Syndicated Radio Producer, Author, Speaker
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Športni podkast Vala 202
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Former NFL scouts Daniel Jeremiah and Bucky Brooks break down the latest news and action around the league from a scout’s perspective. The duo are regularly joined by top NFL player personnel executives to bring you the in-depth analysis that you can only get from NFL Media.
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In WEAPONIZED, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp pull back the veil on the world of the known, to explore the unexplained. This multi-platform investigative series features exclusive interviews, never-before-seen footage, previously-suppressed documents, original audio and video recordings, and hard evidence related to UFOs, the paranormal, cutting-edge science, cover-ups, conspiracies, and big-time crimes. Original, groundbreaking conversations with government whistleblowers, spies, spooks, s ...
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FBI Crime Fiction Author and FBI True Crime Podcaster
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Welcome to Healthy Perspectives hosted by Jeremiah Guidos. We take on challenging and current cultural issues through a clinical lens. Learn more at:
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This is a podcast for Jeremiah Williamson‘s preaching messages. He is a preacher in rural Wayne county West Virginia.
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Tom & Jerry多年来长期深入研究及关注比特币发展趋势。希望通过这个频道可以独立与深入地探讨与比特币相关课题,让听众能够获取更全面的比特币教育题材。此频道强调独立思考,投资比特币含有风险,入场须谨慎,据此投资风险自负。 请加入我们的Twitter ( 做我们的战友,一起走一趟义无反顾的比特币革命之旅!
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The “JERE UNFILTERED ” podcast is hosted by Dr. Jere Rivera Dugenio, Ph.D. and reveals the most advanced, sophisticated paradigm-shifting, disruptive information in the areas of consciousness, technology, alternative health, water and bioregenesis (eternal-life biohacking). This private sector information will be shared to the public on a monthly basis. Dr. Jere will interview above-top-secret: whistleblowers, longevity experts, scientists, doctors and the world’s top influencers in their in ...
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Podcast by Jerry Flowers Ministries
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Opinions Matter is the brainchild of award-winning broadcasters Adrian Kennedy and Jeremy Dixon. On each episode the lads will debate the big stories of the day, highlight listener concerns, local issues and discuss the weird and wacky stuff going on in their lives
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With Bible teaching and worldwide live church services, Jeremiah Smith Ministries is a ministry for everyone who would like to grow in God’s Word.
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Jesus told His disciples that faith, like a grain of mustard seed, can move a mountain. This podcast presents short ideas that bless when the concepts are put into practice and become habits.
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As melhores conversas não têm hora marcada. As Entrevistas do JE reúnem os especialistas mais qualificados para analisar os temas do momento.
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Un(e) invité(e) et sa play list musicale Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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The Jerry Agar Show is the most opinionated show you will find on the planet. Jerry tackles all subjects with a no-nonsense approach that will keep you engaged and entertained.
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Exploring Business and Life.
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Jeremy Walker' on SermonAudio.
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Devenez plus efficace, plus productif et faites la différence grâce aux neurosciences. Avoir des compétences ne suffit pas pour être réellement compétent. Car sans un cerveau à son plein potentiel, exprimer pleinement ses compétences est peine perdue. Bonne nouvelle : optimiser son cerveau ça s’apprend, c’est passionnant et c’est la clé pour faire la différence. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Weekday devotionals from the Bible.
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Je komt als consument vaak dingen tegen waarvan je denkt: moet dat nu echt? Mensen die de pijlen in de supermarkt niet volgen. Middenvakrijders. Paaseitjes die al met kerst in de winkel liggen… WinWin-host Xavier Taveirne gaat samen met Chaima Saysay en een wekelijkse gast de strijd aan met onze kleine ergernissen van het dagelijkse leven. Omdat een klein beetje ergeren gewéldig kan opluchten.
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In deze podcast proberen de hosts in precies een uur zoveel mogelijk te leren van een expert.
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A Jeremiad is a long literary work bitterly lamenting the state of society and its morals, containing a prophecy of society's impending downfall. The Jeremiad podcast situates itself as the modern day iteration of the prophet Jeremiah's God-given mission; considering philosophy and sociology through a lens of misanthropy. Join hosts Andy Smith and Tom Burton as we get Biblical and call out the woes of today's society at large.
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Seja bem-vindo ao podcast da Oitava Igreja! Aqui você irá ouvir, semanalmente, uma mensagem para abençoar sua vida e sua família, a partir dos programas do Pr. Jeremias Pereira e de toda a equipe pastoral da Oitava. Ouça os episódios já divulgados e acompanhe as novidades. Mais informações no site:
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Welcome to "Je Parle Français", the 100% French podcast for intermediate learners. Dive into a world of captivating topics designed to spark real conversations. Here, we prioritize authenticity, ensuring that your learning experience feels engaging and relatable. Whether you're one of my dedicated students or a busy individual craving enriching discussions in your limited free time, this podcast is tailored just for you. Explore fascinating subjects and enjoy free transcripts for each episod ...
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Bible Messages from Pastor Jerry Watts
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The Official podcast of the Jerry Jonestown Massacre
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YUTORAH: R' Jeremy Wieder -- Recent Shiurim
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Elke week fileert de crew het belangrijkste nieuws uit de gamewereld, LIVE via Twitch en YouTube.
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Daily Sports Show From Noon-1 Monday Through Friday with former UL and NBA player Jerry Eaves.
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Call in: 833-288-EWTN (3986) | Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie is a unique live daily call-in show. Hosts Jerry Usher and Debbie Georgianni share from their hearts and personal experiences, focusing closely on their listeners and helping them become aware of their tremendous worth and potential. Taking a fresh look at personal, spiritual and cultural issues, their ultimate desire is to bring others to a realization of how much God loves them and has a beautiful plan for their lives.
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The Middle with Jeremy Hobson is a national call-in talk show focused on bringing the voices of Americans in the geographic and political middle into the national conversation. The people who are crucial in our politics but are often ignored by the media. Along with DJ Tolliver and two panel guests, Jeremy takes calls each week from across the country and aims to keep things civil while talking through some of the most contentious issues we face. You can join the conversation by calling 1-84 ...
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Jerry Savelle teaches the uncompromising Word of God in down to earth terms, applicable to your life, dreams, and destiny. Discover through God's Word how you can be a victorious winner in life. The Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast airs in over two hundred countries worldwide. Find more information and resources at
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Evangelist Jeremy Cook provides spirit-filled messages & teachings that help, strengthen and encourage you to enter into the next season God has ordained for you.
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Jerry Savelle teaches the uncompromising Word of God in down to earth terms, applicable to your life, dreams, and destiny. Discover through God's Word how you can be a victorious winner in life. The Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast airs in over two hundred countries worldwide. Find more information and resources at
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Welcome to the Jerry.Sun podcast, where amazing things happen.
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The Offering with Jerry Horror is your opportunity to relax and let your boy Jerry do the heavy lifting. Each week we take a deep dive into the history of film and it’s filmmakers. Mostly horror, always genre.
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Join host Jerry Curl as he empowers individuals with clarity, fresh insights, and actionable strategies to cultivate a transformative mindset—enhancing the mind, body, and spirit—not just to achieve success, but to sustain it and continuously evolve into their best future selves.
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Conversations and stories about health, fitness, entrepreneurship, mindset, and everything in between with top athletes, business-owners, and high-achievers. Jeremy is an athlete, fitness coach, and content creator based in Austin, TX. Follow Jeremy for More: Instagram: YouTube: Website:
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Une émission hébergée par Ouest Track Radio, radio locale havraise.2 objectifs: divertir, informer, nous engueuler...mince ça fait 3.
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Geld of je leven is een programma waarin presentator Hans van der Steeg zich afvraagt hoe we ons geld uitgeven, waar we ons geld aan verdienen en welk effect deze stromen van geld hebben op onze medemens en de planeet. De economie achter de actualiteit en de actualiteit van de economie staan centraal. In deze podcast hoor je de beste gesprekken.
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Ziekenhuis HMC Haaglanden stelt operaties uit door strenge zzp-regels
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11:37Het ziekenhuis HMC Haaglanden moest de afgelopen tijd operaties uitstellen vanwege de strengere zzp-regels waarop de Belastingdienst sinds begin dit jaar controleert. En dus worden nu de flexkrachten in de operatiekamer toch weer gewoon ingehuurd, ook al is dat tegen de regels in. Hans van der Steeg gaat erover in gesprek met: - Ingrid Wolf, bestuu…
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“Iedereen schrijft de 65-plusser direct af”
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27:58Xavier, Chaima en Margriet Hermans over 65-plussers die zich ongezien voelen en in alle media, politiek en andere overheidskanalen en handelsnamen op bankuittreksels die anders zijn dan de naam van de winkel waar je het product gekocht hebt. Gelukkig zijn er verklaringen & oplossingen. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie heeft 3 strategieën om leeftijd…
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Zmaga, zelo pomembna za prihodnost
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45:11Pomembna zmaga za slovensko reprezentanco v Stožicah. Ne le, ker je obstala na drugi ravni lige narodov in bo tretjič zapored igrala v ligi B, ampak predvsem, ker si je s tem povrnila samozavest. Jeseni v skupinskem delu ni navdušila, proti Slovaški pa je, predvsem po zaslugi borbene predstave v Stožicah. Bila je čvrsta in igriva, ekipa je bila hom…
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durée : 00:56:35 - Et je remets le son - par : Matthieu Conquet - Ne croyez que ce que vous aimez dans les nouveautés de cette semaine : Spill Tab, Caballero & JeanJass, Arthur Satàn, Mister You, Blaiz Fayah et Maureen ou encore Durand Jones & The Indications. Avec le retour de Morcheeba et une histoire de Public Enemy.…
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Pragalicious LIVE 074 | 18/03/2025
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1:57:26Praga, auron_sagara, AFreshNut93 en MrRolfson fileren op eigen wijze de voorbije games week in deze Pragalicious LIVE 074. Uiteraard hebben ze het uitgebreid over dé game van het moment: Assassin's Creed Shadows. Praga speelde de game de voorbije twee weken dagelijks en staat stil bij alle positieve en minder positieve aspecten van deze langverwach…
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Emission du lundi 17 mars 2025De către Ouest Track Radio
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“YouTube nas crianças é como Las Vegas para o cérebro”
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21:52O Innov.Club, uma colaboração entre a Beta-i e a sociedade de advogados Vieira de Almeida, que conta com o JE como parceiro, convidou Karim Mustaghni, um empresário, artista e especialista em estratégia criativa. Este especialista explicou a importância da curiosidade e criatividade num tempo em que tanto se fala de IA.…
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Ik zal je leren! - Onderhandelen met Heidi Nieboer
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The Promise of the Holy Spirit 1 In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2 until the day when he was taken up after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. 3 He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty…
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The Coming of the Holy Spirit When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the …
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42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. 44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and dis…
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The Lame Beggar Healed 3 Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.[a] 2 And a man lame from birth was being carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple that is called the Beautiful Gate to ask alms of those entering the temple. 3 Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to r…
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Peter Speaks in Solomon's Portico 11 While he clung to Peter and John, all the people, utterly astounded, ran together to them in the portico called Solomon's. 12 And when Peter saw it he addressed the people: “Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we have made him walk? 13 The God …
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Peter and John Before the Council And as they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them, 2 greatly annoyed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. 3 And they arrested them and put them in custody until the next day, for it was alread…
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15. Time Out Devotions (Psalm 119 )
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7:25Samekh 113 I hate the double-minded, but I love your law. 114 You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word. 115 Depart from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commandments of my God. 116 Uphold me according to your promise, that I may live, and let me not be put to shame in my hope! 117 Hold me up, that I may be safe and have rega…
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Nehemiah Sent to Judah 2 In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was before him, I took up the wine and gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad in his presence. 2 And the king said to me, “Why is your face sad, seeing you are not sick? This is nothing but sadness of the heart.” Then I was very much afraid. 3 I…
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Paranoid Dad Bans His Child From Disneyland Trip Over "Grave Concerns"
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42:40On this episode Roisin told us about her husband refusing to allow their 9 year old daughter go on a trip of a lifetime with her best friend...and parents. He was branded paranoid...and a "helicopter parent"
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Beki'ut #22 - Bava Metzi'a 16b-17a
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43:52Beki'ut #22 - Bava Metzi'a 16b-17a - Mar 23, 2025 -De către Wieder, Rabbi Jeremy
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De către Talk Radio 1080 (WKJK-AM)
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Your Confession Can Change Your Circumstances Part 1
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58:22De către Jeremiah Smith Ministries
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Deze deurwaarder maakt zich zorgen over jongeren met schulden
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12:50Het is de 'Week van het geld' en dat betekent dat er op scholen in het hele land extra aandacht is voor de vraag: hoe ga je nou slim om met je geldzaken? En dat is hard nodig, zegt Michel van Leeuwen, directeur van gerechtsdeurwaarder- en incassobureau Flanderijn. Want hij en zijn collega's komen steeds meer jongeren tegen die in de problemen komen…
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📋 Au programme ? • Le bilan de mes 12 semaines. • Mes objectifs pour mon cycle suivant. 💬 Vous voulez réagir ? [email protected] 🔗 Liens à consulter : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.De către Jérémy CORON
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In this episode of One Thing Trump Did, we look at how how President Trump's deportations are playing out in Denver, which has seen an influx of migrants over the last few years. We'll also dig into some of the rhetoric surrounding the nearby suburb of Aurora, which Trump claimed had been taken over by Venezuelan gangs - something the mayor of Auro…
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A new MP3 sermon from Maidenbower Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Fear and comfort Subtitle: Acts Speaker: Jeremy Walker Broadcaster: Maidenbower Baptist Church Event: Sunday - PM Date: 3/23/2025 Bible: Acts 9:26-31 Length: 52 min.
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Is there any hope of investing to accumulate money for retirement and other big purchases? Does anybody know enough to help me understand the principles of investment? These ten principles have helped me to develop a plan and not worry about each day's market report. As an Amazon Associate, I earn …
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Do You Believe in Miracles?
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1:00:00On Monday’s Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie our topic will be Do You Believe in Miracles? Comment here with your take or call in during the show at Noon Eastern Time at 1-833-288-EWTN (3986).De către Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie
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A new MP3 sermon from Maidenbower Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: A single saint #2 Subtitle: Life under God Speaker: Jeremy Walker Broadcaster: Maidenbower Baptist Church Event: Sunday - AM Date: 3/23/2025 Bible: 1 Corinthians 7:17-40 Length: 55 min.…
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Sichah #17 (Vayakhel) - Gedolah De`ah
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19:51Sichah #17 (Vayakhel) - Gedolah De`ah - Mar 20, 2025 -De către Wieder, Rabbi Jeremy
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Bava Metzi'a #86 - Yisrael veNokhri #2
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51:32Bava Metzi'a #86 - Yisrael veNokhri #2 - Mar 20, 2025 -De către Wieder, Rabbi Jeremy
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Bava Metzi'a #85 - Yisrael veNokhri #1
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1:23:02Bava Metzi'a #85 - Yisrael veNokhri #1 - Mar 19, 2025 -De către Wieder, Rabbi Jeremy
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Episode 47 - The Building Whisperer - Pt 2 - The Office
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32:05What is the Office saying to you? He wept! 80's Hit List!De către jeremyhenry0750
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De către Jeremiah Williamson
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Being immovable and unshaken is a desire for everyone. The question is, how do we get to that point? In this series, Dr. Savelle shares one of his favorite teachings from Kenneth Copeland that has impacted him tremendously for decades. In this world, we will have tribulation, but take heart and listen to what the Lord is saying to you through this …
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Being immovable and unshaken is a desire for everyone. The question is, how do we get to that point? In this series, Dr. Savelle shares one of his favorite teachings from Kenneth Copeland that has impacted him tremendously for decades. In this world, we will have tribulation, but take heart and listen to what the Lord is saying to you through this …
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Broken Words, Empty Actions | Parables | Part 10 | Jerry Flowers & Will Jackson
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1:05:47Have you ever been conversing with someone who said they were going to do something but didn't? Kind of sounds like how we as Christians behave when it comes to living for Christ doesn't it? We're bold in our Faith until it's time to act out the belief we confess!De către Jerry Flowers Ministries
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Opinions Matter EXTRA – The Uncut Version - Ep. 11
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59:52WARNING This special weekend episode contains Explicit Content! On this weekend special weekend episode of the Opinions Matter podcast - Adrian & Jeremy talk the most random they get stuff off their chest! You'll find out which one of them listeners would prefer to holiday with, the controversey over Jeremy sniffing a stranger...and mu…
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Send us a text Today is not just another day it is the moment you have been waiting for to transform your life! The next step in your journey starts now - let's make it legendary!! Contact our Team at: email; [email protected] către Jerry Curl
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Touchdowns and Fumbles with Bob Reid
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38:15Jim Richards joins the show for Party for Two. Then, Franco Terrazzano on why Canadians need tax cuts and not retaliatory tariffs. Plus - US authorities are closing Canadian access to the library at the Quebec-Vermont border. The president of the Library's Board of Trustees, Sylvie Boudreau joins the show. It's Friday which means Touchdowns and Fum…
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Jerry opens the show by comparing policies the Conservatives have proposed versus what the Liberals are now proposing. Then, Francis Syms joins the show to discuss Deep Seek's ban from UBC and SickKids for security concerns. The US government is asking Canadian researchers about whether their work deals with DEI, gender, and climate. Plus, the TDSB…
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**EXCLUSIVE** Friend of Garron Noone Says "They Had No Right To Cancel Him"
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1:05:41On this episode we discussed the decision by TikToker Garron Noone to suspend his extremely popular social media accounts, after the pile on he received over a video he posted on immigration.
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De către Talk Radio 1080 (WKJK-AM)
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