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Kötöttfogás Hanggal


Semmi sem utalt arra 2018. augusztus 1-jén délelőtt tíz órakor, hogy túléljük a halálunkat. Azóta itt vagyunk. Minden csütörtökön. Közéleti vitaműsor a Magyar Hang szerkesztőségéből.
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Pro odemknutí bonusových dílů v plné délce můžeš dát odběr tady: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/easycast/subscribe Tohle je místo, kde se rozhovory mění v jízdu na horské dráze, na kterou nezapomeneš. Někdy nahoru, občas dolu, ale když to skončí, chceš znova. Žádná suchá témata ani nudné otázky – tady to teče jako dobře natočená limonáda. Každý díl je mix humoru, upřímnosti a hostů, co mají co říct.
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Welcome to Happiness Squad. This is the podcast dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential by mastering the art and science of happiness. We bring on the best leading experts on the topic of human flourishing to help you unlock your true potential and live with more joy, health, love, and meaning in your life. Your host is Ashish Kothari, the Founder and CEO of Happiness Squad, a company focused on helping individuals and organizations make flourishing their competitive edge and ope ...
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Ariyanti Tjiang

Kumpulan dari tulisan-tulisan yang audibel, dapat berupa apapun: perjalanan, impian, karir, relasi pribadi hingga sosial, dan hal-hal yang mungkin tidak mampu diceritakan sebatas satu halaman.
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Join us as we dive into a bold and playful journey of language learning! In ”KOTA and CLAY の let’s make mistakes 間違えまくるポットキャスト,” we embrace the power of mistakes to improve our English and Japanese. Chatting freely in both languages, we mess up, laugh it off, and then call each other out to learn and grow. Tune in to our error-filled adventures and watch our language skills evolve along the way! 一緒に大胆で楽しい語学学習の旅に出ませんか?「KOTA and CLAY の let’s make mistakes 間違えまくるポットキャスト」では、間違いを恐れずに英語と日本語を上達させるた ...
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Kotona podcast

Kotona podcast

Kotona podcast avaa ikkunan äitiyslomalla ja hoitovapaalla tapahtuvaan elämään. Vaipanvaihdon, muuttuvan avioliiton sekä puoliksi juotujen kahvikuppien keskellä ystävykset Sara ja Iiris pohtivat, kuinka äideiksi kasvetaan.
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A Japanese Girl and a Canadian Boy discuss their lives living in Tokyo, and Japan. We also talk about everything from: Dating and Relationships, to Fashion, Food, Travel, learning Japanese, Entertainment, pop culture, and even Terrace House.
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nakamotoMizuki kotoba Gift


岡山県岡山市出身、在住のシンガーソングライター 「nakamotoMizuki(ナカモトミズキ)」による おしゃべりと音楽、時に生演奏も交えた番組です。 ・nakamotoMizuki(ナカモトミズキ) 岡山県岡山市在住のシンガーソングライター おかやま国際音楽祭エンターテイメントチャレンジ2014グランプリ受賞。 アコースティックギターでの弾き語りをメインに活動。 岡山、大阪、東京を中心にライブハウスやcafe、各種イベント等に 「ソロ」である利点を活かし、様々なシーンで活動する。 サポートメンバーと共にバンド、アコースティックユニット形態でのライブもこなす。 また、シンガー、アコースティックギタリストとしてライブやレコーディングに多数参加。 その歌唱力、演奏力は多数のアーティストからも厚い信頼を寄せている。 Official Home Page https://www.nakamotomizuki.com/ CD、Goodsの販売はこちら https://utacube.stores.jp/ リクエスト、チケット予約等 contact@nakamotomizuki.com
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বাংলাদেশের প্রথম গে/ ট্রান্স / ইন্টারসেক্স / এলজিবিটিকিউ + পডকাস্ট! বাংলাদেশী গে-কাপল তানভীর ও জুবাইর কথা বলছেন তাদের জীবন, সমকামীতা , ডাল-ভাত, লাল-সবুজ এবং সবকিছু নিয়ে। আপনার প্রতিক্রিয়া জানান kotipona@gmail.com First-ever queer/gay/trans/intersex/LGBTQ+ podcast in Bangladesh is finally here! Bangladeshi gay couple Tanveer & Zubair talk about being brown, gay, daal-bhaat, laal-shobuj and everything in between. Let us know your feedback at kotipona@gmail.com
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The biggest video game blog in the world, Kotaku.com, brings you an hour of talk about the best (and worst) video games around, the stuff you play, the stuff you should play, and the games you should avoid at all costs.
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Kotaku Australia's managing editor David Smith and reporter Emily Spindler take listeners through the games they're currently playing, with honest reviews, clear-eyed critique, and a uniquely Australian sense of humour. See (and hear) games differently.
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show series
In this episode, Kota and Clay tackle the age-old wisdom of Benjamin Franklin and classic Japanese proverbs—while also tackling their own pronunciation struggles! From "Early to bed, early to rise" to "早起きは三文の徳", we explore how English and Japanese express similar ideas… and how we totally mess them up in the process. Along the way, we dive into: ✔…
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Welcoming you to the new year with a new exciting mixtape series. ‘Tsa Magrootman’ will showcase the musical maturity & growth acquired over the years by the incredible Kota Embassy duo; Nkateko Tshabalala (N’kay) & Nimrod Pitso (Nim). Inspired by their earlier backgrounds from Jazz music, “Tsa Magrootman” mixes will ultimately exploit & appreciate…
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Hope you're read up on your Cryptochemistry and Algebraic Cosmology because we're covering the Toh EnJoe (he of the two worst Space Dandy episodes) written Godzilla S.P, a show with some cool kaiju and nonsense pseudo-science, but with way too many characters with little to do. None of that matters though because we're here for our boy Jet Jaguar. …
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Magyar Péter a Partizánban. Budapesten járt az AfD társelnöke. A család az, ahol a gyerek van. Még hogy repülőrajt! Mindenki ügynök, vagy az lesz. Ezek voltak a február 13-i Kötöttfogás témái. Akik megvitatták őket: Csintalan Sándor, Lánczi Richárd, Reichert János és Tompos Ádám, a műsorvezető Dévényi István volt. ❗️2025-től a Magyar Hang Alapítván…
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The world glorifies the grind of entrepreneurship, but nobody talks about the toll it takes on your well-being. Stress, self-doubt, and a constant need to prove yourself can leave even the most driven entrepreneurs feeling stuck. Without addressing the root cause, you risk burnout and a loss of purpose. Self-discovery is the game-changer most entre…
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Host: Martin Bernátek @bernyonthebikeDěkujeme za zhlédnutí a budeme se těšit příště 👍 Nezapomeň, že nás najdeš také ve všech dobrých podcastových aplikacích a na Spotify, kde nás můžeš podpořit zakoupením předplatného https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/easycast/subscribe 🔥 👀 Sleduj nás všude, kde to žije:https://www.instagram.com/jakubkotek_2.0h…
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We live in a world where success often leads to burnout, anxiety, and loneliness instead of fulfillment. Ashish Kothari, Founder and CEO of Happiness Squad, faced this firsthand, realizing that titles and achievements alone weren’t enough. His journey from relentless striving to meaningful happiness led him to uncover truths about well-being that m…
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Rákosdubaj: ki nyert? Itt a legújabb: hrivnyabaloldal. Gáza ára. Trump békéje egyre fájóbb. Ezek voltak a február 6-i Kötöttfogás témái. Akik megvitatták őket: Csintalan Sándor, Konok Péter, Reichert János és Szerető Szabolcs, a műsorvezető Dévényi István volt. ❗️2025-től a Magyar Hang Alapítvány is fogadhatja a támogatásukat. Ha Ön is úgy döntene,…
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It's time for another show and tell! We've got an interesting mix of older anime to talk about, from an iconic Ikuhara show from the 90s to two OVA from 1989 with very different tones. It's also our 4 year anniversary, so you know that means: time for each of us to attempt to put all of the anime we've watched over the last 4 years into ranked list…
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Uncertainty has become the new normal, and as a leader, it can feel like the ground beneath you is constantly shifting. How do you inspire confidence when you're struggling to find it yourself? Without a strong foundation in your leadership, it can be difficult to respond to challenges and your team could feel it too. In this episode of the Happine…
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Deutsch Tamás és az angol – az elhíresült videó sokakhoz elért, így a műsorból sem maradhatott ki. Ahogyan Orbán Viktor győzelmi dokumentumfilmje, amit a covid kezeléséről mutattak be a miniszterelnök Youtube-csatornáján. És még egy forró téma: „Rákosdubaj” és a beruházás a fővárosi közgyűlésben. Akik pedig mindezeket átbeszélték a január 30-i adás…
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A miniszterelnök ágaskodó ambícióiról, azaz a mini-maxi Dubaj terveiről értekeztek többek között a január 26-i, teltházas Kötöttfogás Extra szereplői: Csintalan Sándor, Dévényi István, Pörzse Sándor, Puzsér Róbert és Reichert János.Miről esett még szó?• Szárnyal a pannon puma, fantasztikus év lesz, izmos a középosztály. Khm.• Bombariadók földje. Lá…
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Megszállta a hatóság az Integritás Hatóságot. Holdról is látható időközi kétharmad. Lázár János megfélemlít. Orbán Viktor nem lesz ott. Ezek voltak a január 16-i Kötöttfogás témái. Akik átbeszélték őket: Albert Enikő, Dévényi István, Nagy Attila Tibor és Tóth Ákos. A műsorvezető Pörzse Sándor volt. ❗️2025-től a Magyar Hang Alapítvány is fogadhatja …
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Leadership often feels like navigating a high-stakes game where every decision could make or break the outcome. Yet, the best leaders aren’t the ones who power through with toughness alone—they are the ones who master the ability to stay calm under pressure. In this episode of the Happiness Squad Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Brent Lang explore how m…
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Battle v trapnosti s komičkou Natálií Schejbalovou. Série trapnovtipů, nic neříkajícího ticha a pokusů o humor. Jak se rozchází komici a proč má Tali problém najít si nového partnera? O psaní vtipů do pořadu Na lovu nebo pro Mikýře. Děje se něco mezi ní a Mikýřem??? Historka o romantickém výletu na výhlídku se starým pánem v Neapoli nebo selekce tě…
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Talking Kotlin: Becoming a KMP Expert Sebastian and Pamela discuss what it means to be an expert in Kotlin Multiplatform, with the help of a panel of experts! Learn about why it's interesting to dive deep into a certain technology, recommendations on how to learn advanced topics, and general advice on how to get the most out of using KMP. SKIE KMP …
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We've reach the end of our time with Milky Holmes! Unfortunately for us the back half of this season is much more dense with plot that the first half, and features an unlikely (and unliked) side character become the final boss for reasons? Anyway, there's still enough trademark Milky Holmes stupidity for us to enjoy. Make sure to join us next time …
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Social media was supposed to connect us, but instead, it’s become a source of stress, manipulation, and mental health challenges. From endless scrolling to harmful algorithms, the negative effects are clear. In this episode of the Happiness Squad Podcast, we uncover the truth about social media’s negative impact on our minds and explore practical w…
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🎉 Welcome to the second episode of the Kota & Clay Podcast! 🎙️ In this bilingual adventure, we’re diving headfirst into improving our English and Japanese skills—by making as many mistakes as possible and learning from them. In this episode, we talk about: ✨ Discussion of the first episode ✨ Talk about some first things to do in Japan for the first…
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تعودت (أنا حسينزم) نهاية كل سنة إني أسوي حلقة أو أكتب تدوينة عن أفضل ١٢ كتاب قريتهم خلال الشهور اللي فاتت، بحيث أختار كتاب يمثل كل شهر. هالمرة بأسوي نفس الشيء ويا حسين الضو، بحيث كل واحد فينا يختار ستة كتب من أفضل قراءاته، ونسولف عنها شوي. جيمس - بيرسيفال إيفيريت هزة زمنية - كيرت فونيغت الأصولي المتردد - محسن حامد شهيد - كافح أكبر أنا لا أخاف - نيك…
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Velmi milý rozhovor s MUDr. Kateřina Cajthamlová, kterou znáte z reality show Jste to, co jíte, kde dávala zabrat účinkujícím a v dnešním díle se i Kuba zapotil. Nejtěžší rozhovor v životě a terapie v přímém přenosu? Nebavili jsme se jenom o jídle, ale především o psychickém zdraví, udržitelnému životnímu stylu nebo Kubových strastech. Napište nám …
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Stress and burnout aren’t inevitable—they’re symptoms of how we’ve been working. Habits like juggling too many tasks, always staying connected, and back-to-back meetings have become so routine that we hardly question them anymore. But these habits are taking a toll on our happiness and well-being. In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ash…
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Rogán Antal tiltólistán – meghatározta az elmúlt napokat a hír, hogy a Miniszterelnöki Kabinetirodát vezető minisztert az Egyesült Államok pénzügyminisztérium szankciós listára tette, így műsorunkban is ez volt az egyik fő téma. Mit üzen az USA? – adódik a kérdés. De persze másról is szó volt: Fábry Sándor vs. Bayer Zsolt, ez is forró téma. Végül p…
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If you thought season 1 was stupid, wait to you get a load of season 2! Join us as we delight in just how head-empty and nonsensical Milky Holmes season 2 gets. Anime Discussed: Milky Holmes Season 2 1-6Next time: Milky Holmes Season 2 7-12Send us your questions! You can email us at underthekotatsu.anime@gmail.com or DM us on twitter @underthekotat…
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Join us for our first episode as we dive into the world of New Year greetings in both Japanese and English! Learn the differences between how to greet someone before and after the New Year, and stick around as we share our personal New Year’s resolutions. It’s a fun and mistake-filled start to the year—perfect for language learners looking to impro…
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Magyar Péter újévköszöntője. Az előrehozott választás esélye. Mészáros Lőrinc annál is gazdagabb lett. Lopás, lopás és lopás. Ezek voltak a január 2-i Kötöttfogás témái. Akik megvitatták őket: Csintalan Sándor, Dévényi István, Reichert János és Szerető Szabolcs, a műsorvezető Pörzse Sándor volt.Január 26-án ismét Kötöttfogás Extra lesz, jelentkezze…
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Leaders, here’s the wake-up call: More than half of your workforce is burned out. Ignoring it won’t make it go away, and throwing tools like mindfulness apps at the problem won’t fix it either. The solution lies in redesigning how work happens. In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Jen Fisher, Former Human Sustainabilit…
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افتتاحية حلقات هذي السنة بمختارات كتبيولوجي لشهر ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤. كل العشاق في الليل - مييكو كاواكامي الأب يغرق وحيدًا - باسم سارة رأسمالية الشوقر دادي - بيتر فليمنغ تاريخ اجتماعي وثقافي للعالم الهيليني - جيليان رامزي نيوغباور عشر خرافات عن إسرائيل - إيلان بابيه انضموا إلى مجتمع كتبيولوجي على باتريون.وتابعونا على إكس، وانستغرام، وتيك توك، وحتى سناب شات…
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Sometimes, life and work can feel like a never-ending loop—same routines, same challenges, no real progress. If 2024 felt like a year where things didn’t quite click, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with finding the right balance between leading effectively, making meaningful changes, and just feeling genuinely happy. But it’s time to change …
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Merry Christmas! We're celebrating the holiday by watching two very dumb and fun special episodes of Milky Holmes including the Christmas Special! Not much too say about these, but we had fun celebrating the holidays with our favorite incompetent detectives! Anime Discussed: Milky Holmes Season 1 Special + Christmas Special!Next time: Milky Holmes …
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Nowadays, big challenges are silently destroying workplaces. Employees feel unmotivated, leaders face retention challenges, and meaningful impact is lost. That's because people want more than a job, they crave purpose. Without it, work becomes a grind, teams disengage, and potential goes untapped. But conscious, purpose-driven leadership changes ev…
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Tényleg mi akartunk lenni a bot a küllők között? A tüske a köröm alatt? Tényleg az volna a polgári Magyarország, nem pedig az, ahol mi akarunk lenni a kerék, ami előre visz? Többek között erről beszélgettek vendégeink a december 17-én, teltház előtt felvett Kötöttfogás Extrán.Miről beszélgetett még Csintalan Sándor, Dévényi István, Puzsér Róbert, R…
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How does a company remain resilient and successful during challenging times? How can leaders steer their companies to thrive, not just survive, during times of uncertainty and change? Complex strategies or advanced technologies can help, but there’s something more impactful that can lead any company to long-term gains. According to Chris Cright, Fo…
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Orbán Viktor Trumpnál. Orbán Viktor Putyinnal – két hír az elmúlt napokból, mindkettő téma volt legújabb műsorunkban is. Ahogyan szóba került Szíria is, az orosz bukás. Hogy ez mit jelent? Kiderül a december 12-i adásból, ahogyan arról is beszélnek vendégeink, hogy mi történik Romániában. Végül pedig, de nem utolsósorban, Magyarország, a félkész ál…
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صرنا اليوم على أعتاب مرحلة جديدة في كتبيولوجي، مرحلة نحس إنها بتكون مختلفة بالنسبة لينا، سواء من ناحية كم الإنتاج أو نوعيته. ولأنكم الداعم الأول والأهم لكتبيولوجي، قررنا نشارككم همومنا وتطلعاتنا، ونطلب منكم -بأدب تقريبًا- تنضمون لمجتمع كتبيولوجي على باتريون عشان تقدرون تعطونا مرئياتكم أول بأول. وبتكونون على اطلاع بأحدث المستجدات علطول، فليش لا؟ انض…
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Spotify předplatné, kde najdeš díly v plné délce: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/easycast/subscribe Děkujeme za zhlédnutí a budeme se těšit příště 👍 Nezapomeň, že nás najdeš také ve všech dobrých podcastových aplikacích a na Spotify, kde nás můžeš podpořit zakoupením předplatného https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/easycast/subscribe 🔥 👀…
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We've reached the end of the first season of Milky Holmes! Do the girls finally get their Toys back? Does the plot make any sense? Just how important are these boob jokes? Answers will be revealed!Anime Discussed: Milky Holmes 7-12Next time: Milky Holmes Season 1 Special + Christmas Special!Send us your questions! You can email us at underthekotats…
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Mit üzen Menczerrel a hatalom? – emlékezetes Magyar Péter és Menczer Tamás szürreális csörtéje, így ennek különféle aspektusait is végigvették vendégeink. Ahogy felmerült az is, hogy gyerekvédelemről közben szó sincs. Azért nagyobb kitekintés is volt Európába: Németország válságban, megbukott a francia kormány. Végül pedig, visszatérve Magyarország…
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Let's face it, work can be a pressure cooker sometimes. Aside from the physical toll, it's also about mental stress and feeling isolated, making us less productive and more likely to call in sick. But what if our workplace focused on keeping us healthy in every way? We'd probably feel more motivated, stick around longer, and do better work. In this…
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In a slightly unconventional episode, Sebastian and Márton talk to the founders of Skip, an iOS-to-Android, Swift-to-Kotlin transpiler solution. Marc and Abe have a background working on both Apple platforms and the JVM, and their latest project is a bridge across these two ecosystems. Skip Skip.tools on GitHub Contributing to SkipUI webinar kdocto…
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