's Wickedness | Day 14
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Day 14 | Genesis 37:1–38:30; 1 Chronicles 2:3–6, 8; Genesis 39:1–23Ben and Noah begin the story of Joseph in this episode. As a young dreamer, Joseph draws the ire of his brothers and the wonder of his father. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers, but God has great plans for him in Egypt. We also learn about Judah and his complicated family,…
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Daily Chronological Bible with Hunter Barnes - January 14th, 25
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Today's Scripture: Dive into the Bible chronologically with Hunter Barnes in the 'Daily Chronological Bible', a key component of the 'Daily Radio Bible' series. Journey through scripture in 365 days, dedicating 20 minutes daily to discover God's love and wisdom. From the Proverbs to the Psalms, let the Bible's narratives guide and inspire. Expand y…
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Vous avez 40 secondes pour répondre à 5 questions. Top… C'est parti !
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Day 14: Job 38-39 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless audio, visit CLeviFarrell.com Chapters: (00:00) Job 38 (06:47) Job 39…
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187. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law ep 4-6 (2022)
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Welcome to the 187th episode of The Castle Vault! In this week's journey exploring the famed Disney Vault through the Disney Plus streaming service, we hulk out with ... She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! In this episode, we continue our "catch-up" series of films and shows of the MCU with Marvel Studios show to wrap up Phase 4, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! …
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Job 38-39De către dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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