A podcast resource providing audio of the most current lectures given at L'Abri Fellowship in Southborough, Massachusetts (USA). For iTunes access, visit http://goo.gl/ZmJnOf
The Thinking Fellows is a 45-minute podcast about theology, philosophy, Christian history, and apologetics. It is hosted by Scott Keith, Caleb Keith, Adam Francisco, and Bruce Hilman. The Thinking Fellows bring high-level subject matters to fun and insightful lay-level conversations each week.
Iglesia Más que Vencedores presenta: Un diálogo sobre aspectos que hacen a nuestro crecimiento, fundamentados sobre la fe. Esto es Fe práctica con el Pastor Emilio Agüero
Welcome to the weekly audio podcast of Fellowship Asheville in Western North Carolina. We are a gospel-centered community creating environments where change is possible. To learn more us, visit our website at fellowshipwnc.com.
Deus nos chama para uma vida de intimidade com Ele, para vivermos está vida precisamos nos entregar de corpo, alma e Espirito, seu chamado para nós nos leva a viver uma vida plena com esperança da vida eterna. Porém para termos o Todo de Deus precisamos abrir mão de nós e de tudo aquilo que nos prende. Esse é um convite para abrir mão do pouco que …
O filme “Ainda estou aqui” tem levantado inúmeras discussões sobre o período da ditadura militar no Brasil, e não poderíamos deixar de comentar sobre esse tema tão importante. No 6º episódio do Fé Pública, Cacau Marques e Tiago Melo falam sobre a história de ditaduras no Brasil, mas principalmente da ditadura militar de 64. Além disso, conversamos …
Most of us prefer joy to destruction. We discuss what it means when we're told that it is joy to the just to do judgment.Also Reference: Luke 6:31, Micah 6:8https://bbfohio.comDe către Gregory A. Miller
YOU’D THINK that being anointed king over the northern tribes because of Solomon’s disobedience to God would have caused Jeroboam to be more careful about his theology. We follow up last week’s study with the consequences of Jeroboam’s decision to set up altars with golden calves. Contrary to some who teach that the golden calves were idols represe…
Christians are people of truth. Jesus came to bear witness to the truth. Those who are of the truth hear his voice (John 18:38) and become witnesses of what they have seen and heard. In other words, believers have something to say.But, like many things speaking well is both a science and an art. We have to both learn what to say and how to say it. …
Discover essential steps for growing in holiness and experiencing God's peace during challenging times. Learn practical ways to reject harmful behaviors like malice, deceit, and envy while developing a genuine hunger for spiritual growth. This powerful message explores the parallels between spiritual nourishment and a newborn's desire for milk, off…
(1) Israel at War 3/23/25: Leftists globally support the wicked and hate Israel. We look at Canada's promise of $100 million as pro-Palestinians burn the Canadian flag. And we look at the internal strife and battles on every side of the borders of Israel as the U.S. renews travel warnings.(2) We clarify the reality regarding the possibility of the …
We continue our study of: Acts 26 As Paul continues his testimony before King Herod Agrippa…Paul moves from his B.C. (Before Christ) days to actually standing BEFORE Jesus Christ:I. The Light (26:12-13)II. The Lord (26:14-17)III. The Purpose (26:18)Also Reference: Psalm 104:1-2, 1 Timothy 6:13-16, 2 Timothy 3:10-12, Mark 10:45, John 16:13https://bb…
Closing Thought: Jesus has risen; He is alive! Because He lives, death loses its sting, and the grave holds no power over those who believe. As believers, we will live eternally with Him in glory—free from pain, sorrow, and sin, embracing perfect harmony and peace with God forever. Our faith is rooted in the truth that Jesus rose from the dead, con…
“ Living for God” Message by James Brown MESSAGE NOTES Colossians 3 The post 2025.3.23 Sunday JP-EN bilingual service first appeared on Kobe Bible Fellowship 神戸バイブルフェローシップ.De către KBF
THE WAY FORWARD: Breaking Barriers: The Spirit's Inclusion Acts 9 & 10 The Holy Spirit empowers believers for witness and service. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, and at Pentecost, the disciples were filled with power and boldness to proclaim the Gospel. This outpouring transformed them from fearful followers to courageous witnesses. Welcome to Sun…