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Lise and Sarah

Those Two Girls

Two best friends. Two microphones. Zero filter. This is the podcast where everything is on the table - high brow, low brow, and the over-plucked nineties brow. It's a conversation with friends who should probably know better, but don't. Welcome! If you’re on the hunt for a funny Australian podcast for women that blends comedic storytelling with everyday life, hi, that's us. The Lise and Sarah Show with Lise Carlaw and Sarah Wills is a funny podcast for women that take ...
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SHEMA HaDAVAR (HEAR THE WORD) Reggie Lisemby, Executive Servant, Messianic Ministry to Israel

Dr. Reginald K. Lisemby, Exe.Director, Messianic Ministry to Israel

SHEMA HADAVAR ("HEAR THE WORD") is a podcast of dramatic readings (Genesis; Daniel 1; Daniel 2; Daniel 3; Proverbs; Messianic Prophecies; Names of God; Select Psalms; The Messiahmas Story; Ghost Story from Jerusalem, and more. Each recording is perfumed with Hebraic terms that gives the hearer a sense of hearing God's Davar or Word as God inspired the biblical authors. The voice is Dr. Reggie Lisemby, the Executive Servant of Messianic Ministry to Israel. MMI is a 501(c)3 non-profit mission ...
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Et si, à l’heure où les réseaux sociaux vampirisent nos cerveaux, prendre le temps d'ouvrir un livre était devenu un acte de résistance ? "Les Gens Qui Lisent Sont Plus heureux", c’est un podcast consacré au plaisir de la lecture sous toutes ses formes. Mes invités sont écrivains mais aussi chanteurs, acteurs, personnalités politiques ou de la société civile. Ils ont en commun l’amour des mots et des histoires. Et le bonheur qu’il leur procure. Pour certains, lire a changé leur vie. Pour d’a ...
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Krimprat med Lise og Fiona

Moderne Media og Untold

Mord og Mysterier podden har blitt til Krimprat med Lise og Fiona. Vi er to truecrime enusiaster som hver uke tar for oss kjente og ukjente krimsaker, etter en innføring i historien diskuterer vi sakene oss i mellom. Følg oss gjerne på Facebook og instagram - Krimprat med Lise og Fiona :) Hør nye episoder av Krimprat med Lise og Fiona reklamefritt i appen Untold:
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Lise Aanes, journalist, forfatter og vinformidler, snakker om naturlig vin med venner, vinprodusenter og bransjefolk. Diskusjoner om naturvin og livet for både de spesielt interesserte og de helt ferske, inkludert vintips!⚡️ Liker du naturvin? Bestill Lises bok Naturvin – den eneste norske boka om naturvin – på Norli 🤝 Ønsker du tilgang til alle episodene? For mindre enn prisen av én sort kaffe i måneden, får du tilgang til hele arkivet pluss masse ekstra bonusmateriale! Bli medlem på https: ...
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Life with the Lisenbas

Sammi and Hunter Lisenba

Hosts Sammi and Hunter Lisenba discuss tops like marriage, parenting, and entrepreneurship in Season 1, then share Real Life Testimonies of God's Power in Season 2. Come learn Biblical truth and let God speak to you through the podcast. Join in for a new episode drop every other Monday that is sure to challenge, educate, convict, and lead you into a more intimate relationship with Jesus.
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Zosia i Kuba, czyli Lisy w Edenie, w pierwszą wspólną podróż wybrali się kilka lat temu. W Kalifornii wypożyczyli samochód osobowy, rozłożyli tylne siedzenia, wrzucili na nie dmuchany materac i na 3 tygodnie oraz 6 tys. km auto stało się ich domem. Życie w drodze tak im się spodobało, że postanowili zbudować własny dom na kółkach. Kupili niebieski blaszak i po ośmiu miesiącach pracy… dream came blue! W październiku 2019 r. zostawili stacjonarne mieszkanie i wprowadzili się do nieco mniejszeg ...
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Lisette Lucas, the mastermind behind the 'Shift to EnergyJoy and Beyond' philosophy and the powerful 'Above The Golden Line Method®,' brings you a podcast experience like no other. As a High-End Success Medium®, Intuitive Transformational Hypnotherapist, and High-End & Frequency Business Coach/Mentor, trained by the top 1% in the world, she guides her high-level EnergyJoy Mastery Academy students and clients to live and share their mission from a place of soul alignment. Now, she takes her r ...
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show series
When Lise dashed from the gym to Westfield, she realized something crucial was missing. Her undies. But rather than panic, she embraced some air town there. Sarah, meanwhile, has re-discovered the iconic Aussie kids' book that made us resilient. And Lise has a niche but neccessary rant: aimed squarely at people that write on the tag of a gift bag. …
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NB! Episode in English! We return to Italy in this second episode of 2025, this time with the lovely Simone, son of Filippo and Nancy at the Sicilian winery Lamoresca. The family is situated about 50 square kilometers from any other winery and is managing their plants in an extraordinary harsh climate, which is growing harsher every year. How do th…
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Rebecca Fenton fant sin ektemann Larry skutt og drept i deres hjem i 2008. 6 år senere ble hun siktet og dømt for drapet. Selv hevder hun den dag i dag at hun er uskyldig dømt. Hun ble utelukkende dømt på indisier. Piers Morgan har uttalt at enten er hun utsatt for et grovt justismord eller så er hun den beste løgneren han har møtt. Vi deler og dis…
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On ne présente plus Joël Dicker, l’un des romanciers les plus populaires de sa génération. La première fois que je l’ai invité dans ce podcast, c’était pour parler de l’adaptation en série télé de "La Vérité sur l’Affaire Harry Québert", le best-seller qui a fait décoller sa carrière. S’il y a bien une chose qui ne change pas avec Joël, c’est son é…
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The Guinness World Record holders for longest living marriage have finally spoken. After 84 years side by side, they've spilled their secrets on what makes it work. And sorry darls, but it's the most boring thing we've ever heard. Also, does Sarah really think she could wrangle a snake or is it the algorithm that is bewitching her? Why is it ok to …
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How much are you spending on the school tuckshop? Just when Lise thought she was outsmarting the system, her teen one-upped her. Plus, Sarah asks: when did everyone start dressing like shit on planes? Lise has an evil new game that almost gave our hairdresser a heart attack. And Sarah's newest life theory gives Mel Robbins a run for her money. Want…
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Lise thought she was married to an entrepreneur. Turns out, she’s married to a man who duped her into spending $10,000 under the guise of a business venture. Sarah, meanwhile, is still dodging OnlyFans foot pic fame, despite Lise's best efforts. Also in this ep: acoustic guitars in boutique hotel rooms, why tweens are suddenly demanding bigger beds…
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We're confronting the cringe of our Facebook memories, where Lise was an insufferable "mama" who spoke in toddler metaphors, and Sarah was a kooky pregnant gal! Plus, Lise is back watching MAFS and starting to wonder if intimacy looks a little different at her place. And we play We Listen And We Don't Judge, and kinda hope Kmart aren't listening. G…
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Enoch speaks from his scroll (A Book Called Enoch) about the Last Days. How did Enoch know what he wrote would come to fruition? And, can we trust his writings when his book is not in the Canon of Scripture? Judah (Jude) the brother of Yeshua quotes Enoch in his biblical scroll, placed just before the final book in the Bible, Revelation. https://ww…
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Sarah’s favorite knockoff Valentino sandals—may they rest in peace—gave out on the way back from the coffee shop, sparking an important discussion: should she be monetizing her feet on the internet to fund a real pair? Meanwhile, Hugh Grant’s trick of pretending to be his own agent has us wondering if a fake PA could finally get us organized. Also …
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Calling all skanks; we are on a piercing pursuit that even our mums won't be able to say no to. Can we convince esteemed journalist Leigh Sales to join the second-piercing club? Sarah's back in the nail salon but starting to question how comfortable some people get in there. And Lise's new Tik Tok trend leads to some devastatingly honest confession…
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NB! Episode in English! The spontaneous natural wine podcast is BACK, this time recording at Becco with winemaker Luca Paolo Virgilio from Caprera in Abruzzo, Italy. Luca is one of those winemakers who had a normal job and a normal life until one crucial bottle changed his course of life. We've all got that dream to uproot ourselves, leave everythi…
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Forget about January's re-invention vibes. Instead, dive headfirst with us into the psychological movement everyone's banging on about: Mel Robbins’ Let Them Theory. Did it need a whole book? Probably not. Let us save you the time and summarise it for you instead. And just when you thought you were running out of ideas for your mid-life crisis, we'…
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17 Mai 2001 forsvinner 17 år gamle Alyssa Turney og har aldri blitt funnet. Hennes adoptivfar har tidligere vært siktet for drap på Alyssa men saken ble henlagt på bevisets stilling. Alyssa sin lillesøster Sarah er derimot helt sikker på at faren står bak forsvinningen og har drept søsteren, og har etter henleggelsen i 2023 jobbet enda hardere for …
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26 år gamle Luigi ble nylig arrestert for drapet på Helsedirektør Brian Thompson som ble skutt på åpen gate 4 Desember 2024- Hvis du liker Krimprat med Lise og Fiona så følg oss gjerne på Facebook og instagram for enda mer Krimprat og diskusjoner rundt saker. Bli gjerne med i Facebookgruppen vår - Krimprat med Lise og Fiona. Har du tips eller ønske…
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Julen 1929 blir en hel familie brutalt drept. Hør historien hos Krimprat med Lise og Fiona. Vi ønsker våre lyttere en God Jul <3Hvis du liker Krimprat med Lise og Fiona så følg oss gjerne på Facebook og instagram for enda mer Krimprat og diskusjoner rundt saker. Bli gjerne med i Facebookgruppen vår - Krimprat med Lise og Fiona. Har du tips eller øn…
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Maud Ventura fait partie d’une nouvelle génération d’écrivains qui ne s’embarrasse pas des étiquettes. Récompensé par le prix du premier roman en 2021, "Mon Mari" pouvait se lire à la fois comme un thriller psychologique et une satire du couple bourgeois. Ce coup d’essai vendu à plus de 400.000 exemplaires a fait le tour du monde jusqu’à la table d…
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What's in, what's out, and what is straight-up cancelled for 2025? Lise and Sarah have written their definitive lists, and it's complete with highly scientific analysis. From the comfort of massive sleep undies, to shunning Cavoodles, it's the culture audit you didn't know you needed. Want to hang with us every Friday, and join the subscriber only …
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Do you have a book pile on the bedside table that just collects dust? Want to join that book club but haven't been bothered? We're here to help you rekindle your love for reading - in as little as ten pages a day. Book guru Jane Sullivan says reading is basically meditation, and she has a bunch of ways to build it into your life. Could the answer t…
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We did it. Between deadlines, disco dancing and downright exhaustion, we've crawled to December's doorstep. Lise cuts loose, reconnecting to her filthy party animal era, while Sarah goes dark, bans herself from contacting Lise, and gets her thrills on Facebook Neighbourhood Watch. Book tickets to 'ON THE DOOR with Lise & Sarah: A Titanique Takeover…
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Misalignment – The Energetic Mismatch That Stagnates and Sabotages Everything - 122 Why misalignment is the hidden reason your life and business aren’t flowing as you’d like. Discover what alignment truly means and how it can lead you to effortless abundance. The power of invisible filters: how they develop, what they block, and why you don’t notic…
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Would you dare to go tree-free at Christmas? Sarah is refusing to put up a Christmas tree and she’s never felt better. And Lise’s “tree” is so minimalist it might actually be a coat rack. Meanwhile, we discover Christmas Tree Fluffing; where women of the world are donning the cotton gloves and getting a wrist workout all in the name of. And if you’…
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I Januar 2019 kommer en kvinne og hennes ektemann inn på akutten på sykehuset. Kvinnen har store brannskader og blir lagt i kunstig koma. Kvinnen forklarer senere at hun ved et uhell satte fyr på seg selv da hun skulle tenne i peisen. 10 mnd senere dør kvinnen av skadene. Senere blir ektemannen siktet for drap, da hans stedatter hevder det var han …
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Raise a Black Russian to term four, because we're hanging on by a thread. Lise and Sarah dive into the baffling measures of success in Sarah's marriage, Sarah pens a tribute song to Term Four, and Lise has the ultimate endurance challenge: how long can you go without washing your hair? Spoiler alert - Lise takes this one to the extreme. It's Grubby…
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Fix Your Business Energetics: The Key to Ultimate Fulfillment and Unlimited Success in Life & Business! + Masterclass - 121 Do you feel stuck in energy-draining patterns that limit your growth? Discover why this is the key blockage to impact and revenue growth. What is Business Energetics? Learn how this high-level approach empowers you to run your…
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Lise and Sarah unpack and unload on their week and story-tell with more tangents than a Year 12 maths book. This is a stream-of-consciousness roller coaster, delivering laughter-related muscle soreness and guaranteed whip-lash. Keep up! Hosts: Lise Carlaw and Sarah Wills Website: Subscribe to Lise and Sarah GOLD here http://…
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Do You Want Inspiration or True Transformation? Discover What Truly Makes the Difference Here - 120 ⚡️The crucial difference between inspiration and transformation – the real key to lasting growth and profound breakthroughs. ⚡️The 5 essential elements that help you choose your highest potential – step into the power of transformation that elevates …
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Lise and Sarah unpack and unload on their week and story-tell with more tangents than a Year 12 maths book. This is a stream-of-consciousness roller coaster, delivering laughter-related muscle soreness and guaranteed whip-lash. Keep up! Hosts: Lise Carlaw and Sarah Wills Website: Subscribe to Lise and Sarah GOLD here http://…
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