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Muta-Xhow é um podcast com "p" de "Pela madrugada! Esse podcast vai revisitar X-Men: A Série Animada de 1992, episódio a episódio, fazendo análises, trazendo curiosidades e apontando momentos memoráveis, momentos absurdos e momentos engraçados, dessa que é considerada uma das melhores produções envolvendo os mutantes da Marvel. Tudo isso com o trio de três, Felipe 'Cavalo Manco" Garcia, Evandro "Loco" Morais e Amaro "Hellbolha" Junior em episódios lindos, cheirosos, garbosos e elegantes. Ess ...
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Maddy Myers and Ryan Pagella review and break down the queer subtext of every X-Men cartoon/tv show/movie/game/book EVER. And maybe date Wolverine. E-Mail: Discord server: Voicemail: (508) 319-1668
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Inequality is everywhere. This exvangelical podcast explores areas of religion, culture, and society where justice is needed in order to bring about true mutuality. Full Mutuality is a Dauntless Media Collective podcast. Visit for more. Join as a partner on Patreon for exclusive content!
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Welcome to Life Matters: A Penn Mutual Podcast, a show dedicated to helping financial professionals tap into the latest advanced sales strategies and learn from industry experts on tips and tactics to grow their practice. With seasoned Advanced Sales VP, Bill Bell, as the podcast’s host, listeners can expect episodes packed with insight, energetic conversations, and a fun and exciting take on life insurance topics that matter most. So whether you're looking for expert perspectives on the lat ...
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Women, Men, Mutuality, and the Bible CBE’s Mutuality Matters podcast is part of CBE International’s online library of free resources! Hosts of CBE’s Mutuality Matters team offer weekly conversations with leaders, pastors, authors, scholars, activists, and humanitarians on women, men, shared leadership, and Scripture. CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) advances the gospel by equipping women and men of all cultures, races, and classes to lead and serve as equals. Founded in 1 ...
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The podcast where we discuss all things mutual aid: as practice, history, theory, and much more. Every week we will hold space to talk about our experience and knowledge about mutual aid, as well as interviewing activists, revolutionaries, and scholars who will provide new, unique, and inspirational insights and examples. This podcast is part of the From The Periphery media collective. Become a member of our Patron today: Credits: Artwork - Hisham Rifai Music - B ...
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Was wäre wenn? Diese Frage hast du dir wahrscheinlich auch schon einige Male gestellt. Wo würde ich jetzt stehen, wenn ich an der einen oder anderen Stelle in meinem Leben mehr Mut bewiesen hätte. Menschen, die in ihrem Leben ihren Mut zum Glück bewiesen haben, können mit ihren etwas anderen Lebenswegen und Karrieren andere Leute inspirieren und auf neue Ideen bringen. Im Podcast „Mehr Mut zum Glück“ stelle ich inspirierende Persönlichkeiten vor und lasse sie von den entscheidenden Momenten ...
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Deutschland braucht Veränderung, darüber sind wir uns alle einig. Doch wie diese Veränderung aussehen soll, darauf hat die Politik derzeit keine Antwort. In diesem Video-Podcast von Tijen Onaran gemeinsam mit Focus online diskutieren wir pragmatische Lösungen für die Zukunft von Deutschland. Kein Blick zurück, keine Ego-Polit-Show: MUT- Der Deutschland Talk mit Tijen Onaran ist ein Format, das Mut machen soll – und Lust auf, das, was kommt. In zehn Folgen denken Tijen und ihre Gäste Deutschl ...
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The Mutual Audio Network

The Mutual Audio Network Limited

The Mutual Audio Network is the prime curator for modern audio drama and podcast fiction on the Internet. Audio Drama groups and creators come together from around the world to create a single spot where RSS Feeds join together to provide a plethora of audio delights. Focused into multiple genres, the Mutual Audio Network gives listeners daily entertainment that they can select on their single feed. No longer needing to seek out new shows and subscribe to hidden RSS Feeds, the Mutual Audio N ...
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Mut Podcast

Sylke Burger

Herzlich willkommen zum Podcast, der dir noch mehr Superheldinnen- und Superhelden-Energie in dein Leben bringt! Ich bin Sylke Burger, Mut-Coach und Keynote-Speakerin, und zeige dir, wie du trotz Selbstzweifel mutig deine Träume leben kannst. Dieser Podcast ist für alle Frauen und Männer, die: MUTIG ihre Wahrheit leben wollen, ihre PS auf die Straße bringen möchten, ihre wahre Größe, Buntheit und Verrücktheit ausleben möchten, das Leben als Abenteuer sehen, mehr „Pippi Langstrumpf“-Energie w ...
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This podcast breaks up BIG health topics, like MTHFR, into small, easy bites. All in ten minutes or less. We'll talk about why folic acid can be toxic, how the MTHFR enzyme is in bed with estrogen, why you want to turn genes off, and how folate and depression are linked. Season 3 features Dr. Kate Naumes, women's health expert, to deep dive into hormones and infertility. Check the show notes at for more info and downloadable. Have MTHFR? Join genetic rockstars now at com ...
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Welcome to Sidley’s Mutual Fund Minute podcast. Join us for this series of short insights addressing issues of interest to fund directors, advisers, and other stakeholders. Each week Sidley Partner Jay Baris and guests discuss new trends, regulations, and developments and how they will affect you.
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Celebri-tea and gossip is cool. Politics and conspiracies are better. Dive deep with us as we examine the places our minds go when we're high or watching a really good documentary on Netflix.
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Bist du bereit, deine Komfortzone zu verlassen und dein Leben zu transformieren? Dann lass uns zusammen auf diese aufregende Reise gehen und die beste Version deiner selbst kreieren! Wenn du dir ein Leben voller Mut, Selbstvertrauen und Leichtigkeit wünschst, dann bist du hier bei Joy up your Life genau richtig. Hier geht es um die ganzheitliche Transformation auf mentaler, emotionaler, körperlicher und spiritueller Ebene. Dieser Podcast soll dich motivieren und ebenso direkt in die Umsetzun ...
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In diesem Podcast erhältst du Einblicke in das Geheimnis deiner Stimme: Wie wirkt sie auf andere? Wie funktioniert sie? Und warum braucht Sprechen manchmal Mut? Diese Fragen beantworten dir Anne Kühl und Kristal Davidson. Anne ist Diplom-Sprecherin, Stimmtrainerin und Gründerin des Instituts "Sprechkonzept Hamburg". Kristal Davidson startete Ihre Karriere unter anderem als Radiomoderatorin, arbeitet inzwischen in der strategischen Kommunikation sowie als Redenschreiberin im politischen Umfel ...
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Mutual Friends is your new favorite fictional mystery podcast. Fully dramatized with actors and sound effects, Mutual Friends tells the story of what happens when your past comes back in a big way. When everyone’s a suspect, is there an easy answer for what happened?
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This series features very short episodes of unscripted - motivational dialogue for Creatives & Dreamers - alike who are passionate and committed to achieving their goals. We’ll be letting you to eve’s drop on ideas, interviews and many insightful conversations people from all walks of life. This podcast series touches on many topics from Art and Design, Self-growth, Entrepreneurship or other Cultural topics that are in the air. From this, we hope that you too will take something from the nar ...
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Pop-Culture | Tech | Metaphysics

Pulp-Culture | Tech | Metaphysics Follow Us: Support this podcast:
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lá, X-pectadoras e X-pectadoras! O inevitável aconteceu! A noticia que ninguém queria dar chegou! Pelo menos ninguém que faz parte do cast… enfim… MUTA-XHOW VOLTOU! Tava com saudades? Que bom, porque aparentemente os animadores coreanos não estavam nem um pouco, e esse episódio vem com aquele gostinho de má vontade recheado de preguiça. No episódio…
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In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Nicole Fritze über ihren beeindruckenden Weg vom Gefühl des Mangels hin zu echter Fülle. Gemeinsam tauchen wir in die Themen Selbstwert, Selbstliebe und persönliche Transformation ein. Lass dich inspirieren von Nicoles authentischer Geschichte, ihren mutigen Entscheidungen und den kraftvollen Erkenntnissen, die ihr…
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In Olaf Scholz' Regierungszeit fallen eine Rezession, Firmenpleiten, Höhenflüge für Populisten und nicht zuletzt eine massive Regierungskrise. Trotzdem will er nochmal Kanzler werden. Im „MUT-Talk“ erklärt Scholz, warum Deutschland ihn nochmal braucht - und was er im Fall eines Sieges anders machen wird. Im Video-Podcast „MUT – der Deutschland-Talk…
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WOW ich kann's selbst kaum glauben – es gibt The New Me jetzt als Solo Mission! 🚀💫 In der TNM Solo Mission bekommst du mein The New Me Programm als Onlinekurs. Das heißt, ich gebe dir alle Tools aus meinem The New Me Programm an die Hand, die dich dabei unterstützen, dein Neues Ich und Traumleben zu erschaffen – dabei kannst du ganz in deinem Tempo…
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Ja, es ist wärmer geworden. Und es ist der Klimawandel. Und es ist der Mensch, der diesen Wandel gestaltet. Aber unser Warm hier meint tatsächlich die Wärme des Herzens.Und zu diesem Thema haben wir euch für die Tage etwas aufgenommen. Andrea liest aus "Der kleine Lord", der ersten deutschen Übersetzung des Buchs von Emmy Becher aus dem Jahr 1888. …
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In dieser Episode teilt Tobias Harms seine faszinierende Geschichte mit uns. Vor einigen Monaten zog er mit seiner Frau nach Miami, Florida, und berichtet von den Herausforderungen und Freuden, die das Leben in den USA mit sich bringt. Im Gespräch geht es auch um ihre Entscheidung, in Gibraltar zu heiraten, und um die kulturellen Unterschiede, die …
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Having retrieved the Atomizer from under the noses of Inspector Henderson, Clark Kent, and Batman, Mr. Jones has set up a meeting with The Laugher, who is now in possession of one of the two missing shards of Kryptonite. Will The Laugher be willing to part with the Kryptonite for the price Jones is offering? Can he afford not to? This episode is no…
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This episode is a part of a new segment of the Mutuality Matters podcast, hosted by Tara and Todd Korpi. In this segment we discuss headship theology––dynamics of power, authority, and gender, and how they function in Christian homes, the local church and society. In this special two-part interview, we’re joined by Zachary C. Wagner, director of pr…
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Heading down underground. For the first time in months, Cindy decides to visit The Tunnels. But she is still hesitant to make the trip. With all the spheres gone, the space is now without power or water and sits all but abandoned. What will she find in the labyrinth of corridors and chambers? Before she can answer that question though, she has to d…
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Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is an adventure novel and that deals with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness. Alexandre Dumas' celebrated classic continues with Part 89- "A Nocturnal Interview"! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Lenora discovers that Ursula hid in a dumpster to avoid capture and is now on the loose. The two teams converge on the hidden medical facility to search for her. Kelly meets with a prospective client while Barnes meets with Kate to discuss her future. Hanaka, Lyster and the guard continue to taunt Jaffra, trying to convince him that Ursula has an e…
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Estamos de regreso después de un merecido descanso de temporada navideña. Para esta bonita edición de podcast hacemos un recuento de lo mejor que pudimos ver en cine y en plataformas, que dejaron gratas sensaciones en nosotros. Además comentamos un poco de las noticias que se han ido generando en estos días. Esperamos hayan tenido unas muy buenas f…
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The ancient classic tale of “The Gods’ Feud” reveals the hidden plots and rivalries which led to a three-kingdom war between mortals and immortals, as told by Seneschaal and Tuntemus, with editorial snark from rogue Varastaa. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Get ready for a deep dive into tax reform and its potential impact on financial professionals, estate planning, and wealth transfer strategies in this episode of the Life Matters Podcast. Bill Bell, VP of Advanced Sales at Penn Mutual, sits down with Jen Fox, Vice President of Federal Affairs at Finseca, to explore the latest developments in financ…
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A pigeon race, as every fancier knows, begins with a basket. But with a hundred different finish lines, each one a backyard loft, when does a pigeon race end? In 1913, Charlie Hudson entered one of his pigeons in a race from Rome to England. On the day of the big race a storm blew in and a thousand birds were swept away and never seen again. Apart …
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This week host David returns with more science fiction to the Summerstock stage with "Syndrome Johnny" a Tales of Tomorrow classic never before performed and brought by Project Audion and Larry Groebe, starring Trevor Rines, Tim Burns, Greg McAfee, Rhianno McAfee, Gary Layton, and our own Jack Ward! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone…
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This week, we have the first of a three-part audio drama from Edward Einhorn and Untitled Theatre Company No. 61 adapted from the 1908 dystopian novel by Jack London called “The Iron Heel” and that can only mean it is… AUDIO DRAMA TIME! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Donald's House - 37° South - Wax'o Paradiso Personal System 個人システム - Crystal Palms - Dream Chimney Personal System 個人システム - Another Day Goes By - Dream Chimney Steve Cobby - United States Of Africa - Déclassé Mudd - Spielplatz (Quiet Village Deep Space Dub) - Claremont 56 Photay - Derecho - Mexican Summer Aisha/Mad Professor - Give A Little Dub - A…
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Methylation imbalance, often caused by the MTHFR gene mutation, by folic acid excess, or by nutritional deficiencies, shows itself in several personality traits. Some personality traits are common to people with methylation dysfunction, like perfectionism, OCD-tendencies, anxiety, hyper-focus or hypo-focus, and others. These common traits emerge in…
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Project Audion begins 2025 with a laugh! Pete Lutz has penned a fresh new Burns and Allen script that recalls the best of their radio work during World War II, right down to commercials for their sponsor of the time, Swan Soap. Much like Bob Hope and Jack Benny did, we find the two of them at a naval base entertaining the troops, along with guest s…
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We complete Tom Konkle's Mindstream Players presentation of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea starring Vernon Wells as Captain Nemo! Remember, for the complete version be sure to listen at Radio Reborn! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Discovering that Mr. Phillips is the twin brother of Mr. Jones, Clark Kent, Batman, and Inspector Henderson set out to discover the whereabouts of the elusive Mr. Jones. Believing that Jones or an accomplice will call on Phillips to retrieve the atomizer he bought for his brother, the trio lies in wait hoping to capture the criminal mastermind. But…
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A missing jewel means it's mystery time! When a priceless sapphire goes missing, there's only one detective to call. But they aren't available, so Detective Haartte will have to do. In this episode you'll follow along as Middling Fair's top private eye arrives at the scene of the crime to make sure justice is served and the perpetrator gets the bil…
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In the first episode, host Dr. Mimi Haddad meets with Rev. Dr. Aída Besançon Spencer to discuss Bible translation. Aída considers the different goals of translation teams from translations focused on a word for word translation; to meaning for meaning; to thought for thought and those that are a paraphrase. Each translation team from the NRSV, to t…
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Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is an adventure novel and that deals with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness. Alexandre Dumas' celebrated classic continues with Part 88- "The Insult"! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit către The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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