Gullkastið er hlaðvarpsþáttur um Liverpool og enska boltann. Þátturinn hóf göngu sína í maí árið 2011
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Our purpose as a church is, simply, to "Walk intimately with God and to Invite others to journey with us".
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Mini Miracles from Minor Moments is a Podcast offering education, motivation, and spirituality for living a healthy and productive life. It is from the Minor Moments in life that we gain momentum and joy. Taking the first step can put you on the escalator of success! Join us weekly every Friday!
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Hi we are a bunch of Australian Cricket fanatics that want to share their views on all things cricket. Hope you enjoy the ride
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The Money Mindset with Gull Khan podcast is created for entrepreneurs who want to break free from their limiting beliefs around money and live a life of unlimited abundance. Money Mindset Expert Gull Khan talks about mindset techniques and her unique Energy healing strategies that will help you attract the prosperity and abundance you deserve. Get to hear interviews about other entrepreneurs that unleashed their full potential and increased their earnings by changing their Mindset. Register ...
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Australian Fresh & Home Grown. Comedy & Interviews Podcast involving collaborations of key people in different industries such as entertainment, health & well being and of course guest appearances from local, national & international talents.
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A Kankalin fiúzenekar karácsonyi rádiójátéka gyerekeknek és kicsit okosabb felnőtteknek. Egy történet, amit eddig csak fél szemmel hallottál. Itt az idő, hogy megismerd a teljes igazságot.
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The voice of the San Diego Gulls, Andy Zilch, gives an update on the team's action in the AHL and interviews a member of the team each week on GullsCast.
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Welcome to Gullybet India ss most trusted casino website and sports betting! We offer a wide variety of games including slots, poker, blackjack, and more Our site is fully licensed and regulated, ensuring that your experience is safe and secure We also offer a variety of bonuses and promotions to help you get the most out of your time with us Our customer support team is available 24 7 to assist you with any questions or concerns So why wait Sign up now and start playing today!
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Two Brighton fans and self-proclaimed 'analysts' take a less serious look into the world of football statistics.
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it's not that good. Its a quick story of the gulls in Utah in 1848.
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I’m here to talk... I’m young and have a lot on my mind and honestly I’m a little crazy.
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Serving freshly-old desi nostalgia on your plate!
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"Gullah/Geechee Riddim Radio" is the Blog Tak Show hosted by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation on behalf of the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition. Cum fa yeddi bout who wi da and cunneck wid de riddim ob de sea wid wi Gullah/Geechee! Disya da we show-Gullah/Geechee Riddim Radio! Become a fan:
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Imagine someone you HATE asking you for help studying to get their master's degree, and when you lie they believe everything you say whole heartedly, because they love you unconditionally. Here it is, in Podcast form!
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Venture into the world of Carnival-Music, by digging deep into the GULLY B archives. Discover the sounds of Dancehall, Reggae, and Soca through some of GULLY B's previous radio shows, as well as a dig through the classic record crates.
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Join Host, Voice Actor Lamarr Gulley, for Voiceover-Related tips and tricks, and conversations with some of the most interesting Voices from the Arts World! Voice Actors, Poets, Producers, Actors, etc, share tips, advice, and wisdom from their experience in the Biz. Be entertained, enlightened, and share a laugh! And WATCH OUT, because you just may LEARN something in the process! Visit Lamarr Gulley’s or follow Lamarr on IG, FB, or Twitter for more info, and booking details.
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The Zen Protocol with author Nick Gullo is an exploration of melding ancient esoteric mental practices with cutting-edge research to unleash the Optimum Self. The show delves into Weightless, Mental Resilience, Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Recovery, and Tribe. In probing the underpinnings of human potential each week, Nick chats with entrepreneurs, athletes, sports psychologists, genetic researchers and yogis. Always searching for those raw vulnerable moments where emotion eclipses restraint ...
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Inspirert av Det Andre Teatrets improforestilling "Gullrekka" forsøker programleder Olli Wermskog å finne den beste podkast-underholdningen! Tre improvisatører inviteres ukentlig inn i studio og får syv minutter hver til å lage det de mener egner seg best for dine ører. Hvem vinner ukens episode? Det bestemmer du! Gå inn på: for å avgi din stemme - så gjenstår det å se hvem som vinner hele sesongen med sin egen spesialepisode!
continue reading is an online platform that offers users the opportunity to create and acquire betting IDs for cricket matches. With a focus on providing a secure and reliable service, this platform caters to individuals who are interested in participating in online cricket betting.
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"Gullet ska hem" er den offisielle podcasten til Sportsklubben Brann. Komiker Christoffer Schjelderup møter trener, spillere, støtteapparat, og ikke minst supporterne til verdens beste fotballklubb. Vi tar pulsen på Brann, og prøver å gi deg intervjuer og historiene som du ikke får noe annet sted. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Practical application of the Bible in the daily aspects of the Christian Faith from a Reformed Perspective. Includes sermons, QnA’s, interviews and Conversations.
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Two regular avid sports fans from Bangalore expressing their views on the sporting world Email: [email protected] Instagram: @thegullyscorecard Twitter: @gullyscorecard Support this podcast:
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Mental health is the key to survival, yet is the least thing talked about, especially amongst my beautiful brown kings and queens. This podcast is here to ruffle the feathers and talk about uncomfortable shit that will help you grow! We can't stay silent forever. Support this podcast:
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Keep cricket fair and simple. Gully Boys of Cricket features energy of global fans on key points in the game and is also a voice on sharing the 2019 World Cup Trophy. Open to all, come speak your mind on this chat. Now, in Season 2: The State of World Cricket.
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Featuring Cigar Thoughts, a Seahawks podcast, and Deep Balls, an NFL picks podcast.
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Sonic Truth Dynasty Podcast presented by Nate Liss (@AnOutragedJew) and Matt Kelley (@Fantasy_Mansion) deliver unique and irreverent fantasy football analysis featuring bad analogies, regrettable anecdotes, and face-melting advanced football metrics.
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Comprised of four parts, Gulliver’s Travels documents the bizarre, yet fascinating voyages of Lemuel Gulliver as he makes his way through several uncharted destinations, experiencing the lives of the small, the giant, the scientific, and downright eccentric societies. Narrated in first person, Swift successfully portrays Gulliver’s thoughts and reactions as he faces struggles of integration throughout his travels. Beginning with the introduction of Gulliver, an educated ship’s surgeon, who a ...
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 543 | Friday Feature: Nick Musica
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25:54Today we’re on another episode of our Friday Feature where we talk with astounding entrepreneurs and their success stories. In this episode, we're speaking to Nick Musica. Nick is the Founder and the CEO of Optics In LLC. He has been an SEO expert since 2003 and has been in digital marketing since 2003. Nick co-authored "When Search Meets Web Usabi…
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This Old House: More Than Bricks and Mortar Episode 268
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24:11Have you ever wondered how your childhood experiences shape who you are today? In this episode of Mini Miracles from Minor Moments, I take a walk down memory lane to uncover the unspoken disappointments and cherished moments from my early years. While reflecting on my past, I realized how different memories can be for each person in the same family…
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Liverpool fer í síðasta skipti þennan tæplega kílómeter sem er frá Anfield yfir á Goodison núna á miðvikudaginn í alvöru mikilvægum nágrannaslag. Tap þarna síðast og það er ekki í boði aftur. Um helgina eru það svo Úlfarnir sem mæta á Anfield og því tveir deildarleikir í þessari viku. Síðasta vika var bikarleikavika, Liverpool er komið í úrslit í ö…
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 542 | Let It Go, Releasing the Past & Trusting the Universe for an Abundant New Year
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38:00Welcome back to Money Mindset with Gull Khan. In today's episode we're talking about how to let it go, releasing the past and trusting the Universe for an abundant New Year. Let's see how we can do this. Connect with Gull: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: https:/…
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Afsláttarkóði í febrúar á – 25% afsláttur með afsláttarkóðanum Liverpoolerubestir Það er síðasti dagur leikmannagluggans í dag eða mánudagur eins og við stuðningsmenn Liverpool köllum hann. Rosalega tíðindalítill mánuður hjá okkar mönnum sem er kannski skiljanlegt miðað við gengi liðsins og meiðslalista. Flottur útisigur á Bournemouth …
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Episode 190 - A Perfect Start to a Year
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59:112025 has gotten off to a fantastic start for Australian Cricket. All the bi lateral trophies secured, the Ashes secured in a one sided series and the BBL caps off a successful season. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către Two Slips and a Gully
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Have You Noticed the Mini Miracles Around You?
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25:54Situational Awareness: Recognizing the Signs Around You Introduction In this episode of Mini Miracles from Minor Moments, host Linda Gullo explores the importance of situational awareness and how it impacts our everyday lives. From personal safety to recognizing hidden opportunities, being aware of our surroundings can help us make better decisions…
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Liverpool endaði á toppi deildarinnar í Meistaradeildinni þrátt fyrir tap gegn PSV í lokaumferðinni og ljóst hvaða fjórum liðum okkar menn geta mætt í 16-liða úrslitum. Flottur sigur á Ipswich í deildinni og toppsætið ennþá okkar. Það er mjög margt svipað núna og fyrir ári síðan í deildinni en með undantekningum þó sem vonandi eru okkar mönnum í vi…
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Liverpool fór inn í þessa mjög svo þungu viku með 6 stiga forskot á toppi deildarinnar og endaði tveimur leikjum seinna á nákvæmlega sama stað. Leikurinn gegn Everton á Goodison er svo ennþá inni. Ljómandi góð niðurstaða í ljósi þess að útlitið var bara alls ekkert sérstakt eftir 180 mínútur af fótbolta í útileikjum gegn bæði Nottingham Forest og B…
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What is the significance of Jesus' baptism? As we look at why Jesus was baptized, we see that He models for us a relationship of obedience and love towards the Father!De către Scott Koreman
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Það eru stór próf framundan í þessari viku, fyrst er það útileikur gegn sjóðandi heitu liði Nottingham Forest, eina liðið sem vann Liverpool í deildinni á þessu tímabili. Brentford á útivelli bíður svo um helgina Liverpool fór áfram í FA Cup síðustu helgi og fær Plymoth úti í næstu umferð. Ögurverk liðið er á sínum stað og sem og fagmaður vikunnar …
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Looking at the story of the adolescent Jesus who longed to be in His Father's presence, we can learn a lot about our own need to be in God's presence!De către Scott Koreman
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The New Year Brings Hope Episode 266
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10:19Reflecting on Blessings and Integrity as We Enter 2025 As we welcome the new year, I shares insights about reflecting on the past year's blessings, setting meaningful goals, and embracing personal standards of integrity. Through stories and practical tips, I hope inspires listeners to slow down, evaluate their priorities, and move forward with inte…
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Það hefur alls ekki verið sama flug á Liverpool núna eftir áramót og var yfir hátíðarnar, slæmt 2-2 tap á Anfield gegn okkar gömlu erkifjendum og svo tap í fyrri hálfleik deildarbikarsins gegn Tottenham, þeir þurftu reyndar að vanda óhemju mikla hjálp frá dómarateyminu sem eyðilagði þann viðburð. Engin heimsendir en viðvörunarbjöllur á Anfield og s…
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What does it mean for us to follow after Jesus' example in discipleship, faith, and life? While Jesus came to be the sacrifice for our sins and lead us to life everlasting, He also came to model life for us as His disciples. Today we are looking at how Jesus came to model a lifestyle of love that we can model to the world around us!…
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Episode 189 - New Years Road Trip
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1:16:57The Two Slips New Years Road trip is underway as the lads begin their pilgrimage to the SCG to watching the 5th Test between India and Australia. On the way they review an astonishing Boxing Day Test full of amazing storylines. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către Two Slips and a Gully
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Liverpool er búið að spila fjóra leiki um jól og áramót, sigur í einum þeirra gegn Southampton í deildarbikar og slátrun í hinum þremur. Fjórtán mörk í þremur deildarleikjum og þar af ellefu í London. Geggjaður endur á árinu og við hæfi að henda í smá uppgjör. Leikmannaglugginn opnar á miðvikdaginn og Liverpool fær Man Utd í heimsókn á sunnudaginn.…
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As Pastor Dustin prepares for Sabbatical we are invited to join him in reflecting on the places God is leading us in the coming year!De către Dustin Strauss
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The holidays bring a whirlwind of activity, but they also present an opportunity for reflection and connection. I shares personal stories and practical insights, offering listeners encouragement and tools for navigating challenges with grace and gratitude. Learning to Cope at Any Age: Lessons from observing people at a memory care center and how we…
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We love because he first loved us. God is love, and we can only understand love in relationship with him!De către Dustin Strauss
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Self-Images & the Bones That Build Us
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18:20Self-image plays a critical role in how we perceive ourselves and interact with the world. I highlight the importance of recognizing our unique qualities, from physical characteristics to personality traits, and how they shape our confidence. Through personal stories, she emphasizes the value of staying active and maintaining routines to enhance bo…
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Liverpool lenti í ótrúlegu mótlæti gegn Fulham og tapaði á endanum ósanngjarnt tveimur stigum í leik þar sem stóru atvikin féllu svo sannarlega ekki með okkar mönnum, ekkert þeirra. Engu að síður sæmilegt stig m.v. að liðið var marki undir þegar Robertson var sendur í bað og því manni færri í 74.mínútur plús 16.mínútur í uppbótartíma. Samtals 90 mí…
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Episode 188 - Pink Strikes Back
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1:27:33Both of the Aaron's are back and Glen has returned to talk about the 2nd Test at Adelaide between Australia and India. We also have a look at the upcoming BBL season and reveal our SuperCoach teams ahead of the first game. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către Two Slips and a Gully
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Hlaðvarpsþættir hófu göngu sína 25.maí árið 2011 og hafa síðan þá verið stór partur af starfsemi síðunnar. Þátturinn í þessari viku er númer 500 og er Gullkastið elsta starfandi hlaðvarp landsins og reyndar þó víðar væri leitað. Til að fagna þessum tímamótum fengum við tvær kempur með okkur í þáttinn í þessari viku sem vart þarf að kynna fre…
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As we walk through this Advent season we know that our Savior has brought us Peace.De către Scott Koreman
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Introduction In this episode of Mini Miracles from Minor Moments, Linda Gullo explores the power of organization in reducing anxiety and maintaining mental clarity. Drawing from her personal and professional experiences, Linda discusses how staying organized can improve your daily life, help you adapt to unexpected changes, and create a sense of co…
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 541 | Money Talkies with Lauren Zander | The Twelve Areas of Life for Abundance
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28:54In today's episode of Money Talkies, once again we speak to the amazing Lauren Zander. Laura is the Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group, an international corporate consulting and life coaching company. Her coaching methodology, the Handel Method, is taught in over 35 universities and institutes of learning around the world, including MIT, Stanfo…
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Þvílík vika, Real Madríd var pakkað saman í miðri viku og Man City jafnvel ennþá meira sannfærandi um helgina. Liverpool er afgerandi á toppnum allsstaðar fyrir vikið. Framundan eru tveir erfiðir útileikir, Newcastle á St. Jamses áður en Liverpool heldur í síðasta skipti yfir Stanley Park til að spila í Guttagarði. Ljómandi að losna við þá úr hverf…
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 540 | Friday Feature: Lauren Zander
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30:12Today we’re on another episode of our Friday Feature where we talk with astounding entrepreneurs and their success stories. In this episode, we're speaking to Lauren Zander. Laura is the Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group, an international corporate consulting and life coaching company. Her coaching methodology, the Handel Method, is taught in …
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A disciple is one who lives in hope!De către Dustin Strauss
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Episode 187 - The Border Gavaskar Opening Salvos
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1:49:36The Border Gavaskar Trophy has commenced with a stunning Test in the West at Perth. We also commemorate 10 years since one of Australia's biggest cricket tragedies and Craig joins us for a rundown of the IPL Auction Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către Two Slips and a Gully
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As disciples one of the hardest lessons for us to learn is to wait on God. God's plans are not our plans, and his ways are higher than our ways, and we must learn to trust and to wait as he leads us.De către Dustin Strauss
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 539 | Money Talkies with Ruchi Pinniger | What Are The Three Pillars of Defining Prosperity?
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31:25In today's episode of Money Talkies, once again we speak to the amazing Ruchi Pinniger. Ruchi is the Founder and CEO of Watch Her Prosper, which empowers women to redefine prosperity in business and life through holistic financial guidance and mindset coaching. Her signature approach fosters shame-free empowerment, enabling clients to achieve signi…
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 538 | Friday Feature: Ruchi Pinniger
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21:44Today we’re on another episode of our Friday Feature where we talk with astounding entrepreneurs and their success stories. In today's episode we're speaking to Ruchi Pinniger. Ruchi is the Founder and CEO of Watch Her Prosper, which empowers women to redefine prosperity in business and life through holistic financial guidance and mindset coaching.…
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The story of Israel is a story of struggle and failure, even as God did amazing things all around and through them. As we walk with God we will struggle and fail, but God is gracious and wants so much more for us!De către Dustin Strauss
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 537 | Money Talkies with Dave Rolfe | How You Can Take Advantage of a Billion Dollar Industry
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25:59In today's episode of Money Talkies, once again we speak to the amazing Dave Rolfe. Dave is a top leader in network marketing, achieving over a billion dollars in sales in leading a significant global impact. As an author and a mentor, his no-nonsense approach has enriched thousands, helping them earn tens of millions. He built one of the largest o…
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 536 | Friday Feature: Dave Rolfe
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27:11Today we’re on another episode of our Friday Feature where we talk with astounding entrepreneurs and their success stories. In today's episode, we're speaking to Dave Rolfe. Dave is a top leader in network marketing, achieving over a billion dollars in sales in leading a significant global impact. As an author and a mentor, his no-nonsense approach…
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A disciple is called by God into his mission and purpose in the world, working to bring his hope and love to others!De către Scott Koreman
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The Power of Compounding: Building Miracles Through Small Steps Episode 262
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18:48Welcome to another inspiring episode of Mini Miracles From Minor Moments! I’m Linda Gullo, here to explore the subtle, everyday moments that enrich our lives and help us grow. In this episode, we’ll delve into the concept of compounding — not just in terms of finances, but in all aspects of life. From building savings to nurturing relationships and…
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God has called his people to speak, but it is not our words that turn hearts, but the power of the cross that we point to!De către Dustin Strauss
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 535 | Money Talkies with Jeff Lerner | How to Build Relationships to Build Business
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31:53In today's episode, once again we speak to the amazing Jeff Lerner. Jeff is the founder and the CEO of and leads the financial CMO practice of the company's global clients. Over his twenty year career, he has driven significant growth for startups and Fortune 500 companies alike, securing over 390 million in venture capital, orchestrati…
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 534 | Friday Feature: Jeff Lerner
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30:10Today we’re on another episode of our Friday Feature where we talk with astounding entrepreneurs and their success stories. In today's episode, we're speaking once again to Jeff Lerner. Jeff is the founder and the CEO of and leads the financial CMO practice of the company's global clients. Over his twenty year career, he has driven sign…
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Episode 186 - A Kiwi Fairytail
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1:28:25It has been a fantastic week to be a Kiwi cricket fan. Taking home the 2024 Womens World Cup and a brilliant test win against India. We also look at the series between England and Pakistan and check in with the Sheffield Shield. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către Two Slips and a Gully
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God is our shield and our protector, he cares for us and watches over us, and will deliver us! But as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego declared, sometimes that deliverance doesn't look the way we what do we do when God's protection doesn't feel very protective?De către Dustin Strauss
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Welcome to another episode of Mini Miracles from Minor Moments, where we explore the beauty and wisdom found in everyday life. I’m Linda Gullo, and today I want to take a moment to reflect on the significance of wisdom. In this episode, I share my thoughts on how wisdom shapes our experiences, helps us grow, and guides us in navigating life’s small…
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In ancient days people saw their gods as local and limited, but the God of Israel revealed to them that he was always with them, wherever they were, and whatever they were going through. A disciple is one who knows that God is always with us!De către Scott Koreman
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Episode 185 - A New World Order
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1:19:10The ICC Women's T20 has thrown up many surprises with powerhouses England and India being eliminated before the semi finals. Can Australia continue its World Cup dominance or is the a new world order emerging, Pakistan and England take part in a run fest on a highway and round one of the Sheffield Shield is complete with plenty of intrigue on Baggy…
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 533 | Money Talkies with Dr. Darnyelle J Harmon | How To Develop Your Mindset for Millions
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26:57In today's episode, once again, we speak to the amazing Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Dr Harmon is a god girl, award winning business strategist, multi-millionaire business mentor and an INC 5000 CEO. Her journey began in chaotic circumstances, born to drug addicted parents and facing challenges that would have discouraged Many, however she defined …
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Money Mindset with Gull Khan | Episode 532 | Friday Feature: Dr. Darnyelle J Harmon
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34:16Today we’re on another episode of our Friday Feature where we talk with astounding entrepreneurs and their success stories. In today's episode, we're speaking to Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Dr. Harmon is a god girl, an award winning business growth strategist, multi-millionaire business mentor and an INC 5000 CEO. Her journey began in chaotic circ…
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Walking with God fills our lives with all kinds of wonderful blessings and gifts, and he calls us to be a part of the work he is doing in amazing and important ways. But a disciple understands that while God calls us and cares for us, we are not the point, he is!De către Dustin Strauss
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