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Zur LGBTQIA+-Community gehören Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, Trans*, Queers, Inter*, Asexuelle und Menschen mit weiteren Sexualitäten und Geschlechtern. Jährlich im Juni, dem sogenannten "Pride Month", machen die Mitglieder der LGBTQIA+-Community in NRW und weltweit auf ihre ungerechte Behandlung aufmerksam. Videos und Audio-Beiträge zum Thema "LGBTQIA+" findest du in der Mediathek von NRWision.
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Anne-Marie Zanzal, M.Div is the creator and host of Coming Out & Beyond | LGBTQIA+ Stories. She deeply believes that in the hearing of another's story we can often here our own. Her podcast focuses on sharing the coming out stories of the Queer community. . Coming out stories is what connect everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community. These stories are compelling, heartbreaking and inspirational. But this podcast does not stop there. Straight media focuses so much on the coming out part, they often ...
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Dois amigos falando sobre assuntos e vivências do cotidiano LGBTQIA+ piauiense. "Dixtrava" é um podcast criado por Leandro Soares e Marcos Ângelo, gays que colocam em discussão assuntos da comunidade LGBTQIA+. Aqui você ouvirá pautas relevantes para gays, lésbicas, trans, travestis, todos da sigla LGBTQIA+. Conversaremos com escritores, autores, artistas, médicos, psicólogos, músicos, professores e etc. Aqui, tabu não é para ficar escondido no armário. Dixtrava o amor e o respeito! 🏳️‍🌈 Fale ...
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Bom Dia, Bixa! | Notícias sobre as Comunidades LGBTQIAPN+

Bom Dia, Bixa! | Notícias sobre as Comunidades LGBTQIAPN+

🎙Informação, entretenimento e ocupação de espaços 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 📰 Um programa diário com as principais notícias sobre as Comunidades LGBTQIAPN+. ☕️ De segunda a sexta às 6 e ônibus, a companhia matinal para te munir de argumentos, conhecimentos e fofocas enquanto passa um cafézinnho. 🗯 Comentários e surtos da equipe de apresentadores mais saturada da podosfera. 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣 Um programa FIO Podcasts | Rede Ativista de Vozes @bomdiabixa nas redes E-mail: [email protected] EQUIPE: Rod Gomes - Design/E ...
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Let's Get Back To... discussing life, love, sex, dating and the like, with some seriously gay overtones. The perfect podcast if you're in the market for questionable (and likely inappropriate) opinions and advice on just about everything. Bobby and Jez could be described as being under-qualified to offer advice, but they are no less than overqualified in offering opinions on...pretty much everything.
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QueerAF is the award-winning (more than a) podcast with beyond-the-binary stories about queerness, sexuality, gender and identity. All our shows are created by a different budding LGBTQIA+ audio producer who we mentor and support to create an inspiring (QueerAF) story. QueerAF is the UK's only regulated not-for-profit LGBTQIA+ publisher. We help you understand the LGBTQIA+ world and support queer creatives to change the media. The podcast, with its roots and first four seasons in collaborati ...
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Um podcast para S.E.R. O "Fora do Meio" é um espaço para todos que querem entender e se aprofundar no mundo da diversidade sexual e de gênero. Somos apaixonados por ampliar a representatividade da comunidade LGBTQIA+ e trazer temas relevantes, como a questão da homofobia, transgeneridade e a luta pelos direitos iguais. Não importa se você é da comunidade ou se tem interesse em aprender mais sobre o assunto, aqui você encontrará uma visão aberta, honesta e informativa. Fale Conosco: Site: htt ...
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Our mission is to build a bridge between the LGBTQIA+ community and people of faith. We strive to help people in the gay community reconnect with their faith and to be more tolerant and respectful of those in the faith community. We want to promote tolerance. We don’t have to agree, but can we at least agree not to be disagreeable? In this clash between culture and religion, does either side have to win? Could we call a truce? Each week, host Brian Peyton Joyner connects with people of faith ...
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Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQIA Podcast for Everyone!

Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQ Podcast for Everyone!

Hosted by New York City-based comedians Carolyn Bergier & Melody Kamali, Dyking Out is a podcast about lesbian / queer life, news, and pop culture. Each week, Carolyn and Melody invite a special guest (comedians, musicians, actors, crushes) to dyke out with them about a topic that's relevant to the LGBTQIA world. But really, it's just another way to advance the gay agenda.
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Dieser Podcast nimmt Fälle, in denen queere Menschen Opfer, beziehungsweise Täter*innen von Verbrechen sind, in den Fokus. Die beiden Hosts Irina Schlauch (Autorin, Juristin und weltweit erste “Princess Charming” im TV) und Marvin Standke (Podcaster und Journalist) betrachten in den Fällen den Verlauf und besprechen ihn aus ihrer persönlichen queeren Perspektive. Warum werden queere Personen immer wieder Opfer von Hassverbrechen - reagieren Behörden angemessen genug, um Menschen aus der LGBT ...
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show series
➡️Reframing Guilt & Shame Associated with Coming Out Later in Life : Season 6 Episode 6 🌈 Welcome to another episode of "Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories"! Host Anne-Marie Zanzal invites fellow later-in-lifer Barbara Rowlandson back to the podcast to talk about everyone's favorite topic 🙄, guilt and shame! Guilt and shame are two of the most c…
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Das Akronym FLINTA* steht für Frauen, Lesben, inter, nicht-binäre, trans und agender Personen. Vor allem im Hip-Hop und Rap feiern aktuell besonders FLINTA* of Colour große Erfolge und beschreiten neue Wege. Doch woran liegt das? Welche neuen Trends gibt es? Und welche FLINTA*s sollte man in diesem Jahr besonders im Auge haben? Über diese und weite…
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🌈 Welcome to another episode of "Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories"! In this episode, host Anne-Marie Zanzal and fellow coming-out coach, Barbara Rowlandson, talk about leaning into queer community during challenging times. Informed by their work with later-in-lifers, Anne-Marie and Barb discuss why this demographic of women needs community so …
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Es war der Gerichtsfall im Jahr 2024. Gisèle Pelicot hat öffentlich einen Prozess gegen ihren Exmann und 51 weitere, mitangeklagte Männer geführt. Im Laufe von zehn Jahren hat ihr Exmann Dominique Pelicot sie immer wieder betäubt und von diesen Männern vergewaltigen lassen. Redakteurin Charlotte Reinhold blickt auf den Fall und den Prozess von Gisè…
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Ethel Cain ist der Künstlername von Singer-Songwriterin Hayden Silas Anhedönia aus Tallahassee in Florida. Die US-amerikanische Musikerin gibt mit atmosphärischen Synthesizern und klangvollen Gitarren einen Einblick in ihre Gefühle und Gedanken. "Radio Q"-Musikreporterin Anna Loschelder wirft einen Blick auf das musikalische Wirken von Ethel Cain -…
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🌈 Welcome to another episode of "Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories"! In this episode, host Anne-Marie Zanzal interviews Pastor Greg Bullard, the longest-serving affirming pastor in Tennessee. They discuss Greg's coming out journey, the importance of community in faith, and the role of acceptance within the church. Greg shares his experiences gr…
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Mit der Talkshow "Der blaue Montag" ist Moderator Kalle Wahle ab sofort alle zwei Wochen im Lokalsender "StreamD Radio" zu hören. Das Format wechselt sich mit seiner Sendereihe "Wat et nit all jöwt" ab. Außerdem geht er 2025 mit einem neuen Podcast an den Start: "Tabu". In der Auftaktsendung möchte Kalle Wahle von seinen Gästen Änki, Marvin und Tho…
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Buckle up, daters! In this episode of Coming Out & Beyond, we’re diving even deeper into the complexities of dating in the LGBTQIA+ community with Barbara Rowlandson, a seasoned relationship coach and LGBTQIA+ advocate. 🌈❤️ Dating can be both exciting and daunting, especially when you’re navigating life after coming out or rediscovering your authen…
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Please download, like & subscribe! You can also tune into this episode of Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Dating later in life can feel like tricky business! That's why we've asked our in-house dating expert, Barbara Rowlandson, to chat about best practices when stepping out into the dating world after a long hi…
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Another year of podcasts is in the history books! In this first episode of Season 6, host Anne-Marie Zanzal and her fellow coach/producer Barbara Rowlandson review some of their favorite episodes of 2024, and give us a peek into topics that will be covered in 2025. Happy New Year, everyone!De către Anne-Marie Zanzal
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80% of gender is between your ears (not your legs) says, transition coach Wendy Cole. Wendy's remarkable story begins in the 1950s, when as a very young child she knew she was a girl. In her conversation with host Anne-Marie Zanzal, Wendy shares her struggles in early childhood with her parents and psychiatric professionals who gave her harmful lab…
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Oh yes! Oh no! It's the holiday season once again! Individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community experience unique stressors during the holiday season. Queer/coming out coaches Anne-Marie Zanzal and Barbara Rowlandson have a lively discussion about strategies for coping with family, friends, and life changes during the holiday season. This is an especially…
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What does it mean to hide? How does hiding effect us and the people around us? This week's podcast could be considered an expert on hiding. Author Karen Solt, a lesbian, made her career in the United States navy which spanned over the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" years (1993-2011). A middle child with alcoholic parents, Karen's youth was a wild one, whe…
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Poet, lyricist, celebrated vintage/antiques seller, and author of "Selling Dead People's Things" Duane Scott Cerny has led a varied and fascinating life. In this episode, Duane shares his remarkable life story with host Anne-Marie Zanzal, covering his sister's miraculous recovery from an grievous illness that caused his parents to convert to Cathol…
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This week, host Anne-Marie Zanzal chats with the very wise and funny Phillip Headrick. Phillip, is the host of the recently retired "Two Bottles Deep" podcast, a physical therapist, and Nashville-based comedian. Before he was the charming and confident person he is today, Phillip was a boy raised on a farm in rural Tennessee who was raised in a Chr…
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NSFW: This episode contains strong language that may be offensive to some. The current political climate is undoubtedly tough for the LGBTQIA+ community. How do we persevere in a society where so many would like to see queer people go back in the closet? This week on Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories, host Anne-Marie Zanzal taps into the wisdom…
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Felix Lüdenbach ist der erste Weinkönig des Ahrtals. Im Podcast "Sprechstoff Hörreise" spricht "Felix I." über seinen Posten. Wie kam es dazu, dass erstmalig ein Mann zum Weinkönig gekürt wurde? Wie war die Resonanz darauf? Und wie geht die Weinregion Ahrtal mit dem Klimawandel um?
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Activist, scholar, mental health advocate, and The Trevor Project and WClub volunteer JJ King (they/them) is Anne-Marie's special guest on this episode of Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories. Anne-Marie and JJ met as JJ was beginning their coming out journey. Both were raised in conservative faith traditions that impacted their sense of self and …
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"Labyrinth" und "Hölle" heißen die neuen Songs der deutschen Dark-Pop-Musikerin Marisabelle. In ihren Tracks behandelt sie unter anderem Familienprobleme, Panikattacken und fehlende Akzeptanz von gleichgeschlechtlichen Beziehungen. Dabei verarbeitet Marisabelle persönliche Erlebnisse und verleiht somit ihren Songs viel Gefühl. In "Labyrinth" geht's…
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Der Begriff "Drag Queen" bezeichnet meist eine hyperfeminine Kunstfigur, die von einem Mann gespielt wird. Drag Queens verbinden exzentrisches Make-up mit Tanz und Musik. Carolin Neumeier hat die Drag Queens "Ms. Foxy Bless" und "Sandra Bullcock" getroffen und sie gefragt, was Drag für sie bedeutet. Im Interview reden die beiden auch über ihre Erfa…
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Charlie Sprinkman is a young person with a vision! After working in a job that required him to travel across 50+ states, Charlie recognized there was a lack of visibility to queer-owned businesses when he tried to find them in his travels and his searches came up empty. This is how Everywhere is Queer was born. Everywhere is Queer is a free app whe…
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Join host Anne-Marie Zanzal as she welcomes author and coach Annie M. Henderson to explore the diverse experiences of women coming out later in life. Annie shares her personal journey, highlighting the challenges of growing up Catholic in Northeast Texas and the profound impact of a lack of representation in her life. The conversation delves into t…
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Zum zweijährigen Jubiläum des Magazins "FiCTiv" schauen die Moderatorinnen Reemda Hahn und Charlotte Reinhold zurück auf die vergangenen beiden Jahre. Was hat sich in Bezug auf Feminismus und Queerness in den Bereichen Sport, Film und Musik getan? Außerdem in der Sendung: Reporterin Nina Krüger spricht mit Drag-Queen Antonella Rossi über ihre anste…
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Women: dating in the LGBTQIA+ community, especially if you haven't dated in a very long time, or if you're new to dating other queer people, can feel very daunting! Figuring out how to navigate dating apps, learning how to talk to strangers, and identifying your priorities and goals are among some of the very real challenges that singles face. This…
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Am 5. November 2024 wird in den USA ein neuer Präsident oder eine neue Präsidentin gewählt. Die Demokratin Kamala Harris tritt dabei gegen den Republikaner Donald Trump an. Vor allem Donald Trump fällt in seinem Wahlprogramm immer wieder mit seiner antifeministischen Haltung auf. Dazu ist Trump ein klarer Befürworter für ein strenges Abtreibungsges…
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KaRon Spriggs-Bethea, DSW, LCSW, educator and expert on the subject of bullying. KaRon experienced bullying as a young person, and today uses his expertise to support others who feel diminished as a result of bullying. In this episode, host Anne-Marie Zanzal talks with KaRon about his lived experiences being bullied as a black, gay man, defines bul…
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Happy National Coming Out Day, 2024! In this episode, host Anne-Marie Zanzal chats with two of her favorite lesbians: her wife, Tonda, and fellow coach, Barb. Anne-Marie, Tonda, and Barb share their thoughts on signs that you might not be as straight as you originally thought. A little cheeky and with a lot of laughs, these three touch on stereotyp…
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This week on CO&B and in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month, we are revisiting an episode from season 1 featuring Judy Wilson. Judy grew up in Nashville, Tennessee in a Roman Catholic family. She came out in the early 1970’s and live in San Francisco during the AIDS crisis. Her story is a testament to the courageousness underground culture of those who …
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LSBTIQ* ist die Abkürzung für Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, trans-, intergeschlechtliche und queere Menschen. Mithilfe von Mitgliedern der LSBTIQ*-Community stellt Moderator Wolfgang Speckmann die einzelnen Identitäten genauer vor. Außerdem geht es im Beitrag der "Aidshilfe Ahlen" um die sogenannten "Coming Out Days". Die Aktionstage zu queeren Them…
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This episode of Coming Out and Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories featuring a conversation with lesbian couple's expert, Dr. Robin Sesan originally aired in December 2023. Today, we reshare this episode with you and invite you to join us at Dr. Sesan's upcoming workshop, Strengthening Love: Building Secure Bonds for Lesbian Couples, on Oct 17th in Provinceto…
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Der Sommer geht langsam zu Ende. Passend dazu blicken die Moderatorinnen Reemda Hahn und Laura Koch auf die vergangenen Monate in der Dating-Welt zurück. Unter anderem haben sich die amerikanische Sängerin Jennifer Lopez und Hollywood-Star Ben Affleck nach zwei Jahren Ehe scheiden lassen. Die Moderatorinnen sprechen zudem über einen neuen Dating-Tr…
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Die "Progressive Phantastik" stellt marginalisierte Gruppen in einem phantastischen Setting in den Vordergrund. Die Autor*innen Nora Bendzko, Judith C. Vogt und James Sullivan haben den Begriff im deutschsprachigen Raum geprägt. Im Podcast "" erklären sie, wie die "Progressive Phantastik" entstanden ist. Wieso ist es ihnen wich…
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Coming out is often an ongoing process, and sometimes people come out selectively to the people around them. It is not unusual for our family members to be the last to know this important piece about our identity. Podcaster Sarah St. John understands this truth. While Sarah has a happy life with her partner, she has yet to come out to her family of…
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K-Pop ist ein Musikgenre aus Südkorea. Die südkoreanische Popmusik begeistert allerdings auch Millionen von Fans außerhalb des Landes. Die Moderatorinnen Marina Böhmer und Katharina Geldsetzer werfen einen Blick auf die K-Pop-Szene und ihre "Idols". So nennt man Bandmitglieder von K-Pop-Bands. Besonders für weibliche K-Pop-Stars hat der Erfolg oft …
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In her book, "Perfectly Queer," author Jillian Abby recounts her journey of coming out later in life and overcoming chronic perfectionism. Jillian began her metamorphosis as a wife in a heterosexual marriage, home-schooling mom, and CPA. Sensing a change was needed, Jillian transitioned her job to Licensed Massage Therapist, and as she engaged in p…
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After 10 years of unravelling her sexual identity, later-in-life lesbian Emily Bettdur came out and transformed her life. Now a later-in-life dating coach for women, Emily helps others feel connected to their authentic sexuality, navigate complex emotions, build self-esteem, and foster healthy relationships. In this episode, host Anne-Marie Zanzal …
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"Tagespflege Vielfalt" ist ein Projekt der "Diakonie Düsseldorf". Dorthe Kretschmer ist Mitglied bei dem Gemeindedienst und Initiatorin der Kampagne. Im Gespräch mit Moderator Kalle Wahle berichtet sie von der Idee hinter der Tagespflege. Mit "Tagespflege Vielfalt" möchte sie Diskriminierung bei der Pflege im Alter vorbeugen. Der Fokus liegt hierbe…
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Have you ever felt so disconnected from your body that you don't know what you feel or want? This week's guest on Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories is Juliana Allen, a certified somatic breathwork facilitator who helps people become reconnected with their bodies and heal. Juliana, a later in life lesbian, found breathwork in her coming out proc…
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Marina Hüls und Lena Bauchmüller sind Deutsche- und Europameisterinnen im "Equality Dance". In der Sendung "Wat et nit all jöwt" erklären die Tänzerinnen, was hinter der Tanzsportart steckt: Anders als beim gewöhnlichen Standardtanz haben die Tanzpartner*innen beim "Equality Dance" das gleiche Geschlecht. Marina Hüls und Lena Bauchmüller beschriebe…
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This week's guest, Wes Schmitz, was raised in a small farming community in central Illinois. While growing up, he retreated deeper and deeper into the closet, forced there by the rhetoric around him. In college, homophobic jokes on campus and in the frat house kept him in the closet. Wes came out at age 29, emerging from the darkness and into a bri…
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Normalerweise verfolgen "Riot Rrradio"-Moderatorinnen Marina Böhmer und Katharina Geldsetzer das Sportgeschehen im Fernsehen nicht aktiv. Die Olympischen Sommerspiele 2024 in Paris haben dann aber doch ihr Interesse geweckt. Für sie gab's beim Sportevent diverse Probleme aus queerfeministischer und rassismuskritischer Perspektive. Außerdem: Kathari…
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TW: Bullying. Raymond J Brune is Anne-Marie's special guest on this week's episode of Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories. So many people are a slave to their trauma; trauma that results from sexual abuse, accidents, the loss of a loved one, terrorism – even bullying. The impacts of trauma can last a lifetime. Raymond found a path to healing and …
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Am 24. August 2024 findet der "Christopher Street Day" (CSD) in Münster statt. Die Moderator*innen Susanne Knoop, Roland Scholle und Leonie Dietz geben einen Ausblick auf das Programm. Sie berichten über die große Parade und das sogenannte "Ständefest" auf dem Ludgeri-Kirchplatz. Das Bühnenprogramm auf dem Prinzipalmarkt moderiert Drag-Queen "Sarox…
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This week on Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ stories, host Anne-Marie Zanzal chats with psychotherapist and art therapist, Jamie Winters. Jamie's professional experiences encompass a variety of roles, including social worker, educator, fine artist, farmer and yoga teacher. Jamie combines her love of neuroscience, psychology, art, nature, movement, an…
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Die "Lieselle" ist eine Bibliothek der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). Hier gibt es vor allem feministische und queere Literatur. Die queer-feministische Bibliothek der Lesben- und Frauenbewegung feierte vor kurzem ihr 45. Jubiläum. Die "Lieselle" steht für alle offen, die sich für Literatur rund um Feminismus und queere Themen interessieren - egal …
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In this very special Part 1 episode of Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories, host Anne-Marie Zanzal speaks with identical twins Ronda Landers and Jonda Valentine, both later-in-life lesbians and founders of Nashville's iconic bar, The Lipstick Lounge. Ronda and Jonda's stories reflect their remarkable journeys, beginning with growing up with their…
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Rund um den "Christopher Street Day" (CSD) in Münster am 24. August 2024 finden die sogenannten "Pride Weeks" statt. Zwei Wochen lang steht vom 10. bis zum 25. August alles im Zeichen von Toleranz und Sichtbarkeit für die LGBTQIA+-Community. Die Organisator*innen Leo, Roland und Susanne geben einen Einblick in das Veranstaltungsprogramm der "Pride …
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Feministisch verreisen - in "Riot Rrradio" verraten die Moderatorinnen Katharina Geldsetzer und Marina Böhmer, wie ein feministischer Urlaub funktioniert. Sie sprechen über die Barrieren, auf die FLINTA*s, queere Menschen, People of Color und mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Reiseziel treffen. Außerdem: Im Juli …
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Therapist Dr. Andreya Jones and sex and relationship coach Angie Zimmerman are kink-aware practitioners whose work is centered on helping individuals have more rewarding relationships and fulfilling sex lives. Deconstructing from conservative religion, overcoming history of sexual abuse, finding acceptance in community, exploring polyamory, and fin…
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Figures like Wendy Carlos not only defined the genre but were also instrumental in developing the modern synthesizer. Meanwhile, SOPHIE redefined the boundaries of pop and experimental music. And then there are the musicians and sound artists working today. All Trans+. Learning about how they came to their craft, exploring where they have blurred t…
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