Join actors Chris Hemsworth ("The Avengers"), Daniel Brühl ("Inglorious Basterds") and screenwriter Peter Morgan for a discussion about "Rush," their new film directed by Oscar winner Ron Howard. The action-drama tells the story of the rivalry between real-life Formula One race car drivers, Englishman James Hunt (Hemsworth) and Austrian Niki Lauda (Brühl). Their clashes on the Grand Prix racetrack epitomized the contrast between these two extraordinary characters, a distinction reflected eve ...
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Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, and Peter Morgan: Meet the Filmmaker
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Join actors Chris Hemsworth ("The Avengers"), Daniel Brühl ("Inglorious Basterds") and screenwriter Peter Morgan for a discussion about "Rush," their new film directed by Oscar winner Ron Howard. The action-drama tells the story of the rivalry between real-life Formula One race car drivers, Englishman James Hunt (Hemsworth) and Austrian Niki Lauda …
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