Juraj Malíček s Pavlom Hubinákom čelia filmovým a seriálovým výzvam! Krotitelia filmov vám vyberajú kvalitu nie len z aktuálnej ponuky kín, ale aj z filmov a seriálov na streamovacích službách. Reláciu Krotitelia filmov pripravuje Slovenský rozhlas, Rádio Slovensko, SRo1. V premiére vysielame vždy v sobotu po 16:30.
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Frågor om hälsa, svar om livet. Journalistik som känns. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Caroline Salzinger
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Kris Kross Amsterdam presents Kris Kross mixtape
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KROSS BARZ Podcast, with co-hosts Big Oh! and J. Tanae´ is designed to heighten awareness and bridge generational gaps via empowering conversations.
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Retire Smarter with Kevin Kroskey, CFP® & Tyler Emrick, CFA® CFP®
Kevin Kroskey, CFP® & Tyler Emrick, CFA® CFP®
Planning Retirement Smarter. Living Retirement Better. With Kevin Kroskey, CFP® & Tyler Emrick, CFA® CFP® of True Wealth Design. #Retire #Stocks #Investing #401k #IRA #CFP #TrueWealthDesign. Contact at https://www.truewealthdesign.com/ or by calling 855-893-7526.
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Опис - Програм Кроз Свето писмо је део светске службе поучавања Библије службе Кроз Свето писмо. Серију је првобитно сачинио др Ј. Вернон МекГи и преведена је и прилагођена на преко 100 језика и дијалеката. Циљ је да се у 30-минутним радио-програмима слушалац систематски проведе кроз читаво Свето писмо. Сада вам је овај исти програм доступан и онлајн. Хвала вам што сте одлучили да научите више о Божјој Речи слушајући ове програме. Препоручујемо вам да слушате бар један програм дневно од поне ...
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Description: A show that promises to engage listeners in objective conversations and share scriptural truths that transcend one’s emotions, personal opinions, and preferences- as a means to provide practical solutions and answers to real issues that affect real people; by discussing a variety of diverse topics and provide thought provoking answers to questions that we thought we knew the answers to
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A Long-time radio host with his own show as well as backing up as host for nationally syndicated broadcasts, Jeff is a fifth generation Oregon farmer, aviator, professional musician, former State Legislator, lobbyist, real estate developer, small business owner, firefighter, and served as an embedded broadcaster with Oregon National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jeff is a former Oregon State Representative and fifth generation Oregon farmer from Sublimity, Oregon. Kropf served as Chairman o ...
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Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft - Der soziologische Podcast von Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf
Berthold Vogel, Julia Kropf
Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Wir, das sind: Berthold Vogel, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) sowie Sprecher des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) am Standort Göttingen und Julia Kropf, Soziologin und freie Moderatorin. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft im Gespräch über Fragen und Themen, die unsere Zeit bewegen. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Das klingt selbstverständlich. Aber es klingt in diesen Zeiten auch nach Luxus ...
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Klog På Kroppen er podcasten for dig, som ønsker viden om kroppens fantastiske funktioner, men uden at du skal bekymre dig om fake news, sensationsoverskrifter eller quickfixes. Her kan du trygt læne dig tilbage og få indsigt i tung kompleks sundhedsforskning som serveres ud fra et lytterorienteret, inddragende og underholdende perspektiv. Her er du, lytteren, en tredje medvært, netop fordi vi tror på, at vi sammen kan blive endnu Klogere På Kroppen. Med os i ørene, tygger vi sundhedsforskni ...
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English 9 Podcast
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En podcast om kroppsøving fra Pål Jåbekk ved kroppsøvingsseksjonen på OsloMet-Storbyuniversitetet.
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Cada sábado, a las 23:00, Taao Kross te espera en la número 1 en HITs Internacionales.
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Kenny and Chloe talk about K-Pop ratchedness
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Krog riktar sig till dig som arbetar i restaurangbranschen. Vi brinner för allt som berör branschen från råvaror, inredning, mat och dryck, bar, disk men kanske framförallt för all den kompetens som finns samlad i branschen. Den vill vi lyfta fram. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Et løftet bryn, et flakkende blik og korslagte arme ... Hvad er det egentlig kropssproget fortæller os? Et sprog som vi alle har og taler. Men som ingen af os rigtig har lært ... Pernille Slot er din guide, som tager dig med på opdagelse igennem interviews med andre eksperter, specialister og helt almindelige mennesker, som kan noget helt særligt med kroppens sprog. En podcast for dig, der ønsker en Parlør til Kropssprog.
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Kierkegaard på egen krop er et eksperiment i 5 afsnit. En slags biblio-terapi, hvor 47-årige Thomas søger råd og vejledning hos den afdøde forfatter og filosof, Søren Kierkegaard, om livets helt store emner: kærlighed, mod, tvivl, tilfælde og døden. Kierkegaards terapeutiske talerør er Christian Hjortkjær, som i mange år har forsket og undervist i Kierkegaard. Tilrettelæggelse: Camille Gudmand Lange. Klip: Jacob Heldt. Idé og medvirkende: Thomas Klinkby. Produceret for DR af Buddy Buddy.
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Velkommen til Knute i kroppen. Det er en podkast som er skapt for å sette søkelys på temaer rundt det å leve med langvarige smerter. Ordets smerte er ikke så sentralt. Vi ønsker å inspirere deg til å gjøre veivalg som gjør at du kan leve ditt liv optimalt, på tross av. Hemmeligheten er kunnskap som gjør deg i stand til å kunne gjøre gode valg. Enten du er gravid eller er mamma: Du trenger ikke stå i det alene, i Landsforeningen kvinnelig bekkenleddhelse finner du et fellesskap.
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En inte så vetenskaplig podd om de härliga kroppar vi tillbringar våra liv inuti.
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Tomasz Kopyra w serii "życie jest za krótkie" daje do myślenia. Food fot thought - taka idea przyświeca tej serii.
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The Chelsea Krost Show is where every generation can learn something new from a Millennial Mouth. From Entertainment to Fashion to topical issues.
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Hvad sker der, når to mennesker tager alt tøjet af og sætter sig fuldstændigt nøgne over for hinanden og begynder at tale sammen?
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Velkommen til Podcasten Totum og kropsterapien. En podcast om livet som kropsterapeut, og hvad kropsterapien er, kan hjælpe med og selvfølgelig krop/psyke sammenhængen. Emnerne vil handle om: Hvad er kropsterapi? Og krop/psyke sammenhængen Hvad kan kropsterapi hjælpe med? Hvem kan have gavn af det? Hvordan foregår det? Hvordan er det at uddanne sig til kropsterapeut? Hvordan er det at starte op som selvstændig kropsterapeut? Hvordan er det at leve som kropsterapeut? Og meget andet. Så podcas ...
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Trond-Viggo Torgersen i samtale om kroppen fra Litteraturhuset i Bergen. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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I Kroppspodden pratar Hillevi Wahl med intressanta personer om vilken relation de har till sin kropp. Det kan handla om kroppsideal, när kroppen förändras, tacksamhet över vad kroppen kan och frustration över vad den inte klarar, vad kroppen mår bra av – och mycket mer. En intim och personlig podcast som ställer kroppsnära frågor! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Kris Kross Amsterdam presents Sounds Of Amsterdam
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We go Over the Line to bring you some of the strangest people in media, the arts, MMA, comedy and around the neighbourhood.
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Över min döda kropp - True crime på riktigt! Anna Jinghede och Lena Ljungdahl har ägnat hela sina yrkeskarriärer åt att nörda ner sig i krim. Med spaning, utredning, kriminalteknik och dödligt våld som expertområden lotsar de lyssnarna genom rättsväsendets alla hörn. Med rapp dialog, starka åsikter och tung fakta vänder och vrider de på brott och straff och fenomen som engagerar och förbryllar. Alltid rätt men aldrig tråkigt! Bli lärd, bli äcklad och bli road varje torsdag. Nya avsnitt varje ...
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I created this Podcast so I can share with you what I can do as a DJ. I'm here just to have some fun! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A weekly Podcast giving news and latest releases in video and computer games from around Europe. Hosted by Chris O'Regan AKA Kropotkin from the SuperHappyFunTimeShow
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Två hönor som nyligen insåg att grinden på hönsgården alltid varit öppen. I den här podden berättar Elin och Ronja inte poesi utan poesi berättar dom, allt ifrån vår vardag till vishet.
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roppens teologi er en programserie over 24 episoder på St Rita Radio. Hver episode blir sendt i tre deler mandag, onsdag og fredag kl 20.45. Hele episoden sendes søndagen etter, kl. 19.00. Eirik A. Steenhoff er utdannet i teologi ved MF, Oslo, og Pontifical John Paul II Institute, Washington, D.C. I denne serien presenterer han Johannes Paul IIs onsdagskatekeser om kroppens teologi. Om du ønsker å støtte dette prosjektet og St Rita Radio økonomisk kan det gjøres på Vipps 650212
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Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution is a book by Peter Kropotkin on the subject of mutual aid, written while he was living in exile in England. It was first published by William Heinemann in London in October 1902. The individual chapters had originally been published in 1890-96 as a series of essays in the British monthly literary magazine, Nineteenth Century. Written partly in response to Social Darwinism and in particular to Thomas H. Huxley’s Nineteenth Century essay, The Struggle for Exis ...
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Krossa glastaket – om karriär och ledarskap med Ulrika Sedell och Kristina Stutterheim.
Ulrika Sedell
En utvecklande podd om karriär och ledarskap. För dig som vill ta kommandot över din karriär. Vi sätter ljuset på glastak genom spaning, intervjuar framgångsrika ledare om deras karriärtips och ger tips om ledarskap och karriär. Vill du ställa frågor eller reflektera över din karriär? Skriv till [email protected] så tar vi upp frågorna i kommande avsnitt. Med Ulrika Sedell, chefshandledare, föreläsare och författare till Bortom glastaket och Manlighetskoden som driver www.sedellfrie ...
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De către Jeff Kropf
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De către Jeff Kropf
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Political Coffee 3-5-25: Whats your response to Trump's speech last night? CBS poll shows 76% support for speech, 12 takeaways from Trump's speech, Congressional Dems show they have no soul, Dems refused ...
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43:10What was your response to President Trump’s speech last night? CBS poll shows 76% approval: https://thelibertydaily.com/america-is-back-12-takeaways-trump-47s-first/ 12 takeaway’s from Trump’s speech: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/12-takeaways-from-trumps-first-major-policy-speech-to-congress-5820120?ea_src=frontpage&ea_cnt=a&ea_med=lead-story-0…
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Political Coffee 3-4-25: 4% tire tax hearing tonight at 5pm. Here is the link to the bill to read and then click on the far right tab at the top to submit testimony against, The Dems ‘Porn forever in schools ...
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43:114% tire tax hearing tonight at 5pm. Here is the link to the bill to read and then click on the far right tab at the top to submit testimony against. https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2025R1/Measures/Overview/HB3362 The Dems ‘Porn forever in schools bill’ gets first hearing and you have 48 hours to make comment. https://olis.oregonlegislature.g…
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Snabbätaren kastar i sig maten. Hinner inte känna smaken och sväljer luft. Nu är det slut på det. I dagens Kropp & Själ gör vi allting lite långsammare. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Under programmet genomför vi ett liveexperiment. Snabbätaren ska få äta en måltid fem gånger så långsamt som vanligt. Det är lätt att fastna i ett högt…
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Political Coffee 3-3-25: Coffee Klatch tonight 6-8pm at Sparky's in Salem, Kotek's power grab gets trounced in hearing, SB702 flavor ban will cost OR 200M, 4% new tire tax hearing tomorrow, Good/bad bill ...
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43:08Kotek’s power grab gets trounced 9-1 in hearing: HB2528 https://oregoncatalyst.com/85157-koteks-powergrab-bill-hb-2528-trounced-9-1.html SB702 hearing today at 8am: flavor ban costs the state 200M: https://oregoncatalyst.com/85161-sb-702-hearing-flavor-ban-cost-100m.html 4% new tire tax hearing tomorrow: road use that produces money that won’t go t…
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De către Kris Kross Amsterdam
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Krotitelia na streame a s nimi aj pokračovanie seriálu Oddelenie (1.3.2025 16:32)
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8:11Tento týždeň dostal prednosť stream, je plný nových filmových a seriálových zážitkov. Roklina je akčný sci–fi film, do ktorého sa podarilo vtesnať aj romantiku. Príjemná akčná zábava s kvalitným scenárom a parádnou hudbou určite nie je stratou času. Juraj Malíček s Pavlom Hubinákom si nenechali ujsť ani animák pre dospelých, Zaklínač: Sirény z hlbí…
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Political Coffee 2-28-25: Freedom Friday, Lars notes that Dems voted against tax cuts that polls show 81% people want, Angry Dem/leftist corporate boycott today will fail, fake news alert about DOGE having ...
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43:13Freedom Friday: Lars notes that Congressional Dems voted against tax cuts that are 81% favored by the people. https://oregoncatalyst.com/85082-lars-larson-democrats-voted-tax-cuts-81-people-favor.html Angry Democrat/leftist boycott retail corporations day! Gonna fail: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/02/reminder-friday-is-feb-28-democrat-boyco…
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Political Coffee 2-27-25: War Room today starting at 8:30am until 3pm upstairs at the IKE Box with Sen Kim Thatcher at 9am, Will ODOT fire the people responsible for the 1.1Billion accounting ‘error’ as ...
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43:12War Room today with Sen Kim Thatcher at 9am, upstairs at the IKE Box! Will ODOT fire the people responsible for the 1.1Billion accounting ‘error’ as political cover for Dems to raise gas taxes 35 cents per gallon? They blame it on not enough Fed revenue has arrived yet 8 years after they made the ‘error’ when they massively raised our gas tax and D…
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The Advisor Premium: More Than Just Investment Management
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36:18Are you leaving money on the table? For families weighing their options when choosing a financial advisor, Vanguard’s Advisor Alpha study has long been the go-to guide—and now, fresh research from SmartAsset echoes the sentiment that the right advisor could boost your net returns by over 2% annually. In this episode, Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP®, revea…
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Political Coffee 2-26-25: Bad bill alert and submit testimony against giving bureaucrats power to raise taxes and ban legal products in HB2528, read bill and submit testimony here, submit testimony against ...
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43:10Bad bill alert: oppose giving bureaucrats the power to raise taxes and ban legal products in this HB2528: https://oregoncatalyst.com/84990-hearing-alert-kotek-bill-agency-power-raise-taxes-ban-products.html Make comment here: click on text at the top, read testimony submitted and then submit your own testimony against. https://olis.oregonlegislatur…
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Political Coffee 2-25-25: How will you vote on Salem's proposed livability property levy that costs you an extra $299 per year? Republican State Rep Greg Smith causes big problems for one of his big federally ...
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43:09How will you vote on city of Salem’s new livability property tax levy that will cost you $299 per year? https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/local/2025/02/25/salem-city-council-livability-library-parks-center-50/79328317007/ Republican State Rep Greg Smith’s causing big trouble for one of his federally funded clients: https://www.oregonlive.…
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Inger får gå till Mentalvårdsbyrån för att få tillåtelse att avbryta sin graviditet. Ann-Marie löser korsord hemma i sovrummet under sin abort. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Inger Holegård var en av de sista som gjorde abort innan abortlagen trädde i kraft 1975. Hon var 19 år och hade inte kommit igång med sitt vuxna liv när hon upp…
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Political Coffee 2-24-25: Is calling 78 million voters 'idiots' a winning strategy? Pastor Jerry Cummings is new ORGOP chairman, Dan Bongino named deputy director of the FBI, Why isn't Apple investing ...
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42:06Is calling 78 million US voters ‘idiots’ a winning strategy for the left? https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1894014522748223855 Pastor Jerry Cummings is new Oregon GOP chairman: https://oregoncatalyst.com/84917-breaking-jerry-cummings-wins-oregon-gop-chair.html Dan Bongino named deputy director of the FBI: Wow! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2…
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Political Coffee 2-21-25: Freedom Friday, Audit of ODOT says they are over budget and behind schedule, Trillions in graft, Wildfire risk map made from satellites, Social Security anti fraud staffer who ...
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43:11Freedom Friday: Audits of ODOT spending from 2017 says the are over budget and behind schedule. It’s meant to give cover to Dems and a few R’s to raise your gas tax 35cents: https://www.opb.org/article/2025/02/20/think-out-loud-odot-oregon-department-of-transportation-roads-funding-budget/ Trillions in graft: https://www.americanthinker.com/article…
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De către Kris Kross Amsterdam
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Captain America je späť a je to skvelé (22.2.2025 16:32)
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8:09V kinách máme dva veľké návraty a obidva sú veľmi vydarené. Captain America: Prekrásny nový svet je triler na pohľadanie a Bridget Jonesová: Zbláznená do chlapa, ponúka nový rozmer ženy v strednom veku, so všetkým, čo k nej patrí. A aby toho nebolo málo, Pavol Hubinák s Jurajom Malíčkom recenzujú aj skvelú balkánsku jazdu Živí a zdraví. Komédia, kt…
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Political Coffee 2-20-25: Let kids be kids event tonight with Fox News Host Rachel Campos Duffy and country star Kurt Van Meter so buy tickets here, Has MAGA changed American culture? The world? Dem war ...
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43:10Let kids be kids event tonight with Fox news host Rachel Campos Duffy and country music star Kurt Van Meter https://www.letkidsbekids.us/ Has MAGA changed the culture of America? The world? https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/02/19/xaviaer-durousseau-the-maga-movement-has-changed-the-culture/ Dem war on gas raises your cost of living: https://o…
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Political Coffee 2-19-25: Local candidate training workshop this Friday sponsored by ORP, Parents Rights in Education and Western Liberty Network, Contact Republican Rep Mark Owens about his bill to give ...
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43:01Candidate training workshop for local offices this Friday sponsored by ORP, Parents Rights in Education and Western Liberty Network. Scroll down to see flyer https://oregon.gop/ Contact Republican Rep Mark Owens about his bill to give food stamps to illegal aliens: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/owens Top OR Dem admits Motor Voter and mass mail …
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Political Coffee 2-18-25: Weekly interview with Ret Sen Dennis Linthicum about illegals getting food stamps and a very bad wildfire map, Kotek pauses wildfire map cause R's actually fight! Dem Kabuki theatre ...
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43:12Weekly visit with former Sen Dennis Linthicum on wildfire hazard map and giving illegals food stamps: Kotek pauses the Dem damaging wildfire hazard map as Republicans discover a backbone and strenuously object: https://www.kgw.com/video/news/local/wildfire/gov-kotek-pauses-appeals-oregon-controversial-wildfire-hazard-map/283-f1fd88fa-2f1e-4036-8eb2…
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De finns inne i kroppen. Vi ser de inte och märker inte av dem - så länge de fungerar. Men plötsligt gör de sig påminda, som smärta eller sjukdomar. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Vagusnerven, Farscian och lymfsystemet nämns allt oftare som lösningen på olika hälsoproblem. Men hur fungerar de här systemen, och vad vet vi egentligen o…
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Political Coffee 2-17-25: Republican Rep. Mark Owens is only R to co sponsor SB611 that gives illegals food stamps, his contact info so you can ask him why he would create a magnet for illegals to come ...
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43:08Republican Rep Mark Owens is the only Republican sponsoring a bill to give illegal aliens food stamps in OR: https://oregoncatalyst.com/84553-sb-611-food-stamps-for-any-immigration-status.html Ask him why he would create a magnet for illegals to come to OR? Here’s his contact info: https://www.koin.com/news/oregon/senator-wyden-addresses-concerns-o…
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Continuing the Legacy with Eric Hudson
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1:26:18In this episode of KROSS BARZ, Big OH! and J. Tanae' dive right in with the talented super producer and songwriter, Eric Hudson. Eric, the son of Curtis Hudson from the New Jersey band Pure Energy, is now a five-time Grammy Award winner known for creating chart-topping hits like "Flashing Lights" with Kanye West and "Because of You" with Ne-Yo. Wit…
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Moods & Moments with Monifah
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1:48:52On this episode of KROSS BARZ, Big OH! and J. Tanae' sit down with R&B artist Monifah. Monifah began her career at just seven years old, landing a spot in a Hi-C commercial. From that moment, her path in entertainment was set. Over the years, she’s made a name for herself in theatre and television, including the show *R&B Divas*. It was Hip Hop leg…
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De către Kris Kross Amsterdam
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Rhythm and Reflections with Joshua Paul Thompson
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1:11:51On this episode of KROSS BARZ Big OH! and J. Tanae' reflect on the golden days, memorable lyrics, and iconic artists with Joshua Paul Thompson. Mr. Thompson is the godson of Paul Robeson and one of the world's top songwriters and producers. Thompson's creative versatility continues to make him a sought-after collaborator for emerging and establishe…
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Emília Pérez už v našich kinách (15.2.2025 16:32)
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8:09Horúci kandidát na Oscara, nominácií ako maku a gangsterka ako lusk. Teda, nie úplne v pravom slova zmysle, vlastne, ani trochu. Ale gangsterka to je. Všetko vysvetlia Juraj Malíček a Pavol Hubinák. V kinách je aj Bob Dylan: Úplne neznámy, recenziu dodáme. Na streame tento týždeň zaujali Vraždy v Are, severská klasika, ktorá poteší, až vás zamrazí.…
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Political Coffee 2-14-25: Dems double down on defending unpopular ideas like wasteful and fraudulent spending, protecting violent criminals illegal aliens from deportation and protecting men in women's ...
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43:14The Dems double down on defending the 20% against the 80% in public opinion regarding Musk and DOGE: https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2025/02/oregon-13-other-states-sue-to-challenge-billionaire-elon-musks-access-to-sensitive-government-data.html Another leftist Fed judge stops Trump canceling of foreign aid contracts: https://www.thegatewaypundi…
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Political Coffee 2-13-25: How to stop cities from raising utility fees to pay for other things, No on SB416 that puts your drivers license on your cell phone, How many times have OR leaders sued Trump ...
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42:40Stop cities by raising your utility fees to pay for other things by citizens filing a city wide petition to let the voters vote on tax and fee increases: https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/oregon-cities-utility-fees-budget-shortfalls/283-49b2806d-2493-4dc7-828b-85a833e6bcc0 Say no to SB416 which is digital drivers license on your phone…
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Home Sweet Retirement: A Guide to Your Perfect Retirement State
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29:22Retirement isn’t just about your savings—it’s also about where you choose to live. In this episode, Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP®, explores WalletHub’s 46-factor framework for ranking states for retirees, examining everything from tax rates and cost of living to leisure opportunities and healthcare access. We also unpack the key financial and personal c…
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