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Learn Hungarian with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Dan Pope

HUNGRY. is the podcast for Challenger Food and Drink brands wanting to pour gasoline on their growth. Fancy being kind? Want to feel warm inside? Please hit the Subscribe button. You’d really, really make my week.
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Big Game Hunger


Big Game Hunger is a weekly comedy show where Jenna Stoeber and friends craft the big next game every episode. Starting with a random genre, concept, and vibe, Jenna and a friend will take a game all the way from pitch, to slightly more developed pitch. By the end of the episode, they’ll have honed an IP so irresistible, you’ll be ready to risk $25 for it on Steam. Get ready to laugh about games you love, learn about game trends, and yearn for titles that will surely never make their release ...
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The Hungarian Heritage Podcast

The Hungarian Heritage Podcast

This is the Hungarian Heritage Podcast. Here, we are dedicated to leaning in and listening to Hungarians and non-Hungarians who have a deep understanding of Hungarian history, culture, traditions, food, travel, and everyday life experiences in Hungary or from just being Hungarian. Our approach will broaden and expand your connection to your Hungarian Heritage in a fun, modern, inclusive, and welcoming format. So if you were ever curious to know more about your Hungarian Heritage, or you're n ...
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Hunde besser verstehen

Hunde besser verstehen

Ich bin Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Personal Hundecoaching Steve Kaye KG. Mit meinen 18 Mitarbeitern helfe ich Mensch-Hund-Teams aus ihren Problemen zurück in ein glückliches Zusammenleben.
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The F4 Hunger Awareness Show is a discussion hosted by Derek Fiorenza of Fiorenza’s Food For Friends (F4) and guests with the purpose being to raise awareness around hunger, poverty, and food insecurity. Included will be conversations with financial sponsors, food donors, food manufacturers, food recipients, agencies in need, and constituents of F4’s cause - to end hunger. F4 is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a world without hunger!
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Well Hung History

Tom Paine Productions.

For fans of history and true crime, Well Hung History chronicles a rogues gallery of the condemned and the executed, and the methods by which they were dispatched to the afterlife. Come learn with us about notorious criminals and their often colorful lives and deaths, and find out about the origins of hanging, the electric chair, the guillotine and many other contraptions.
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Spiritually Hungry

Monica Berg and Michael Berg

Don’t miss this thought-provoking podcast series with authors Monica and Michael Berg. Together, they’ll answer your most pressing questions, offering sage advice for the modern world. Self-proclaimed Change Junkie, Monica Berg is an author and teacher who lectures internationally. Michael Berg is a rabbi and Aramaic scholar who has published almost 20 books on the teachings of Kabbalah. This husband and wife team has been sharing kabbalistic wisdom and relationship expertise with students f ...
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R’ Leibish is the rosh yeshiva of Simchat Shlomo, a powerful musician and an incredible teacher. He teaches a lot from Reb Shlomo Carlebach, R’ Kivak and many other seforim. Kollel Toras Chaim is a program dedicated to helping yidden learn and live rebbe nachman’s torah and its essential advice for our generation. Join the WhatsApp Status 👉 Join the WhatsApp Group 👉
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Furminant - Der Hundepodcast mit Haselnusslikör. Johanna und Alex arbeiten mit Menschen und ihren Hunden. Sie berichten in diesem Podcast von den Erfahrungen aus ihrem Berufsalltag und schneiden aktuelle Themen an, die die Hundemenschen-Welt beschäftigt. Mal kritisch und nachdenklich, mal mit, mal ohne Haselnusslikör, aber immer mit viel Humor und Liebe zum Detail.
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Horror Humor Hunger

Viggy Parr Hampton

In Horror Humor Hunger, host and horror author Viggy Parr Hampton will scare you, make you laugh, and then feed you. Each season presents an original short story, followed by interviews with experts, discussion about the themes of the story and the nature of horror, and a custom-crafted recipe inspired by the story.
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Wir, Sarah und Yvonne, gehen mit unseren Kund*innen wandern und halten ihre Erlebnisse in Bildern fest. Das gemeinsame 'Unterwegs-sein' ermöglicht uns, die Freundschaft von Mensch und Hund ganz nah und unverfälscht festzuhalten. Dein Hund ist dein bester Freund? Bei unseren Fotoshootings ist nix mit Posen, Fassade oder Zwang. Ein achtsamer Umgang mit Hunden ist uns sehr wichtig und für uns als Fotografinnen in diesem Setting besonders gut machbar. Du bekommst ehrliche Einblicke in unsere Arb ...
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Anders mit Hund - Dein Podcast für ein zufriedenes Leben mit Hunden. In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um den Alltag mit Hunden, die ihre Menschen herausfordern. Sei es durch Angst, Aggression, Stress oder andere Dinge, die zu Verhaltensproblemen im Alltag führen. Als Fan von Verhaltensbiologie, einem bedürfnisorientierten Leben und persönlicher Weiterentwicklung triffst Du bei mir nicht auf das klassische "Sitz, Platz, Fuß". Meine Inhalte richten sich an alle, die es ANDERS machen wollen. ...
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The Hundred Year podcast dives into topics including artificial intelligence, gaming, entertainment, technology, entrepreneurship, current events, and so much more. The podcast is hosted by veteran technology journalist Adario Strange. For questions or inquiries, reach out at: Subscribe to the Hundred Year Lens Newsletter:
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Darren Smith, known as RunnersKnees in the online running community, takes us on the journey of self-discovery and sore feet as he pushes himself to complete a hundred marathons (and above) in ten years and join The Hundred Marathon Club. This is a non-commercial unsponsored podcast sharing love with the community.
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Hungry for Wisdom

Grace & Truth Community

God knows more than us. We would like to find out what some more of what He knows. Thankfully, He wrote a bunch of it down in the Bible. Hungry For Wisdom is an all-you-can-eat buffet of God's guidance to live skillfully in this world. Jesus Deserves Disciples!
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Whether it be sports, politics, pop culture, and everything in between. My takes go from zero to one hundred. In this podcast I give my thoughts and opinions frequently joined by family and friends, having fun conversations on various subjects. Movie reviews, reactions to news stories, you get it all here on the Zero to One Hundred podcast.
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Stay Hungry ist der Podcast für ambitionierte Gründer und Unternehmer. Wenn du mit deinem Unternehmen digital wachsen oder sogar skalieren willst, dann ist dieser Podcast perfekt für dich. In dem Podcast gibt er sein erprobtes Wissen zu den Themen Marketing, LinkedIn, Social Selling, Unternehmertum und viele weitere spannende Themen weiter.
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Hungry For More

Alica Panzer and Jessica Gilman

Welcome to Hungry for More, the podcast where two friends drink their daily smoothies and dive deep into all things health and lifestyle. Tune in with Jessica Gilman and Alica Panzer Visitacion, two certified coaches, as we explore what it means to be hungry for MORE in your life. We believe in always being hungry for more because life is too short to settle for less!
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Hundreds of Movies

Christopher Tierney & Ethan Battle

Welcome to Hundreds of Movies, the podcast where two friends (Chris & Ethan) dive into the world of movies. We don't pretend to be critics—we’re just two movie lovers who enjoy chatting about everything movie related. Tune in for relaxed conversations, honest opinions, and a whole lot of fun as we journey through hundreds of movies, one at a time.
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In "HUNGRY MINDS – eine Generation, die fordert" besprechen Journalistin Ronja Ebeling und Sozialforscher Dr. Kilian Hampel Themen rund um die Lebens- und Arbeitsperspektive der jungen Generation. Gemeinsam mit spannenden Gästen machen sie auf Missstände in der Gesellschaft aufmerksam und beleuchten das Bildungssystem, die Arbeitswelt und Politisches – also das, was Deutschland und die Welt bewegt. Sie stellen persönliche Geschichten und spannende Vorbilder vor, um Impulse für Veränderungen ...
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Dieser Podcast zeigt Dir, wie Du Dein Charisma einsetzt, um Deinen Hund wortlos durch alle Situationen im Alltag zu führen. Du kennst das bestimmt: Eigentlich gehorcht Dein Hund schon ganz gut, aber…. So ganz klappt es eben noch nicht. Du hast schon irre viel ausprobiert, Hundetrainer haben Dir die verschiedensten Tipps gegeben, und dennoch – die Probleme (das Ziehen an der Leine, Leinenaggression, Unaufmerksamkeit beim Spazierengehen, Bellen beim Türklingeln, Anspringen von Besuch usw.) hal ...
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Short stories for Hungarian learners by a Hungarian teacher mostly on A1 and A2 levels. ✨ I hope you will enjoy this podcast. You can read the transcript, get HU-EN word list, Hungarian lessons and more: ✨ Let’s learn together in the Learners’ Circle! Weekly tips, mini-lessons, and interesting facts await you here. 🔄 We can chat on Instagram: If you found this podcast useful, thank you if you write a review and s ...
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Tierisch menschlich - Der Podcast mit Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Katharina Adick

RTL+ / Martin Rütter, Katharina Adick / Audio Alliance

Im Podcast „Tierisch Menschlich“ sprechen Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Wissenschaftsreporterin Katharina Adick über ihre Lieblingsthemen: die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Hund, das merkwürdige Verhalten mancher Zweibeiner, Neues aus der Forschung und skurrile Geschichten aus dem Leben mit Haustieren. Hörer:innen erfahren viel über den Hundeprofi persönlich, seine Ansichten zu Lakritzschlümpfen, Strafzetteln und Talkshows und natürlich immer wieder Privates über den inoffiziellen First Dog D ...
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Hundegeflüster verbindet Weiterbildung und Inspiration rund um das Leben in deinem Mensch-Hund-Team. Es erwarten dich Wissen, Tipps für dein Hundetraining, Interviews, Tools zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung für HundehalterInnen und ganz persönliche Erlebnisse und Erkenntnisse aus meinem Alltag als Hundehalterin und Coach. Mir als Hundetrainerin ist es eine Herzensangelegenheit, alle Facetten des Mensch-Hund-Teams zu beleuchten - Und dazu gehören auch wir Menschen und unser Umgang mit uns selbs ...
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Watching, researching, discussing, and celebrating Aqua Teen Hunger Force one episode at a time. Forever! Join life-long fan of (and one-time voice actor in) ATHF, Ronnie Neeley, as he deep dives into the weird and wonderful world of Aqua Teen. When not deep diving through the show, Ronnie chats with ATHF’s cast and crew, asking them all the deep and dirty questions they didn’t think anybody cared about... but they were Dead Wrong! ...Starring Rob Schneider. So if you’re an Aqua Teen fan, li ...
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🇭🇺 Learn Hungarian Online with thematic Audio Lessons, PDF Transcripts, Quizzes and Video lessons. *** Do you enjoy the episodes? ♥️ Support the Podcast: Buy Me a Coffee! ☕️ *** 📍For PDF Transcripts and Learning Materials visit Patreon. 👉🏻 *** My Instagram account: @Hungarian_daily *** 👩‍🏫 Private lesson inquiry at
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Author/Professor Leanne W. Smith sits down with key individuals to mine the magic of their vocational stories. Inspired by Frederick Buechner who said the key to a career satisfying to both soul and pocketbook was to find “where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet," this podcast is geared to writers, students, story lovers, and anyone seeking inspiration for their own vocational journey. As a fiction writer and business professor at Lipscomb University with a heart to teach s ...
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At Hunger Church Atlanta we want to help believers experience the love of God, be transformed by His Word and Presence, and be equipped to impact the world! Dr. Hart Ramsey, Sr. is the Senior Pastor of Hunger Church Atlanta. With a ministry that intentionally points people to the finished work of Jesus, Dr. Ramsey teaches, encourages & strengthens Pastors as well as Leaders to fulfill their ministry purpose. Join us weekly for our Sunday Worship Experience at 11AM ET and/or Tuesdays for our ...
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Breaking down all things marketing tactics and business mindset. Hear from Codebreak co-founder, Joel, Codebreak's senior marketing executive, Martha, and some incredible guests. On this podcast expect to find applicable marketing advice, deep discussions on business and mindset, and powerful guest stories #StayHungry
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Lisa Lillien, a.k.a. Hungry Girl, is obsessed with food––how wonderful it is, and how much of it she can eat and still fit into her pants! Through bestselling cookbooks, a daily email with 1 million+ subscribers, a magazine, and more, her Hungry Girl empire delivers healthy recipes that are easy & delicious, tips & tricks, smart food finds, and real-world survival strategies. And now she’s reaching fellow food lovers like never before! Each food-themed episode is packed with personal stories ...
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Leírás - A Biblia Üzenete műsor része a világszerte ismert Biblia tanulmányozó programnak, a Thru the Bible-nek. A sorozatot Dr. J. Vernon McGee írta és több, mint 100 nyelvre és dialektusra fordították le. A programot egy mindennapos, harminc perces rádió programnak tervezték, ami végigvezeti a hallgatót az egész Biblián. Most ezek a műsorok elérhetőek online. Hálásak vagyunk, hogy úgy döntött, hogy jobban megszeretné ismerni Isten Igéjét a műsorok hallgatásán keresztül. Azt javasoljuk, hog ...
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Young and Hungry for purpose is a podcast about being young and walking in purpose or seeking God to find your purpose. Our host Brandee, will be getting RAW and Real about life as a young Christian in a world full of temptations. We will also be discussing dating, having relationships and friendships and connections that are God‘s will, life and much more. Make sure you subscribe so you do not miss an episode.
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Spiritueller Podcast für Menschen, die offen für spirituelle Themen sind. Ralf Hungerland ist ein spiritueller Lehrer und Autor der Bücher Seelenreisende und Seelengeschichten - Mediale Reisen in die Welt der Seele. Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit sind heute die Ausbildung von Menschen zum Trance Medium für Mediale Seelenreisen, Mediale Seelenreisen für Klienten und Persönliche Channelings. Website von Ralf:
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show series
Welcome to Hundreds of Movies, the podcast where two friends (Chris & Ethan) dive into the world of movies. We don't pretend to be critics—we’re just two movie lovers who enjoy chatting about everything movie related. Tune in for relaxed conversations, honest opinions, and a whole lot of fun as we journey through hundreds of movies, one at a time. …
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Earl Lavender first came on my radar in 1985 when he ran 100 miles in a day as a fundraiser for Lipscomb Athletics. Earl has had wide influence not only in my own life, but in the lives of countless others, in the U.S. and abroad, in both biblical and athletic arenas. And he makes his big waves with humility, giving the credit to and seeking to emu…
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From the very first ATHF intro, to the art direction on the latest season-- Todd Redner was there. Like the wind.... or God. The all knowing, all drawing Todd Redner graces the podcast to bestow upon us several ATHF tales that I had never once heard before. And that's saying something because I've heard lots of things. Todd's telling us about the m…
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Izzy Kestrel, indie game dev and Gexpert, tackles a special returning prompt with: borborygmic (“of or relating to a rumbling or gurgling sound caused by the movement of gas in the intestines) Surgery all control inputs are opposite The resulting game, "Reflections of a Surgeon: Control Issues," will test your patience as you work on patients in a …
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DEE-lighted to welcome back the OG Giles Brooks on to the poddy. Recorded at our supper club at The Drapers Arms a coupla weeks ago. So many brands get stuck in the £2 - £5 million pond The trough of sorrow The dip The grind Giles, as always, gives super straightforward answers to complicated problems HUGEEEE WHOPPIN thanks to the Data Donnies Nort…
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In this episode of the Stay Hungry Podcast, Joel sat down with Gary Lane, a business owner and therapist who turned personal struggles into a mission to help others. But his journey wasn’t straightforward. From growing up in an environment where he felt he had to constantly adapt to fit in to building a business in Spain and burning out, Gary’s sto…
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KI meets Schönheitsideale - mit Lara Sophie Bothur & Alissa Martens Lara Sophie Bothur und Alissa Martens teilen in dieser Folge ihr Wissen rund um KI, Deepfakes und Avatare. Wie beeinflussen die neuen Technologien die Selbstwahrnehmung von jungen Menschen und insbesondere von jungen Frauen? Was sind die Chancen und was sind die Fallstricke? **Offi…
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In dieser Folge nehmen wir zwei aktuelle Gesetzesänderungen unter die Lupe, die für viele Hundemenschen relevant sein dürften. In Bremen soll ab 2026 ein verpflichtender Hundeführerschein für alle Hundehaltenden eingeführt werden – wir sprechen darüber, was das konkret bedeutet, wie sinnvoll solche Regelungen sind und welche Auswirkungen das für de…
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Ever feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of health struggles, trying to find answers but never quite getting the results you want? You’re not alone! In this episode, I’m chatting with my dear friend Reed Davis, founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN). He shares how understanding lab work and taking a holistic approach can empower you to take…
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#314 - Was geht gar nicht? Mein Name ist Solveig & ich bin Coach für Menschen mit Hund. In dieser Folge lasse ich meinen Gedanken freien Lauf – und springe ein bisschen von Höckchen auf Stöckchen. 😅 Aber im Kern geht es um ein wichtiges Thema: gegenseitigen Respekt und Rücksichtnahme. Denn seien wir ehrlich – es gibt einige No-Gos, die uns als Hund…
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Während Martin sich auf sein Tourfinale mit Überraschungsgast freut, freut sich Katharina über die Ruhe im Karnevals-Exit Bremen! Neues von Welpenhändler Winkel, eine skurrile Art, wie manche Hunde Wasser aus dem Napf trinken, ein Tierheimtier der Woche aus der Schweiz und ein kleiner Bonus zur Folge über schlechte Entscheidungen im Tierreich. Im R…
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Ever find yourself frustrated that the workouts, diets, or habits that used to work for you just don’t anymore? You’re not alone. Our bodies, minds, and needs change, and trying to force old routines can lead to burnout, frustration, or even injury. In this episode, I share a personal realization about letting go of past expectations and accepting …
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Espresso's are powered by our sponsor Unleashed! 1. What on earth is Unleashed, I hear you asking? Unleashed is Inventory management software that talks to your financial and eComm software. We use it daily at Islands. It's BANGING!! 2. Why Unleashed will change your life as a foodie founder? Cut admin time in half. Save money. Lots of money. Get l…
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In this episode, Lisa, Jamie, and Mikey went through hundreds of new products and narrowed it down to a cool dozen to try from Expo West! Finds like new sodas from Spindrift, a new limited-edition quinoa crisp from Undercover Snacks, an on-the-go tamale that is AMAZING, truffled mashed potatoes, and so much more. Plus, a new low-calorie BBQ sauce f…
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Ein Tag „Hund sein“! Tierisch liebe Grüße,Birgit ❤️❤️❤️ Die HerzHunde-Tagesbetreuung (Raum Hamburg): Tel. 040 - 180 123 90 ❤️❤️❤️ Du hast etwas vermisst? Schreib mir, damit ich besser werde: ❤️❤️❤️ Dir hat’s gefallen? Hinterlasse Deinen Kommentar gleich hier! Damit andere w…
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Hundred Year Podcast Ep. 64: The stock market has been rocked! But that hasn’t stopped AI startups from raising billions in new funding as the wave of innovation refuses to be slowed by economic uncertainty. Investing expert Jeffrey Fidelman joins Adario Strange to explain what’s happening in the market, whether it’s the beginning of a larger downt…
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Hey, Heal Your Hunger Beauties! I’m coming to you from beautiful Mexico, where I’m soaking up some much-needed family time. And today, I’m talking about something that might just hit home—our addiction to busy. If you’ve ever felt like you’re constantly running, overwhelmed, and never have time for yourself, this episode is for you. Emotional eater…
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Nadja ist Schlittenhunde-Guide auf der Huskyfarm ‹Wildact Adventure› in Schwedisch Lappland. Mit viel persönlichem Engagement, Liebe zu den Hunden und Freude an ihrem strengen Outdoor-Job navigiert sie ihre Gäste sicher durch die verschneiten Landschaften. In diesem zweiten Teil des Interviews sprechen wir mit Nadja gezielt über die Arbeit mit den …
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Welcome to Hundreds of Movies, the podcast where two friends (Chris & Ethan) dive into the world of movies. We don't pretend to be critics—we’re just two movie lovers who enjoy chatting about everything movie related. Tune in for relaxed conversations, honest opinions, and a whole lot of fun as we journey through hundreds of movies, one at a time. …
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Mental health struggles are real, even for believers. Yet, in many church spaces, conversations around anxiety, depression, and emotional well-being are often met with stigma or dismissed as a lack of faith. In this episode, we’re breaking that stigma and diving into what it truly means to seek healing while keeping Christ at the center. We’ll expl…
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Francis Zierer, creator of CreatorSpotlight, pulls us back together again as a people with the prompts: Sticky cursed game from the future maze game - tilting Play three different modes in "All the King’s Horses: A Terraforming Game"! As earth itself, trying to reform Pangaea and reset humanity down to a certain threshold, as a world leader trying …
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This week we have a throwback to an incredible convo with the co-founder of TRIP, Olivia Ferdi. Maybe I am wrong. For yonks I’ve been waxing ad nause about Narrow and Deep. Focus. Do less, better. Be a Meaningful specific. It’s what every wonderful guest on the poddy teaches me. TRIP ripped up the rule book. Definition of outlier. TRIP is for every…
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In this episode of the Stay Hungry Podcast, Joel sat down with Matthew Wigham, an entrepreneur who transformed a £5,000 loft boarding business into a seven-figure powerhouse, but his story didn’t start there. Matthew’s journey is a masterclass in spotting opportunities, taking calculated risks, and scaling a business the right way. From cleaning wi…
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Offering & Tithes: Text HUNGERCHURCHATL and enter your giving amount to 77296. Example: HUNGERCHURCHATL50 to give $50 You can give on our website You can mail your donation to our mailing address: via 541 10th Street Suite #104 Atlanta, GA, 30318De către Dr. Hart Ramsey
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Send us a text “Let us understand: North Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States. Only Americans can do that.”—President Richard Nixon As the 1960s drew to a close, 1969 became a pivotal year that marked the end of an era—a time when the dreams of peace, love, and unity that defined the decade began to unravel. It was a year steeped in…
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Sami El Ayachi ist mal wieder zu Gast bei Zamperl Amore. In dieser Podcastfolge sprechen wir über sein neues Buch “Leinenführigkeit – Der orientierte Hund”. Das Thema ist im Hundetraining ja ein absoluter Klassiker und viele würden sich wünschen, dass es eine Art Zauberwort gibt, mit dem man das An der Leine ziehen sofort abstellen kann. (Spoiler: …
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Internationaler Tag gegen Rassismus Mit der Journalistin Gilda Sahebi sprechen wir darüber, warum nicht zugewanderte Menschen unser Land unsicher machen, sondern rassistische Narrative. Dazu reisen wir zurück ins Deutsche Kaiserreich und ergründen, warum wir es Menschen manchmal so schwer machen, Teil von Deutschland zu werden und weshalb bestimmte…
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Avanzas designpodd är tillbaka! I första avsnittet i ny konstellation berättar vi om vad som hänt sedan sist och dyker ner i ämnet nyfikenhet. Varför är det viktigt att vara nyfiken och hur jobbar vi med att flexa våra nyfikenhetsmuskler? Artikeln om nyfikenhet som nämns, från Harvard Business Review @hundranyanser på Instagram…
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Welcome to this episode of the Hungarian Heritage Podcast. I am thrilled to welcome back, Dr. Anna Fenyvesi. As many of you know, Anna has been my guest on an episode when we discussed her role as co-editor of the Hungarian Roots and American Dreams book, and she has also co-hosted episodes with me as we Celebrated Hungarian Heritage Together when …
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It's the season 6 finale! I'm joined by family & friends to once again debate the top 5 Super Bowl Halftime shows! A lot of yelling and confusion involved per usual! I also give my take on the latest Dallas Cowboys drama, and tell you what's to come. Thank you for listening, join the conversation email and follow me on Bluesky @…
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Hey there, beautiful soul! Ever found yourself saying, “I was doing great until…”? If so, this episode is for you. Emotional eating isn’t just about food—it’s about how we use food to cope with life’s ups and downs. Today, we’re unpacking the untils that throw us off track and keep us stuck in the cycle of emotional eating. If this resonates, take …
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In today's episode, I’ll be sharing stories about my special adventures in Greece. Before COVID, every summer, I used to spend three weeks in the mountains with a team of biologists searching for vipers. We lived completely offline, in tents, without electricity or shower facilities. Soon, I’ll be heading off on a similar adventure again, this time…
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In dieser Folge von Furminant dreht sich alles um die verschiedenen Trainingsmodelle in der Hundeerziehung. Ob Workshop, Gruppenangebot, Einzelstunden oder Intensivcoaching – jedes Format hat seine Vor- und Nachteile. Doch welches passt am besten zu dir und deinem Hund? Wir schauen uns die vier Modelle genau an, besprechen, für welche Trainingsziel…
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