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Geração 90

Júlia Palha

Júlia Palha abre as portas à geração que cresceu com a revolução digital e que vive ansiosa em relação ao futuro. No Geração 90, fala-se de forma leve do peso que acarretam os sonhos e as expectativas. Todas as terças-feiras novos episódios.
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This is your year-round cycling feed! Geraint Thomas has started the world's biggest cycling club. And you’re all invited. Follow the Tour de France winner and amateur rider Tom Fordyce as they take you on a fascinating ride round some of the biggest stories and guests throughout the off-season. And once racing gets under way, join former team-mates and best mates Luke Rowe and Geraint as they bring you banter, guests and inside information from the heart of the peloton like no one else.
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Hosted by Gerald Celente, Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the Trends Journal. Celente is world renowned as today's #1 Trend Forecaster, with a 40-year track record of identifying, tracking. and forecasting trends. A political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is “think for yourself,” observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are — not for the way he wants ...
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Mentoring with Geraldine

Geraldine Headley

Mentoring with Geraldine is a bite-sized online practitioner podcast for naturopaths, nutritionists, herbalists and practitioners. With over 27 years in the healthcare industry, Geraldine has unique insights to support you, the practitioner. This podcast responds to the needs of the practicing natural therapist, with interviews, herbal monographs, business support and clinical education discussions each month, you’ll get the variety you need to stay motivated in practice.
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A war breaks out, a leader emerges, a revolution unfolds. How did it happen, and what are the implications for you? Two award-winning journalists with decades of experience reporting on major world events, Geraldine Doogue and Hamish Macdonald join forces for a fresh conversation about global news and how to make sense of it. Along with expert guests, they take a single topic and examine it with Australian eyes. Challenging, thoughtful and fun, Global Roaming is your user's guide to what the ...
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Geração 70

Bernardo Ferrão

Não é um podcast de política ou de economia, nem de artes ou ciência. É uma conversa solta com os protagonistas de hoje que nasceram na década de 70. A geração que está aos comandos do país ou a caminho. Aqui falamos de expectativas e frustrações. De sonhos concretizados e dos que se perderam. Um retrato na primeira pessoa sobre a indelével passagem do tempo, uma viagem dos anos 70 até aos nossos dias conduzida por Bernardo Ferrão.
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What They Don't Want you to Know About Money. WTDWYTKAM Podcasts from Gerald centred on Personal Financial Planning, Wealth Creation and Career Development. Gerald is an Entrepreneur, Wealth Planning and Global Speaker. Gerald is active in the media and supports financial literacy by contributing as a published author, International Speaker, Entrepreneur, Freelance financial journalist and providing expert commentary with his own TV shows and radio spots. to boo ...
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In an ever evolving world faced with limitless traumas Counselor Gerald Mcgee (of Everyday People Individual and Family Counseling Center) presents "Therapy Is Life". A Podcast focused on dealing with issues we live with through the power of therapy. Hopefully shedding the stigma surrounding counseling and shedding light on why its a tool we all can use.
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St Andrews Church Geraldine‘s Podcast

St Andrews Church Geraldine

Missed the Sunday message or want to check out our church’s messages? Welcome to the St Andrew’s Geraldine online podcast. We have all our recent messages and series located here for you to subscribe or select from as we dive into the Word of God together. St Andrew’s is a thriving church in the Geraldine community catering for all ages. Check out our webpage for more as we strive to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Gerald Brooks, the founding pastor of Grace Outreach Center in Plano, Texas, is well-known internationally for his passionate heart to mentor other pastors.Pastor Brooks hosts the annual North Texas Leadership Conference in Plano, drawing ministers from all over the nation. He teaches leadership across the country through church growth seminars, including John Maxwell’s Breaking the 500 and 1000 Barrier conferences. Pastor Brooks’ regional roundtables and monthly leadership subscriptions pro ...
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Geração 80

Francisco Pedro Balsemão

Livres e sonhadores, os anos 80 em Portugal foram marcados pela consolidação da democracia e uma abertura ao mundo impulsionada pela adesão à CEE. Foram anos de grande criatividade, cujo impacto ainda hoje perdura. Apesar dos bigodes, dos chumaços e das permanentes, os anos 80 deram ao mundo a melhor colheita de sempre? Neste podcast, damos voz a uma série de portugueses nascidos nessa década brilhante, num regresso ao futuro guiado por Francisco Pedro Balsemão, nascido em 1980
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Мы создали свой подкаст для людей, которые хотят знать все обо всем. Если вы такой человек-вам у нас понравится. Добро пожаловать!
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Beim Einschlafen beginnen oft die Gedanken zu kreisen. Schlafstörungen sind vorprogrammiert. Lässt durch Geräusche zum Einschlafen zu deiner Routine werden, fokussierst du dich auf nur auf den Augenblick. Kein gestern, kein morgen, nur der Moment. Die schönsten und vielleicht absordesten Geräusche zusammengetragen von Marco König (Podcast: Entspannt einschlafen" und (Ab ins Bett - Die tägliche Gute Nacht Geschichte). Komm mit auf eine Reise und schlummere zum Meeresrauschen ein oder leg dich ...
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De Grote Gwen en Geraldine Show

Gwen van Poorten / Geraldine Kemper / Tonny Media

Gwen van Poorten en Geraldine Kemper kennen elkaar al vanaf hun eerste stappen in de media. Nu hebben ze hun eigen, hoogstpersoonlijke show, waarin ze elkaar nog beter leren kennen. Ze vragen elkaar: hoe gaat het nou echt met je? Ze delen hun vriendschap graag met anderen, door een luisterend oor te bieden aan luisteraars met een prangende roep om advies; of met een gênant verhaal, want vriendinnen delen natuurlijk ook hun hete thee. Daarnaast deelt Geraldine, die momenteel de wereld rondrei ...
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Hosted by Gretchen Geraghty where you'll hear an hour of conversation ranging from current favorites, and positive thoughts to deep topics about life, relationships, and being totally open and real. Gretchen is occasionally joined by guests in her personal or professional life to keep things interesting. She chats like she does with her friends and is overwhelmingly positive. Subscribe for a new podcast every Friday! For business inquiries email
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Gerardo Mendez

heeeeyyyy friends the best sessions the Halloween ,,, Artist..Gerardo ,,,, Mexico DF condesa 2o12 enjoy!!!!! for ITUNES DOWNLOAD coming soon ......
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Podcast 'ruang gerak' ini menjadi sebuah media bagi saya seorang single parent, pekerja, ibu rumah tangga, untuk berbagi cerita, sharing tentang apa yang saya dapat. Ruang gerak dari kegelisahan, kebahagiaan, kesedihan, sukacita dan lainnya...nikmati dan berbagilah...
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Essa Geração

Fundação Tide Setubal

A sétima temporada do podcast Essa Geração é realizada por meio de parceria entre a Tide Setubal e o Geledés - Instituto da Mulher Negra. Desta vez, o tema central é a pluralidade cultural. A temporada é composta por cinco episódios sobre as relações da cultura com o cotidiano em áreas diversas, como multiculturalismo, encruzilhadas culturais, oralidade, influência afrodiaspórica e transformação social por meio de equipamentos e coletivos culturais. Ficou interessade? Fique por dentro da tem ...
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Unser Podcast ist darauf ausgelegt, Ihnen zu helfen, friedlich einzuschlafen, indem beruhigende Naturklänge wie Regen, Gewitter, Wasserfälle, Meereswellen und das Knistern von Feuer abgespielt werden. Diese Klänge haben eine beruhigende Wirkung, reduzieren Stress und Angst und fördern eine bessere Schlafqualität. Regelmäßiges Hören schafft eine entspannende Atmosphäre, die das Einschlafen erleichtert und hilft, den Stress des Tages hinter sich zu lassen. Durch die Einbindung unseres Podcasts ...
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Há uma geração com novos ângulos, preocupações e ideias que merece ser ouvida. Diana Duarte dá a conhecer jovens com neurónios saltitantes, com sentido crítico, especialistas nas suas áreas. É um programa aconselhável a quem está farto de ouvir sempre as mesmas vozes a opinar na rádio.
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show series
10 Uhr Neben Lobpreis und Predigt feiern wir gemeinsam das Abendmahl. Durch persönliche Beiträge hast du die Möglichkeit den Gottesdienst mitzugestalten. Der Gottesdienst findet in der ungeraden Kalenderwoche statt. 16 Uhr Moderner Lobpreis, eine lebensnahe Predigt und eine gemütliche Lounge zeichnen unseren Gottesdienst am Nachmittag aus. Der Gott…
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Tauchen Sie ein in einen üppigen Wald, in dem Vogelgesang und sanftes Rascheln des Windes durch die Bäume mit dem leisen Murmeln fließenden Wassers verschmelzen. Diese natürliche Atmosphäre hüllt Sie in tiefe Ruhe, perfekt, um den Geist zu beruhigen und in den Schlaf zu gleiten. Lassen Sie sich von diesen Klängen in einen erholsamen und regeneriere…
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The beginning of the year is the perfect opportunity to hit reset and plan ahead for a successful practice. In this episode, Geraldine shares how taking the time to reflect on your goals, understand your numbers, and align with distributors that share your values can boost your practice’s growth. Plus, hear about the ways Geraldine supports practit…
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Tauchen Sie ein in die Ruhe eines sanften Flusses, wo Wasser leise über Steine fließt und von schattenspendenden Bäumen umgeben ist. Diese beruhigende natürliche Melodie hüllt Sie in eine entspannende Atmosphäre, ideal zum Abschalten und Einschlafen. Lassen Sie sich von diesem fließenden Rhythmus in einen Zustand tiefer Entspannung und Frieden trag…
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Gwen ontmoette een man die haar na een lang gesprek uitnodigde op zijn privé-eiland. Gelukkig heeft ze te veel true crime en CSI Miami gekeken om daar op in te gaan. Geraldine ontdekte tijdens haar motortrip het fenomeen 'olifantentol'. Door een ingestuurde vraag hebben de twee het over botox. En surprise, surprise: Gwen is fan. 🎬 Geproduceerd door…
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Sanfte Meereswellen schlagen langsam gegen die Küste und schaffen einen stetigen und beruhigenden Rhythmus, der Ruhe hervorruft. Ihr sanftes Flüstern entführt Ihren Geist aus dem Alltagsstress und fördert einen tiefen und erholsamen Schlaf. Lassen Sie sich von diesen maritimen Klängen wiegen, die Gelassenheit und natürliche Ruhe hervorrufen. Diese …
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Nasceu em novembro de 1995, em Lisboa. Quando era pequeno gostava de arquitetura e de construção civil. É filho de jornalistas e crescer no meio de livros, do jazz e da música clássica aguçou-lhe o gosto pela política e jornalismo. Estudou Ciência Política, no Instituto de Estudos Políticos da Universidade Católica. Começou a escrever para o Jornal…
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Dieses beruhigende Gewittergeräusch, kombiniert mit sanftem Regen, schafft eine einhüllende und entspannende Nachtatmosphäre. Entferntes Donnergrollen und gleichmäßige Regentropfen laden zu einem tiefen, erholsamen Schlaf ein. Lassen Sie sich von dieser Klanglandschaft in ein friedliches Refugium entführen, perfekt, um den Geist vor dem Schlafen zu…
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so they ran a battery of tests on my head yesterday and I’m thrilled to report the results revealed NOTHING. You have no idea how many years I have waited to use that line. Even better, the MRI contraption made some glorious churning sounds, so much so that I contemplated asking the machine out for coffee to see if we could make a deal to release s…
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