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Der Deutsche Hanfverband (DHV): Deine Stimme für Cannabislegalisierung Der DHV strebt eine legale, verbraucherfreundliche Marktregelung für das Genussmittel Cannabis an - von der Produktion über den Verkauf unter klaren Jugendschutzauflagen bis zum Eigenanbau. Die Diskriminierung und Verfolgung von Cannabiskonsumenten wollen wir beenden. Außerdem geht es uns um die Förderung des Rohstoffs Hanf in seinen verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen sowie bessere Bedingungen für die Nutzung von Cannabis a ...
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Located in the Central Valley of California, Koinonia Church is an interdenominational church that seeks to: Ignite Contagious Faith in the One God Who Restores All! Listen as Lead Pastor Andrew Cromwell and the other staff pastors challenge us to grow our spiritual lives. http://kchanford.com
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Hanford Insider

Rob Bentley

Welcome the Hanford Insider, I’m your host Rob Bentley. I’m a lifelong resident of Hanford and I’m very involved in the local history scene and podcasting so I decided to start this show as a resource to Hanford area residents for covering issues, promoting events, sports, and reflecting on some local history. Tune in each Monday for a new episode. Please help me get the word out about the show by sharing on social media, or telling a friend. For more information about the show, you can find ...
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Down by the River: Stories of Hanford is an audio podcast devoted to unpacking the long and nuanced history of the world’s first nuclear reactor. As part of the Manhattan Project in WWII, Hanford was built along the Columbia River. The Hanford produced 60% of the plutonium used in the US nuclear arsenal. At the end of the Cold War the mission of Hanford switch from production to remediation of the area. Cleanup at Hanford will last for decades, cost billions of taxpayer dollars, and hinges o ...
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/news/das-cannabis-barometer-der-bloomwell-medizinalcannabis-report/Seit der Entkriminalisierung von Cannabis in Deutschland hat sich die medizinische Versorgung enorm verbessert. Ein Report der Bloomwell Group dokumentiert beeindruckende Zahlen: Die Verordnungen von Medizinalcannabis stiegen 2024 um über 1000 %, und die…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/kolumnen/auswirkungen-der-politischen-lage-in-oesterreich-auf-die-cannabispolitik/Österreich droht mit der neuen Koalition aus FPÖ und ÖVP ein drogenpolitischer Rückschritt. Während viele europäische Länder Cannabis entkriminalisieren oder medizinische Anwendungen erleichtern, zeichnet sich in Österreich Stillstand oder…
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Send me a text and give me feedback on this episode! What truly happens when officers and residents unite to foster a positive community spirit? Join us for a compelling episode where we sit down with Darrin Ellis and Linda Mello, ardent supporters of Kings County Positive Law Enforcement. They share their insights on the unique advantages of law e…
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Two of Judah’s last kings are the subjects of a lament for their having ruled inappropriately. Ezekiel 19:1-14 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/ Subscribe to our YouTube c…
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Two of Judah’s last kings are the subjects of a lament for their having ruled inappropriately. Ezekiel 19:1-14 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/ Subscribe to our YouTube c…
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In the wake of the fires in Los Angeles, some governmental leaders are suggesting we rebuild towns like Pacific Palisades and Eaton as ‘Smart Cities,’ with what they call a modern Marshall Plan. It sounds utopian, but history and prophecy suggest it would more likely be dystopian. Control over the total population is predicted for the Last Days. Th…
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In the wake of the fires in Los Angeles, some governmental leaders are suggesting we rebuild towns like Pacific Palisades and Eaton as ‘Smart Cities,’ with what they call a modern Marshall Plan. It sounds utopian, but history and prophecy suggest it would more likely be dystopian. Control over the total population is predicted for the Last Days. Th…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/news/apotheken-beklagen-missbrauch-von-cannabis-auf-rezept/Seit der Legalisierung von THC berichten Apotheken über Missbrauch bei Rezepten für medizinisches Cannabis. Dank Telemedizin erhalten Patienten schnell und unkompliziert Verschreibungen, was die Nachfrage erhöht hat. Doch die Kritik an Rezeptmissbrauch lenkt von…
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David gives us a song describing the thriving Kingdom of the forever King which is overflowing with grace and goodness. Psalm 65 Gene Pensiero Jr Home Find us on Substack https://calvaryhanford.substack.com/ Find us on YouTube https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford Discover the incredible truths of Psalm 65 in this in-depth expository sermon! Join us a…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/wissenschaft/studien/cannabidiol-hilft-gegen-alkoholsucht/Alkoholsucht betrifft etwa 400 Millionen Menschen weltweit und führt jährlich zu über 2,5 Millionen Todesfällen. Eine neue Studie von deutschen und schwedischen Wissenschaftlern zeigt, dass Cannabidiol (CBD) das Verlangen nach Alkohol signifikant reduzieren kann.…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/wissenschaft/studien/daenische-studie-cannabiskonsum-und-kognitiver-abbau/Eine bahnbrechende Langzeitstudie aus Dänemark hat neue Erkenntnisse über den Einfluss von Cannabis auf den IQ geliefert. In der Untersuchung, die mehr als 5000 Männer umfasst, wurde kein signifikanter IQ-Verlust bei Cannabiskonsumenten festgestel…
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Send me a text and give me feedback on this episode! Get ready to explore the heart of the San Joaquin Valley's weather operations with Felix Castro from the National Weather Service in Hanford. Felix shares the secrets behind the iconic Doppler radar and the critical mission of the weather service in guarding life and property while boosting the n…
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The Lord tells the sixth century Jews that they are wrong in blaming their fathers for their predicament and should instead take personal responsibility. Ezekiel 18:1-32 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studie…
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The Lord tells the sixth century Jews that they are wrong in blaming their fathers for their predicament and should instead take personal responsibility. Ezekiel 18:1-32 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studie…
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An entire chapter in the Revelation, chapter 17, is dedicated to the future rise of a global religion. AI-based religions could emerge, where people worship a Godhead based on AI. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy Read along with us at https://calvaryhanfor…
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An entire chapter in the Revelation, chapter 17, is dedicated to the future rise of a global religion. AI-based religions could emerge, where people worship a Godhead based on AI. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy Read along with us at https://calvaryhanfor…
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David’s song pictures God’s powerful voice as a earth-shattering thunderstorm, sweeping in from the sea and washing through Israel. Psalm 29 Gene Pensiero Jr We Are Live Today Find us on Substack https://calvaryhanford.substack.com/ Find us on YouTube https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford Explore the awe-inspiring majesty of God’s voice in Psalm 29 – …
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/wissenschaft/studien/welchen-einfluss-hat-cannabiskonsum-von-eltern-auf-kinder/Die Washington State University hat untersucht, wie der Umgang von Eltern mit Cannabis die Einstellung ihrer Kinder beeinflusst. Die Studie mit 276 Teenagern zeigt, dass Verantwortung und offene Kommunikation den effektivsten Jugendschutz bie…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/wissenschaft/forschung/aktuelle-forschung-zur-wirkung-von-hanfkonsum-auf-das-erbgut/ Beta-Amyrin, ein Terpen aus der Hanfpflanze, überrascht mit bemerkenswerten medizinischen Eigenschaften. Es gehört zur Gruppe der Triterpene und entfaltet seine Wirkung indirekt über die Cannabinoidrezeptoren CB1 und CB2, indem es den A…
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Eine 20-jährige Langzeitstudie der Northwestern University untersucht die genetischen Auswirkungen von Cannabis-Konsum. Mit über 1.000 Teilnehmern liefert die Studie Hinweise darauf, dass intensiver Konsum epigenetische Veränderungen hervorrufen kann, die sogar an nachfolgende Generationen weitergegeben werden könnten.Die Forschung identifizierte 1…
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The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot. Ezekiel 17:1-24 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at ht…
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The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot. Ezekiel 17:1-24 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at ht…
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Hermeneutics is the study of how to interpret the Bible. What principles & methods do we follow? Why do we follow them? Our ‘hermeneutic’ emphasizes a literal, grammatical-historical approach to interpreting the Bible. Here is what we mean. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhan…
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Hermeneutics is the study of how to interpret the Bible. What principles & methods do we follow? Why do we follow them? Our ‘hermeneutic’ emphasizes a literal, grammatical-historical approach to interpreting the Bible. Here is what we mean. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhan…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/politik/international/tschechien-vorerst-doch-nur-legalisierung-light/Ab Juli 2025 erlaubt Tschechien den Handel mit Cannabisprodukten mit niedrigem THC-Gehalt. Dies ist Teil eines neuen rechtlichen Rahmens, der Substanzen in drei Kategorien unterteilt. Während eine vollständige Legalisierung ausbleibt, zeigt dieser Sch…
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Send me a text and give me feedback on this episode! Rob returns with updates on the traffic signal at 10th & Lacey as well as downtown stop signs and the new flashing stop sign at 13th & Fargo after a fatal accident last month. The city announces a hefty grant destined to sprinkle a bit of magic along the China Alley corridor from the Amtrak stati…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/szeneleben/sport/american-football-nfl-erlaubt-hoehere-thc-grenzwerte/Nach Jahren der Diskussion passt die NFL endlich ihre THC-Grenzwerte für Drogentests an. Ab sofort gelten 350 Nanogramm pro Milliliter – mehr als doppelt so viel wie zuvor. Dieser Schritt bedeutet Fairness für die Spieler und Anerkennung der gesellsch…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/wissenschaft/forschung/cannabisforschung-thc-hilft-beim-denken/Eine aktuelle Studie aus Bonn zeigt: THC, der psychoaktive Wirkstoff der Hanfpflanze, kann kognitive Defizite im Alter nicht nur verlangsamen, sondern sogar umkehren. Die Forschung belegt, dass THC den "mTOR-Signalweg" aktiviert, die Bildung synaptischer Pro…
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David finds himself in a fight or flight situation, but instead decides to go through door number three: Right. The way of God’s righteousness. Psalm 11 Gene Pensiero Jr Home Find us on Substack https://calvaryhanford.substack.com/ Find us on YouTube https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford Welcome to an in-depth Bible study through Psalm 11, a powerful …
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/news/gefaehrdet-die-zukunft-des-cang-nach-der-bundestagswahl/Die Bundestagswahl im Februar 2025 könnte entscheidend für die Cannabis-Legalisierung in Deutschland sein. Die Union, angeführt von Markus Söder und Friedrich Merz, stellt die Entkriminalisierung weiterhin infrage. In der letzten Plenarsitzung vor den Feiertag…
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Send me a text and give me feedback on this episode! Encore Episode from July 28, 2024 Unlock the secrets of aerial law enforcement with Sergeant Jerry Hunter and Senior Deputy Eric Johnson from the Kings County Sheriff's Office Air Support Unit. Established in 2014, this unit is not just about flying high; it's about enhancing public safety throug…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/wissenschaft/studien/neue-studie-zu-cannabis-bei-migraene/Migräne ist eine schmerzhafte neurologische Erkrankung, die weltweit Millionen betrifft. Herkömmliche Medikamente wie NSAR oder Triptane helfen oft nur begrenzt und bringen Risiken wie Leberschäden, Abhängigkeit oder medikamenteninduzierte Kopfschmerzen mit sich.…
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The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot. Ezekiel 16:1-63 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at ht…
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The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot. Ezekiel 16:1-63 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at ht…
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It’s obvious that the world economies are moving closer to a cashless economy that will utilize biometrics to id everyone who wants to participate in society. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy Follow us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford Is th…
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It’s obvious that the world economies are moving closer to a cashless economy that will utilize biometrics to id everyone who wants to participate in society. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy Follow us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford Is th…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/medizin/cannabinoide/opiate-und-cannabinoide-wechselwirkungen-in-der-schmerztherapie/Die Kombination aus Opiaten und Cannabinoiden könnte die Schmerztherapie revolutionieren. THC, das Hauptpsychoaktivum in Cannabis, zeigt in Studien eine erstaunliche Fähigkeit, die Wirkung von Opiaten wie Morphin oder Codein zu verstärk…
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A new year, the same God! In Psalm 33, we are invited to reflect on the greatness of God’s power and love and to respond with worship while we wait for Him to do what He wants to do. Psalm 33 Gene Pensiero Jr Home Watch on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/calvaryhanford Find us on Substack https://calvaryhanford.substack.com/ Start your New Year wit…
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Send me a text and give me feedback on this episode! Encore Episode from January 14, 2024 Uncover the exciting transformation set to redefine public transit in Hanford with the new transit center project. Join me and our special guest, Heather Corder, the accountant auditor for the Kings County Public Transit Agency, as we explore how this initiati…
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Instead of bearing spiritual fruit in the LORD’s vineyard, the 6th century Jews chose to be wild vines in the forest. Ezekiel 15:1-8 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/ Subs…
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Instead of bearing spiritual fruit in the LORD’s vineyard, the 6th century Jews chose to be wild vines in the forest. Ezekiel 15:1-8 Pastor Gene Pensiero Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel) Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/ Subs…
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You can see how AI could play a pivotal role in the global religion prophecies waiting to be fulfilled. It’s getting weird. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy Follow us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford Is artificial intelligence paving the wa…
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You can see how AI could play a pivotal role in the global religion prophecies waiting to be fulfilled. It’s getting weird. Pastor Gene Pensiero Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy Follow us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford Is artificial intelligence paving the wa…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/medizin/cannabinoide/cbd-in-der-medizin/unterschiede-in-der-wirkung-von-cbd-und-cbg/Eine neue Studie hat das therapeutische Potenzial von CBG (Cannabigerol) in den Fokus gerückt – und die Ergebnisse sind beeindruckend:Gene-Regulation: CBG beeinflusst über 5000 Gene, während CBD nur etwa 3700 reguliert.Entzündungshemmung…
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https://www.hanf-magazin.com/news/schwarzmarkt-cannabis-streckmittel-weiter-stark-verbreitet/Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt erschreckende Zahlen: Über 80 % der Proben von Cannabis, das auf dem Schwarzmarkt verkauft wird, sind verunreinigt – mit Streckmitteln wie Pestiziden, Haarspray und sogar harten Drogen. Diese gefährlichen Substanzen sind ein große…
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Send me a text and give me feedback on this episode! Encore episode from February 25, 2024 Curious about how a school district transforms in the face of modern educational challenges? Join us for an enlightening discussion with Hanford Elementary School District Superintendent Joy Gabler. You'll discover the district's remarkable achievements and f…
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