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Kundalini Yoga Podcast

Sukadev Bretz - Weisheit und Spiritualität

Vorträge und Übungsanleitungen zum Yoga der Energie. Kundalini Yoga ist der Yoga der Energie. Erfahre viel über dein Energiesystem mit Prana, Nadis und Chakras. Lerne einfache und komplexere Praktiken, um deine Chakren zu harmonisieren, deine Energien zu aktivieren, höhere Bewusstseinsebenen zu erlangen.
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The Kundalini Awakening Podcast

Sandesh Singh and Guru Gian

Guru Gian, founder of the Kundalini Yoga Club and Sandesh joined together on a mission to share the knowledge how you can master kundalini energy. Welcome to the captivating world of the "Kundalini Awakening Podcast: from Karma to Dharma." Join us on an awe-inspiring journey as we delve into the profound realm of spiritual transformation and self-discovery. In this enlightening podcast series, we embark on a quest to explore the fascinating stories and insights of extraordinary individuals w ...
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Casa Kundalini Yoga

Casa Kundalini Yoga Sat Nam

Espiritualidad Consciencia Silencio Introspección Transmutación Waheguru Que el eterno Sol te ilumine, que el Amor te rodeé y que la Luz pura interior guíe tu camino. Sat Nam 🙌 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/casa-kundalini-yoga-sat-n/support
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Kirti Kundalini Podcast

Leah Gibson

Kirti Kundalini Podcast is where actress and spiritual teacher Leah Gibson shares a combination of novel knowledge, ancient wisdom, and readily available best-practices for consciousness elevation and high-vibrational living. Episode topics are divided into two segments, and include insightful teachings channeled from higher guidance, personal stories, and energetic practices to experience the transformational benefits of this devoted work. For daily inspiration, follow on IG: @kirtikundalin ...
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Listen to heartfelt and heart wrenching stories of real people from the early days of the 3HO Kundalini Yoga Community, those born into it, and those converted or influenced by the “Teachings” in the last 50 years of “light-washing” the truth. These are the stories you haven’t heard. The untold truths and abuses that have infused into the consciousness of the Healthy, Happy and Holy Community of KundaliniYoga globally. gurunischan.substack.com
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Welcome to the Heart Centered Revolution podcast! We are Jen and Ramtin Pourvasei, and we aim to uplift and inspire you by sharing wisdom and techniques from Kudnalini Yoga and other consciousness practices. Listen to learn tools to feel connected to your true self, and to understand what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. Each episode ends with a short pranayam, or breathing meditation. Learn more at www.heartcenteredrevolution.com.
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show series
Welcome to Episode - 26 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. Want to learn more? Follow Siri Amrit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natashaakti?igsh=ODJrMThwd3djeDBv Explore more about Siri Amrit here: https://www.instagram.com/plesni_studio_intakt?igsh=Y3Z1MjR2ajIxMTZ5 Want more Kundalini wisdom? Join our membership fo…
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Welcome to Episode - 25 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this deeply moving episode, we sit down with Denis Yanyutin—a Kundalini Yoga teacher from Ukraine who is helping others find strength, resilience, and inner balance during one of the most challenging times of his life. What if your entire world was turned upside d…
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Meditation mit Energietechniken für erfahrene Meditierende – nicht für Anfänger. Insbesondere geeignet für Menschen, die schon eine Weile meditieren und die Tiefe und Kraft ihrer Meditation ausbauen wollen. Mitschnitt aus einem spirituellen Retreat im Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. Mehr zu Meditation, auch für Anfänger, findest du auf den Internet…
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Welcome to Episode - 24 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this heartfelt episode, we are honored to have Maria Param Sukh Want more Kundalini wisdom? Join our membership for insider access : https://kundaliniyogaclub.com/full-membership/?utm_source=memb-eng&utm_medium=yt-pc-24 Know about Maria Param Sukh here : https://w…
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Lass dich auf eine Meditationsreise, auf eine meditative Kletterpartie führen. Nutze die Chakras wie Klettergriffe auf dem Weg vom Irdischen zum Höchsten. Sukadev leitet dich mit dieser Hörsendung an zu einer 10-minütigen Meditation: Du setzt dich zunächst ruhig und gerade hin. Dann atmest du ein paar Mal tief ein und aus. Du wünschst allen Wesen F…
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Namkirn was born and raised in 3HO in the Salt Lake City, Utah Ashram in 1973. Her parents are Ram Dass Singh and Ram Dass Kaur. She went to GNFC from 1986 -1988. She got out when her mom left the dharma and took her at 14 years old and her sister Lakshmi Narayan at 11 years old. Today she lives in Portland Oregon and is a public middle school/ hig…
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Aktiviere dein Anahata Chakra, das Herz-Chakra, mit der Visualisierung einer Lotos-Blüte. Lass diese Lotos-Blüte immer größer werden, leuchten, und dich mit Himmelsenergie erfüllen. Eine machtvolle Meditation bzw. Meditations-Technik aus dem Kundalini Yoga. Meditierende: Saradevi. Sprecher, Konzept: Sukadev Bretz von www.yoga-vidya.de Der Beitrag R…
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Welcome to Episode - 23 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this heartfelt episode, we are honored to have Agenieszka! Want more Kundalini wisdom? Join our membership for insider access : https://kundaliniyogaclub.com/full-membership/?utm_source=memb-eng&utm_medium=yt-pc-23 Know about Agnieszka here : www.thegardenoflove.s…
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Listen to a range of reviews of the docu-series on HBO Max, BREATH OF FIRE and hear the lens of those who were born-in and raised in 3HO, as well as those who joined this lifestyle as yoga students; and their raw and chilling responses to watching this four part docu-series on mainstream television. Conversations You Can Feel is a reader/listener-s…
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Höre zu Heiligabend einen kurzen Beitrag über Weihnachtssymbolik und Kundalini Yoga. Dies ist ein kurzer Vortrag als Inspiration für den heutigen Tag von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya – vor einigen Jahren aufgenommen in einem Satsang in Bad Meinberg. Infos über Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda auf www.yoga-vidya.de. Der Beitrag Weihnac…
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Welcome to Episode - 22 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this heartfelt episode, we are honored to have Sat Pavan Singh. Want more Kundalini wisdom? Join our membership for insider access : https://kundaliniyogaclub.com/full-membership/?utm_source=memb-eng&utm_medium=yt-pc-22 Ready for inspiration? Dive into our podcast…
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Eine knappe Stunde Yoga Atemübungen für Fortgeschrittene. Drei Runden Kapalabhati, 21 Minuten Wechselatmung, 3 Runden Bhastrika, 5 Minuten Ujjayi. Die Übungen im Einzelnen: Kapalabhati 1. Runde 60 feste Ausatmungen mit Mula Bandha. Anhalten mit leeren Lungen. Anhalten mit vollen Lungen, dabei Visualisierung der Sonnenenergie im Bauch. Zweite Runde …
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Welcome to Episode - 21 of our Podcast "Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma" In this podcast episode, I had a transformative conversation with Dylan Emmet, a South African man deeply committed to living with an open heart. We explored self-love, the evolving role of fathers, and how emotional openness creates deeper connections. Dylan shared h…
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The HBO Documentary Series 'Breath of Fire' is making its mark and causing a ripple effect into the Kundalini Yoga world. Tune into another episode to hear about the latest damage control letter sent out by the CEO of the Kundalini Yoga Research Institute (KRI) to Kundalini Yoga Associations & Ashrams worldwide. Conversations You Can Feel is a read…
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Welcome to Episode - 20 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this heartfelt episode, we are honored to have Dirk Broenink, a Dutch IT programmer whose journey took a remarkable turn toward spirituality and self-discovery. Dirk shares his unique path from the world of programming video games to becoming a dedicated Kundalini…
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Rodolfo Caro, formerly Bhajanjeet Singh became a Kundalini Yoga instructor in 2004 and integrated his home, family and spa business into the lifestyle brand of promoting KY and Sikh Dharma over the next 18 years in Guadalajara Mexico. He was even a Board Member of the International KundaliniYogaTeacher Association of Mexico until 2018 when he began…
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Lerne Bhramari, die „Biene“ Atemübung. Eine Übung für die Verbesserung der Stimme, für gesunde Stimmbänder, zur Erhöhung der Atemkapazität. Dieses Pranayama hilft auch, Zugang zu seinem Herzen zu bekommen und Freude zu spüren. Einfache Variation. Mitschnitt aus einem Workshop mit Sukadev während einer Yogalehrer Ausbildung im Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Me…
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Woher kommt Krankheit? Was kann man gegen Krankheit machen? Wie kann man wieder gesund werden? Was ist der Sinn von Krankheit. Sukadev Bretz spricht über Konzepte aus verschiedenen indischen Richtungen: Ayurveda, Kundalini Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga. Er spricht darüber, dass viel Heilung durch Yoga möglich ist. Langfristig stirbt jedoch jeder. Und…
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Welcome to Episode - 19 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this heartfelt episode, we are honored to have Siri Sadhana Kaur, a truly inspiring Kundalini yoga teacher, dancer, and singer, share her profound journey with us. Want more Kundalini wisdom? Join our membership for insider access : https://kundaliniyogaclub.com/f…
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Rodolfo Caro (formerly Bhajanjeet Singh) became a KY instructor in 2004 and integrated his home, family and spa business into the lifestyle brand of promoting KY and Sikh Dharma over the next 18 years in Guadalajara Mexico. He was even a IKYTA Mexico board member until 2018 when he began to disconnect from his local sangat community because of inco…
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Welcome to Episode - 18 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this episode of the Kundalini Awakening podcast, I’m joined by the lovely Brittany, a Kundalini yoga enthusiast who’s been living in Madrid for the past 12 years! 🇪🇸 Brittany shares her journey from her childhood in Reno, Nevada, to moving to Spain, inspired by he…
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Welcome to Episode - 17 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this heartwarming episode, I sit down with Lauren GrusenMeyer, also known as Akal Sampreet, to explore her rich history with Kundalini Yoga. We start by discussing the deep meaning behind her spiritual name, which reflects the energy of undying love and happiness.…
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Yogastunde mit Sukadev, um die Chakras zu aktivierem, zu einer tiefen meditativen Erfahrung zu kommen und das Energieniveau zu erhöhen. Stehende Atemübungen, Sonnengebet mit Surya Mantras, Grundstellungen, Laya Yoga Tiefenentspannung. 105 Minuten. Mitschnitt einer Yogastunde während eines Kundalini Yoga Intensiv-Seminars Mittelstufe. „Historische“ …
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Welcome to Episode - 16 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. It's essential to maintain a sense of self-awareness and discernment. The spiritual journey, particularly in practices like Kundalini Yoga, can be profoundly transformative, but it's also filled with challenges and potential pitfalls. Being aware of your own motivati…
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Welcome to Episode - 15 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this conversation, Sandesh welcomes Sigrid Van Tassel to his podcast. They met at a Kundalini Yoga event for Belgian and Dutch teachers. Sigrid shares her journey of working hard, burning out, finding a new path, and now helping others with what she's learned. She…
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Welcome to Episode - 14 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this episode of the Kundalini Awakening podcast, Jasper shares his journey of trying out a strict vegetarian diet and giving up coffee and alcohol, driven by a dedication to Kundalini Yoga. However, he found that being too strict made him feel boxed in and realize…
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Welcome to Episode - 13 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this episode of the Kundalini Awakening podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Lesley Bal, who goes by her spiritual name, Atma Deva. Lesley recently completed the Kundalini yoga teacher training level one and has been radiating positivity ever since, captur…
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Welcome to Episode - 12 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this episode of the Kundalini Awakening podcast, I'm thrilled to welcome Tatjana, a Kundalini yoga coach from Germany, whose story truly moved me. Tatjana shares her journey of self-discovery that began long before the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the pandemic, Tatja…
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Welcome to Episode - 11 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. Sandesh, met Guru Deva at a Kundalini yoga festival in France eleven years ago. They reconnected on the podcast and talked about how Kundalini yoga entered their lives. Both Sandesh and Guru Deva were going through difficult times when they found Kundalini yoga. Sand…
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Eine fortgeschrittenere Meditationstechnik aus dem Kundalini Yoga, auch Kriya-Yoga genannt. Mittels einer bestimmten Atemtechnik („Ujjayi“) aktivierst du das Prana, die Lebensenergie. Dann richtest du die Bewusstheit und den Blick in die einzelnen Chakras vom Herz-Chakra bis zum Kronen-Chakra. Eine Technik mit starker Wirkung auf den Energiekörper …
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Welcome to Episode - 10 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. Iulia Russu's story is one of courage and resilience, sprinkled with a touch of youthful innocence. Growing up in Romania, she felt the weight of societal expectations that stifled her authenticity. Thankfully, she found solace within her family, who nurtured her spi…
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This episode is a short update on topics relating to the 3HO/Kundalini Yoga community including the traumatic finale of the 3HO/Kundalini Yoga Independent Healing and Reparations Program (IHRP), recently filed lawsuits by former 2nd Gen staff members, SSSC Board election chaos, upcoming documentaries to look out for + more. Referenced in this episo…
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Welcome to Episode - 9 of our Podcast “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this Podcast Aakash and Sujala, both hailing from Tamil Nadu, crossed paths while pursuing their medical studies in Ukraine. But hey, life took them on a detour when they realized medicine wasn't their jam after all. Aakash had this light bulb moment where he felt …
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Welcome to Episode 8 of our Podcast, “Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma”. In this heartwarming exchange, we get a glimpse into the remarkable journey of a Sanne Brand - A Blind individual navigating the world with resilience and curiosity. From childhood discoveries of color to profound experiences with chakra meditation, her story is a test…
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Um eine Herzensverbindung herzustellen, kann Shambhavi Mudra sehr wirkungsvoll sein. Sukadev leitet dich an zu „Gerade Shambhavi Mudra mit weichem Blick und Herzensverbindung“. Gerade Shambhavi Mudra mit weichem Blick und Herzensverbindung ist eine der Variationen der Augen-Mudras mit starker Wirkung auf Prana, Psyche und Chakras. Sie hilft, Herzen…
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Welcome to Episode 7 of our Captivating Podcast, "Kundalini Awakening from Karma to Dharma", hosted by Guru Gian. Get cozy as Guru Gian and Linda take you on a trip down memory lane, from our days in Maastricht to our adventures in Amsterdam. 🌆 Through the chaos of life, we found peace and connection through Kundalini Yoga. We'll share the story of…
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Welcome to Episode 6 of our new podcast of self discovery by our youngest Kundalini Yoga teacher - Storm Van De Weele. Ever wondered about the magic of a vision quest? 🌿 It's like embarking on a soul-searching adventure during life's pivotal moments or when seeking deep answers. Picture yourself surrounded by nature's embrace 🌳, tuning in to your i…
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In this episode of the Kundalini Awakening Podcast with host Sandesh Singh and guest Maarten Mulder, the focus is on Maarten's transformative journey from a mindset of "I only believe what I see" to embracing the perspective of "First believe then see." Maarten shares his exploration of various tools for achieving a calm mind, including experiences…
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Guru Gian Interviews Amrit Singh who spend almost 20 year in India working for Miri Piri Academy. Amrit Singh changed from Teacher to Coach and participated in the Kundalini Yoga Coaching training. Amrit Singh has been studying Kundalini Yoga for over 25 years. His foundation was laid in Germany in the mid 90s. Amrit Singh then moved to India and d…
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Sat Nam, Unlock the secrets of manifestation with our special guest, Aryana Rollins, a manifestation teacher and author. This episode shares Aryana's unique five-stage approach to manifestation, but also offer a fresh perspective on how to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your desires. We also discuss Aryana's writing process for her…
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Sat Nam, Ever pondered the vast capabilities and intricate mysteries of your mind? Perhaps you've felt overwhelmed by the chaos and confusion it can sometimes bring? Join us as we unravel the workings of the human mind and guide you towards a more heart-centered, consciousness-driven life. We'll delve into how our brain functions as a lens, interpr…
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This episode unravels the transformative practice of expressing thanks to the natural world, as inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer's book Braiding Sweetgrass. Our conversation is not just about gratitude; it’s about embracing a way of life that centers the heart and connects us to the present moment. To further deepen our exploration, we incorporate t…
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Manju Sadarangani was born and raised in India, surrounded by yoga. Her yoga teacher mother insisted on an upbringing informed by yoga and traditional medicine. In her teen years, her deeply spiritual brilliant father joined a Hindu cult, resulting in upheaval resulting in her immigration to the United States with her mother and brother. Manju foun…
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Shabd Singh was born and raised in 3HO Herndon, VA in 1987. His parents are Gurutrang Singh and Gurumata Kaur. He attended MPA from 1999-2005, was in the Eugene, Oregon ashram from 2006-2012, and taught at Miri Piri Academy in India as an economics teacher from 2012-2014. It’s been a slow but gradual disconnect from 3HO, and he fully disconnected i…
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Sat Nam, Listen in as we unravel the relationship between habits and discipline, explaining how these behavioral patterns are hardwired into our lives. We share how how the subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in forming habits, and how discipline requires a conscious effort to make a change. You'll gain insights into how both positive and negati…
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Mel Hofmann, at the time was Melanie Calhoon started studying Kundalini yoga classes in 1970, at the age of 15 in Berkeley, CA . The local area ashram at the time was known as the “Banana Ananda” ashram in San Rafael, CA. She moved into the ashram in the Fall of 1971 at the age of 16 years old. Shortly thereafter, the name of the ashram was changed…
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Oooops! I just realized this episode never went out on 8/12, so here it is now.... Have you ever found yourself lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life, forgetting to take a moment to just breathe? We've all been there, and it's in those moments that the power of mindfulness can truly transform your life. Join us on this heart-centered journey …
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Are you caught in the whirlwind of overthinking, feeling trapped in your own mind? This episode might be what you need. We're delving deep into the pattern of overthinking, from a yogic and hypnotherapy perspective. Discover how your subconscious mind plays a critical role in this habit and how simple techniques can help you switch from fear-based …
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Siri Whitecrow, was born Elias Seneca Whitecrow in 1972 in Juneau, Alaska. His mom, Sat guru Kaur, joined 3HO with his older sister, Siri Kaur, in 1976 and his name was changed to Siri Singh Khalsa. His early life was spent between two different ashrams in Anchorage, Alaska, then in 1979 he was sent to Española New Mexico at 7 years old, living wit…
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這是我七歲時的親身經歷,從此震撼我這一輩子... 這也是享壽109歲的阿嬤,帶我走過的奇幻之旅... 謝謝您,阿嬤... 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckr8tdkxrvpki08540vmbpajv/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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