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De Linkse Revolte

Noortje Thijssen, Janneke Holman en Hans Rodenburg

Wat is er nodig om links uit te bouwen tot dé politieke beweging in Nederland? In deze podcast verkennen we met gasten uit alle hoeken van de samenleving hoe we samen kunnen werken aan échte maatschappelijke verandering. Het is tijd voor de Linkse Revolte. Die revolte komt natuurlijk alleen van de grond met jullie hulp. Praat mee en deel alles wat je vindt en voelt via Je volgt de revolte op Youtube via:
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LINKIT is an online music channel where you can discover high-quality tracks, from international hit songs to unique local melodies. With a mission to connect listeners with great music, LINKIT offers a diverse and inspiring musical space, helping you relax, entertain, and enjoy amazing moments with sound. Join LINKIT and explore a limitless world of music!
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【聯經書房 · 點亮思想】 由聯經知名文史哲的作家、學者,以及聯經編輯等專業人士擔任講者,依據時事與議題,搭配聯經出版適合的書籍,提供不同的人文思想觀點與深度觀察。在這個訊息龐雜,世界急遽變化的時代,讓您能快速掌握書籍中的黃金知識要點,高效率的吸收資訊。 ──現在,就讓我們用聲音,陪伴您一起進入浩瀚的知識之海。 【經典聯聯看】 ★★ 聯經50週年特別企劃,50種跨時代經典說書計畫 ★★ 慶祝聯經出版50週年的時刻,精選出具代表性的50種經典作品,精心策畫的全新Podcast節目。 2024年3月15日起,每週五中午12:00更新。 由聯經出版發行人林載爵、《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯王聰威、聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩、聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華擔任各集主持人,每集以一部經典及一個主題,邀請熟習該作品的個領域專家學者、譯者與作家,帶領我們進入作品的世界,在資訊紛亂的時代,告訴你該如何又為何要重讀這些作品。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Každý týždeň ťa Dávid Tvrdoň prevedie svetom technológií. Od Big Techu cez sociálne siete a umelú inteligenciu, až po najdôležitejšie technologické správy uplynulého týždňa.
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Linklaters is a leading global law firm, supporting and investing in the future of our clients wherever they do business. We combine legal expertise with a collaborative and innovative approach to help clients navigate constantly evolving markets and regulatory environments, pursuing opportunities and managing risk worldwide. Disclaimer: Podcasts are not legal advice and the views expressed in this podcast are not the views of Linklaters LLP.
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Wir reden über den Kapitalismus, was an ihm schlecht ist und wie er alle Bereiche unseres Lebens beeinflusst. Wir sprechen darüber, wie wir die Welt um uns herum besser verstehen können und wie sie veränderbar ist. Dabei arbeiten wir linke Theorien und Argumente verständlich für alle auf – egal ob ihr schon Vorwissen habt oder erst neu einsteigt. Podcast der Seite »linketheorie« auf Instagram, Twitter und TikTok. Mit einem Abo auf Patreon könnt ihr unsere Arbeit unterstützen und erhaltet zus ...
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The VBAC Link

Meagan Heaton

Here at The VBAC Link, our mission is to make birth after Cesarean better by providing education, support, and a community of like-minded people. Welcome to our circle, we are so glad you are here!
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The Movement Link Podcast

Jemma Aitken | Exercise Physiologist & Sports Nutritionist

I'm an Accredited Exercise Physiologist & Sports Nutritionist, exploring the link between movement, mindset and lifestyle. Put your earbuds in, get moving, and I hope you enjoy everything this podcast has to offer.
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LinkedIn Lunatics...Strike Back!

Leslie Nydick & Syya Yasotornrat

We’re a couple of fun-loving entrepreneurs who live for LinkedIn! We dive into the good, the bad, and the downright hilarious critiques of professionals networking on social media. Are LinkedIn users brilliant connection-builders or cringe-worthy content creators? Let’s explore, defend, and laugh it out together! 🔗 Join the conversation about LinkedIn culture and see if you’re nodding in agreement or taking notes for your next post! Connect with Hosts: Leslie Nydick: ...
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Take a journey around the world of golf: This podcast covers the biggest events in the sport across the PGA Tour and beyond. Unpack the exquisite nuance behind some of the most brilliant works of art ever chiseled out of Planet Earth's soil as they play host to the best golfers in the world. This show promises thoughtful, intelligent and fun exploration into the never-ending journey of this punishing, baffling, beautiful game.
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The Jewish Link Pitch Meeting

The Jewish Link Media Group

We created “The Jewish Link Pitch Meeting” as a fresh and dynamic platform for discussing the news that matters to our readership. Guests on our podcast will speak with our publisher and associate publisher about an important story in their world -- like pitching a story for the paper.
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LinkedIn Ads Radio

Anthony Blatner, Popcast Studio

Learn LinkedIn Ads strategies and best practices battle-tested from over $100M in online advertising across 300+ companies. Get a masterclass on the best practices. Stay up to date on the LinkedIn Ads platform. LI Ads is constantly releasing new features. Marketing is constantly evolving. Keep your finger on the pulse so that you can get the best results from your marketing campaigns. Hear from experts who will provide insights into all things advertising. Learn ad creative best practices, c ...
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Kennt ihr das? Man googelt etwas und klickt auf ein/zwei Links und lernt plötzlich etwas ganz anderes? Nicole und Olli nehmen euch mit auf ihre Google-Reisen und erzählen, was sie entdecken, wenn sie mal wieder falsch abgebogen sind. Mehr von uns:
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The LinkedIn™ Branding Show

Michelle B Griffin and Michelle J Raymond (#MichelleSquared)

The LinkedIn™ Branding Show empowers entrepreneurs, experts, and businesses on how to use personal and business branding on LinkedIn™ to win dream clients and land industry opportunities outside of the often talked about LinkedIn clichés. Join your hosts, Michelle B Griffin and Michelle J Raymond, aka #MichelleSquared, for real conversations plus actionable takeaways with a community of powerful and impactful professionals looking to grow with a "good together" approach to personal and busin ...
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Está à procura de conhecer mais sobre o LinkedIn™, a plataforma profissional mais importante do mundo? Sou Pedro Caramez e desde 2009, tenho ajudado milhares de Pessoas e Empresas a tirar melhor proveito do LinkedIn™ - o Senhor LinkedIn™! Este podcast fala sobre a rede, mostrando as grandes novidades, dicas, debates e entrevistas com profissionais. ⚡️ Todas as quartas-feiras um novo episódio disponível.
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Club Soda's new Podcast where we hold the mic up to some of Croydon's best artists, performers and musicians with learning disabilities. We also feature interviews with inclusive arts and leisure organisations from Croydon and we'll drop in at our favourite local venues too.
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Life Insurance Link Up is a bi-monthly podcast focused on helping grow advisor's insurance business by providing insight and advice on marketing and selling life insurance. The Life Insurance Link Up podcast is brought to you by TBA (Tennessee Brokerage Agency), who has been in the life insurance business since 1959. This is a podcast for advisors by advisors. For more information on TBA: For quick and easy access to sales tools:
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Murder Link

Katie Wells & Jody McHugh

Murder Link reveals the surprising connections we all have to true crime. Hosted by Katie and her dad, Jody, the podcast dives into murder stories that intertwine with everyday lives—through the people we know, the places we've been, and the choices we've made. Sharing their own stories and inviting listeners to explore theirs, Murder Link shows that many of us are closer to murder than we think.
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adsdiesdas, der Podcast genau für dich! Egal ob Marketing Manager, Unternehmensgründer oder Hobby Ads-Schalter! Wir reden hier über Ads, vom Werbeanzeigenmanager, bis hin zum neusten Trend im Performance Advertising. Lass dich in die Welt des Advertisings mitnehmen und höre Daniel, Julian und René dabei zu, wie sie manchmal unter sich und manchmal mit Gästen die neusten Themen bequatschen. Geballtes Expertenwissen in gemütlicher und ungezwungener Stimmung. Und wenn es mal nicht um Ads geht, ...
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The National Link Trust Podcast highlights the work National Link Trust is doing to protect and promote accessible, affordable, and engaging municipal golf courses that will positively impact local communities across the US.
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The LinkedIn Ads Show is your source for news, how-tos, and insights about the LinkedIn Ads platform. Hosted by LinkedIn Ads expert and partner, AJ Wilcox, you'll get up-to-date, actionable advice, as well as occasional interviews with LinkedIn's product that will make you a LinkedIn advertising rockstar.
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The LinkedIn Famous Podcast, hosted by Brad Zomick, founder of Spectamur, is your backstage pass to the world of personal branding on LinkedIn. This podcast delivers raw, unfiltered conversations with founders, CEOs, and GTM leaders who’ve cracked the code on leveraging LinkedIn to drive real business results. In each episode, Brad dives deep with high-performing professionals and subject matter experts to uncover: Their LinkedIn success stories, challenges, and turning points. The strategie ...
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show series
Lily’s VBAC birth story episode is finally here!!! You know and love her just like we do. She not only manages the social media content here at The VBAC Link but also spends so much time connecting with you personally. She has the biggest heart for VBAC and champions all types of empowered birth. Lily walks us through her experiences with ectopic p…
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It’s that time of year again! In this episode, Rhett & Link are laying it all out on the table with a combined Deconstruction update, from how they feel about praise music to worrying if they are wrong – and Link even reveals that he recently said a prayer. Sign up takes two minutes, start saving now at To learn more about…
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Bad training sessions. We all have them. Those days when you’re just not feeling it, would rather not be there, have zero motivation to get through another set of squats and couldn’t possibly face another lunge. Tune in to find out what you can do if you find yourself in the middle of a session that you’re just not vibing, and what steps you can ta…
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Vitaj pri podcaste Link z produkcie ⁠⁠ o technologických novinkách, dianí vo svete umelej inteligencie, sociálnych médiách a otázkach o budúcnosti nových technológii. Moderuje Dávid Tvrdoň. -- V tejto epizóde podcastu Link sa pozrieme na sklamanie z parížskeho summitu o AI, britskú požiadavku na zadné vrátka do zariadení Apple a deepfa…
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W heeft er helemaal speciaal alcholvrije natuurwijn voor meegenomen. De lente klopt immers op de natuur, dat moet worden gevierd! B en W bellen met Coen van de Ven, politiek journalist bij de Groene Amsterdammer. Want wat krijgt dit kabinet eigenlijk voor elkaar? Niet zoveel als je naar de workload van de Eerste Kamer kijkt, maar is dat eigenlijk w…
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Am 23. Februar haben die Wählerinnen und Wähler es in derHand, eine richtungsweisende Entscheidung für unser Land zu treffen. Dieses Mal geht es um weit mehr als um Parteiprogramme oder Köpfe. Es geht um die Frage, wie wir in diesem Land gemeinsam zusammenleben wollen. Da zählt jede Stimme! In einer Zeit, in der Mieten und Krankenkassenbeiträge erh…
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A LINK TO THE PODCAST 6X10: Naiad y el legado de Miyamoto en la industria del videojuego. Aquí llega un nuevo programa de A Link To The Podcast, un capítulo que llega con todo el contenido programado. En nuestra entrevista hablaremos con Elwin, solo dev en Hiwarp Game Studio, creador del sorprendente Naiad. En nuestro debate realizaremos un pequeño…
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Die Umfragewerte gehen nach oben, wir brechen überall Mitgliederrekorde und auch unsere Veranstaltungen sind rappelvoll. Hätten wir uns vor ein paar Monaten nicht träumen lassen! Kerstin und Max versuchen sich die Welle des Erfolgs zu klären. Dabei verlieren sie die besorgniserregenden Umfragewerte von CDU und AfD nicht aus den Augen.…
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Moshe welcomes Rabbi David Stav, founder of Tzohar, which aims to provide religious services and create dialogue with the broader Israeli population. Rabbi Stav explained how Tzohar bridges the divide between observant and nonobservant Israelis with its efforts to accomodate everyone without the involvement of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate, and how i…
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De afgelopen weken kwam er een stroom van opiniestukken, interviews en lezingen op gang over de toekomst van de linkse beweging. Hans en Janneke scheiden de zin van de onzin en geven hun kijk op de richting die onze beweging op moet. Heb jij ook een mening over wat we zeggen of wil jij een mening inbrengen voor de volgende Kletsende Klasse? Deel he…
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In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss how showing interest in conversations with other people is an act of charity. Charity is simply willing the good of the other for the other's sake. It is often synonymous with community service and volunteer work. But a simple conversation with another person is also an ac…
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O Café com Videogames é gravado geralmente às segundas, 10h da manhã, lá na e agora também no YouTube! Você também pode assistir o vod da gravação em ambos os canais.Participantes:Host: Lucas Zavadil | @lucaszavadil.bsky.socialMesa: hernique | @hernique.bsky.socialApoie o projeto e permita que ele continue:…
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So als ob wir nie weggewesen wären, wahnsinn - heute sogar mit etwas ernsteren Themen rund um KI und Politik (absolut unverbindlich natürlich), ein paar Anekdoten und Shout-Outs können wir uns wie immer trotzdem nicht sparen. Nicht sparen tun weder die englischen Vereine im Wintertransferfenster, noch unser glorreiche FCB mit leichten Fehlern im Sp…
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Through its partnership with LIBRA Insurance Partners, TBA has access to resources that make securing offers for its advisors and their clients even easier. RGA – a reinsurer – is one of those resources that TBA leans out for specific impaired risk cases to secure an offer in just 24 hours. John Felton, President of TBA, sat down with Aaron Baack, …
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In Episode 10, Katie and Jody reflect on the heartbreaking story of Carol Carr and her sons, Andy and Randy, both diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. Raised in the same town, Jody shares his personal connection to the family and the events that led to Carol’s unimaginable decision. This episode delves into the legal, ethical, and emotional complex…
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