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Join entrepreneur, educator, and proud Indonesian, Gita Wirjawan in exploring the ways forward for our society through stories and experiences by thought leaders, trailblazers, and opinion-makers from Indonesia and the region.
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End Game Productions

Endgame is about grappling with the climate crisis from the inside out. From the vantage point of a country town in Australia, the project explores the connections between big and small things to look at how the crisis is re-shaping our relationship to ourselves, each other and the world. For more go to our website at www.endgamepodcast.net
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Avengers: Endgame is out real soon! Can a group of friends make it through all 21 movies in time for opening weekend? Let's find out! Cover art photo provided by Limor Zellermayer on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@limorganon
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We value: Irresistible Grace | giving grace that draws people to Jesus. Irrefutable Love | proving our faith by our love. Illogical Faith | doing things in faith that may not seem logical. Irrational Generosity | We’ve NEVER seen someone “outgive” God. It always comes back! Invisible Kingdom | A greater Kingdom we were meant for that we cannot see. Infallible Scriptures | God didn’t make mistakes in His Word.
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That Might Be Cool: The Road to Avengers Endgame

TMBC Productions, comic books,avengers,endgame,marvel,mcu,infinity war,captain marvel,iron man,captain america,hulk,thor,ragnarok,black panther,comics,guardians of the galaxy,thanos,Collider,The Weekly Planet,comic book movies,spider-man,x-men,shazam

A series of studies on narrative pop-culture, we take a new topic each season, and dive deep to find its unique core. Season one is THE ROAD TO ENDGAME, where we try to find out if the whole of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is greater or lesser than its parts. Instagram/Twitter: @ThatMightBeCool Don't forget to RATE, REVIEW, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE with a friend!
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Endgame Investing

Cody Smith & Cole Hutchinson

In this podcast series, join Cody Smith, an investment-focused realtor with extensive experience in the Canadian real estate market, and Cole Hutchinson, an REI coach who has helped numerous investors achieve their financial goals, as they explore the world of real estate investing in Canada. With expert guests and real-life investors, they'll take a deep dive into the Canadian real estate market, sharing insights and tips on how to invest successfully.Through interviews with seasoned invest ...
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show series
CEO Maybank Indonesia, Steffano Ridwan, berbicara tentang filosofi dan komitmen mereka, “Humanising Financial Services”. Selain itu, Steffano juga mengupas bagaimana bank konvensional, fintech, dan institusi keuangan lainnya dapat bekerja sama di era kolaborasi seperti hari ini. Terakhir, beliau juga memberikan tips kepemimpinan dan bisnis—mereflek…
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Warner Bros. shuts down studios, C&C source code is free 4 u, and Epic giveth the gameseth. Plus(!), the world’s smallest video game pushes nano-tech to new frontiers. Subscribe on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5Rv2Wrq2LMpQFxurl21MNL?si=87b7279723724116 Subscribe on Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/endgame-recap/id1795…
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Dr. Hendri Saparini (pendiri dan ekonom CORE Indonesia) membedah tantangan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia, yang menurutnya bisa diselesaikan dengan kebijakan publik yang cermat.Membahas secara holistik dinamika ekonomi Indonesia—mulai dari kelas menengah, UMKM, pajak, peran swasta, lapangan kerja, hilirisasi, investasi asing, ketimpangan, potensi pe…
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Does the world feel like it’s on the brink? Olaf Groth believes we’ve faced similar challenges before—and overcome them.In this episode, he explores why thoughtful policymaking, not hubris-driven innovation, holds the key to navigating our dysfunctional and fragile global systems. From politics and economics to technology, this conversation spans t…
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Join Gita Wirjawan for an extraordinary exploration of non-human intelligence and scientific discovery with Professor Garry Nolan, as he unveils his groundbreaking research into UFO phenomena, AI, and the boundaries of human understanding. From childhood encounters with unexplained experiences to cutting-edge scientific investigations, this convers…
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Di tengah rivalitas Amerika dengan Tiongkok, bagaimana Indonesia harus bersikap?#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #MartyNatalegawa------------------Direkam 14 September 2024 dalam konferensi terbesar siniar kami, Endgame Town Hall.------------------Percakapan sebelumnya dengan Marty: • Marty Natalegawa: ASEAN Must Have a S... Episode Endgame lainnya yang mung…
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In this special episode of Endgame, Gita Wirjawan welcomes back his dear friend, Tony Fernandes, for an in-person conversation after their first online discussion. Tony, the iconic CEO of Capital A (formerly known as AirAsia Group), shares his incredible rebound story after COVID-19, driven by a transparent and productive culture that has made AirA…
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Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, former CEO of Khazanah Nasional, shares his remarkable life journey and insights gained from his 14 years leading Malaysia's sovereign wealth fund. He discusses how his upbringing, education at Cambridge, and early career experiences shaped his principles and approach to leadership. Azman provides a fascinating behind-the-sce…
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In this special episode of Endgame, we sit down with Jessica Tan, former Co-CEO of Ping An, one of the world’s largest and most innovative financial services groups. As part of our series on Southeast Asians who have risen to global prominence through meritocracy, Jessica shares her journey from growing up in Singapore to leading a tech-driven revo…
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Endgame mengunjungi Indra Lesmana Space di Bali untuk berbincang dengan sang adimusikus, Indra Lesmana. Selama hampir dua jam, Gita dan Indra mengupas filosofi hidup, bermusik, dan berseni Indra Lesmana — serta apa yang bisa kita petik darinya.#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #IndraLesmana -----------Gabung Langganan Channel Endgameagar kami dapat terus memb…
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“…Majapahit adalah negeri di mana amnesia bertakhta; para penguasanya telah melupakan pelajaran-pelajaran dari masa lampau.” Begitu gurat penulis dan ekonom Herald van der Linde dalam bukunya, ‘Majapahit: Intrigue, Betrayal and War in Indonesia’s Greatest Empire’ (2024, pp 231).Dalam percakapan ini, Herald dan Gita membahas hikmah yang bisa kita pe…
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Ismail Fajrie Alatas membahas awal mula, puncak, dan kejatuhan Era Keemasan Islam, serta apa pelajaran yang bisa kita petik darinya — mulai dari masa Kekhalifahan Umayyah (680—750 M), Abbasiyah (750—847 M), hingga Utsmaniyah (1517—1924 M).Dalam percakapan ini, Gita dan Ajie juga menyinggung antropologi Islam dan dinamika komunitas Muslim. Termasuk …
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Wakil Presiden Indonesia ke-10 dan ke-12, Bapak Jusuf Kalla, membahas ironi ekonomi, diplomasi, dan pembangunan Indonesia hari ini—serta bagaimana mengatasinya. Beliau juga berbicara soal peran penting kemudi pemimpin negara ke depan. Selain itu, Pak JK berbagi pengalaman uniknya saat masih zaman berkuliah dulu, yaitu menjadi asisten dari asisten M…
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Memimpin bukanlah jalan semua orang. Bukan pula jalan yang mudah. Butuh ketangguhan untuk melalui panjangnya pengembaraan; butuh ketegaran tuk jalani sepinya perjalanan; serta mesti awas dan cerdik kala menyusuri jalur-jalur berbatu nan terjal. Bagaimana seorang pemimpin harus melewatinya? Bekal apa yang harus dibawa? ‘Endgame 200th Episode Special…
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Dayu Dara Permata adalah CEO dan Founder dari property-tech platform, Pinhome. Selama 80 menit, Dara dan Gita Wirjawan mengupas tuntas isu krisis hunian di Indonesia, tantangan sandwich generation untuk membeli rumah, dan bagaimana Pinhome bisa menjadi salah satu solusinya. Pertanyaan besar episode ini: Bagaimana agar 81 juta milenial Indonesia yan…
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Deputy Secretary General of the ASEAN Economic Community, Satvinder Singh, talks about ASEAN from a macroeconomic perspective. Touching the region’s economic initiatives and breakthroughs—from digital economy, carbon neutrality, to inter- and intra-region trade. #Endgame #GitaWirjawan #SatvinderSingh ---------------------- About the Guest: Satvinde…
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Sejarawan senior dan Indonesianis, Peter Carey, membahas Hindia Belanda pada masa penjajahan Daendels dan Raffles. Mulai dari lanskap dunia pada pertengahan abad ke-19, peran Pangeran Diponegoro dalam memperjuangkan kebudayaan Jawa yang adiluhung, serta bagaimana Indonesia modern mesti tampil di hadapan peradaban-peradaban dunia lainnya hari ini. #…
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Join Endgame's first and biggest conference ever!https://www.endgametownhall.com----------------------Join Gita Wirjawan as Singaporean diplomat, founder of the LKY School of Public Policy, and former President of the UN Security Council, Kishore Mahbubani, makes his return to Endgame. In this conversation, Mahbubani explores the intricate dance be…
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Join Endgame's first and biggest conference ever!https://www.endgametownhall.com---------------------- Sanjay Sarma—CEO, President, & Dean of the Asia School of Business—reflects on his intellectually rich childhood, exploring the resurgence of India in the 1980s and the cultural forces that make storytelling central to Indian society. He highlight…
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Join Endgame's first and biggest conference ever!https://www.endgametownhall.com---------------------- Join Gita Wirjawan for an in-depth conversation with Nobel Laureate Walter Gilbert as he shares his extraordinary journey from his early life in Cambridge to his groundbreaking contributions to science. Explore his shift from chemistry to theoreti…
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Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt delves into the transformative potential of AI and its role in evolving global knowledge. Professor Levitt shares his unique journey through the world of molecular biology, highlighting key moments of serendipity and the importance of multidisciplinary research. Additionally, he offers a detailed analysis of the COVID-…
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Thank you to The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School for supporting this episode. Visit the link below to learn more about research, ideas, and leadership programs for a more peaceful world:https://www.belfercenter.org/ About Luminary:Dr. Nicola de Blasio has been involved in the energy world for over twent…
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Thank you to The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School for supporting this episode.Visit the link below to learn more about research, ideas, and leadership programs for a more peaceful world:https://www.belfercenter.org/--------------------Among the myriad trials that besiege humanity, one stands as the most …
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Di balik tirai pentas seni peran, ada ruang intelektual seorang Reza Rahadian — yang jarang diluminasi lampu sorot dan dipotret masyarakat kebanyakan.#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #RezaRahadian ----------------------Catatan episode ini:https://sgpp.me/eps190notes---------------------Kunjungi dan subscribe: @Endgame_Clips @SGPPIndonesia…
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Budaya bukan sekadar dapat dipahami secara rekonstruktif, tetapi juga proyektif. Artinya, interpretasi yang kita lakukan tidak hanya bisa mengungkap makna ekspresi budaya tersebut di masa lampau. Akan tetapi, juga bisa kita refleksikan makna dan kebijaksanannya bagi hari ini dan esok. Seakan-akan, kebudayaan tersebut hidup kembali di hadapan kita.B…
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Thank you to The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School for supporting this episode.Visit the link below to learn more about research, ideas, and leadership programs for a more peaceful world:https://www.belfercenter.org/--------------------About the Episode:A realist’s critique on the “failures” of the US for…
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Thank you to The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School for supporting this episode.Visit the link below to learn more about research, ideas, and leadership programs for a more peaceful world:https://www.belfercenter.org/-------------------Evil and atrocity exist in this world. Therefore, the US must overcome …
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Thank you to The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School for supporting this episode.Visit the link below to learn more about research, ideas, and leadership programs for a more peaceful world:https://www.belfercenter.org/--------------------In the 5th century BC, the Greek historian Thucydides chronicled the P…
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Thank you to The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School for providing support for this episode.Visit the link below to know more about research, ideas, and leadership programs for a more peaceful world:https://www.belfercenter.org/--------------------The future remains a mystery, yet glimpses of it can be foun…
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No country is more fitting to discuss peace, diplomacy, and multilateralism than Mongolia. Despite being geographically and ideologically positioned between Russia and China, Mongolia has the means to stand up for itself and determine its own fate.Endgame proudly presents Mongolia’s former President and Prime Minister, Elbegdorj Tsakhia. He was a c…
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Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ---------------------- Click here to get the “Chip War” book at Periplus bookstore ---------------------- Chris Miller and Gita Wirjawan discuss the technological competition between the US and China, with a fo…
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Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership!Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ---------------------- Chips have been playing a central role in modern societies across the globe. From airplanes to smartphones; from defibrillators to factory robots. It is everywhere. Therefore, it is hard t…
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Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ---------------------- “When there is a clear enough motivation or change, things get done really fast.” Dr. Jimmy Chen, the managing director of Stanford Energy Corporate Affiliates (SECA) at Precourt Institut…
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A study by the V-Dem Institute revealed that by 2023, 71% of the world's population was living under authoritarian regimes, marking a 48% increase in just a decade since 2013.According to senior journalist and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa, this trend is not a coincidence. She believes that leaders in information technology must be he…
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This is the second interview we did with Professor John Mearsheimer on wars and great power politics. Watch the first one here: https://youtu.be/Yl7goPRw_eEIn this second interview with American political scientist and international relations scholar John Mearsheimer, we discussed the current status of the war in Ukraine and prospects for resolutio…
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Professor Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, talks about the future of Southeast Asia’s leadership, geo-economy, and governance.Recorded on September 4th, 2023 as part of ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2023.#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #KlausSchwab----------------------About the host:Gita Wirjawan is an In…
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Imperial College London’s professor, Martin Blunt, talks about the bitter consequences of politicizing the climate issue—that is neglecting the “easy wins” and thus failing to take tangible actions to tackle the crisis. Martin Blunt is a Professor at the Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London. He has been teaching at the…
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Vijay Prashad—Indian historian, journalist, award-winning author, and Executive Director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research—talks about how history can teach us about humanity. Covered in this conversation: What hooked Vijay into writing, the Ukraine-Palestine double standard phenomena, multipolarity, US democracy, de-dollarization, t…
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When complexities are overlooked and shortcuts are frequently taken, the repercussions are often catastrophic. Now, who bears the brunt of such narcissism, naivete, and hubris? Renowned economist Jeffrey David Sachs guides us back to a revitalization of a long-forgotten international political culture: diplomacy. Beyond engaging in difficult conver…
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What is the 'endgame' of armed conflicts? Is it to win the war or to win the peace? Russia’s history expert and author Stephen Kotkin shares his views on the current geopolitical turmoil, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the importance of history in navigating the future world. Stephen Kotkin is a Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for …
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Kepemimpinan. Satu kata yang kerap kali diperebutkan atas nama pengabdian, namun sejatinya tidak lebih dari hanya sekadar memuaskan dahaga kekuasaan. Arsjad Rasjid hadir dan berbicara dalam kapasitas sipilnya. Selama 90 menit percakapan ini, hanya satu hal yang beliau tekankan berulang-ulang. Yaitu, pentingnya memiliki, menjaga, dan menghidupkan ni…
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Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Jack Dorsey and Gita Wirjawan engage in a conversation to explore the intersection of technology, finance, and social impact. These two influential voices discuss how Bitcoin might serve…
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Gabung Langganan Channel Endgame agar kami dapat terus memberikan konten yang berkualitas: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Perluas pola pikir Anda: "Think the Unthinkable by Jenius" ----------------------- Inovasi menjadi kata yang sering kita dengar atau bicarakan di era digital ini. Namun, pernahkah kita benar-benar berpikir …
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Gabung Langganan Channel Endgame agar kami dapat terus memberikan konten yang berkualitas: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Percakapan ini membahas kepemimpinan, pendidikan, dan pembangunan dari kacamata mantan Gubernur NTB dan Ekonom, Zulkieflimansyah. Selain itu, beliau juga menceritakan bagaimana idealisme ketiga hal tersebut…
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Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- A philosophical conversation about the future of AI between an engineer turned investor and an investor turned educator. Peng and Gita also discuss the urgency for Southeast Asia to ramp…
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