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Radio Fitness Revolucionario

Marcos Vázquez

Cuestionando los dogmas sobre Salud y Fitness para mejorar de verdad tu cuerpo. Hablamos de Dietas, de Ayuno Intermitente, de Entrenamientos Funcionales, de Psicología y en definitiva de Salud Global… con detalle y con verdaderos expertos
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Fitzdog Radio

Greg Fitzsimmons

Fitzdog Radio! Honest funny interviews w/ Greg Fitzsimmons' new and old friends diving deep and laughing hard. Guests include Zach Galifianakis, Joe Rogan, Sarah Silverman, JB Smoove, Chelsea Handler, Nick Swardson, Sebastian, Judd Apatow, Steven Wright, Dave Attell, Louis CK and Bill Burr
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Motivation to Workout, Training Tips for Fast Results, Nutrition for Fat Loss. Separate Fact from Fiction in Fitness! Which exercises work best for body tone and fat burn. Nutrition and diets for healthy weight loss. How to stay motivated to change your body and life!
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Fitness mit M.A.R.K. - Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Ernährung und Motivation fürs Training

Mark Maslow | #DRNBLBR, Fitness Coach und Ingenieur

Dies ist kein Bodybuilding-Podcast. Es geht um eine athletische, gesunde Figur fürs Leben – ohne Druck und Drill, sondern mit einem guten Gefühl. Dich erwarten Tipps und Experteninterviews über Mentaltraining, ausgewogene Ernährung, richtiges Kraft- und Kardiotraining, die Dir helfen, gesund und fit zu leben und nackt gut auszusehen. Bock auf maximale Fitness mit minimalem Stressfaktor? Schon über 30.000 Menschen erhalten Marks Dranbleiber-Newsletter. Hol auch Du Dir auf entspannte Weise meh ...
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forever young - Ernährung, Bewegung, Denken, Gesundheit und Fitness

Dr. Ulrich Strunz, Ulrich G. Strunz, Sprecher: Ralf Bohlmann

Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz ist praktizierender Internist, Molekularmediziner und Gastroenterologe. Mit über 50 veröffentlichten Buchtiteln ist er Deutschlands meistgelesener Arzt und mit seinen News auf erreicht er täglich tausende von Menschen. Ausgewählte News gibt es hier im Podcast nun auch zum Hören. Sprecher ist der Podcaster Ralf Bohlmann.
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer, Justin Andrews, Doug Egge

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitne ...
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40+ Fitness Podcast

Allan Misner

Being over 40 can make getting healthy and fit much harder. The 40+ Fitness Podcast is designed to address various health, fitness, and nutrition topics with you in mind. Your hosts, Allan Misner & Rachel Everett want to encourage, educate and entertain you as you travel on your health and fitness journey. Lose weight over 40. Get fit over 40.
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Fit Strong Women Over 50

Becoming Elli with Chris Brown and Jill McCauslin

Fit Strong Women over 50 podcast for the Becoming Elli Community, hosted by Jill McCauslin and Chris Brown, interview experts and share their insights about losing weight, keeping it off, and working out. Stay fit and strong. Become inspired and motivated. for more motivation, work-out ideas, recipes, tips and inspiration.
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Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an
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Fit 2 Love Podcast Show features fitness, health, dating, relationships, cooking, nutrition, spirituality and all things wellness for the happy life you deserve. Fit 2 Love offers video and audio podcasts to address your holistic life and needs. Get all the motivation and inspiration you need daily here!
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The Fitzness Show

Fitz Koehler

Your bossy blonde fitness pro, author, and race announcer, Fitz Koehler talks about the smart, crazy, effective, and fun stuff in fitness, nutrition, running, racing, healthy cancer comebacks, and more. She also brings on celebrity guests who share the secrets to their success. Listen and earn a lean, hard body that you love.
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Fitness Confidential

Vinnie Tortorich

Fitness and weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich, the author of the best-selling book "Fitness Confidential", dispels the widespread mistaken beliefs regarding weight loss and exercise and teaches us how to lose weight, get fit and reclaim our lives. Using his 35 years of experience in the fitness and weight loss industry in Hollywood combined with an absolute commitment to good health, Vinnie has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world lose hundreds of thousands of unhealthy ...
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Fitness en la Nube

Luis Carballo

En el podcast semanal de Fitness en la Nube podrás escuchar todos los consejos y todas las estrategias para que consigas tus objetivos en el gimnasio. No dejes de entrenar y no dejes de mejorar! Si quieres que resuelva tus dudas, puedes contactar conmigo y las responderé en el siguiente programa. Puedes preguntar todo lo que se te ocurra, dudas con los ejercicios, la alimentación… Te ayudaré y te daré mi opinión sincera para que consigas todos tus objetivos. Únete a las ondas de Fitness en l ...
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Welcome to New Frontiers in Functional Medicine, Longevity & Epigenetics™ where I interview the best minds in functional medicine to discuss the science and research behind medicine, longevity, epigenetics, and so much more. Expect thought-provoking ideas, new research, lots of clinical pearls for practitioners, and step-change information for clinicians and patients. Join us! ~DrKF Copyright © 2023 by KF Education and Consulting, LLC All Rights Reserved
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Get Fit with Jodelle

Jodelle Fitzwater

The Basics of fat Loss, muscle gains, thyroid health, tips and tricks to enhance fat-burning, primal health, holistic nutrition, exercise, metabolism, & Interviews with top doctors/researchers in their field!
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Get-Fit Guy

Move more of your body more often and in more interesting ways with the Get-Fit Guy! If you want to begin an exercise routine and don't know where to start, or if you've been working out for a while and aren't getting the results you want, Kevin Don will give you the tips you need to reach your fitness and movement goals. Get expert information on the latest fitness trends and advice on everything from toning your arms to running a 5K or simply building more movement into your day. With his ...
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Fit for Hiking

Bradee Felton

Where fitness and outdoors meet. In this space we chat all things hiking, exercise, wellness, adventure, motherhood, and metabolic health from a female perspective! Get ready to learn + be inspired to live your fullest, most adventurous life!
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Smart Fitness and Food Radio | Ernährung, Training, Lebensmittel, Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Gesundheit

Marc Drossel - Wöchentliche Episoden mit dem gesunden Wissen! Inspiriert d

Smart Fitness and Food Radio ist DER Podcast für jeden der endlich in Form kommen, gesünder leben, oder einfach seinen Horizont erweitern möchte! Egal ob Mann, Frau, groß, klein, dick, dünn, jung, alt, aktiv, oder träge. Du suchst nach dem leicht anwendbarem Wissen gepaart mit der extra Portion Motivation für eine bessere Gesundheit und einer besseren Figur, z.B. auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, beim Sport oder beim Kochen? Dann ist Smart Fitness and Food Radio der richtige Podcast für dich! In unter ...
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(UPDATED FORTNIGHTLY) Louise Fitzgerald is an Intuitive, Spiritual Coach and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. She helps people find clarity & confidence in life's big moments, break free from limitations, trust themselves and take action. Your personal growth cheerleader in dating, fertility and career & business. The Louise Fitzgerald Podcast is your go-to source for grounded spirituality and practical tips helping you trust & believe in yourself to take decisive action in life. Her quick an ...
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Fitness M/K

Anders Nedergaard, Podads

Fitness M/K er Danmarks første og største podcast om sports, fitness og træning. Den startede som podcast hos det nu hedengangne Radio24syv, men Fitness M/K lever videre som uafhængig podcast. Følg med PhD Anders Nedergaard aka Dr. Muskel ind i træningens verden, hvor vi snakker sportsvidenskab, bodybuilding, fitness, ernæring, sportsernæring og underlige sportsgrene. Kroppen og alle de ting vi gør ved den for at gøre den større, mindre, hurtigere, vildere farligere har altid fascineret menn ...
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Warum sind Muskeln so wichtig? Woran erkennt man einen Muskelabbau? Wie viel Bewegung stärkt das Gehirn? FIT & GESUND MIT PROFESSOR FROBÖSE verrät überraschende Fakten, Tipps und Tricks. In dem Podcast der Zeitschrift HÖRZU verspricht Sportwissenschaftler und Bestseller-Autor Prof. Ingo Froböse: „Wir schauen in den Körper hinein – und sagen, was wir für ihn tun können.“ Außerdem stellt der Experte einfache Übungen für zwischendurch vor – damit jeder FIT & GESUND bleibt. Alle 14 Tage montags neu
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Welcome to the Fit the Description Podcast where various black men come together to talk about life, society, entertainment, culture, news, and whatever else we what to talk about from a variety of black men's perspectives. Podcast Every Monday
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Fit und Faul

Boris von Sychowski und Steffen Schulz

Der Fitness-Podcast für faule. Ein Fitnesstrainer und ein Drehbuchautor. Der eine ist extrem fit, der andere extrem faul. #fitundfaul #teamfit #teamfaul
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Smartare Fitness Podden

Presenteras av Certan

Är du trött på allt fitness-skitsnack? Du ska äta såhär och träna sådär. Du matas av information om den senaste dieten eller mirakelmetoden från alla håll? I den här podden kommer vi utan filter hjälpa dig att se igenom bullshiten och navigera dig i fitnessdjungeln. Enjoy!
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Every founder has 1 goal: find product-market fit. We interview the world's most successful startup founders on the 0 to 1 part of their journeys. We've had the founders of Reddit, Gusto, Rappi, Glean, Cohere, Huntress, and many more. We go deep with entrepreneurs & VCs to provide detailed examples you can steal. Our goal is to understand product-market fit better than anyone on the planet. Rated one of the world's top startup podcasts.
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Das Fitnessmagazin

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Zu müde, um ins Fitness-Training zu gehen? Keine Lust auf Radfahren oder Joggen? Zu wenig Kraft in den Armen oder Beinen oder ein paar Gramm zu viel auf der Waage? Alles kein Problem, denn es gibt ja "Das Fitnessmagazin". Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie, wann, wo und womit man sich am besten fit hält - dann hören Sie rein in "Das Fitnessmagazin".
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Evidensbaseret information om kost, træning og alt derimellem, formidlet på en letforståelig måde, hvor alle kan være med. Videnskab og forskning omsat til konkrete råd og anbefalinger, som du kan bruge med det samme.
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Talking Elite Fitness

Tommy Marquez & Sean Woodland

CrossFit Games Analysts Sean Woodland and Tommy Marquez and Lauren Kalil, bring you all the latest information, updates, and analysis on the sport of fitness, and the CrossFit community.
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show series
Is the salmon on your plate as healthy as you think? This week, Kevin dives into the surprising truths about farmed vs. wild salmon, misinformation in the wellness industry, and why so much of what we accept as fact is actually simulation. With social media fueling the post-truth era, it's more important than ever to question what we see, hear, and…
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Struggling to start your fitness journey? Feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to begin? In today’s episode, I’m breaking down exactly how to go from feeling stuck to building confidence in your workouts and routines. Whether you’ve never exercised before, keep falling off track, or just need a fresh start, this episode will help you create a susta…
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Applications Open for CONNECT: A Couple’s Retreat May 15-19th Find Your Tribe in Empower U- month to month membership Feelings and Needs List JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the creator of the Empowering Minds Network. JJ Flizanes works wit…
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Can you really lose fat with just two workouts a week? What if I told you that snacking could actually help you lose weight? And the biggest obstacle to your progress might just be the voice in your head. In this audio podcast episode, we’re breaking down how to simplify fat loss without the overwhelm. Three segments: Training, Nutrition, and Minds…
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On todays episode Blayne and Kent discuss their top 5 exercises they feel are highly underrated. Like we have discussed previously, all exercises can be useful under the right circumstances. On this episode we get into why we feel like our top 5 is so valuable and hope to shed some light on why you should be incorporating them into your workout rou…
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In this chapter Gee’s having a bad day, asking about if you're going through a midlife crisis, being an adult, we discuss the first few weeks of the new/former president, we debate is education an opportunity, we discuss entertainment, and we end with a really good message to start off this season. 0:00 Opening 0:21 Introduction 1:52 4:33 nonchalan…
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This first time founder just raised a $38 million Series A. The crazy part is that for all of 2021, 2022, 2023, he had almost no revenue. He spent all that time building and pivoting. Finally he launched in 2024—and it blew up. I saw his LinkedIn post and his revenue chart doesn't look like a hockey stick... it looks like straight a vertical line. …
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If Someone Wants to Go from Dad Bod to Fit at 40, What Are the First 7 Steps They Should Take? If someone wants to go from dad bod to fit at 40, what are the first 7 steps they should take? #1 - Lift weights. (1:08) #2 - Eat ONLY real food. (6:11) #3 - Eat protein first. (8:20) #4 - Eat veggies second for every meal. (13:18) #5 - Get consistent sle…
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Liebe bringt nicht nur die Hormone durcheinander - auch der Körper scheint verrückt zu spielen, wenn wir verliebt sind. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen über die erste Liebe – aber auch über Liebeskummer. Und darüber, was passiert, wenn unser Herz bricht. Ja, das kann wirklich passieren! Das sind die Themen in dieser Folge des Gesundheitspodcasts: (01:3…
  continue reading Der Fitness-Podcast für faule 00:00 - Das Universum 00:18 - Einfach trainieren 01:04 - Im Fitness-Studio kann man sich auch schämen 01:58 - Steffen ist ein strukturierter Mensch 02:24 - Das muss Boris auch in die Ehe integrieren 02:49 - Selbstbewusstsein im Fitness-Studio 03:48 - Boris ist schon ausgestiegen 04:18 - Man braucht a…
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In this episode, Ryan and Caileen engage discuss the upcoming three-part series on fit modeling for beginners. They share insights on the competition journey, including the importance of feedback, suit regulations, and the costs associated with competing. Caileen emphasizes the need for proper gear, particularly suits and heels, and the significanc…
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In episode #172 Jill and Chris explore quick go-to dinners that are easy to make and healthy for those nights that you are rushed and tempted to make less healthy choices. We feature go to dinners from: Amanda Nighbert - episode #96 Living Energized and Nourished with Amanda Nighbert Carol Simpson - episode #109 Rock Climbing and Yoga Jone Carpente…
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In der 42. Folge verrät Prof. Ingo Froböse, wie die „Müllabfuhr“ unseres Körpers funktioniert, welche Lebensmittel die Reinigung von innen anregen, was wirklich hinter Detox steckt, wie gefährlich ein Abführmittel für die gesunde Darmflora sein kann und mit welchen Bewegungen wir unsere Lymphe zum Fließen bringen. Plus kleine Übungen für zwischendu…
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The 5 Secret Advantages of Old Experienced Lifters The 5 Secret Advantages of Old Experienced Lifters. (1:34) #1 - You can get the same or better results with lighter weight. (1:54) #2 - Muscle memory. (10:32) #3 - Keeping muscle requires far less work. (18:28) #4 - The difference between you and your peers becomes massive. (24:22) #5 - You know yo…
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We had shows on MTV at the same time in the 90’s and have stayed close ever since. Doesn’t get much better than an hour with the Sklar Brothers! Follow the Sklar Brothers on Instagram @sklarbrothers Watch my special "You Know Me" on YouTube! Twitter: @GREGFITZSHOW Instagram @GREGFITZSIMMONS FITZDOG.COM Do us a favor and …
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We had shows on MTV at the same time in the 90’s and have stayed close ever since. Doesn’t get much better than an hour with the Sklar Brothers! Follow the Sklar Brothers on Instagram @sklarbrothers Watch my special "You Know Me" on YouTube! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out: https://r…
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Episode 2608: In this episode, Vinnie Tortorich and Chris Shaffer discuss how ketones fight cancer cells, another claim made by a GLP-1 med, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Ketones Fight Cancer Cells Chris Stapleton …
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Hoy hablo con mi hermano, Pablo Vázquez, sobre cómo prepararnos para un mundo dominado por la IA.Algunos de los temas que tocamos:- Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI) vs. Super Inteligencia Artificial (ASI).- ¿Podrán desarrollar consciencia las máquinas?- La nueva guerra fría: EE.UU, China, DeepSeek...- ¿Se están quedando atrás Europa y España?-…
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Starting fitness is hard. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about five reasons why it feels this way. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The downfall of the fitness industry: DON’T listen to people who do these three things. (2:34) The #1 benefit of personal training. (23:19) Introducing MAPS Transformation. (27:27) Why is poor sleep so common? (32:39) The flaw in the recent Jeff …
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On episode 682 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Ben Carpenter and discuss his book, Fat Loss Habits: The No Bullsh*t Guide to Losing Weight. Join us as we discuss Ben's research-driven approach simplifies the science behind fat loss, helping you to develop sustainable habits and reach your fitness goals. Ben shares insights on the importance of …
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Walking with someone offers a bunch of benefits. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about those and then shares we he prefers walking alone. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. Vis…
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I serien af programmer om de forskellige typer af tilpasninger der sker i de forskellige væv med træning har jeg haft Nikolai Nordsborg, lektor på københavns universitet, i studiet. Udsendelsen handler om hvad der sker med blodet og blodets funktion med træning på den korte såvel som den lange bane. Vi kommer til at snakke om hvad der er den driven…
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Kennst Du das Gefühl, wie gefangen in einem Teufelskreis aus Stress, Schlaflosigkeit und Überforderung zu stecken? Woher nimmt man die Energie für Sport und gesunde Ernährung, wenn die Batterien leer sind? Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse verrät, wie Du Dir Deine Energie in den Alltag – und ins Training zurückholst. ____________ *WERBUNG: AG1 (by Athletic Gr…
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Episode 2607 - Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino give you a Running 101 guide to help get you started for 5Ks and beyond, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Running 101 Anna’s StartEngine opportunity closes on Monday February 24th, 202…
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Are you tired of falling short of your goals? Do you find yourself constantly making excuses for why you’re not where you want to be in life? In this empowering episode of The Fitness Beginner Podcast, we’re diving into the real reasons people make excuses, why those excuses hold them back, and how to overcome them once and for all.From “I don’t ha…
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Who knew protein could be such a superstar? In this episode, Liam O'Toole takes us on a journey through the world of protein, busting myths and sharing insights that will make you rethink your plate. Kicking things off with a dash of humour, Liam reflects on his early days of protein supplementation and the raised eyebrows it caused at home. But fe…
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Dave unpacks a recent inspiring comment about walking during today's ten-minute walk. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Si te duele la parte interior del codo, es posible que tengas «codo de golfista», una tendinitis que puede aparecer aunque nunca hayas tocado un palo de golf. A mí me pasó, y conseguí recuperarme al 100% siguiendo ciertos pasos que te voy a contar. ¿Qué es el Codo de Golfista y Por Qué Aparece? El codo de golfista es un…
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This is a re-release of one of the listener favourites. My interview with Ashley Torrent. (original air date: 19.08.2023) Ashley Torrent is a Psychospiritual Counselor and Intuitive Medium, Co-Host of The Blue Butterfly Effect Podcast and The Practice of Love Podcast. "When we weave together psychological understanding and spirituality, we are able…
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JD Vance takes on Da Pope, Hollywood takes on Kanye, and Ellen DeGeneres takes on her neighbors. Then Arnold compares his penis to his son’s.. Watch Greg’s new special, “You Know Me” and subscribe on YouTube! Email caption submissions to subject line: “Comic Contest” Get the Sunday Papers coozie: Venmo: @gibbonstime $10 In th…
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Do you ever feel bored? What do you do? During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about he's working to make walking one of the first things he thinks about doing when boredom creeps in. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Lov…
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The are very real dangers to a sedentary lifestyle. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about five of these. Watch the latest Walking is Fitness YouTube video HERE Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The top 5 plateau busters! (1:48) Cheat vs. strict curls. Which are better for progress? (20:11) Omega-3s can slow the aging process. (27:39) Real vs lab-created shilajit. (30:29) Creatine and head trauma. (34:54) Cannabis legalization/rehab incre…
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Episode 2606 - Vinnie Tortorich speaks to listener Angie Packer and discusses getting results, vegan documentaries, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Getting Results Angie didn’t have a lot of weight to lose, bu…
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Tintaglia and Reyn Khuprus grow closer during their search for Malta. The Rain Wilder's dragon traits are becoming more pronounced and he manages to dream of Malta, connecting with her. She is still onboard the pirate's ship and needs to convince Satrap Cosgo to play along with her to be able to save them both. We're reading Ship of Destiny by Robi…
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