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Er du ved at lære dansk? I KOEN PÅ ISEN kan du blive endnu bedre – uden at røre en finger! Du skal nemlig bare læne dig tilbage og lytte. I podcasten vil du høre det danske sprog udtalt langsomt og tydeligt, mens du kommer bag om sproget og lærer ord, udtryk og talemåder, som kan være ekstra svære at forstå for udlændinge/ikke-dansksprogede. F.eks. vil du lære, hvorfor nogle danskere siger "tak for kaffe", selvom de ikke drikker kaffe, eller tager benene på nakken, selvom de ikke er cirkusar ...
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Klaas en Koen lopen weg

Klaas en Koen lopen weg

Klaas en Koen zijn mateloos op zoek naar zingeving en avontuur. De mateloosheid had bij de heren vijftien jaar geleden nogal een destructief randje maar nu lopen ze graag hard en één van de twee is veganist en de ander mediteert iedere dag. Nu ouwehoeren ze over hardlopen, Johnny Cash, kip, Stryd, mediteren en meer.
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The DNA of Things," hosted by Dr. Jeremy Koenig, is an auditory journey into the evolving world of health science, performance, and longevity. This podcast brings together the sharpest minds in the field, including elite health strategists, pioneering scientists, and wellness mavericks, to share cutting-edge practices and revolutionary insights. Each episode is meticulously curated to enrich your understanding of well-being and to extend your vitality, propelling you toward a future filled w ...
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Op zoek naar sporen van mensen die ofwel in Oostende woonden, of er aanspoelden. Van Ensor tot Claus, van Snoek tot Proust. Naar het boek Kamer in Oostende, volgen we schrijver Koen Peeters en schilder, pianist en historicus Koen Broucke langs hun eigenaardige zwerftochten. Ze hebben een onderzoeksmethode die ze ironisch ‘het perspectivisme’ noemen, een manier om het verleden van hun personages binnen te kunnen stappen. Je moet het horen om het te begrijpen.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/reconstructingfaith/subscribe WARNING: This isn't a typical "religious" podcast. I wrestle with the issues that most people are uncomfortable talking about in church because religion sucks. You’ll hear episodes about Jesus, reConstructing faith after deConstructing “Christian” misconception and more. Some episodes pre 8/28/20 have adult language so be a good parent and listen alone before playing those in front of your kids.
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Short podcasts where I interview filmmakers, special effects coordinators, screenwriters, actors, producers, Academy Award-winners and others on around a major movie picture set. Podcast series is designed to give students and young filmmakers insight into the background, inspiration and career paths for different jobs in the movie and television industry.
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show series
I denne episode skal du holde hovedet koldt, for vi tager en tur til Grønland, hvor du lærer, hvorfor Grønland hedder Grønland og ikke for eksempel Hvidland eller Island. Du får også at vide, om den amerikanske præsident virkelig vil bygge en kopi af Empire State Building i is og sne, hvis han køber Grønland, og du hører, hvordan grønlændere kommer…
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Klaas liep zes jaar voor het laatst de Twiskemolenloop. Hoe is het tegenwoordig en verliep de halve marathon voor Klaas naar wens? Koen doet in Den Haag een poging om zijn PR op de halve marathon aan te scherpen. Na een gelukte poging op de 10 mijl en een mislukte poging op de 5 kilometer was het zijn derde poging dit voorjaar. Lukt het? Verder nog…
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Bava Metzia 101 - Inyanei Shomrim 9 - נטר כדנטרי אינשי בבהמה שהזיקה (Part 2), נגנבה באונס ואחר כך הוכר הגנב - Mar 20, 2025 -De către Koenigsberg, Rabbi Eliakim
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In this episode, Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Dr. Jo Handelsman, a trailblazer in metagenomics and former Associate Director for Science at the White House, to explore the profound impact of the microbiome on human health, the evolution of personalized medicine, and the intersection of science and policymaking. They discuss how microbes, often …
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig welcomes Dr. Gil Blander, founder of InsideTracker, to explore how personalized health analytics, real-time biomarker data, and AI-driven insights are revolutionizing longevity and healthspan optimization. With a Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science and postdoctoral research at MIT, Dr…
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Har du nogensinde givet et nummer? Eller hvad med en omgang – har du nogensinde givet sådan en? Giver du hurtigt op, eller giver du altid igen? Og tror du, at det handler om organdonation, når nogen beder dig om at give en hånd? Denne episode handler om verbet 'at give' – og der er meget at tage fat på. Men giv ikke op! Det hele giver mening, når d…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, we sit down with Adora Cheung, a serial entrepreneur and investor known for co-founding Homejoy and later becoming a partner at Y Combinator. Adora shares her journey from building and scaling startups to a wake-up call about the toll of hustle culture on founders' health. We dive into the myths of burnout, the…
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Dr. Chris McMaster, a leading geneticist and former Dean of Medicine at Dalhousie University, joins The DNA of Things to explore the transformative potential of gene therapy in treating rare diseases. As the scientific director of the Canadian Institute of Health Research’s Institute of Genetics, he sheds light on how genetic and genomic medicine i…
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In this episode, Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Mike Polcari, former chief architect at 23andMe and now founder and CEO of Haplotype Labs, to discuss the evolution of consumer genomics and the future of personalized medicine. Mike shares insights from his journey at 23andMe, where he helped scale the platform into a leader in genetic testing, and…
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Nådada for Tilde, som blev ti den tolvte. Hun har væltet Rundetårn og trillet det til Holte"... Disse absurde linjer er begyndelsen på et rim, du vil høre i dagens episode. Det er skrevet af Halfdan Rasmussen – en vidunderlig dansk digter, som alle danskere kender og elsker. Halfdan var ekspert i at lege med det danske sprog og jonglere med ord. Ha…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Garrett Marshall, a visionary leader in digital health and fitness innovation. Garrett shares his journey from a career in sports and fitness to becoming a pioneer at the intersection of fitness, technology, and entrepreneurship. He discusses his work at Xponential Fitness, lead…
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Het is koud, Klaas loopt in lange tight en Koen loopt in korte broek. Verder loopt Koen een PR op de 10 mijl en Klaas loopt de eerste 30+ van het jaar. En een bijzonder loper in de spotlight: Bart Janssen, de timmerman die minstens 100 kilometer per week loopt.De către Klaas en Koen lopen weg
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig reflects on his first year as a father and how it has reshaped his understanding of human performance, family systems, and child development. Joining him is Brandon Larson, creator of Fantastic Dads, a program that blends scientific insights with practical strategies to help fathers foster dee…
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Det er ikke kun den danske vinter, der er lang. Det er dagens episode også! For vi skal igennem ekstra mange faste udtryk og formuleringer. Denne gang kaster vi os over det lille, men uundgåelige ord VED! Det er et lille ord, du ikke kan flygte fra, for du møder det overalt😬. Du kender måske allerede udtryk som VED SIDEN AF, VED JULETID, AT VÆRE VE…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig is joined by Andrew Steele, an Olympian turned entrepreneur and a leader in consumer genomics and functional health. From his Olympic journey as a sprinter for Great Britain to co-founding DNAFit and now Stride, Andrew shares how his experiences on the track shaped his innovative approach to h…
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Klaas liep de Vondelparkloop en wil dolgraag onder de 40 minuten lopen, Koen loopt er ook en is aan het overdrijven. Verder is er de Sri Chinmoy halve marathon en de eerste twee dagen van de looptrainersopleiding.Enne: hoe zit het met 220 - leeftijd, zijn er nog lopers die daarmee werken?Luister je mee?…
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In this episode, we dive deep into the remarkable journey of Hannah Dose, the Co-Founder and CEO of AU Genomics, a trailblazer in genomics innovation. From pioneering CRISPR research in plant sciences to transforming human health and accessibility in genomics, Hannah's story is one of resilience and groundbreaking achievements. She shares her insig…
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KOENIGLICH VERWIRRT ist mit Staffel 3 wieder am Start und wird positiver, denn je. Obwohl ich als Wiener das Sudern (jammern) in die Wiege gelegt bekommen habe (obwohl ich nicht aus Wien bin), konzentriere ich mich dieses Jahr auf die schönen Seiten des Lebens. Genießt meine neu gewonnene Positivist- wer weiß, wie lange sie anhält! Unsere Welt ist …
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, host Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Douglas Mulhall, environmental health innovator and author of Discovering the Nature of Longevity: Restoring the Heart and Body by Targeting Hidden Stress. They dive into the fascinating roles of elastin fibers and calcification in longevity and overall health, uncovering h…
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I denne episode dykker vi ned i nogle danske ordpar – det vil sige ord, som optræder sammen i faste udtryk! Du hører blandt andet, hvornår danskere bruger ordpar som 'tykt og tyndt', 'knap og nap', 'revl og krat', 'hoved og hale' og 'rend og hop!'. Ja, der er mange ordpar på dansk. Og efter denne episode vil du sikkert blive klar over, at du allere…
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In this episode, Jean-Paul O’Brien, founder of Black Lab X and CEO of Me Biosciences, shares his transformative journey from software innovation to addressing personal health challenges that ignited his passion for genomics and AI. With a mission to unlock human potential and positively impact a billion lives by 2030, Jean-Paul explores the integra…
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I årets første episode dykker vi ned i de danske nytårstraditioner, som handler om både konger, champagne-flasker, kager, klokker, fyrværkeri og fisk. Du hører om ordet 'NY', som kan bruges på flere måder. Derudover hører du om, hvornår der blæser nye vinde, og hvordan du så let som ingenting kan blive et nyt og bedre menneske! Til sidst får du sva…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, host Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Jim Crowell, founder and CEO of The Sage House and co-founder of Proof3, to explore his fascinating transition from Wall Street to the fitness industry. Jim shares how his background in finance, fitness, and human behavior shaped his innovative approach to business, diving …
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy dives into an inspiring conversation with Dr. John Berardi, co-founder of Precision Nutrition and author of Changemaker. Together, they explore Dr. Berardi's journey from academia to building a global brand, the challenges of balancing professional ambitions with personal priorities, and his transiti…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, host Dr. Jeremy Koenig speaks with health and fitness innovator Mike Hansen, founder of Bridge Health and Versus. With over 25 years of experience, Mike shares how he's revolutionizing the fitness and healthcare industries by bridging gaps, enhancing metabolic health, and empowering entrepreneurs. Dive into a d…
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Denne episode handler om "Søren Banjomus", et kendt og meget populært dansk julehit fra 1969. Den er baseret på en underlig blanding af en dansk børnesang om en nisse og en amerikansk sang, der er mere end 100 år gammel, fra en Broadway-musical. "Søren Banjomus" er en festlig sang, der handler om en julenisse, hans kat, noget risengrød og en masse …
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, host Dr. Jeremy Koenig welcomes Dr. Miles Nichols, a functional medicine pioneer and co-founder of Medicine with Heart Clinic and Institute. Dr. Nichols shares his inspiring journey of overcoming chronic illness and discusses his innovative approach to personalized health care. Together, they explore the transf…
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Dr. Barbara Kuemerle, a brilliant scientist and a gifted storyteller, seamlessly blends her roles as a neuroscience researcher and a science fiction author. In this captivating episode, she shares her journey from unraveling the mysteries of brain development to crafting thought-provoking narratives. Her passion lies in making complex scientific co…
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Så er Helle tilbage med modalverberne!😱 Denne gang handler det især om SKULLE, VILLE, KUNNE og BURDE. Du lærer, hvordan du på dansk udtrykker ønsker, usikkerheder, muligheder, følelser og holdninger ved at sætte modalverber i datid. Du lærer også, hvordan du med modalverberne – og ved at udskifte 'når' med 'hvis' – kan ændre en faktuel, realistisk …
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, host Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Dr. Jenny Powers, an immunologist, author, and evolutionary anthropologist, to discuss how ancient practices and evolutionary behaviors influence modern health. They explore the interplay between nutrition, sleep, work-life balance, and our relationship with nature, providi…
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Wat een heerlijkheid: Klaas loopt nog een marathon in de provincie Utrecht en Koen loopt op Terschelling. Koen gaat op een hele bijzondere manier naar de start van de marathon en Klaas heeft tips voor lopers die in november en december geen schema volgen. En: één van de twaalf beproevingen komt aan bod. Wat is de beproeving?…
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I denne episode – den første ud af to – skal (☚modalverbum!) du høre om noget, der lyder kedeligt😱… nemlig modalverber! Men frygt ikke… modalverberne SKULLE, VILLE, KUNNE, BURDE, MÅTTE og TURDE er ikke så tørre og tekniske, som de lyder. Til gengæld er de overalt i sproget. Ligesom i denne tekst... Denne gang kan (☚modalverbum!) du høre om, hvad de…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, host Dr. Jeremy Koenig welcomes Wayne Eskridge, founder and CEO of the Fatty Liver Foundation, to discuss his transformative journey from engineering innovator to passionate health advocate. After being misdiagnosed with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), Wayne shifted his focus from technological breakthrou…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig speaks with Nicole Castellano, Executive Director of the American Porphyria Foundation, about her journey from patient to advocate for rare disease awareness, specifically focusing on acute hepatic porphyria. Nicole shares her decade-long diagnostic journey, marked by severe symptoms, misdiagn…
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