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CancerCare's free Connect Education Workshops are a way for people to learn about cancer-related issues from the convenience of their home or office. Leading experts in oncology provide the most up-to-date information in these workshops to help you and your loved ones better understand and cope with your cancer diagnosis, treatment options, quality-of-life concerns, treatment side effects, pain management, doctor-patient communication and other important topics.
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Neck of the Woods

Freshalina & Xtian Emiliano

Hosted by Black Twitter's favorite cousins, blogger Freshalina and Xtian Emiliano Neck of The Woods is a hilarious weekly wrap-up of everything ranging from ratchet to righteous.
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Interviews with authors of articles from JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery is a peer-reviewed medical journal that provides timely information for physicians and scientists concerned with diseases of the head and neck. Given the diversity of structure and function based in this anatomic region, JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery publishes clinical, translational, and population health research from an array of disciplines. We place a high p ...
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長頸鴨會分享很多方面的東西,在馬來西亞所說的chapalang,就是anything, everything。不過,還是會圍繞著我們喜歡的東西,研究的東西,看過的東西,還有感受。 歡迎到長頸鴨的Blog Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Heels, Pearls and Neckties is a podcast that deals with relationships. Are you someone who has a lot of baggage from past love relationships? Are you dealing with a lover who has not yet committed to you? Is your lover fulfilling what you want and need in your relationship? Are you seeing a lot of red flags? Are you datable? These are just a few of the subjects we will be dealing with at HPN. Join us! You don't want to miss our first episode and those to follow!
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Welcome to the f**king show!! This is Open Neck No Respect... the Philly based podcast with no respect but much love to all. We’ll be covering topics on the crazies in entertainment, the wild in social issues, and the personal on some real shit. This about to be a good jawn! Support this podcast:
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Welcome to the Neck Up Training Academy by Jerry Lund. This where I take you from surviving to thriving by sharing my unique perspective with 28 years as a firefighter and police officer. Don't let fear stop you from reconnecting with your dreams and reenergize your dreams.
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A podcast with host and professional rugby player Niall Annett and guests! Guests include current and former professional athletes from many fields along with experts in elite performance giving a close and honest insight to their experiences and views.Subscribe to ensure you don't miss an episode!!
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Less Tech, More Neck

Less Tech More Neck LLC.

Hosts Eric Beattie & DeVante Branch dive into the world of technology and its impact on our daily lives. They share their insights and personal experiences on how to reduce the use of technology, connect with people in person, and discuss how to navigate relationships in modern society. Eric and DeVante recognize that many people are going through tough times in their personal lives, and their goal is to offer solutions and support to those who need it. They believe that by living a more bal ...
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What Pain in the Neck? Resolving Suffering is a podcast about finding real solutions to stubborn suffering. Stories of people who got their life back in abundance or are helping others to do so. Your host Ruth Elder has devoted her life to spreading the message that healing is possible even in the most severely complicated and long-lasting cases. Are you suffering and feeling like you have tried everything? Gone from doctor to doctor, had tests, X-Rays, MRIs, and more, only to be told there ...
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show series
Menschen nehmen sich gerne etwas für das neue Jahr vor - eine echt gute Idee ist, weniger zu Alkohol trinken, dafür mehr Kunst zu genießen und soundso ist ein echt guter Vorsatz mehr Radio zu hören oder zu machen.Falls Ihr erst mal lesen wollt. Bittesehr - die Tipps für den JanuarLea Singer „Anatomie der Wolken"1810 begegnen sich Goethe und Caspar …
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1-Personalmangel in Stellwerken 2-Rechtsradikale Schmierereien in HD3-Informieren und Agieren gegen AfD wirkt in Ettlingen4-Hamas Propaganda beim DA Weihnachtsmarkt5-BKZW Pforzheim radikalrechte Klerikale4-Baumpflanzaktion in LU5-Geplante Streichung der Linie 32 in HDSprecher:TrattaktaraDe către Michael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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1-Helmut-Kohl-Allee bedeutet Rückschritt2-ALTER vor dem Aus?3-Gasausstieg: Umweltforum fordert Bedarfsprüfung für Erdgasleitungen 4-Hambach:Klage der “Weißen” wg. Trommler-Auflagen5-VRN Kritik an DB wirktSprecher: trattaktaraDe către Michael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Schwerpunkt Dezember: Tim Burton - Gothic Director, unter anderem mit:Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (USA 2024) Cast: Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, Catherine O’Hara, Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, Willem DafoeSpielzeit 105 Min. Fassung: Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln FSK 12Termine26.12.2024 19:30 Uhr 27.12.2024 19:30 Uhr 28.12.2024 19:30 Uhr 36 Jahre …
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1-Doppelhaushalt im MA GR beschlossen 2-VRN kritisiert Riedbahnstatus3-Podiumsdiskussion zur „Zukunft von selbstverwalteten Wohnprojekten“4-"Solidarität gegen BR-Mobbing!” beim dm Markt5-Verbraucherschützer fordern Bürger zum Gas-Aus zu informieren 6-Helmut-Kohl-AlleeSprecher: trattaktaraDe către Michael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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- Overview of the Challenges Young Adults Living with Cancer Face- Talking with the Health Care Team About Survivorship Questions & Concerns- Choosing Who & What to Tell Others: Disclosure- School: Deciding How to Deal with Financing Education– Community College, Technical Training, College, Graduate School – Scholarships- Financial Concerns, Inclu…
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1-Royal Ottoman Society 2-Thunberg, Özbay und Hep Jamal in MA3-Wieder Toscano Bild zerstört4-Germersheimer Schüler protestieren gegen Abschiebung von Mitschüler*innen5-Fridays for Future Heidelberg für Solaranlagen auf Uni Dächern6-Wanderausstellung „Genozid an Rom:nja auf dem Gebiet von Belarus, 1941–1944" im RomnoKherSprecher: trattaktara…
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- Overview of Young Adults Living with Cancer, Including Delays in Diagnosis- Where to Seek Cancer Treatment: Selecting Your Oncology Health Care Team, Including Young Adult Cancer Programs- The Importance of Treatment Summaries- Follow Up with Your Oncologist & Primary Care Doctor- Managing Post Treatment Side Effects/Late Effects- Talking with th…
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Jetzt schnell noch in die Buchläden laufen!Die bekannte Schauspielerin ist jetzt auch Erzählerin!Caroline Peters"Ein anderes Leben"Rowohlt BerlinISBN978-3-7371-0165-323,00€Weihnachten war schon immer mehr ... John von Düffel"Ich möchte lieber nichts"DUMONT BuchverlagISBN 978-3-7558-0010-124,00 €Kinderherzen schlagen bei diesem Adventsbuch höher :-)…
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In den Reiß-Engelhorn-Museen beschäftigen sich zur Zeit drei Ausstellungen mit dem Thema Essen und Trinken. Eine davon, eine ganz spezielle Schau, trägt den Titel:„Zum Wohl - Gläserne Trinkgeschichten von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart“. Annette Lennartz hat sie besucht. Foto ©remDe către Annette Lennartz (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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1-Protest gegen Femizid und patriarchale Gewalt in HD2-Mildes Urteil gegen „Vereinte Patrioten“3-„Mädelsabend” der Omar Al-Faruq Moschee4-Podiumsdiskussion der Jüdischen Gemeinde 5-Müllmann in Römerberg trägt III.Weg Shirt bei der Arbeit Sprecher: trattaktaraDe către Michael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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"How soon is now?performing cities" ist eine Tanzproduktion aus einem mehrjährigen Rechercherzyklus, der nun in Karlsruhe einen weiteren Einblick in Krisen und was sie mit uns als Individuen machen, gibt. Beunruhigend und beängstigend ist der Übergang zum Unbekannten. Das Zögern ist die Gangart an der Schwelle. Paradoxe Gedanken, schlechtes Gewisse…
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1-Etatreden der Fraktionsvorsitzenden im MA GR2-Deutschlandticket als Sozialticket im MA GR quasi abgeschafft3-Einsparungen beim ÖPNV in HD4-Details zur Bezahlkarte5-KL Pferdemetzger gehen in Berufung 6-Cannabis-und Messerkontrollen auf Weihnachtsmärkten in BaWüSprecher: trattaktaraDe către Michael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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More OldPeopleFacebook: Today we are visiting r/OldPeopleFacebook! Whether you like it or not, old people are all over the new-fangled social media machine. They aren't exactly how it works, but that's never stopped them before! This subreddit is funny, hilarious, an instant f…
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- Why Chemotherapy Causes Treatment Side Effects & Discomfort- Working with Your Healthcare Team to Better Understand & Cope with Potential Treatment Side Effects with a Plan to Manage or Prevent Them- Common Treatment Gastrointestinal (GI) Side Effects - You May Not Experience All of These - Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, Mouth Sores, Stomati…
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Zahlreiche internationale Gäste, interessante Publikumsgespräche, volle Kinosäle. Das 73. Internationale Filmfestival Mannheim Heidelberg endet mit einer positiven Bilanz. Das berichtet Festivalleiter Sascha Keilholz ein paar Tage nach Festivalende. www.iffmh.deBild Copyright: IFFMH_AlexanderMünchDe către fds (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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1-Proteste gegen GGH in HD gehen weiter2-09.11 Naziaufmarsch in Durlach und Afd in Feierlaune in LD3-KA Jüdisches Mosaik zerstört4-LPT der AfD in Ketsch5-Umweltforum zu LaubbläserSprecher: trattaktaraDe către Michael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Musikfilm Festival Klang/Bild; Von 27. November bis 4. Dezember findet das neue Musikfilm Festival Klang/Bild im Mannheimer Cinema Quadrat statt. Wir zeigen die neuesten und interessantesten Filme sämtlicher Gattungen (Spiel- und Dokumentarfilm, Konzert- und Opernmitschnitte, Tanzfilme, Musicals, Experimentelles) über jede Form von Musik, ganz glei…
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Full neckbeard stories: Today we are running around nuclear revenge for some human narrated stories about reddit weirdos. First story is psycho incel and I'm pretty sure it's super fake... But the second story is one of the greatest nuclear revenge stories I've ever heard. You…
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KingRodGod playlist: In this episode of r/NeckbeardStories we meet KingRodGod. This delusional gameshop owner thinks that he's doing battle against the neckbeards that come to his shop... Little does he realize, he's actually got the biggest neckbeard of them all. He's hateabl…
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More incel content: We're taking a trip to r/IncelTear to laugh at the memes posted about the most delusional specimens. Incels are a fascinating subculture, but also a very worrying one that doesn't encourage any kind of self-improvement or self-reflection. It's pretty sad wh…
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