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Board Game Duel


Un podcast sur les jeux de sociétés avec vos hôtes Sam et Vince. Chaque épisode un duel thématique ou deux jeux s‘affrontent, à vous de décider lequel l‘emportera!
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Dynamic Duel: DC vs Marvel

Dynamic Duel

Marvel or DC: Who is superior? Twin brothers Jon and Joe debate the answer through film reviews and mathematical fight simulations. New episode every Tuesday. A Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer-Approved Publication! dynamicduel.com Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dynamic-duel-dc-vs-marvel--5414543/support.
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Podcast para personas , que estan viviendo una perdida,compartimos experiencias y lo que de ellas hemos aprendido. te damos herramientas para que logres transformar tu dolor,en algo positivo. https://www.facebook.com/Claudia-Olmos-g-100506595194885/ Instagram.com/claudiaolmosg
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Le Duel

Q Project

Le Duel, c'est un jeu radiophonique qui propose chaque mois à deux candidats de venir en direct pour répondre à un quiz d'une heure et demie portant sur une folle variété de thèmes : musique, jeux vidéo, bande-dessinée, TV/Cinéma et un peu de culture générale. On vous y promet des pièges, des participations du public et surtout de la bonne humeur.
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Bienvenidas/os a Transformando el duelo, un espacio donde hablaremos abiertamente y del corazón sobre lo que vivimos al enfrentarnos a una pérdida. Soy Ligia Houben y te hablaré no solo a nivel profesional sino también, personal, compartiéndote mis vulnerabilidades y mis fortalezas. Mi propósito es acompañarte en tu duelo, validarlo, y ayudarte a sanar de adentro hacia afuera. Hablaremos sobre cómo vivir con sentido y propósito a pesar de haber experimentado una gran pérdida, y cómo usar her ...
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Links. Rechts. Mitte – Duell der Meinungsmacher. Ein Tisch, verschiedene Meinungen. Dazu ein Moderator, der mit den Gästen die relevanten Themen der Woche bespricht und ausdiskutiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht ein pointierter und lebendiger Austausch an Argumenten und Meinungen, der dem Zuseher beide Seiten einer Medaille erklärt. Bei „Links. Rechts. Mitte“ kommen Gäste zu Wort, die tatsächlich etwas zu sagen haben und nicht nur die bekannten Phrasen austauschen. 60 Minuten Talkshow, die das Zeit ...
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Somos creadores de la innovadora metodologia de LAS 15 TAREAS DEL DUELO ®, quienes desde hace más de 30 años nos encontramos aperturando, liderando y promoviendo diferentes grupos de apoyo a lo largo de Latinoamérica. Toda esta experiencia hoy se ve reflejada en valioso material de apoyo como libros, audiolibros y, LA PRIMERA APLICACIÓN DIGITAL PARA EL MANEJO DEL DUELO https://dueloapp.com/ Productos disponibles a través de nuestra página web https://www.las15tareasdelduelo.com/
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Dueling Disney

Andee Zomerman, Alfred Day

Al Day and Andee Zomerman: Two Disnerd educators, BFFs from college, debating Disney topics since 1989. From cool daily tips to hot button controversy, we've got opinions. What are yours?
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Duel Bosch & Lluveras

Catalunya Rdio

El periodista Xavier Bosch i l'entrenadora i cronista de bsquet Carme Lluveras ens fan exercitar la ment. Competeixen entre ells i juguen amb nosaltres en un duel ple de sorpreses. Dissabtes i diumenges a les 10 h
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Dueling Dungeon Masters

Part-Time Heroes

The Dueling Dungeon Masters is a Live Play TTRPG Podcast where not one, but two Dungeon Masters will work together, and sometimes AGAINST one another, to take their players on ONE epic journey of twists, turns, chaos, and mayhem!
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Dueling Ogres

Dueling Ogres

Prepare yourselves for a battle of epic proportions between two titans! Feast upon their voices and revel in their words. This is Dueling Ogres! A no-holds-barred podcast about anything under the sun that could be discussed by two nerds (Brandon and Remington) with too much time on their hands! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll troll them for cookies. They probably won't make you any, though.
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Dueling Critics

Chicago Public Media

Dueling theater critics Kelly Kleiman and Jonathan Abarbanel discuss the latest stage productions and dissect the best — and the worst — of Chicago's theater scene.
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Dueling Dilettantes

Sterling Nymeyer

dil·et·tante - A person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts(or like other stuff) without real commitment or knowledge. We are just 2 Dilettantes dueling it out to see who can be slightly better than the other. Follow along with us as we discuss the world of obscure hobbies and sports and strive for mediocrity in all things.
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1 Mio. Euro Start-Kapital! Zwei Jungs! Das Ziel: Am Ende des Jahres das meiste Geld mit Aktien, Fonds, ETFs zuverdienen. Es gibt aber eine Schwierigkeit: Die Wertpapiere dürfen nicht wieder verkauft werden. Also ist Risikomanagement ein wichtiges Thema um es auch spannend zuhalten.
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Duel the Day

Nico & Tyler

At Duel The Day, our mission is to be enablers for personal growth. We believe that everyone can lead a passion-driven life and inspire change in their own communities. By laying the groundwork for the next generation; we will leave the world better than when we found it. ···www.dueltheday.com···
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CrossFade is a dueling album review show about expanding your musical horizons hosted by Matt Helgeson. Released every two weeks, CrossFade has guests introduce one of their favorite albums of all time to Matt Helgeson (and vice versa) as they review the highlights, play clips, and compare each other's picks. On every episode, we answer questions from the community via MinnMax's Patreon page - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax
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Die spannendsten Duelle im Sport: Die Serie „Rivalen“ zeigt auf, wie packend und leidenschaftlich sich die Größten der Größten reiben, duellieren – und bekämpfen. Im Fußball, Boxen, Tennis, in der Formel 1 – überall. „Rivalen“ ist die Serie, die Sport-Fans fesselt.
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Duel of the Fates

DEWVRE Podcasts and Such

The iron grip of the FIRST ORDER has spread to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Only a few scattered planets remain unoccupied. Traitorous acts are punishable by death. Determined to suffocate a growing unrest, Supreme Leader KYLO REN has silenced all communication between neighboring systems. Led by GENERAL LEIA ORGANA, the Resistance has planned a secret mission to prevent their annihilation and forge a path to freedom....
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Econ Duel (Audio)

Marginal Revolution University

This is the audio from Marginal Revolution University’s Econ Duel video series. Economics can explain many of life’s big questions. Problem is, it can sometimes provide multiple, even conflicting, answers. So which answers are the “right” ones? There’s only one way to find out: Econ Duel! In this series, you’ll find engaging debates between prominent economists on questions like: When it comes to where you live, is it better to rent or buy? Is education primarily for skill-building or signal ...
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Catrina es el podcast de acompañamiento emocional que estará contigo antes, durante y después de la muerte de un ser querido. Catrina, te ayudará a aligerar el dolor, de de una forma sencilla y cálida, derribando los tabúes que giran entorno a la muerte y el duelo.
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Dueling Decades

Dueling Decades

Dueling Decades is the totally awesome adult retro game show you've been looking for! Listen as the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s square off and do battle! Because it's your history, we just fight for it! The rules of our game are simple! A coin flip shall decide who picks first, out of the 5 dueling decades categories (Movies, TV, Music, News, & Hot Products). The judge’s ruling will determine who wins each round, allowing the victor to choose the next available category. The first 3 rounds are w ...
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Dueling Sourcers

Stacey Broadwell

Brought to you by TechRecruit. Stacey Broadwell, CEO of TechRecruit and Talent Congress, hosts a live webinar every Tuesday where to sourcers go head to head to find and source talent for niche roles. It's all done live and in real time. Sourcers share their tips, tricks, and best practices so you, the audience, can learn how to grow your skills and tech stack. Register for new episodes every week at bit.ly/duelingsourcers.
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I’m not the best at holding space for two things to be true. Okay, scratch that, I used to not be great at holding space for two things to be true. Discovering my husband is a sex addict in the midst of learning how to walk again due to a life-altering accident, had me becoming an excellent juggler of realities. But, as they say, the struggle is real. And now, years later, I’m still floundering in the regurgitated messiness of my childhood. Traumas I thought I’d worked through have taken new ...
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Dueling Dialogues

Grace Matthews Connor Murphy

A Dueling Dialogue based on the politically charged emails exchanged between Canadian leftist, Connor Murphy, and United States Midwestern conservative, Grace Matthews. Both are writers at The Right Left Chronicles. Away from the bubble and the beltway, alone, together or with a guest, Murphy and Matthews squabble over current issues and events that impact everyday citizens in the United States, Canada and elsewhere in the World. It’s unobstructed free speech about politics, media, economy, ...
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Digital // Duell - Die Pressedebatte für die Digitale Transformation von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik mit Tobias Kollmann und Klemens Skibicki. Die Idee und damit das Konzept vom Digital // Duell ist einfach. Die beiden Internet-Experten bringen sich gegenseitig spannende Schlagzeilen zum Thema „Digitale Transformation“ aus der Online- und Offline-Presse der jeweiligen Kalenderwoche mit in die Sendung und debattieren diese im Hinblick auf die Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft ...
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Meme Duels

Scrublord & OceanKing

The semi Informative Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Podcast Featuring OceanKing and Scrublord. Just some guys who play too much Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links and have nothing to show for it but some useless knowledge and a whole lot of cards. Join them as they discuss anything and everything that has been going on in the Duel Links World.
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Have you ever wondered what it takes to make a great Star Wars film or TV episode? Despite their greatness, why do these cinematic masterpieces boil up so many differing opinions? Is it simply generational? Which is the best one? If you are curious at all about any of these hot button issues, then you have come to the right place. Welcome to Duel of the Ranks (DotR), a show where we debate takes so hot that a planet with twin suns would melt! Each week, our team will review a new piece of co ...
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In this podiobook: Author Jack Mangan (Spherical Tomi) is back with Duel of the Fates 2! As originally heard on the Dragon Page Wingin' It! Podcast: Duel of the Fates 2 assembles highly diverse, iconic combatants from across the wide universe of speculative fiction and pits them head-to-head in comparative contests of 5 monumentally important categories. 1) Dr. Evil (Austin Powers)2) Six Million Dollar Man3) TD-0013 (A Diff'rent Point of View)4) The Mighty Thor5) Ash (Evil Dead)6) Starbuck f ...
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show series
Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com Join our community at https://patreon.com/dynamicduel • 0:00:00 - Introduction • 0:03:25 - No-Prize Time • 0:09:16 - Question of the Week • 0:10:00 - Birds of Prey vs A-Force intro • 0:14:21 - Birds of Prey history and roster • 0:25:03 - A-Force history and roster • 0:36:14 - Fight…
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Cette semaine on fait un spin-off d'un de nos épisodes préférés (épisode 39), avec un duel de jeux dérivés. Vince nous présente un jeu qui arrive un peu plus tard cette année: Great Western Trail: El Paso une version épurée du classique jeu de Cowboys si populaire. Sam réplique avec Pirates de Maracaibo, qui ressemble un peu moins à son grand frère…
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Le Fight commence ! Deux équipes s'affrontent pour la gloire de devenir les meilleurs Duellistes ! D'un côté Osef (Podcast Derrière le Rôle - https://www.vodio.fr/rssmedias-234.xml) et Medhi (Infinicia RPG - https://chatgpt.com/g/g-6759f339b9ec8191be2a52f4fc62584d-infiniciarpg-venture-into-any-chosen-world) et de l'autre Mity (Fictions sonores http…
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SMALL TALK & BIG KITCHENS, our mini-series on the romcoms of Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers, comes to a close with the feel-good comedy about learning from your elders and falling in platonic love. After It’s Complicated, Nancy Meyers wanted something new. She’d had enough of the tropes that had turned her career into a meme and brand and wanted to f…
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El proceso de duelo puede ser confuso, y a veces es difícil saber cuándo es momento de buscar ayuda. Si sientes que tu dolor te está sobrepasando, este en vivo es para ti. 💔¿Te has preguntado si necesitas ayuda profesional para tu duelo? Únete a este espacio donde aclararemos tus dudas. 💬 ¡No estás solo/a en este camino! 🌟#SuperarElDuelo #Terapia #…
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A veces, el dolor más profundo es aquel que no se ve. El duelo no siempre es evidente para los demás, pero su peso es real. 💔 En este en vivo, hablaremos sobre el duelo invisible, ese proceso de sanación cuando tu pérdida no es comprendida ni validada por quienes te rodean.¿Te has sentido solo/a en tu duelo? Este espacio es para ti. 💬 Únete a la co…
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Cuando la cercanía de la muerte toca nuestra vida, ya sea la propia o la de un ser querido, la espiritualidad puede convertirse en un refugio. Más allá de creencias religiosas, es esa conexión con lo trascendental que nos ayuda a encontrar paz y significado en este proceso. 🎙️En este episodio exploramos cómo la espiritualidad alivia el miedo, cómo …
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“Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?” On this episode of Sounds Scary, we’re diving into the archives to bring you a special treat—a classic interview with none other than Independence Day star James Duval! From his breakout performances in The Doom Generation to the cult favorite Donnie Darko, Duval has cemented his place as one of the coole…
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Round 1 of this year’s Listener Pick Tournament is over and Nick & Scott are here to discuss where the choices made by our listeners on Discord and Patreon have led us. There were surprising victories and devastating losses, but no obvious frontrunners. Let’s break it down. Daily match-ups end March 31st! Vote in our March Madness Listener Pick Tou…
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Wladimir Putin hat gut lachen: Seine Truppen rücken weiter vor, und US-Präsident Donald Trump zwingt Wolodymyr Selenskyj einen Waffenstillstand auf. Kiew muss zähneknirschend zustimmen. Denn wenn nicht, drohen die USA mit dem Ende der Unterstützung. Putins Zustimmung zum Waffenstillstandsabkommen gibt es aber wohl nur gegen Gebietsabtritte und die …
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This week, it’s Mike’s turn. Erica introduces him to reggaeton with Colombian artist Karol G’s album: Mañana Será Bonito. Mike gets wrapped up in the semantics of butt talk, and how many times he can tolerate hearing a dem bow beat. Erica’s hear for the “perreo,” even if she’s bad at twerking.De către Dueling Genre Productions
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Description Returning guest Rachel Armstrong joins Joe to discuss the classic graphic novel Persepolis. Created by Marjane Satrapi, this autobiographical graphic novel tells the story of her life in Iran after the Islamic Revolution. Persepolis is told in two parts, we are discussing Part 1: The Story of a Childhood. Support Patreon Show Notes Pers…
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When the TARDIS lands in a quarry on Earth, the Doctor and Sarah are caught in a quarrying explosion. Sarah is found clutching what appears to be a fossilized hand, buried in one-hundred-fifty-million-year-old strata. Analysis shows the hand to be silicon-based and inert, but when Sarah begins to act as if possessed, the Doctor suspects that it may…
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In this very special episode, number 100, I address a topic that many people experience: retirement. This transition can feel like a farewell, a loss, and, in many cases, can generate a grieving process. This is why I have chosen to explore it in depth.Retirement may feel like an ending, however, it can also be the start of a new chapter full of po…
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En este episodio tan especial, el número 100, abordo un tema que muchas personas experimentan: el retiro. Esta transición puede sentirse como una despedida, una pérdida y, en muchos casos, generar un proceso de duelo. Por esta razón, he decidido explorarlo en profundidad.Deseo recordarte que también puede ser el inicio de una nueva etapa llena de p…
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SMALL TALK & BIG KITCHENS, our mini-series on the romcoms of Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers, continues with a biopic that mixes the lives of two women into complimentary story about transforming yourself into the person you want to become. Nora Ephron was sick with a diagnosis that only gave her months to live. With treatment, she would live much lon…
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We’re back baby, and we’ve got stuff to talk about! Somehow, we managed to avoid making this an “Oops, All Andor,” podcast, but I have a good feeling that’s going to be coming up here soon enough. We chat a little Andor, a little Kathleen Kennedy, and a little Anzellan in this one. Follow us on Twitter or Instagram Join the Dueling Genre Discord Se…
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Grab your hazmat suits and crank up the ABBA — we’re diving headfirst into Community’s iconic Halloween episode, “Epidemiology.” This week, we’re joined by Fangoria’s own Gory Cory McCullough to sink our teeth into everything that makes this cult classic tick. We’ll break down the episode’s clever nods to zombie tropes, William Shatner jokes, and y…
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Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com Join our community at https://patreon.com/dynamicduel • 0:00:00 - Introduction • 0:03:30 - No-Prize Time • 0:11:43 - DC & Marvel comics crossover announced • 0:14:22 - Question of the Week • 0:15:05 - Parallax vs Onslaught intro • 0:19:00 - Onslaught history and abilities • 0:29:14…
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En este episodio el Jinete profesional Marcos Del Valle, de Ecuestre San Carlos nos platica su historia y como la equitacion y equino terapia ofrece una vía alternativa y natural para afrontar el duelo, pues nos ayuda a sanar emocionalmente mediante la conexión con los caballos y la naturaleza.Esta terapia se ha utilizado con éxito para tratar una …
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Die USA ziehen sich in rasendem Tempo aus dem Ukraine-Krieg zurück und lassen sowohl Kiew als auch die EU schutzlos zurück. Experten warnen: Stecken wir jetzt nicht alle Kraft in Aufrüstung, sind wir Aggressoren wie Russland hilflos ausgeliefert. Ein Krieg mit Putin könnte schon 2026 bevorstehen. Müssen wir jetzt aufrüsten, koste es, was es wolle? …
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Después de una pérdida, la culpa puede convertirse en una carga difícil de llevar. 💔 ¿Pude haber hecho más? ¿Y si hubiera actuado diferente? Estos pensamientos nos atrapan en el dolor. Acompáñanos en este encuentro para comprender la culpa en el duelo y aprender a liberarnos de ella. 🌿💬💬 Te esperamos para compartir, reflexionar y sanar juntos. ❤️#L…
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📖 In grief, faith can be a refuge. The Bible reminds us that we are not alone and offers words of comfort and hope. In this episode, we explore verses that validate pain and help us heal through love. 🙏🏼 Is there a verse that has brought you peace in difficult times? Share it in the comments. If you are going through grief, I invite you to listen t…
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En el duelo, la fe puede ser un refugio. La Biblia nos recuerda que no estamos solos y nos ofrece palabras de consuelo y esperanza. En este episodio, exploramos versículos que validan el dolor y nos ayudan a sanar desde el amor. 🙏🏼 ¿Hay algún versículo que te haya dado paz en momentos difíciles? Compartilo en los comentarios. Si estás atravesando u…
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El duelo es un proceso único y personal. 💔 Mientras algunos parecen avanzar rápidamente, otros sienten que el dolor no se va. ¿Por qué sucede esto? ¿Qué factores influyen en la manera en que enfrentamos una pérdida? Acompáñanos en este espacio de reflexión y aprendizaje. 🌿💬💬 Te esperamos para compartir, reflexionar y comprender mejor el duelo. ❤️#L…
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Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com Join our community at https://patreon.com/dynamicduel • 0:00:00 - Introduction • 0:03:37 - No-Prize Time • 0:10:51 - Avengers: Doomsday (possibly Secret Wars) concept art leaked • 0:18:49 - Question of the Week • 0:19:40 - First look at Lanterns series • 0:22:09 - My Adventures Wit…
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Die Dreier-Regierung ist noch nicht einmal fix, doch bei SPÖ und Neos tobte schon heftiges Gerangel um Ämter und Posten. Während auf die Österreicher ein heftiges Sparpaket zukommt, gönnt sich das Zuckerl neben 14 Ministern gleich sieben Staatssekretäre. Damit herrscht auch noch akute Platznot auf der Regierungsbank, die lediglich 18 Plätze fasst- …
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The grief of infertility is often silent—it’s not seen, it’s not acknowledged, but it is deeply felt. It’s not just about the inability to conceive, but also about mourning dreams, expectations, and the image of what motherhood or fatherhood could have been. In this episode, we’ll openly discuss this process, validate its emotions, and explore path…
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El duelo por la infertilidad es muchas veces silencioso, no se ve, no se nombra, pero se siente profundamente. No es solo la pérdida de la posibilidad de concebir, sino también de los sueños, de las expectativas y de la imagen que teníamos sobre la maternidad o paternidad. En este episodio, quiero que hablemos con honestidad sobre este proceso, val…
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Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com Join our community at https://patreon.com/dynamicduel • 0:00:00 - Introduction • 0:04:13 - No-Prize Time • 0:09:01 - James Watkins to direct Clayface film • 0:11:21 - Question of the Week • 0:12:06 - Batman Ninja vs Yakuza League Official Trailer • 0:14:51 - Darkseid's Elite vs Bla…
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Nach wie vor ist das ganze Land geschockt vom brutalen Messeranschlag in Villach, bei dem ein syrischer Asylberechtigter einen Teenager tötete und fünf weitere schwer verletzte. Nun wurde bekannt, dass die Polizei einen weiteren islamistischen Anschlag auf den Wiener Westbahnhof vereitelte. Wie bedroht ist Österreich? Wie viele Gefährder sind im La…
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Platicamos con el Licenciado en educación Isaac Martell, de La educación en nuestro pais, y como esta es la base para una sociedad justa, igualitaria y autosuficiente. La educación aumenta la productividad de las personas y como consecuencia, el potencial de crecimiento económico. La educación, Ayuda a erradicar la pobreza y el hambre, contribuye a…
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During grief, we often feel pressured to “be okay” so we don’t make others uncomfortable. We pretend to be strong, avoid saying "no," and push our emotional needs aside out of fear of seeming selfish. But what about our own healing? In this episode, we explore how the need to please can hinder our grief process and how setting boundaries without gu…
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En medio del duelo, muchas veces sentimos la presión de demostrar que estamos “bien” para no incomodar a los demás. Fingimos fortaleza, evitamos decir “no” y nos alejamos de nuestras propias necesidades emocionales por miedo a parecer egoístas. Pero, ¿qué pasa con nuestro proceso? 🎙️En este episodio, exploramos cómo la necesidad de complacer puede …
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Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com Join our community at https://patreon.com/dynamicduel **SPOILER REVIEW** • 0:00:00 - Introduction • 0:03:34 - No-Prize Time • 0:07:27 - Question of the Week • 0:08:37 - Captain America: Brave New World Review • 0:57:52 - Sign off Website: https://dynamicduel.com Instagram: https://…
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