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Short daily inspiration about Emunah and Bitachon with R’ Reuven Garber ”The distance between understanding Emunah intellectually and internalizing it emotionally is greater than the distance between heaven and earth!” Transform Your Emunah! https://transformyouremunah.com/
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Emunah Meditation

Elliott Rosenbaum

This podcast teaches listeners from all backgrounds how to bring more joy, inner peace and success into all areas of life using a unique form of meditation called Emunah Meditation (EM). Rooted in mystical Judaism, Emunah Mediation teaches us how to have a direct two-way relationship with God. Learn about and practice EM with creator, Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum.
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In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives. Join us on this journey of emunah and success. TYH Nation x Laibel Schwartz
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Emunah in HaShem - Faith in G-d with Rav Dror This inspiring video gives an amazing amount of help and clarity to those seeking for Emunah and complete faith. Faith and prayer are integral parts of life. Everything revolves around Emunah and Tefilah (Prayer). This inspiring class talks about how to pray when things don't go our way. When we are prayer for one thing, and Hashem (God) is doing something else. When we are trying to achieve something, and the Creator is pushing us in a different ...
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show series
One of the basic extensions of Emunah is to internalize that we don't understand things based on what we see and on our logic, but rather, we are to believe that everything Hashem does is for the best, and by following His laws and doing our best to live a life of Emunah and Bitachon, that is what is going to bring us to our ultimate destination in…
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Chazal tell us that the malachim ask HaKadosh Baruch Hu why the Jewish people don't say Hallel on Rosh Hashanah. The Chatam Sofer in his Derashot asked, why would the angels think that we should say Hallel on Rosh Hashanah. On Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot, we are celebrating the miracles that Hashem did for us when He took us out of Mitzrayim and gav…
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A fundamental concept of the Torah is the concept of Gilgulim - reincarnations. We are taught in many Torah sources that almost all souls are recycled, meaning to say that we have lived before, in previous lives. For the most part, people do not remember anything about their previous lives. One of the basic conclusions that a life of emunah should …
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe Sometimes a person cries out to Hashem night and day for help. He doesn't only ask during the tefila times, he asks multiple times throughout the day at every chance he gets. He cries, he begs, he tells Hashem how good he's going to be if H…
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One of the many mitzvos that we have is the mitzvah to pay a worker on time for their services. Simply speaking, when somebody does a job for me and the usual expectation is to be paid on the same day, then unless stated otherwise, one is obligated to complete the payment without delay. The Chofetz Chaim in his Sefer Ahavas Chesed writes that the r…
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe A man told that from the moment his baby came home after his Brit Milah, he wouldn't stop crying. Nothing could calm him down. He would eat, doze, and immediately wake up crying again. It was obvious that something was hurting him, but nobo…
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There are countless Torah passages which outline the tremendously great value of Torah learning, and the emphasis Hashem places on this great mitzvah. The most famous one, perhaps, is the Mishnah we recite every day in the morning prayers, where the Mishnah says that the value of Torah learning is equal to all of the other mitzvahs put together. So…
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe At this time of year, we're trying to find the most favor in Hashem's eyes. We want to know what steps we could take to accomplish this. The pasuk says, ועשית הישר והטוב בעיני ה' אלוקיך . There's a mitzvah to go beyond the letter of the law…
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We learned a very fundamental and important concept from the Gemara, which teaches us that it is actually considered a sin to be fearful of circumstance and individuals. The more we internalize ein od milvado, that there is no other power in the world outside of Hashem, and v'hu levado asa veoseh veyaaseh l'chol hamaasim - He Hashem exclusively orc…
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One of the reasons we are supposed to feel calm and composed in all situations is because we are always in the best hands, the hands of our loving Father, HaKadosh Baruch Hu . During difficult times, internalizing this fact can help a person so much. A woman related that she had to travel from Minnesota to Lakewood for a family wedding. She was goi…
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We've been discussing that one of the automatic extensions of having bitachon in Hashem is that it leads to a life without fear. I don't fear any individuals nor any circumstances because I know that Hashem is exclusively running the show. We learnt the Gemara which teaches us that it is actually classified as a sin to be fearful. And although init…
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The Gemara in Brachos page 60a, relates that when one of the sages encountered that one of his students was fearful about something, the sage reprimanded the student, quoting a verse that states that it is a sin to be fearful. The reason for this is because when we internalize that Hashem exclusively orchestrates every happening throughout our live…
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe This week's parasha Ki Tavo begins with the mitzvah of bikurim , where a farmer brings a basket of fruits from the seven species to the Kohen and recites certain pesukim . The Mishnah describes the bringing of the bikurim as a very elaborat…
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We've discussed the many Torah sources which teach very clearly that it is Hashem's will for us to pray to Him. According to our own logic and common sense, one might have thought that if one has true bitachon and emunah in Hashem, then if Hashem orchestrates our lives in a way that presents challenges for us, perhaps we might think that the ideal …
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe There are many rituals that we do, often without thinking too much of their significance. When a person moves into a new home, he is supposed to make a Chanukat Habayit , which consists of a meal and a reading, including portions of Mishnah…
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We've been discussing the powerful statement of the Ramban, which teaches us that the opportunity to apply bitachon is completely independent of our actions. Of course, we always have to try to do our best - more mitzvos and less aveiros, whilst at the same time to internalize that the many statements that we are taught from Torah sources about the…
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe One of the ways that a person can receive an abundance of mercy from Hashem is by emulating His character traits. One of the middot of Hashem is called מי קל כמוך . The Tomer Devorah explains, this is referring to Hashem's attribute of havi…
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We discussed the verse which says, "trust in HaShem and do good." And we mentioned the Ramban who explains that the reason this verse is written precisely in this way, firstly stating, "trust in HaShem" and only thereafter stating "and do good," is to teach us that the action of bitachon, the action of trusting in HaShem, within HaShem's perspectiv…
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe Sometimes it appears at face value that good people lose out and wicked people prosper. This is because Hashem hides Himself so well and does not let it be obvious that those who follow Him always win and those who don't always lose. Becaus…
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The verse states, "Betach bashem va'asei tov" - trust in Hashem and do good. The Ramban points out in his Sefer Emunah Ubitachon, that the verse is precisely written in this order. First the verse states, "trust in Hashem", and thereafter the verse says, "and do good." And the reason for this, says the Ramban, is because one might think that they a…
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https://www.artscroll.com/ Books/lemynh.html Living Emunah on Yamim Noraim Gaining faith from the Days of Awe The Rambam writes, the more a person learns about who Hashem is, the closer he gets to Him, and the more favor he finds in His eyes. There's a sefer called Tomer Devorah , which explains in detail the attributes of Hashem. Rav Chaim of Sanz…
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On the one hand, the Torah teaches that we are supposed to love our friend just as much as we love ourselves. This mitzvah teaches us the importance of caring for other people, how we are to go out our way to make our maximum effort to helping out another individual, sometimes in the form of charity, sometimes in the form of putting a smile on our …
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We are taught that whilst the Jewish people were in the desert, they received their sustenance in the form of mann, which was food which fell from the heaven, which tasted like anything one wished for it to taste like. Commentaries explain that although the man fell from the heavens, not everybody received it in the same way. Those people that were…
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This week's parasha begins with the words כי תצא למלחמה על אויבך - when you go out to war against your enemy. The sefarim hakedoshim tell us that besides for its simple explanation, this pasuk is also referring to the war against our evil inclination. The Maor V'Shemesh in parashat Ki Tetzeh writes that the main attack of the yetzer hara is to stop…
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We've been discussing one of the six constant mitzvos is to love Hashem. And as the Rambam teaches, the way of coming to love Hashem is by taking note of His amazing creations with admiration and that will bring us more and more to be able to love Hashem. There is a Mishnah in Pirkei Avos which teaches that if somebody is on the road and whilst tra…
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The goal of every parent is to train their children to want to do the will of Hashem on their own without having to be told to. One of the greatest tools we can give them for this is to teach them about who they are serving, to tell them how much Hashem loves them and is interested in helping them, to teach them how Hashem controls everything that …
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We've been discussing how every moment of our lives is really an opportunity and throughout the many extra moments that we might find for ourselves, instead of wasting the time idly just because maybe we can't center ourselves to a full-out task, because we're currently busy with something else and we only have a few spare moments at hand, it would…
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One of the main jobs of a person in this world is to see through the facade of nature and recognize Hashem's absolute control over everything. It is not the food that we eat that keeps us alive. But rather, as the pasuk says, כי על מוצא פי ה' יחיה האדם - we live because Hashem says so. It is not the clothing that we wear which keeps us warm. It is …
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Every single moment of life is an opportunity. There is always a mitzvah to perform in every situation, and sometimes just being mindful of something can change a situation from being a waste of time, or even perhaps a sin, to a great mitzvah. The halachic authorities teach that there are six constant mitzvahs that can be performed at any and every…
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The pasuk says in Kohelet, בבוקר זרע את זרעך ולערב אל תנח ידך .The Gemara in Masechet Yevamot learns from this pasuk that even if a person had many students when he was young and vibrant, he should continue trying to find more in his old age. Also, a person should never underestimate the potential of any student. As it says in the Avot d'Rabbi Nata…
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We've been discussing one of the most important and fundamental mitzvahs, the mitzvah to love Hashem. That although it is such a fundamental and basic prerequisite to the Torah, nevertheless, at face value, it is quite a difficult mitzvah to fulfill, seeing as Hashem is an abstract being that is difficult for us to connect with due to our human lim…
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We've been discussing one of the six constant mitzvahs, the mitzvah to love Hashem, which on the one hand is such an important fundamental mitzvah, whilst at the same time can be so difficult, because Hashem is not something tangible, not something we can see nor hear, and therefore how does one bring oneself to this place of being able to truly lo…
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One of the six constant mitzvahs is the mitzvah to love HaShem. It is difficult sometimes to fulfill this mitzvah of loving HaShem because I don't see HaShem, I don't hear HaShem and in many ways it's hard for me to relate to HaShem - this abstract figure. How do I come to loving HaShem? The Rambam writes that the way we come to loving HaShem is by…
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There are many situations in which people have great needs but the odds of them getting what they need are extraordinarily low. The natural feelings in those situations would be to despair of getting help. It could be a doctor giving a patient a negative report, it could be a specialist telling a couple they most probably will never have children, …
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As mentioned, the Holy Sages, through divine inspiration, authored the prescribed prayers. And as part of the daily thanks that appears in the prescribed prayers three times a day, we say, "thank you Hashem for the miracles that we experience on a daily basis." As part of our journey and endeavor to grow in our emunah - our belief, we ought to inte…
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