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My Immigrant Life

My Immigrant Life

My Immigrant Life is a podcast dedicated to break down the stereotypes of immigrants by shining the spotlight on their struggles, perseverance, and triumphs.Our mission is to provide a platform for immigrants to speak up, share their stories, and be heard. Through the power of their stories, they are able to connect with a larger audience, gain respect, and inspire.Join us every other Tuesday and learn why our guest left their country and how they overcame adversity. You'll be surprise by wh ...
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the Navigating Culture podcast shares the stories of Bold, Brave & Badass Immigrant Women as they create their Dream Life despite the Naysayers. ⁣⁣This podcast helps immigrants and people from immigrant communities redefine outdated ideas of success and live on their own terms. On this podcast, you'll hear⁣⁣ stories and strategies from immigrants who said 'heck no' to blindly following tradition and 'heck yes' to living a life beyond other people's expectations. ⁣⁣The, host Anya Cherrice, ch ...
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MamaNest | Empowering Immigrant Moms for Success in Canada! With English, Job Skills, Work-Life Balance, and More!

Mahsa Rezaei - a MOM- Founder & CEO, IT Project Manager, College Instructor, Brand Management Consultant

Hey Mama! ❓Have you relocated to Canada from your home country in order to better your life and that of your family? like me? ❓Do you want to know how to position yourself in society? while English is your barrier!? ❓Do you want a job that works with your mom life and makes your life easier? ❓You might not even know how to manage your mom life, especially after moving to Canada, where life moves fast. ✅There is a way to be more empowered so you can be more social in Canada, get a job, and st ...
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show series
"From Migration to Empowerment: A Year of Challenges and Triumphs" Hi Mama, I'm Mahsa, an Immigrant Mama! Wanna know more about me? Then listen to this episode.De către Mahsa Rezaei - a MOM- Founder & CEO, IT Project Manager, College Instructor, Brand Management Consultant
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It's difficult, very difficult, to recognise the moment in your life when you've lost your motivation to thrive, progress, and even live your daily life! But it could happen to any of us! whether it’s triggered from the outside or the inside! It's a horrible feeling that must be accepted! It does happen from time to time... And if we are not cautio…
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We're getting close to school days! We haven't had school days in the last two years because of the pandemic, so it's hard to remember what those days were like. So you don't know how to handle everything as a mom and you feel lost. You used to hang out with your school girl or boy every morning until their short online class started, but now what?…
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You want to focus on your work or something else, so you unplug your phone, which is undoubtedly the number one distractor, and believe you're good to go, but you're distracted again, and it appears like you'll never be the focused purposeful person again! But what if you know you need to make some adjustments in order to stay focused and avoid dis…
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Do you ever wonder why you can't regulate how you use your cellphone? Perhaps you're extremely dependant, if not hooked, to your mobile device! Living in a technologically advanced society encourages us to use our mobile devices for everything! But let's be real! Is it true that we are overusing or not? To put it another way: Isn't it true that we'…
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You're terrified! Why? Because you have a never-ending list of to-dos with no end in sight! You're feeling overwhelmed, and you're absolutely correct, because it's the messy middle, Mama! when you're feeling disoriented! don't know what your priorities are and don't even know where to begin! It's such a stressful situation that you'd rather avoid i…
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How many times have you wondered if you still love your husband the same way you did before? How many times have you misbehaved with your children and told them that you don't love them? Maybe they didn't act the way you expected? How often do you think you shouldn't be so nice to others because they don't meet your standards? Unmet expectations as…
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Raise your hand if you occasionally experience extreme fatigue. emotionally? or perhaps physically? Mama, did you realise that you are not alone? Statistics indicate that we are susceptible to Burnout every day! however, why is it necessary to address it? how do we accomplish this? We're going to approach burnout together... Grab your coffee and le…
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Do you identify as a Luddite or a Technophile? Have you ever struggled to keep up with technological advancements? Or perhaps you never consider making peace with technology! You are even aware that your lack of technological knowledge restricts and limits you daily... Let's figure out what we can do to make peace with technology, as well as the be…
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Yes! It's eventually the day! The MamaNest application eventually launched. After months of working on this project, we now want to welcome the first merley motherhood application, which is specifically meant to serve mothers to meet their day-to-day needs. Besides that, I had an interview with two of the main team members here at MamaNest so that …
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Isn't it wonderful to begin each day in your own way? Have you ever attempted, like I have, to adopt the morning routine of successful individuals in order to be like them? Have you forced yourself to get up earlier every day in the hopes of having a better day? It's time to change your perspective on your morning routine and begin thinking more cl…
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You want to CRUSH it all and think it would be great if you could start your day ُSOONER? I know since I've been there and still am: there's always so much to deal with in our everyday lives that we may assume the only way to deal with it is to get up earlier! or when you're a night owl and you think maybe you need to change to an early bird to bec…
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This “Tip Tuesday” question is one of the most frequently asked questions of yours. Did you know that a vast majority of the workshop attendees, MamaBest participants, and English acade,y students here in MamaNest are women who are not a mom? Then let’s see what are my convincing reasons to claim that the MamaNest techniques are generic… Let's get …
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We're back with another "tip Tuesday" episode. The wheel of life is supposed to help us remember the necessity of thinking comprehensively whenever it comes to assessing our life and having a growth plan even when we think we're so busy! What do you think? Is it possible to have a growth plan considering all areas of our life? So what do you say? L…
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You want to attend a billion classes online, you want to read hundreds of books, you want to learn lots of things to grow... But at the same time you're a mom, and it seems to be impossible for you? Do you need more time to invest in yourself? or you need ways to manage your time to do that? or any other solution? what do you think could be realist…
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"Start before you're ready." "You don't need to be great to start, but you need to start to be great." What lovely sentences! Perhaps these lines are the answer to my procrastination and perfectionism. But they're not that EASY to do. How am I going to do this practically? How can I actually get started? In this episode, we'll talk about it and I'l…
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Do you agree that sometimes we prevent positive changes in our lives by not asking questions ?!Has it ever occurred to you that you did not ask the question and it caused you not to understand something and as a result you did not grow?Don't you think it's time to start?Let's start here in MamaNest.Did you know we have a new feature in the podcast …
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Hey Mama, It's officially the first episode of season three. so Welcome Back... Have you ever been there? I mean so frustrated because you can't get what is the reason behind your failures inspite of the burst efforts?! You are attempting but you fail again and again and again... so you're disappointed because you may feel you're not capable of doi…
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In this Podcast Series, we're gonna learn about how we can become our Best version in a practical way. But not anyway, in a way that is specifically suitable for our mom's life. We are going to start from the definition of our Best self, derive our Bucket list, plan our year, derive our 3-month action plan... all the way to plan our month, week, an…
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In this Podcast Series, we're gonna learn about how we can become our Best version in a practical way. But not anyway, in a way that is specifically suitable for our mom's life. We are going to start from the definition of our Best self, derive our Bucket list, plan our year, derive our 3-month action plan... all the way to plan our month, week, an…
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In this Podcast Series, we're gonna learn about how we can become our Best version in a practical way. But not anyway, in a way that is specifically suitable for our mom's life. We are going to start from the definition of our Best self, derive our Bucket list, plan our year, derive our 3-month action plan... all the way to plan our month, week, an…
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In this Podcast Series, we're gonna learn about how we can become our Best version in a practical way. But not anyway, in a way that is specifically suitable for our mom's life. We are going to start from the definition of our Best self, derive our Bucket list, plan our year, derive our 3-month action plan... all the way to plan our month, week, an…
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Hey Mama! I'm so thrilled that MamaNest turns ONE! It's my passion project and in fact, social responsibility and I eagerly work on it every day. Thanks for your companion in this path mama... MamaNest is a nest full of love and commitment for all of the moms. I hope it can help us to experience a more fulfilling joyful motherhood journey and becom…
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Happy Mother's Day Mama! Today we talked about the missing culture of Caring and Sharing! which unfortunately is so overlooked these days. especially among us moms... We talked about how we can begin... from ourselves... and help flourish the motherhood culture! with even bite-size actions. We've talked about the WHAT, the WHY, and the HOW of this …
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I have also been there and in fact, I am there every now and then... I mean in the MESSY MIDDLE of motherhood! It's so disappointing to lose track after lots of planning and goal setting because of something that is so unpredictably happening in your life in your day to day life! This is the life of a Mom! Beautiful and challenging at the same time…
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Do you feel pressured most of the times about whether or not you're a good mom? You wanna be a so-called PERFECT mother, but you fail every time and this leads to your discontentment... Do you wanna end this vicious cycle and become a GOOD ENOUGH Mom instead of a PERFECT mom, and finish this inner battle? in this week's episode we've talked about t…
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Have you absorbed the Time Blocking system of episode 15? or the Non-Negotiable list of Episode 16? If so, it's the perfect time to build your productivity planning on these two concepts. Rest assured that you would reap the benefits of this system both in the short and long term. You can also reach out to MamaNest Website and register to the works…
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Which one is better mama? Planning in a superficial level and try to stick to it by neglecting all the other roles and values in your life? or Planning in a rational way and keep your priorities in life, still on the list? How is it possible to consider all the other areas of our life when it comes to our day to day planning? It's 100% DOABLE! You …
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Hey there! In this episode I'm gonna specifically talk about how am I able to wear these lots of hats all at once, the question which I'm mostly asked about... as a mom, a wife, an entrepreneur, a business intelligence analyst, a tutor, a housekeeper, and a life admin. I do believe that without tearing ourselves apart, it's completely doable to boo…
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Hey Mama! In this very episode, I offered a systemized step by step approach towards monthly stock up. in this way you'd be less likely to run out of your basic food ingredients every once in a while, and so you'd have less trips to the grocery store! In this 6 step system I help you draft your own Monthly stock up list and then make it real! Have …
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Hey Mama! In this episode I've talked about a tailor-made version of Meal Prepping. this episode goes hand in hand with the Meal planning that is mentioned in episode number 12. It's time to be realistic about our mom life and take simpler systems into consideration. Don't forget that this meal prepping system is aimed to help us reduce some of the…
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In this episode we're gonna tap into a really truly demanding topic for any mom, especially working moms, working from home moms or even I think anyone who is struggling with providing a meal each day for the family... literally anyone who is all about managing her home, business, family... everything all at once. and who doesn't know that this rep…
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Hello friends, Listen to this episode to learn what updates are in store for the Navigating Culture podcast. Sneak peak: Anya, the Navigating Culture podcast, host has decide to pause the podcast till next year. Tune in to find out why. Don't forget to share your thoughts, stories, ideas with Anya via instagram at: @navigatingculture or email the t…
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What does it mean to make it in The United States of America? So many of us were sold the dream that making it means we need the huge house, the million dollars or the flashiest car. But could ‘making’ it mean something else entirely? Meet Johanna Vizmanos, an immigrant from the Philippines who thought coming to America would be the answer to all t…
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Happy International Girl's Day to all of our innocent sweet girls. In this week's podcast, I talked about how we as moms, can raise strong girls and how we can play effective roles for the future of our girls. a Mom's life can be both inspiring and impressive not only for her children, but also for the next generations. So don't overlook your role …
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At 4 years old, Parisa immigrated to the USA from Iran and became the weird girl with the parents who had weird accents. After the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979, her Arizonian community shrouded her in suspicion — she was now also a weird terrorist. Those labels compelled her to push for that ever-moving goal-post of ‘Good Immigrant’ but, as many of …
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Welcome Back, Mama! Season 2 of the MamaNest Podcast has officially started. I'm so exhilarated to come back to you and can't wait to share with you guys the fresh content that I've created. So Don't forget to subscribe to this podcast and also follow our Instagram for more information @mamanestofficial , you may be willing to check the website for…
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Western ideals of success, often deeply rooted in capitalism, are often demonstrated as the only goals worth pursuing in colonized countries. In the Caribbean, we show this mentality through the extreme focus on rote memorization, earning all A’s in exams and eventually if you’re good enough, if you’re worthy enough, gaining acceptance into an inte…
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Raise your hand if any of the following resonates with you. 1) You feel like the only way you can accomplish your goals is through working harder and longer than everybody else. 2) You feel that being successful means that you have to just accept working with people who are disrespectful and mean. 3) You feel like you are a disappointment because y…
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A common belief held amongst older women in immigrant communities is the expectation for younger women to be the traditional good daughter and daughter-in-law. Parween came face to face with this expectation as a random auntie asked her, “What do you do for work?” Parween told her about her business helping women of color improve their financial li…
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“Therapy?” I can hear the echoes of the aunties' judgments now. Though the guilt and shame took me some time to work through, I eventually decided that this was the right decision for me. I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was young. As both an immigrant and a Millenial, it is no surprise that this is something I am still dealing w…
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For most of us, there is a tight network of parents, aunties, uncles, and even neighbors who watch our every move, ensuring that we are well behaved, whatever that means. Alicia felt the same pressures growing up. Her parents raised her to be fiercely independent outside of the home. But when her parents spoke, they expected her to follow their eve…
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We live in a world that often tells us to dim our light. Especially as immigrants in a new country, we’re often told to keep our heads down and blend in. Shinjini Das was born in India, moved to Malaysia, and finally immigrated to the USA when she was nine. That first move to New Jersey sparked her journey of learning how to trust and accept her am…
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“You should be more grateful.” We hear that phrase often from our parents. It’s also a phrase that is echoed and amplified when we move to a new country. That phrase comes back to haunt us with a specific type of energy when we express our desire to dream bigger. Don’t get me wrong - being grateful is important. It helps you love yourself, accept y…
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The Navigating Culture mission in its essence is about motivating and inspiring you to discover what lights you up and make it a part of your everyday life. No matter what Auntie or anyone else for that matter says. Most of the time, these explorations lead people outside of the confines of their traditional 9-to-5. But what happens to those of us …
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Nisha Mody is not an immigrant, but she grew up surrounded by these brave souls. Her parents immigrated from India to the USA, which taught Nisha from a very young age to internalize the belief of working hard and earning your place by any means necessary. Like many immigrants and children of immigrant parents, Nisha remembers vividly the lectures …
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Maybe you’ve taken a chance and left your comfortable life to start over in a new country. Maybe you thought, “I'm experienced, I'm established. beginning again should not be that difficult.” Only to realize several months later, you can't seem to figure out where you belong, or what you should be doing in the place you now call home. This is exact…
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What would you do if I said, ‘The world doesn’t want you to like yourself.’ Would you nod your head in agreement? Would you roll your eyes and mutter something about getting over it? Or would your reaction depend on the day or what happened to you the week before? If most of your days feel like the world isn’t excited to see you win, I get that. As…
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Finding your identity is a huge struggle amongst immigrant children. Not only do they have to deal with cultural differences, but they have to navigate the difficult world of acknowledging and breaking generational patterns. Cassandra Le is the first generation daughter of immigrant parents who fled Vietnam as refugees in the 80s. She now resides i…
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Many immigrant children grow up with the expectation of landing a job in corporate America. Having faced the struggles of immigrating to a new country and working multiple jobs to keep the family afloat, immigrant parents want their children to live a life of stability, respectability, and acceptance. Shop all available merch including our signatur…
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