Gravel Union Talks is a podcast series full of inspiring stories, news and events from the world of gravel biking. Each month hosts Carlo and Olly will be chatting with guests who are passionate about riding off the beaten track… adventure riding, bike packing and gravel racing.
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If you are a fan of gravel cycling, this is the podcast for you. Amanda Nauman and Bill Schieken talk gravel racing, gear, race profiles, recaps, preparation, and all things gravel bike riding.
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Girls Gone Gravel is a community of women empowered to chase their big adventures.
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Fødderne i pedalerne, kamera over skulderen og grus i hjernen. Derude er en gravel podcast der stiller skarpt på oplevelserne, grejet og ikke mindst livsstilen. Derude aka Yonder er et livsstils projekt af Paw Friis og Nick Dehn der langsomt bevæger sig ud på dybt vand i cykelsportens verden, og forsøger at dokumentere vores rejse med alt hvad vi kommer fra, subkulturer, foto, video, design, kreativitet og ikke mindst dårlig kondi.
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Es geht hier viel um Rennrad-, Gravelbike, Bikepacking und Triathlon. Oft gehen wir sehr in die Tiefe, vor allem bei nerdigen Technik-Themen. Für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Sportler ist immer etwas dabei! Viele Erfahrungsberichte, persönliche Meinungen, interessante Interview-Gäste und viele persönliche Trainings-, Bikepacking und Sport-Abenteuererfahrungen.
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Kuraläppäläiset ovat intohimoisia mtb- ja gravel-harrastajia, jotka elävät ja hengittävät pyöräilyä. Tämä on siis podcast, jossa aiheet pyörivät tiukasti maastopyöräilyn ja gravelin ympärillä. Lähimpänä sydäntä on kova speksaaminen ja maastopyöräilyn alalajeista käsittelyssä on selkeimmin XCO, enduro ja DH. Tuliko podcastista sanottavaa? Otamme erittäin mielellämme vastaan palautetta osoitteeseen Tsekkaa myös Kuraläpän nettisivut Tagit: maastopyö ...
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Gravel Guru was developed by producer and show host Matt Fowler. They are currently in their seventh season of hosting a video show on Youtube & Facebook titled: This is Gravel. The goal for Gravel Guru is to try and connect fellow listeners and cyclists to some of the many great stories that happen around this rapidly growing genre of cycling.
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Dave Graveline and the Into Tomorrow team are deeply passionate about consumer tech. Since 1996, we’ve been discovering, testing, playing, and living with the technology available today and … “Into Tomorrow”. Thank you for being a fan!
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Autsaid - Gravel Podcast entführt euch in die weite Welt des Gravelsports. Bei Autsaid gibt's die News aus der Szene, spannende Interviews und Equipmenttipps vom Gravel-Profi. Euer Host ist Paul Voß. Gracing - The Autsaid Race Talk gibt mit Vorschauen und Analysen zu den wichtigsten Rennen einen Einblick in die Gravel-Racing-Szene. Euer Host ist Thomas Euler mit wechselnden ExpertInnen an seiner Seite. Der Podcast ist in englischer Sprache. ---------------------- Autsaid - Gravel Podcast tak ...
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covers many different topics but not limited to, Gaming, sports, politics, etc...
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Love who you are with "America's best girlfriend," Kim Gravel. The Kim Gravel Show is a top women’s lifestyle podcast where Kim shares her message of confidence and encouragement with a side of laughter and fun. The show features inspiring, topical conversations with thought leaders, CEOs, and celebrities tailored to give listeners the insight they need to help them discover their purpose, find their confidence, and love who they are. On each episode Kim tackles the topics that women care ab ...
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Unlock your endurance potential. The Training Babble Podcast takes a deep dive into the strategy and science behind training for off-road cycling and gravel racing. Host Dave Schell brings over 20 years of coaching and racing experience, including as former Director of Education at TrainingPeaks. Each episode features interviews with experts and insiders to inform your training on topics like physiology, nutrition, mental toughness, equipment selection, and race tactics. Expect an informativ ...
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Bistrot Gravier, LE podcast francophone sur le gravel, le bikepacking et l'ultra. Préparation physique, préparation mentale, stratégie, logistique : tout y passe ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance cognitive et préparation mentale - Accompagnement personnalisé pour le Gravel, le Bikepacking et l'Ultra (préparation physique, préparation mentale, stratégie et logistique). Richard sur Instagram : https://www.instagram. ...
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Gravel is cool... Gender Discrimination isn't BOOOM! HIT YOU WITH THAT DDU-DU-DDU-DU! Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Improv expert Velody and Dr Grace Lai team up with lessons from onstage and backstage to inform and expand your business in ways you never thought of!
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GravelTIME - der Gravelbike Podcast
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Powderhook's On Gravel is a freewheeling conversation about all facets of hunting and the outdoors, hosted by three lifelong outdoorsmen who aim to entertain, educate, and ultimately invite more people to join them. Frequent themes include good dogs, memorable days in the field, real country music, bourbon, and stories of life where the blacktop ends.
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We talk about F1. Hosted by Philippe DeRosier, owner of Prolific Performance, Tommy Gontkof, owner of Annapolis Performance Coatings, & Ryan David, president of Sneddon Publishing.
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Welcome to Riding Gravel. Our goal is to connect the gravel community and bring you information and resources to improve your experience. The unpaved route is more interesting and adventurous, and (we think) it’s the best route. Head on over to to find out more.
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The Pure Gravel podcast is a show where “The Voice of Gravel” Jim Miller talks to the riders, racers, and industry insiders of the sport of gravel cycling. Jim Miller and Kris Hull also talk gravel news and give updates to the Pure Gravel Power Rankings.
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The Fun-Bound Gravel Podcast is hosted by the Legans, Kristen and Nick. With years of Unbound and gravel coaching experience, they share their insights and those of their expert guests to help you have the best time possible at Unbound Gravel. Detailed course previews, equipment suggestions, training tips, and efficient checkpoints are just some of the topics discussed. And of course, you'll get to hear from the top athletes, organizers, and people who make gravel such a special cycling spac ...
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1 - Der Outdoorsports Podcast rund um Trailrunning, Gravelbiking, Skibergsteigen Kochen, Produkttests, Interviews (früher Run.Cook.Eat.Repeat.)
Bastian Wölfle & Marcus Haller
Der Outdoorsports Podcast rund um Trailrunning, Gravelbiking, Skibergsteigen Kochen, Produkttests, Interviews
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Podcast by Energy Addicts
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Gravel Cycling in Australia is booming. From racing to bike packing to simply getting off the beaten track and exploring the backroads and trails of our stunning natural landscapes - this accessible subculture is all about community, adventure and (re-)discovering the joy of life on two wheels. Join us a we celebrate our gravel cycling scene and discover the locations, explore the events and meet the people at the heart of the sport.
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The Gravel Ride is a cycling podcast where we discuss the people, places and products that define modern gravel cycling. We will be interviewing athletes, course designers and product designers who are influencing the sport. We will be providing information on where to ride, what to ride and how to stay stoked on gravel riding.
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Denne podcast tager udgangspunkt i gravel cykling og bike adventure. Her finder du nyt gear, lir, tips og tricks samt fede ruter og masser af anekdoter fra grusvejene. I hvert afsnit får vi besøg af spændende gæster, der på den ene eller anden måde har snuden godt nede i gruset og fingeren på pulsen.
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Listen to Gravel Notes with Tom Howard (@TommyHoward) for discussion of the WRC, European Rally Championship, Dakar Rally and much more.
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Welcome to the Mid-Atlantic Gravel, Travel & Dirt podcast. We are here to discuss the adventure bike lifestyle - the people, places, and events involving gravel, bikepacking, bike camping, bike touring and trails.
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The ins/outs of the bike shop industry! This is about YOU as much as it is about me and my goings on. This is the audio documentation of going through a prominent retail business in the aims of educating and guiding listeners into a healthy lifestyle with the world around them. Or what I like to call “the ride”. Let’s do it!
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The best of pro cyclist driven podcasts: Nathan Haas on the mic taking on the world of GRAVEL RIDING Past: Toms Skujins on the mic. Past: Phil Gaimon's Real Talent: Phil Podcasts for us, speaking to friends and colleagues about the meaning of Real Talent.
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The best path through life is the open road on a motorcycle and even better if it’s on gravel. Gravel Travel is organic podcast about everyday motorcycle riders, a journey through their lives as we travel with them sharing their experiences, tips and hardships. Awe inspiring, motivating and a educational journey. My own personal adventure did not start on gravel but it certainly gained momentum after completing a Cape to Cairo trip. I’ve always wanted to see and experience more and feel that ...
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Offseason - Schwadronieren über Rennrad, Gravel, Bikepacking, Triathlon und alles was dazu gehört
Philipp von Rössing
Julian und Philipp sprechen über ihre Leidenschaft - den Radsport. Training, Ernährung, Technikgadgets und Albernheiten. Damit es nicht zu langweilig wird, erzählen Gäste von ihren Renn- und Reiseerlebnissen.
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The Omnipotent Show features thought-provoking conversations with the planet's most elite and ultra-accomplished entrepreneurs and leaders. Together, we celebrate enormous wins, expose the often hidden challenges faced by leaders and explore what it takes to reach the pinnacle of success, far beyond the level of the average entrepreneur.
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Montana is a large state with few people and is probably best known for once playing host to the Unabomber. Aside from that, most people know next to nothing about the state's history or the bizarre crimes that have taken place there. The Gravel Road is dedicated to exploring Montana's many crimes and mysteries as seen through the eyes of a Big Sky Country native.
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Welcome to the Along the Gravel Road Podcast where we’re changing the conversation around mental health. As a You Aren’t Alone Project non-profit initiative, the goal of the podcast is to provide a safe platform for people to share their stories and give others a sense of hope and connection. With guests ranging from individuals who are open and willing to share their own mental health journeys to mental health professionals to share expertise and advice. Trigger warning: Some topics discuss ...
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Avec KM350 je vous raconte mon défi personnel de participer à mon premier Gravelman. Problème : comment se préparer à une aventure de 350km de gravel quand on n’a pas fait de vélo depuis des années… et qu’on a pas de vélo. Le Gravelman c’est le concept d’aventure créé par Steven Le Hyaric. Une trace de 350km et un esprit : « Start with legs, finish with mental. » Bon je dois le dire, j’ai aussi besoin de mental pour commencer et me dire que c’est possible. Toutes les semaines je vais donc vo ...
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225: Tarmo Ryynäsen kuulumiset maailmalta
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1:33:55Enduropoikien vieraana keskustelemassa suoraan Uuden-Seelannin lämmöstä on Tarmo Ryynänen. Keskustelut pyörivät mm. EDR-kisaamisen ympärillä niin viime kauden kuin vuoden 2025 osalta. Miltä ensimmäinen kisakausi uudessa tiimissä tuntui ja mitä tuleva kisakausi tuo tullessaan? Emme myöskään unohda kisakalustoa vaan käymme hieman läpi miten Tarpen ka…
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I Love You (Don't) Touch Me with Sex Therapist Vanessa Marin
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1:11:07Let’s talk about sex, baby! This week, Vanessa Marin, a licensed sex therapist with over 20 years of experience, is here to share tips on keeping things spicy in long-term relationships, even when life gets busy—and let’s be honest, sex can sometimes take a backseat. We’ll talk connection, communication, and yes—scheduling sex to keep the spark ali…
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Multi-day gravel riding: how to and tips by Andrea Lodder
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52:09Gravel Union Talks is a podcast series full of inspiring stories, news and events from the world of gravel biking. Each month hosts Carlo and Olly will be chatting with guests who are passionate about riding off the beaten track… adventure riding, bike packing and gravel racing. In this episode: Guest: Andrea Lodder Gravel Union Talks podcast with …
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The Low Down on Mid South with Meg Fisher (Episode 208)
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46:37As you may know, The Mid South Gravel was meant to take place last weekend in Stillwater, Oklahoma. However, the event had to be cancelled at the last minute due to a devastating wildfire in the area. Past guest Meg Fisher joins Kathryn this week, freshly home from Stillwater, to talk through the weekend’s events. Though Stillwater was spared of an…
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Heat Training, Höhenlager & Laktat-Hype – Die Science hinter smarterem Training mit Dr. Sebastian Rösler
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1:15:25In dieser Folge des Autsaid Podcasts tauche ich zusammen mit Dr. Sebastian Rösler tief in die Welt des Heat Trainings ein: Was genau steckt dahinter, welches Ziel verfolgt man damit, und kann es vielleicht sogar ein Höhentrainingslager ersetzen? Außerdem sprechen wir darüber, wie Pauls letzte Saison noch einmal komplett umgedreht haben und welche E…
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Ep 106 | Russell Finsterwald
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1:35:39Russell Finsterwald joins Amanda and Bill to chat about setting aside a successful cross-country mountain bike career to become a pro gravel racer, his switch from the Specialized program to Trek Driftless, successfully figuring out how to race his bike and be financially secure, and his friendship/rivalry with Keegan Swenson. You can follow Russel…
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FTP is everything, FTP is nothing
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45:06In this episode of the Training Babble podcast, hosts Dave Schell and Matti Rowe dive into the complexities of training metrics, particularly focusing on Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and its relevance in endurance sports. They discuss the evolving definitions of endurance, durability, and the importance of volume in training. The conversation h…
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Episode 234 - Eric Leblacher Ouvrir de nouveaux chemins
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1:28:18Aujourd'hui, je reçois à nouveau Eric Leblacher, qui vas nous parler de la conquête de nouveaux horizons, aller pousser de nouvelles portes, et tracer ainsi sa propre voix , son propre chemin. Pour suivre Eric : -------- Livre "Gravel et Bikepacking , une autre idée du vélo" Infos : https://www.richarddelaume.…
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167: The Gravel Club! Coole Gravel-Community. Idee, Gründung, Erfolg.
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2:23:25Heute zu Gast Sascha und Robert vom Gravel Club! Schönes Interview über die Gründung des Clubs, Events, Philosophie und am Ende sprechen wir auch Ausführlich über das Bikepacking Event „Shardana Bikeventure“. Heute zu Gast Sascha und Robert vom Gravel Club! Schönes Interview über die Gründung des Clubs, Events, Philosophie und am Ende sprechen wir …
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Season 10 Kickoff: Where We Went, Content Overload, and Looking Ahead to 2025 - This is Gravel EP:1001
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56:13Season 10 Kickoff: Where We Went, Content Overload, and Looking Ahead to 2025 - This is Gravel EP:1001 Welcome to the Season 10 premiere of This is Gravel on Gravel Guru! Hosts Matt Fowler and Neil Taylor kick things off by reflecting on where they’ve been and what they've been up to over the past months. They dive into the current state of the gra…
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Episode 26 | Nicolai Henriksen, begreber og 100km
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1:25:01Send os en besked Support the show Instagram: YouTube: Lytter du troligt til vores podcast kan du hjælpe med at finansiere nogle af omkostningerne på 10' 10' către Paw Friis & Nick Dehn
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Tech News and Commentary Dave and Chris discuss Meta firing some of the leakers, E-taste technology in virtual environments, Microsoft’s end of support for Remote Desktop, Lyft Silver, and more. “News Pick of the Week” with Ralph Bond Imagine this – the paint on your car operating as a huge solar energy collector feeding your […]…
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168: Komoot Preiserhöhung, FFWD Factory-Tour, ENVE Melee, Curve, Rahmenbau
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3:25:06In dieser Folge sprechen wir über unsere neuen Bikes und Bike-Pläne. Dazu ein paar News in Sachen Komoot Preis-Gestaltung für Neukunden und ein Rückblick auf unsere ZWIFT Wintersaison mit interessanten Statistiken und ein Recap auf unseren OPEN DAY. In dieser Folge sprechen wir über unsere neuen Bikes und Bike-Pläne. Dazu ein paar News in Sachen Ko…
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I Almost Died in Labor & Other Supernatural Stories | Live with My BFF Amy Goins
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56:051% of life is what we see, feel, and touch; the other 99% is spiritual. This week, my BFF Amy Goins joins me to share real stories of supernatural faith and miracles we’ve experienced. Amy kicks it off with how she went from financial struggle to receiving a free washer and dryer at just the right time. Then, I’ll share my own near-death experience…
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224: Maastopyöräily on halpa harrastus - vai onko?
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1:38:26Salla ja Sari keskustelevat tänään maastopyöräilyn kustannuksista. Harrastuksen aloittaaksesi et tarvitse muuta kuin pyörän ja kypärän - maailmankaikkeuden vanhin vale, mitä uusille harrastajille kerrotaan. Mitä kaikkea maastopyöräily vaatii, ja paljonko se verottaa lompakkoa? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ku…
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Soraläppä #31 Toni Lund - Alaskan lumo
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2:11:46Tällä kertaa matkaamme Alaskan talvista viime syksyiseen Ruskaan kokeneen ultrapyöräilijän Toni Lundin kertomusten muodossa. Iditarod Trail Invitational on maailman kovin talvinen ultramaraton ja Toni on osallistunut kyseiseen tapahtumaan kolmesti, kirkkaimpana kruununa vuoden 2018 1000 mailin ajo ensimmäisenä suomalaisena. Hienoja tapahtumia ja ko…
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More Women More Miles: Female Physiology & Hormones Related to Training For UNBOUND Gravel (Episode 207)
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1:07:04Our special guest this week for More Women More Miles likely needs little introduction in the gravel cycling world. We are joined by writer, cyclist, and host of the Hit Play Not Pau se Podcast, Selene Yeager. Selene brings her wealth of knowledge on female physiology and hormones, and how we can tailor our training for Unbound Gravel accordingly. …
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Ep 105 | Valley of Tears
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1:12:10Amanda and Bill recap the second annual Valley of Tears gravel race that took place in Turkey, Texas, this past weekend. They also preview The Mid South. Visit to start listing your items. For a limited time only, first time sellers can save 30% on the seller protection fee when you list your bike on buycycle. Groadio is also s…
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Tech News and Commentary Dave and Chris discuss Ai-generated works and copyright, the iOS 19 redesign, Android user tracking by Google, and more. “News Pick of the Week” with Ralph Bond This week our Science and Technology reporter has some weird science news all about making circuit boards out of leaves! Read more here. It’s […]…
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223: Päivityksiä, joita on vaikea perustella – mutta haluan ne silti
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1:39:48Tällä kertaa Kuraläpän studiossa palataan vanhaan kunnon spekulointiin! Bob ja Mika käyvät läpi viikon polttavimmat pyöräilyuutiset ja pohtivat päivityksiä, jotka eivät välttämättä ole järkeviä – mutta joita tekee silti mieli. Mukana keskustelua Spessun uusista kiekoista ja renkaista, Industry Ninen uudesta Hydra 2 -navasta sekä Cannondalen uudesta…
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Create the Life You Deserve with Keren Eldad
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54:27This week, top executive and personal coach Keren Eldad is here to help us break free from perfectionism and the constant drive for more. At 40, Keren left behind a seemingly perfect life—but her great job wasn’t so great, and her marriage was anything but happy. Keren inspires us to think bigger and stop settling with the life that looks good on i…
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Focus is Fun with Stella Hobbs (Episode 206)
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57:04This week on the show Kathryn and Kristi are joined by Life Time Grand Prix rookie Stella Hobbs, from Whitefish, MT. Stella grew up competing in nordic ski racing, and after a successful collegiate career she hung up her skis, moved back to Whitefish, and within a couple of years was the proud co-owner of Great Northern Cycle & Ski. She participate…
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Episode 25 | Indtag og output, Nicks kompas og Alpe Du Zwift
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1:31:29Send os en besked Support the show Instagram: YouTube: Lytter du troligt til vores podcast kan du hjælpe med at finansiere nogle af omkostningerne på 10' 10' către Paw Friis & Nick Dehn
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Tech News and Commentary Dave and Chris discuss Google’s new Ai tech, Microsoft’s ad-supported Office, Teleperformance’s accent-reduction tech for their call center, the latest car tech from Maserati and Ferrari, and more. “News Pick of the Week” with Ralph Bond What if crops on our farms could make their own fertilizer with just air and […]…
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Emily Newsom joins Amanda to chat about finding the bike through running and piano playing, her transition from road to gravel, and why the Life Time Grand Prix needs a transparent selection criteria. Follow Emily on Instagram at @emilyjoynewsom. Visit to start listing your items. For a limited time only, you can save 30% on th…
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222: Kuuntelijoiden toivekeskustelut - nyt nostetaan kissa pöydälle!
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1:05:14Salla ja Mika vastaavat tämänkertaisessa jaksossa haasteeseen, jonka te kuuntelijat olette meille heittäneet. Saitte toivoa puheenaiheita, joista juontajakaksikkomme keskustelee. Kaikesta annetaan mielipiteet, mutta voi olla, ettemme olleet jokaisen puheenaiheen suurimpia asiantuntijoita. Jätä oma näkemyksesi aiheista kommenttikenttään! Jaksossa su…
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God’s Plan Prevails: Trust the Journey and Let Go
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28:50This week, I’m sharing my biggest AHA moment of 2025 so far: no matter how much we plan, God’s plan will always prevail. We often stress and try to control everything, but God’s plan is always bigger and better than we could have ever imagined. The truth is, we don’t know as much as we think we do, and there’s always room for more growth. In this e…
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Extrem unterwegs mit Marei Moldenhauer
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56:13Paul ist wieder gesund und zurück am Podcast-Mikrofon. Zu Gast ist Marei Moldenhauer. Marei hat nicht nur das diesjährige Atlas Mountain Race bei den Frauen gewonnen, sondern nebenbei auch noch einen neuen Streckenrekord aufgestellt. Warum sie nach ihrem Erfolg nun verletzungsbedingt pausieren muss und wie sie überhaupt auf die Ultra-Distanz gekomm…
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Soraläppä #30 Susanna Markoff – Vuorilta lakeuksille
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1:14:14Tällä kertaa Jounin vieraana Soraläpän studiossa on pitkänmatkanpyöräilijä Susanna Markoff. Jaksossa kuulemme huimia tarinoita Susannan pyöräilyuran varrelta,johon mahtuu monenlaisia seikkailuja Madeiralta Balkanin kautta Pohjanmaan lakeuksille ja kotimaisiin koitoksiin. …
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US Gravel Opening Weekend with Chase Wark
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1:24:01US Gravel Pro and famous equipment tinkerer Chase Wark joined us in the studio to talk about BWR Arizona where he just finished in the top 10. We also preview the upcoming early spring US races Valley of Tears and Mid South. Other topics we touched upon: Chase's and Drew Dillman’s new team Lunchbox Racing, the Tires Chase saw in Arizona, and gravel…
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More Women More Miles: Training and Race Day Nutrition and Avoiding Underfueling (Episode 205)
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1:11:27We are back with another episode in our More Women More Miles series. This week Kathryn is joined by Paige Onweller and Meredith Root, and the trio discuss race day nutrition and how to avoid underfeuling. We start by defining low energy availability, then Paige and Meredith key in on a few strategies on how to avoid underfueling when training for …
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Amanda chats with Lelan Dains about riding in Emporia and his history with Unbound, the induction into the Gravel Cycling Hall of Fame, and his long history of promoting community in cycling and beyond. Visit to start listing your items. For a limited time only, you can save 30% on the seller protection fee when you list your b…
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Tech News and Commentary Dave and Chris discuss real-time translation technology using smart glasses and earbuds, the death of the Amazon App Store for Android, Uber suing DoorDash, Ai and home automation, and more. “News Pick of the Week” with Ralph Bond Here’s some news for anyone experiencing a harsh winter right now. What if […]…
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1:19:45In this live episode of The Kim Gravel Show, I’ve got my mama, Jo Hardee, with me, and let me tell you, it’s a real gem! We’re diving into how supernatural faith has carried us through it all—like the time we had an angel encounter and how faith has helped us face life’s toughest challenges. If you need some encouragement or that little boost to em…
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221: Onko fatbiken kulta-aika ohi?
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1:15:52Fatbike-buumi oli 2010-luvun ilmiö, mutta viime vuosina sen suosio on hiipunut. Miksi näin on tapahtunut? Tässä jaksossa Bob ja Juha Rinta-aho pureutuvat fatbikejen nykytilaan ja tulevaisuuteen. Keskustelemme siitä, kuinka ilmastonmuutos, sähköpyörien yleistyminen ja markkinoiden kehitys ovat vaikuttaneet lajin suosioon. Onko fatbike jäämässä vain …
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We Hired an AI Coach So You Don't Have To! with Matti Rowe
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44:52Summary In this episode of the Training Babble Podcast, Coach Dave Schell and guest Matty Rowe of Gravel God Cycling dig into the implications of AI in coaching. They discuss the rise of AI tools like CoachCat, the challenges of relying on flawed metrics, and the importance of human expertise in interpreting data. The conversation highlights the co…
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Cycling to Creative Spaces with Lisa Congdon (Episode 204)
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1:07:24This week we welcome artist and cyclist Lisa Congdon. After a handful of charity bike rides, Lisa was drawn into cycling when she moved to Portland as a way to make friends in a new city. With a few years of road riding under her belt, Lisa was drawn into gravel cycling in 2020 and hasn’t looked back. This elementary school teacher-turned artist, a…
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Gravelling around the world with Markus Stitz
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1:10:04Gravel Union Talks is a podcast series full of inspiring stories, news and events from the world of gravel biking. Each month hosts Carlo and Olly will be chatting with guests who are passionate about riding off the beaten track… adventure riding, bike packing and gravel racing. In this episode: Guests: Markus Stitz - the first person to ever ride …
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Episode 24 | Digital dinger, social ride boys og merchandise
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1:21:42Send os en besked Support the show Instagram: YouTube: Lytter du troligt til vores podcast kan du hjælpe med at finansiere nogle af omkostningerne på 10' 10' către Paw Friis & Nick Dehn
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Ruth Holcomb joins Amanda for a conversation about Ruth joining the HT.SQD, finishing first at Rock Cobbler, growing up racing mountain bikes before dabbling in road and track racing, and her first foray into the gravel scene. Follow Ruth on Instagram at @woofholcomb. Visit to start listing your items. For a limited time only, …
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Tech News and Commentary Dave and Chris discuss TikTok’s future, Apple being the most valuable brand in the world, Walmart Plus, and more. “News Pick of the Week” with Ralph Bond What if a wheelchair could climb stairs? Well, now they can, thanks to an amazing invention our Science Technology reporter Ralph Bond highlights this […]…
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166: Brompton G Line & T Line, faltbarer Helm, ZWIFT Cog, Karoo 3 Sideloading, Fynn Bikepacking Waschmittel
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2:56:21Heute haben wir viel faltbares und platzsparendes in der Sendung! Vom Fynn Waschmittel in Scheckkartenform über faltbare Fahrräder, die geländetauglich werden bis hin zu einem komplett flach faltbaren Helm. Heute haben wir viel faltbares und platzsparendes in der Sendung! Vom Fynn Waschmittel in Scheckkartenform über faltbare Fahrräder, die gelände…
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220: Enduropyöräilijän henkinen puoli
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2:04:06Mitä tarkoittaa aMCC ja rule of thirds? Tämänkertaisessa enduropoikien enduroaiheisessa Juha ja Sami saavat vieraakseen muun muassa periksiantamattomuudestaan tunnetun Marko Aaltosen. Parituntisen aikana käydään läpi kuskien muun muassa loukkaantumisia, henkisen puolen vahvistamista ja tarkka kuulija voi löytää vinkkejä kisatilanteisiin ja ihan jok…
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Women Getting Rich: Redefining Your Money Story with Shannah Game
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1:08:39This week, financial expert Shannah Game returns to The Kim Gravel Show to help women take control of their money and build wealth. She shares tips from her book Unraveling Your Relationship with Money, including how to overcome financial trauma and develop healthy money habits. We talk about becoming rich, dealing with debt, creating generational …
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