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"She Speaks To Inspire” is an empowering public speaking podcast for professional women with public speaking fear. Unlike other podcasts on public speaking, She Speaks To Inspire not only gives you tips to be a confident communicator under pressure but also… helps you regulate your nervous system for less anxiety, learn lifestyle practices to reduce burnout and overwhelm and reconnect with your feminine leadership presence for more authenticity and comfort in your skin. Learn more about Spea ...
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Journal Gently (formerly Let’s Encourage One Another) is a podcast designed to help introverted women find healing after experiencing grief, hurt, and trauma. This is a sacred space for us to meet together and draw close to God on the pages of our journals, especially when life is hard. It's all about taking small, gentle steps and inviting God to do His healing work in us. Let's journal gently. ------ Kari Bartkus is a spiritual director who walks with hurting Christian women, helping them ...
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show series
All the eyes in the room turn to you. It's your time to shine! Would you rather stay in the background? I get it! Especially if you're introverted like me, it's much more comfortable to be a wall flower or a helper, while others shine. In this episode, you'll learn: Ways you have been subtely avoiding visibility and therefore missing out on excitin…
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I don’t know what it is, but life has just felt… hard. People misunderstanding one another. Feelings getting hurt. Work to do. Family to care for. Trying to balance it all while also cleaning the house and completing other mundane but necessary tasks. All piled on top of one another and it’s hard not to wonder if something deeper is going on. Is th…
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Do you spend hours preparing your content for important communication moments and STILL feel nervous? Have you tried all the public speaking "best practices" out there and can't seem to feel confident or comfortable in the spotlight? In this episode you'll learn... WHAT makes introverted women different when it comes to public speaking and WHY othe…
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I can have a difficult time explaining how I feel about something, and when it’s incredibly important to me, the words seem even harder to find. But there are other times when words feel hard, too: when you’re grieving, when you’re busy, when you’re depressed, when you’re anxious. What do you do then? Today, I want to share with you two ways you ca…
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Do you fear the upcoming speaking opportunity will be like the last one where you stumbled or blanked out? How can you ever get ahead and develop confidence without evidence of things going well? Confidence is built over time. And, over time you can develop a trust and belief in yourself as a competent and effective speaker. Little by little, you c…
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In July of 2021, I ran my first challenge as a ministry. It was the Courageous Care 5-day challenge, and it walked women through five obstacles that prevent us from reaching out to those around us who are hurting. What was a challenge became a masterclass, which became a book. And it features the key principle behind what Love Does That is all abou…
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Whether you have time to prepare your content or you're put on the spot, speaking means we are wading into the waters of the unknown. We don't know what's going to happen! Your ability to navigate uncertainty and stay calm can make or break your speaking skills. In this episode I teach you about ... How to navigate fear and apprehension leading up …
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Journaling through God’s Word is a great way to read, study, and actually engage with what He is saying to you. And since the New Year is just a few weeks away, it’s a natural time to recommit ourselves to being in the Bible. Psalm 119:16 (NIV) says, “I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.” Not only are we to not neglect God’s Wor…
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Do you dread social situations? Do you prefer one-on-one conversations with people you know You're not alone! However, social gatherings, networking events and parties are a great place to increase your professional visibility and create new meaningful friendships. In this episode, you'll learn... How to create comfort for yourself even if you are …
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I remember sitting on my bed, reading through a box of old journals I had tucked away in the closet. At first, it was fun, remembering some of the friendships I had and experiences I had gone through. Laughing at some of my immature moments. But instead of storing them back in the closet, I dumped them all in a trash can. Have you ever done that? B…
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Perhaps you and your scripts are besties that don't want to break up just yet. I get it. Let me help you transition from script-writing and over-preparing to the spaciousness of improvisation. It's only when you loosen your grip on scripts that your authenticity and true confidence can be developed. Trust the process! In this episode, you'll learn.…
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In today’s podcast, we are going to dive into the story of Jesus meeting the disciples on the lake during the storm. And through that story, we’re going to ask God to show us where He is when it feels we are left alone. Because I know there are times when I—and many of my clients—are wondering where in the world God is at when we are going through …
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Have you painted yourself into a corner and avoided speaking for so long that now you're not even sure how to get out there? Speaking is the #1 way to grow your business, build your reputation and get ahead in your career. The good news is that there are speaking opportunities everywhere... you just need to know where to look. In this episode, I sh…
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Last year, our family took a trip to the Smoky Mountains. One my "must-dos" was to go into the National Park and get as high as I could to see those breathtaking views. The problem? Too. Many. People. We waited an hour at the top of the mountain to inch toward the parking lot where you could get out of the car and see. And there was nowhere to park…
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Just avoiding these 3 simple speaker mistakes will transform your communication skills overnight! In this episode, you'll learn: The most important word to emphasize when you speak that will help you get the most out of any speaking opportunity How to come across as a credible authority even if you only a few minutes to make an impact The secret to…
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I remember when my kiddos were little. Those months after bringing a baby home just radically change how you do life, don’t they? From trying to figure out how to get some sleep to finding time to shower to learning what temperature to warm their bottle and when they can start eating different foods… it’s just all so much. Journaling in that season…
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You're put on the spot to talk about yourself. How do you feel? Most of us would say that it's the most terrifying thing EVER! How can you be calm and confident in the vulnerable situation of job interviews? That's the topic of this week's podcast episode. I'll share with you ... The underlying reason why interviews are so stressful A counter-intui…
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(There are a few technical glitches in here. I apologize in advance!) What wounds do you carry around with you? I have scars on my arm from a childhood disease, places where the skin is darker than the rest. For you, it might be a physical scar from an experience that left you scraped and bleeding. Or it might be something deeper: a fear of close r…
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Networking can be an introverts' worst nightmare. Do you experience social anxiety and overwhelm at networking events? Yet, it's one of the best ways to grow your business, get ahead in your career and make meaningful professional relationships. In this episode, I'll share... What's underneath "social anxiety" and why it's totally normal The truth …
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Do you ever have one of those moments when you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God has laid something on your heart? Maybe it’s an idea. Maybe it’s a truth from His Word. Maybe it’s a calling. It is these things that I often write down in my journal. These words from God that I want to remember and hold onto and keep thinking about. Well, I …
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Speaking is the number one way to make money whether you are an entrepreneur, a professional, a start up founder or a politician. In this episode, I'll share with you ... How to overcome resentment and ask for what you want What might be really going on underneath your money woes Why "martyrdom" is keeping you stuck and how to unlock your voice and…
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C.S. Lewis wrote, “You can’t see anything properly while your eyes are blurred with tears.” And tears often come when we lose something or someone that was very important to us. The truth is, grief is something we all experience, especially when we lose someone we love, but even when we experience other loss, like the loss of a job, the death of a …
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What's the formula to achieve confident communication?? It's not a secret. And, it's not only for the lucky few. You can achieve confident communication as well as anyone else even if you are introverted, shy or have some social anxiety. In this episode, I illuminate the 3 simple steps to confident communication: 1️⃣ Clarify your intention for the …
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Isn’t it funny how, once you get settled into a good routine, something will change that makes it out of whack? Your child finally starts sleeping through the night, but then they start waking up super early. Or you dedicated nights for your quiet time, but then your teenager decides to use that time to chat with you before bed. Or you theme out yo…
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Join me in this very special episode where I introduce you to successful, professional woman who hired me to help her with speaking nerves. I think you'll really relate to her story and hopefully learn a lot from her experience. In this client spotlight episode, you'll learn: How to get out of your head (and into your body) without sacrificing your…
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Something that I have often struggled with as an adult is making new friends. It’s easier when you’re younger and in school. You see your classmates every day or kids from youth group each week. You’re given opportunities to interact and see if there is someone kind of like you that you could be friends with. Talk with. Hang out with. But as an adu…
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If you've been experiencing performance anxiety and nerves, expectations could be the hidden barrier to your calm and confidence in the spotlight. In this episode, I'll share... What expectations are and why they set you up for failure The unconscious reasons we walk around with expectations How to shake yourself loose of expectations and find free…
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Several years ago, my family and I got to raise a tiny caterpillar. For weeks, we hunted down milkweed to feed it. We watched it grow. And we saw it create its little chrysalis. We even got the blessing of watching it come out of the chrysalis, and caught most of it on video. It was such a beautiful moment. While our little pet didn’t have any majo…
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Want to be taken seriously at work? Hoping to be tapped for the next promotion, raise or commission opportunity? Then, you need executive presence! In this episode, you'll learn... What executive presence is (and isn't) and why it's so important to advance your career The 3 common mistakes professional women make that keep them from having leadersh…
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A new app popped up on my phone with one of the latest updates, and it's a journaling app! Did you get it, too? Did you try it? What do you think? I confess, even though I do some digital journaling (which I’ll talk about later in the episode), I haven’t tried any sort of journaling app yet. But I know there are several journaling apps out there. H…
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Whether your mind is full of criticism, perfectionism or comparisonitis, you are NOT being mindful or present. Communication is always a present moment experience and connection. In this episode I'll share with you... Learn how not being mindful affects your nervous system and increases anxiety Learn strategies to bring yourself into the present mo…
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In preparation for homeschool next year, I’ve been pre-reading some missionary biographies that we’ll be using for our history curriculum. And in the one on Amy Carmichael, it shared several times when she would spend the day in prayer, seeking the Lord on one question or another. For example, should she build a house for the Bible study she led wi…
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There are two parts of how non-verbal communication impacts trust in communication: Whether you are perceived as trustworthy by those you are speaking to and whether you trust yourself on the inside. We dive into both in this episode. You'll learn... How non-verbal communication can be distracting and decrease your credibility Why open body languag…
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When you are going through something like betrayal, depression, or deep grief, it can be hard to talk about what is going on inside of you. And I dare to say, there are times when talking doesn’t actually help the situation. I remember when I struggled with depression in college, and every time I talked about it, it just seemed to make things worse…
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Want to feel more confident as a speaker at work? Is it important to you to advance your career? If you're really committed to these goals, then you must take a look at if your day-to-day habits are supporting these goals. In this episode, I share... The most common way women sabotage their speaking confidence on a reguular basis Some simple, actio…
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Have an important presentation coming up? This episode is very practical in terms of how you can more effectively develop content that inspires and engages. I'll share with you... How to shift your presentations from information-downloads to motivational messages How to use structure to organize your big idea Why having thought-leadership will set …
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When you are struggling with depression or anxiety, it can often feel heavy. Overwhelming. Hopeless. The worries and fears you carry around can impact every aspect of your life. The sadness can overshadow every other thing around you. I know, because I’ve been there. Have you? And in addition to counseling or coaching or seeing a doctor, journaling…
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It's human to want to be good, but it's anxiety-provoking to want to be perfect. In this episode, I'll share with you... What the common thought patterns of perfectionism are (and how to overcome them) Why you want to be perfect-- it's not what you think! 3 Tips to reduce perfectionism and increase calm right away Links and Resources: For more insp…
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It wasn’t that long ago that I led my Journal Gently Mini Workshop, and during that time, I led women through three different journal prompts that focused on perspective. And here’s the kicker: I only offered five minutes for them to write about each one. But you know what? So many of them were surprised at how much they were able to cover in only …
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Do you work in a male-dominated environment? Does masculine energy dominate in your office? It's time for our world to appreciate and revere the unique qualities of the feminine and that starts with YOU having appreciation and reverence for your identity as a woman. In this episode, I share... What unique qualities women bring to the workplace and …
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Have you ever had someone offer some sort of support or help to you that you didn’t necessarily want, but you didn’t know how to say no without hurting their feelings? When you are hurting or struggling or need some extra help, you do get to have a say in the matter. You can choose which counselor you want to meet with. You can decide which friends…
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Have you ever wondered what it was like to experience a spiritual direction session? What happens? What do you talk about? While some coaches will air live coaching sessions, I can’t very well do that, for two different reasons. One, I don’t do live spiritual direction sessions, since I focus on written spiritual direction. And two, spiritual direc…
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Are you hoping to get the promotion or find a new job with more leadership opportunities? At a certain point in your career, women only advance to the next level if they have the necessary communication skills. In this episode, I'll share with you... Why public speaking skills are so important at a certain point in your career How to plan ahead for…
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A few weeks ago, I led the first Journal Gently Mini Workshop. During this time, I took one piece of the Journal Gently program and expanded it to an hour of teaching and writing exercises. We focused on perspective and the role it plays not just in our journaling but in our healing, as well. And today, I’m going to play a short section from the mi…
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Are you dreading the next time you have to lead the meeting? I got you! Today I'll share with you the most important element that most people miss when they lead a meeting. There is a shocking lack of leadership in most meetings, but you can change that. In this episode, you'll learn... The #1 most important part of any meeting (and how you can max…
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“Mom, I need a tank top!” “Okay, borrow one of mine.” “Mom, I’m out of body wash.” “You can use my soap until we get you some more.” “Mom, I can’t find my brush.” “Go ahead and use mine.” My daughter is now at the age where she is starting to share and borrow some of my things. And most of the time, it’s completely okay. But I will admit that there…
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You're a smart, successful, professional woman, right? Ok... well, I think you are! But, you have this habit of blanking-out and fumbling over your words when you're put on the spot to speak? I've got you. In this podcast episode, I'll share with you... How common it is to blank-out and fumble when you're nervous What it means about your nervous sy…
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It’s almost a If You Give a Mouse a Cookie type story. You know the one? If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to want a glass of milk. If you give him a glass of milk, he’ll probably ask you for a straw.” And so on. Well, if you vacuum while the dog’s sleeping, then you’re going to wake him up. If you wake him up, he’s going to need to go outsi…
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Nerves around public speaking are very common, yet if you've tried everything and still feel uncontrollably nervous and anxious when put on the spot to speak, then you might be experiencing a form of public speaking PTSD. In this episode, I'll share with you... A simple, yet powerful exercise to do to reduce nerves immediately An explanation of how…
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“I don’t want to face that again. It feels like too much.” Many of my clients have experienced tremendous grief or trauma in their lives, and as we seek God together through our writing back and forth, there is often a pressure they are feeling—whether from themselves or family members or friends—to use journaling to write about their deepest wound…
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