Food with a side of science and history. Every other week, co-hosts Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley serve up a brand new episode exploring the hidden history and surprising science behind a different food- or farming-related topic, from aquaculture to ancient feasts, from cutlery to chile peppers, and from microbes to Malbec. We interview experts, visit labs, fields, and archaeological digs, and generally have lots of fun while discovering new ways to think about and understand the world t ...
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Weil immer irgendwas ist, muss auch jede Woche darüber gesprochen werden. Das hier ist euer 360-Grad-Qualitätspodcast mit Till Reiners und Moritz Neumeier. Klemmt die Türklingel ab, denn hierbei wollt ihr nicht gestört werden.
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Gästriklands historia och historier i både vidskepelse och verklighet.
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Independent GI physicians and administrative leaders discuss issues that impact gastroenterology.
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GÁSTRICO es un punto de encuentro y de partida. Música y cultura pop audiovisual. Curaduría humana. GÁSTRICO: De aquí a todas partes.®
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Worldly opinions on current events
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Join John Gaskins for the hottest sports news from Sioux Falls and beyond.
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New podcast weblog fhdhdjjfjfm
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A weekly podcast on the impacts of digital on the oil and gas industry.
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Gas Erhop is een podcast over bier verzorgd door Dennis, Roy en Simon (AKA Bieromaniac). Afwisselend spitsen we ons in ca. 30 minuten toe op een thema rondom craft beer (ambachtelijk gebrouwen speciaal bier, red.) of dompelen we ons volledig onder in een specifieke bierstijl.
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Buch, Film, Theater, Musik oder Kunst: lernen Sie den Menschen dahinter kennen!
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Podcasts of the American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
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Un podcast destiné à tous les passionnés de gastronomie ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass jeder Mensch ein Teil eines größeren göttlichen Ganzen ist, verändert sich unsere Perspektive auf Erfolg grundlegend. Anstatt Erfolg als etwas Externes zu betrachten, das wir erreichen müssen, wird er zu einer inneren Erfahrung, die aus der Verbindung mit diesem größeren Ganzen entsteht. Wenn wir Erfolg im Business-Kontext aus der Perspektive des universellen Göttlichen betrachten, eröffnet sich ein völlig neuer Raum für Möglichkeiten. Es geht nicht mehr nur dar ...
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Ein neues Buch, ein bevorstehendes Konzert oder eine interessante Geschichte: Prominente Menschen erzählen über ihr Leben. Täglich von Montag bis Freitag in "Radio NÖ am Vormittag" zwischen 11.00 und 12.00 Uhr.
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The weekly message from Gas Street, we are a church with a vision to be ‘Light for the City’. Lead pastors Tim and Rachel Hughes.
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Donut's Nolan Sykes and Joe Weber walk you through incredible stories behind your favorite cars and manufacturers. Episodes include underground Japanese racing clubs, bitter racing rivalries, and how some of your favorite classic cars came to be. Listen and find out why Past Gas is the #1 automotive podcast on Apple. For advertising opportunities please email We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: Privacy Pol ...
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Dein Podcast für bedürfnisorientiertes Zusammenleben mit Hund. Eine Gassirunde lang Wissen über Hundetraining der heutigen Zeit. Fair, bedürfnisorientiert und ganz sicher ohne Machtgehabe. Neues aus der Forschung und viele praktische Tipps für dein harmonisches Zusammenleben mit Hund.
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Un grupo de colegas , hablando sobre la vida, sobre temas que les inquietan y les quitan el sueño. Experiencias personales, terrenales y extrasensoriales. Mucho humor e ironía...ganas de pasarlo bien y de tomarnos las cosas con filosofía.
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Oil and Gas This Week is the show for busy oil pros who want to quickly keep their finger on the pulse of the industry.
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Industry veteran and Houston API Chairman Russell Stewart brings listeners a show that explores what some would argue is the most important facet of our industry—health and safety. With a steady lineup of expert guests, this show covers a broad range of real-world HSE topics.
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Caffeine and Kilos presents Gas Station Cappuccino, a podcast about life, fitness, business, and more! Hosted by Dean Saddoris and Danny Lehr, Gas Station Cappuccino covers everyday conversations about Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, powerlifting, and growing a business in the fitness industry. Please contact us at with any questions or requests. #caffeineandkilos #gasstationcappuccino #gscap
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Häng med oss här och på instagram @gastricfantastic_podd Det blir kul! Mimmi och Milla pratar om livet före och efter överviktsoperation. Vad händer med en människa när man går från att ha varit sjuk i fetma till att bli frisk och accepterad. Mimmi är alltid lite hetsig och Milla tycker om att skratta.
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Conversations with spiritually awakening people.
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Il podcast domenicale di aneddoti, racconti, notizie, attualità, analisi sul mondo delle corse, non solo sulla MotoGP. Giovanni Zamagni e i suoi ospiti vi aspettano ogni domenica su e, ora, anche in podcast!
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Because all who eat, do so to move. We move in search of the next meal, the next idea, the next big thing. Join us as we uncover what moves experts on gut brain matters.
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As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the Gas Product Services Podcast! At Gas Product Services, we offer sales, service and installation of gas grills, gas lights, gas logs and a variety of outdoor fire features, like fire pits, fire bowls, luau torches and tiki torches.
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Welcome to Energy Sector Heroes! This podcast is all about showcasing stand-out individuals in the energy sector and their inspiring careers. If you're interested in making a name for yourself in the energy industry, this is the perfect show for you. Each episode, we'll sit down with a different energy sector hero and learn about their journey to success, the challenges they faced along the way, and the valuable lessons they learned. From engineers and scientists to executives and entreprene ...
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Historias, lecturas e ideas conectadas a través de la comida. Gastropolítica es un podcast escrito, narrado y editado por Maxi Guerra.
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Herzlich Willkommen bei Gas, Wasser, Diso eurem Anästhesie-Repetitorium in Podcast-Form. Wir möchten euch hier in kurzen, übersichtlichen Episoden die Themenbereiche nahebringen mit denen ihr im Arbeitsalltag ständig zu tun habt. Neue Folgen gibt es alle zwei Wochen Sonntags (mit Glück). Kontakt: Instragram:
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This series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing medical oncologists and hematologists with ongoing access to the perspectives and opinions of national and international clinical investigators with expertise in gastrointestinal cancers.
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Cooking and culture, intrigue and debt. Follow food journalist Oscar Yasui on a relativistic road trip. Gastronaut is a narrative science fiction podcast about a food journalist’s galactic misadventures. Gastronaut is complete, come have a listen!
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Der Expertentalk zu den wichtigsten und spannendsten Themen aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Kultur und Politik!
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Ausführliche Interviews zu aktuellen Anlässen aus den Ö1 Journalen.
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The Namibia Oil and Gas Podcast is your weekly gateway to the latest news and developments shaping Namibia’s dynamic oil and gas sector.
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Recepty a nápady, jak si jídlem zlepšit den. Všechno z tématu Jídlo a gastronomie můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Oil and Gas Industry Leaders host Paige Wilson leads listeners into the minds of some of the Industry’s greatest executives. OGIL dives into the musings behind the brightest minds in Oil and Gas. What are some lessons that they as successful leaders can share with us? Tune in to find out!
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«Musik für einen Gast» – die besondere Talkshow auf SRF 2 Kultur: Ein Mensch und seine Musik. Persönlichkeiten – ob aus Kultur, Wissenschaft, Sport, Politik oder Wirtschaft – erzählen über ihr Leben, ihren Beruf, ihre Träume und Visionen und vor allem über die Musik, die sie geprägt hat und ihnen wichtig ist.
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Any and everything that is going on, In todays WORLD..
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Providing financial planning strategies for oil and gas professionals. Justin and Jared talk through ideas to optimize investments, lower future taxes, and grow your wealth. If you work at or recently retired from a large Oil & Gas company, this podcast is for you. Justin Brownlee and Jared Machen are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals with Brownlee Wealth Management, a fee-only firm dedicated to those in the Oil & Gas profession. Learn more and subscribe today at brownleewealthmanag ...
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The Oil & Gas Journal ReEnterprised podcast addresses issues facing the petroleum industry in a way that highlights its transformation in light of the energy transition to a net-zero carbon future, as well as the ongoing evolution to a more inclusive and equitable society. With in-depth perspectives from OGJ editors and guests from all facets of the business, the podcast will explore and discuss the ways operators, service companies, and their employees from this historically very traditiona ...
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Gastronomipodden är en ny podcast med Pierre Orsander, matskribent på som värd. I avsnitten kan du hänga med Pierre när han gästar kända kockar, gastronomer samt foodies och pratar om gastronomi och mat i allmänhet.
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Energy markets are undergoing a profound transformation. With demand shifting, new energy sources emerging, and digital infrastructure consuming more power than ever, the need for accurate, data-driven decision-making has never been greater. Companies must now navigate uncertainty with smarter forecasting tools, leveraging AI and real-time analytic…
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Oil and Gas This Week | March 19 2025 | Ep 371
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33:07Sponsored by Cognite – EPA Launches Biggest Deregulatory Action in U.S. History Trade Wars Begin as U.S. Tariffs on Canada and Mexico Come Into Effect…
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Proactive SIF Prevention – Incidents versus Injuries | Ep 309
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29:29In this episode, Erika Gwilt, a serious injury and fatality analyst at DEKRA, discusses the company’s century-long commitment to safety across various industries, particularly in oil and gas. She emphasizes the importance of behavior-based safety initiatives, leadership responsibility in safety culture, and the need for proactive measures to preven…
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Market Focus: How Trump energy policies are reshaping the domestic and global energy landscape
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11:21In this Market Focus episode of the Oil & Gas Journal ReEnterprised podcast, Conglin Xu, Managing Editor-Economics, discusses how energy policies of the new Trump administration are reshaping the domestic and global energy landscape. Since his inauguration, Pres. Trump has has wasted no time in rolling out orders and policies, and the energy sector…
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Taking Charge of Your Career: Lessons on Growth and Industry Change with Paulo Lenci | Energy Sector Heroes
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36:03Moving from one industry to another isn’t always easy—especially in the energy sector, where companies often prefer hiring from within their own field. In this episode of Energy Sector Heroes, I speak with Paulo Lenci, a sales director in the renewable energy space, about how he successfully transitioned from the automotive industry to wind energy.…
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CrossFit is for sale?! GSC 177
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46:23dean and danny talk about the new CF rumors about a sale.De către Caffeine and Kilos
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Black Vampire!! by Rotten Apple ProductionsDe către Rotten Apple Productions
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Thanks to Allstate for sponsoring today’s episode! Click here to check Allstate first and see how much you could save on car insurance. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Join us as we take a look at a versatile chassis…
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As Tim continues to look at the vision of Gas Street Church he explores what ‘Faith for a city’ might look like. What could God do in our time, in our city? How might we best partner with him in seeing an awakening? How does worship and prayer unlock God’s kingdom in our midst?De către Tim Hughes
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2025 Daytona 200 RecapDe către pinthegas
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Lucio Cecchinello, la Honda, Marquez, il futuro
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21:34Come pilota, ha vinto 7 GP in 125, come team manager ha conquistato 4 successi in MotoGP. Oggi parliamo di Lucio Cecchinello e del team LCR: io sono lo Zam, questo è #atuttogas il #podcast domenicale di Moto.itDe către -
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Tower Resources Expands, Pancontinental spends US$5m on exploration in PEL 87 in the Orange Basin, Hyphen Hydrogen Energy Powering Local Growth, Hyphen’s Commitment to Local Skills Development
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7:42Welcome to Episode 12 of the Namibia Oil and Gas podcast looks at this week's headlines including Tower Resources Expands Offshore Holdings, T, Pancontinental spends US$5m on exploration in PEL 87 in the Orange Basin. We also discuss Hyphen Hydrogen Energy Powering Local Growth and Hyphen Hydrogen Energy’s Commitment to Local Skills Development If …
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Zware Bieren, met o.a. Gladiator, Kanon en Atlas
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1:12:15Grote stappen snel thuis, cultbier, of zwerverbier. Zo maar wat termen die rondom de bierstijl van de aflevering de ronde doen. In deze aflevering bespreken we de zogeheten Moutlikeuren, op Untappd bekend onder de noemer Malt Liquor, Strong Lager of Eurostrong. Ooit misschien wel begonnen als een prachtige introductie van de doorsnee bierdrinker, i…
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Retire in Five with Scott Darling - Ep. 98
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56:34In this episode, we sit down with Scott Darling to discuss his 35-year career at ExxonMobil, the Retire in 5 Yammer group for ExxonMobil employees approaching retirement, and how Scott worked through his retirement readiness. For more information and show notes visit: Connect With Us: Facebook - https://www.faceb…
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Andrew McMurray on Oil and Gas Industry Leaders Podcast | Ep 182
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26:46In this episode, sponsored by Fifth Ring, Paige sits with Andrew McMurray, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ShearFRAC, to discuss his journey in the Oil and Gas Industry and experiences in leadership. Episode Links Get a Free OGGN Sticker! Fifth Ring Website Andrew McMurray’s LinkedIn ShearFRAC Website Fifth Ring One-Question Survey https:…
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Del CAP, de cagadas publicitarias, de cine, de compras maestras y mas cositas. H.C.G-T7-Ep 5
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3:09:20Por lo pelos hemos grabado en el mes de febrero.....¿sabéis lo que el curso del CAP? algunos fijo que si, para el resto aquí estamos nosotros para sacaros de vuestra ignorancia galopante. Continuando con nuestra labor formativa, os traeremos de la mano de Daniel, algunos pufos de marketing. Domingo nos cuenta una mala experiencia con una compra onl…
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Have a pool? Well then you get some fire by the pool with a fire pit or fire in your water feature. On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about a firepit for the backyard or by the swimming pool. If you have an old firepit that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ …
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