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Notable Nobels

Harrison Dulin

Notable Nobels is a podcast about the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to scientists who have made notable discoveries in the fields of Life Science and Medicine, and these discoveries have a history of profoundly influencing society and civilization. Each episode covers the prize awarded for a particular year, and with over 100 years of prizes, there’s a lot to talk about!
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Nobel Prize Conversations

Nobel Prize Outreach AB

Through their lives and work, failures and successes – get to know the individuals who have been awarded the Nobel Prize. The host for this podcast is Adam Smith, who has the happy task of interviewing our Nobel Prize laureates. Sit in on our conversations as we delve into how these personalities found their fields of interest — often by coincidence — how they view collaboration, curiosity and failure, and what keeps them going. The laureates share what they have learned from their career an ...
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Espace pour la vie

nobELLES est une série de balados mettant en valeur des femmes scientifiques qui ont apporté des contributions déterminantes dans les domaines de la physique, des mathématiques, de l’astronomie et du génie. Leur apport phénoménal à la science n’est pourtant pas du tout proportionnel à la reconnaissance obtenue au moment de leurs découvertes. Écoutez Lili Boisvert et ses invité.e.s explorer des thèmes poignants qui incitent à la réflexion et mettent en lumière des femmes qui auraient certes m ...
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show series
Fredsprisvinner Jimmy Carter ble hyllet av en hel verden etter sin død. Hvilken rolle spilte den tidligere amerikanske presidenten og hvilken arv etterlater han seg? Bli med på samtale mellom Olav Njølstad og Hans Olav Lahlum, og direktør på Nobels Fredssenter Kjersti Fløgstad. I romjulen 2024 døde James Earl Carter Jr., 100 år gammel. Fredsprisvin…
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This episode covers one half of the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded to D. Carleton Gajdusek. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute chose to give Gajdusek the award “for [his] discoveries concerning new mechanisms for the origin and dissemination of infectious diseases”. Topics include the Kuru neurodegenerativ…
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This episode covers one half of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded to Gertrude B. Elion and George H. Hitchings. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute chose to give Elion and Hitchings the award, “for their discoveries of important principles for drug treatment”. Topics include the discovery of the antiviral …
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In a world increasingly marked by violence, conflicts, and division, the Dalai Lama reminds us of the importance of human coexistence and compassion. Join the conversation on how we can cultivate "inner peace" and contribute to a more peaceful world.A conversation between: Barbara Miller, Director of Wisdom of Happiness (2024)Einar Øverenget, Profe…
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12 October, the day after the announcement of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, we invited a panel of experts to discuss the award of the prize to Nihon Hidankyo.You'll meet:• Tuva Widskjold, ICAN• Kjølv Egeland, senior researcher NORSAR• Mika Mayumi, leader of Oslo-department - No to Nuclear WeaponsNihon Hidankyo is awarded the peace prize for its effor…
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12 October, the day after the announcement of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, we invited Jørgen Watne Frydnes, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to give a short lecture on awarding the prize to Nihon Hidankyo.Read more about the Japanese organisation Nihon Hidankyo here:…
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“Get up, you need to get up! You’ve won the Nobel Prize.” That’s how James Robinson discovered he was a 2024 economic sciences laureate, as his wife, Maria Angélica Bautista, woke him up. In this brief call with the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith he talks about the root causes of poverty and how to build the types of political structures that enhance pro…
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“There’s nothing natural about 30-, 40-, 50- fold differences in income per capita in a globalised, connected world.” Daron Acemoglu, economic sciences laureate 2024, speaks about the root causes of persistent poverty among the poorest nations and how to build the types of inclusive institution that can support prosperity. In this conversation with…
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“True, genuine, inclusive democracy matters, very clearly.” Simon Johnson, economic sciences laureate 2024, learnt of the award from the congratulatory text messages piling-up on his phone. In this short conversation with the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith, recorded just moments after he had heard the news, he highlights the importance of participatory d…
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“The dream came true!” The prize came as a big surprise, says Masako Wada, a representative from the Japanese organisation Nihon Hidankyo, which works to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons. In this interview shortly after learning about the Nobel Peace Prize 2024, she shares her deep concerns on the world’s backlash on nuclear disarmament, not…
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”I’m so surprised and honoured.” 2024 literature laureate Han Kang had just finished dinner with her son at her home in Seoul when she received the news. In this interview with the Nobel Prize, she reflects on being the first South Korean literature laureate and talks about how writers as a collective have influenced her. “All their efforts and str…
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“I got the phone call and my wife promptly started screaming.” News of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry gave David Baker’s household a very early wake up call. Here, just after the prize announcement, Baker speaks to the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith about the exciting potential of building brand new proteins, the inspirational effect his fellow laurea…
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“It’s absolutely extraordinary.” John Jumper had just heard the news of his 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry when he spoke to the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith. “I thought I had a 10 % chance,” he reveals. To save his nerves, his plan had been to sleep in until after the announcement, which didn’t quite work out. In the interview, he talks about being the …
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“The best scientists paired with these kinds of tools will be able to do incredible things.” Demis Hassabis, 2024 Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry, reflects on building the right research environment and the interplay between AI and individual scientists. This short conversation with Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith was recorded just after he had received…
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“You have to build up from the bottom.” In this interview shortly after the announcement, 2024 physics laureate John Hopfield talks about how he found out about the prize when he was going through his e-mails. ”It didn't sink it until I got to the fourth e-mail!” Hopfield reflects on how to tackle big questions, such as how the mind works, in this …
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“How could I be sure it wasn’t a spoof call?” 2024 physics laureate Geoffrey Hinton received the phone call from Stockholm at around 2am in a hotel room in California, and multiple Swedish accents helped reassure him that his Nobel Prize in Physics was real. Greatly surprised, he talks to the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith about the state of machine lear…
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“We see it as a celebration of the way of doing science,” says Victor Ambros of his Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In this call with the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith, Ambros speaks about the joy of basic research and the ever-expanding fascination of RNA. Recorded just after Ambros found out about the prize, we also discover how the news was br…
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“I heard what sounded like an authentic call from the Nobel Committee!” New medicine laureate Gary Ruvkun might have received a prank call or two in the past, but today’s was genuine. He talked to the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith minutes after hearing the news, about the pleasure of finding things out, the electrifying growth of the microRNA field over…
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I år er det 30 år siden Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin og Shimon Peres ble tildelt Nobels fredspris for sin innsats for å skape fred i Midtøsten, og for sitt bidrag i dialogen om en fredelig løsning på konflikten mellom Palestina og Israel.Året før hadde de tre forhandlet frem Oslo-avtalen. Både avtalen og fredspristildelingen er fortsatt aktuell og …
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This episode covers one half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute chose to give Campbell and Satoshi the award “for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites”. Topics include th…
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Is the creative process different in the fields of art, literature and music? In a podcast conversation, literature laureate Jon Fosse speaks about all three fields and how they are similar in many ways. American painter Mark Rothko is mentioned as a source of inspiration as well as art in general. We also get insights into Fosse's childhood where …
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Hear physics laureate Pierre Agostini describe how he found his love of science: ”It was only when I started doing research that I discovered the fun of physics." Together with podcast host Adam Smith, he talks about multiphoton ionisation, Planck time and contradicting Einstein. Agostini also tells us about how his life has changed after being awa…
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Is it possible to 'see' quantum mechanics in action? In a podcast conversation, chemistry laureate Moungi Bawendi speaks about the incredible gratification of visualising quantum mechanics and how his collaboration with co-laureate Louis Brus started. He also shares his love of music and speaks about how his lab's yearly ski trip helps his group wo…
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Some words of wisdom from chemistry laureate Louis Brus: "You recognise opportunity and then you have to take advantage of it. Seize the opportunity basically. It takes some struggle." In a conversation with podcast host Adam Smith, Louis Brus speaks about the process of discovery and his own scientific path. Hosted on Acast. See …
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Welcome to a conversation about The Power of Dialogue in Northern Ireland's Peace Journey. This is a dialogue between Mr. Mark Durkan, who was part of the negotiating team for the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, and the Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Olav Njølstad. The conversation is moderated by Kjersti Fløgstad, Executive Director of …
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What are the benefits of creating a diverse laboratory? In this podcast episode with physicist Anne L’Huillier, we speak about the importance of diversity and how she herself speaks and thinks in three languages. From cultures and countries to gender, we discuss the advantages of bringing together people with a variety of backgrounds and experience…
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How can we ensure that knowledge and science are spread globally? Medicine laureate Drew Weissman is an advocate for creating research centres around the world to give local researchers the means to have ownership and solve health issues by themselves. As Weissman puts it: ”A lot of people set up a clinic in a city somewhere, collect samples, take …
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There are many roads one can take in life. But to what extent will your life choices decide what kind of person you become? In this podcast conversation with economist and laureate Claudia Goldin, we discuss the choices that brought her to this moment in time. Our podcast host Adam Smith, who meets Goldin in the year after she received the prize in…
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Meet 2023 physics laureate Ferenc Krausz in conversation with podcast host Adam Smith, as they discuss a scientific journey which has spanned three countries – and to which Krausz attributes his Nobel Prize. ”These particles were discovered more than a hundred years before. It took an utter century to develop the tools to actually capture them in m…
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This episode covers one half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded to Tu Youyou. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute chose to give Tu the award “for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against malaria”. Topics include Tu’s discovery of the anti-malarial drug artemisinin from an ancient Chinese text, …
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"I also thank the people who tried to make my life miserable – because they made me work harder and become more resilient." – Working harder and becoming more resilient seems to be the story of Nobel Prize laureate Katalin Karikós’s life. Despite facing a number of enormous challenges, she has never lost hope or focus. Instead she is convinced that…
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Om feminismens historie fra Bertha von Suttner til Narges Mohammadi. Marta Breen om sexismens historie og kvinnebevegelsens rolle i fredskampen.Det går en knallrød tråd fra den første kvinnelige fredsprisvinneren Bertha von Suttner til den nyeste, Narges Mohammadi: Kampen for likestilling og mot undertrykkelse, kampen for kvinners plass ved bordet …
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Learn how new technology is used to double down on demonstrants and activists in Iran.Activists used social media effectively in the Iranian protests after Mahsa Jina Amini’s death in September 2022. But the regime is also using new technology to double down on activists and on ordinary women and girls:Face recognition is used to surveil and identi…
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Bli med når vi dykker ned i fredsprisen til Dr. Martin Luther King jr. og blir bedre kjent med en av de aller viktigste personene fra det 20. århundre.I år er det 60 år siden Dr. Martin Luther King jr. ble tildelt Nobels fredspris. Borgerrettighetsforkjemperen og baptistpastoren var kun 35 år gammel da han landet på Fornebu den 8. desember, 1964. T…
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We gathered young activists from Oslo and all over the world for a conversation on the power of youth activism.What are you willing to sacrifice for a cause you believe in?What sparks youth activism around the world?How can young voices reach even further?What does it take to engage youth in developed and privileged societies like Norway?Penelope L…
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We return to merry old England this episode as we cover our next physics laureate. Listen as we describe what is often considered the most productive period of the Cavendish Laboratory, and what else JJ was up to besides. Contact Us Email: Website: Facebook and Twitter: @Nobelesse…
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The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has resulted in catastrophic suffering for the civilian population. In a devastating situation where hope seems distant, it is important to remember that war is not the solution.Palestinian Bassam Aramin and Israeli Rami Elhanan have both lost a daughter in the conflict. But instead of succumbing to …
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This episode covers the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute chose to give Karikó and Weissman the award “for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19…
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Content Warning: This episode's subject was literally a Nazi This episode, we see what happens when bigotry gets in the way of science. Then, because Quinn is petty, we have a nice palette cleanser. Contact Us Email: Website: Facebook and Twitter: @NobelessePod Mastodon: @Nobeless…
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Just in time for this year's Nobel Prize ceremony, we have our episode explaining this year's Nobel Prizes. Enjoy listening to us try to explain mRNA vaccines, rage against misogyny, and... wait, is that the Romans? Contact Us Email: Website: Facebook and Twitter: @NobelessePod Ma…
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Journalist og forfatter Sevda Barazesh og stortingsrepresentant Mahmoud Farahmand samtaler med Civitas Eirik Løkke om Irans historie fra 1979 og frem til i dag.10 . desember deles Nobels Fredspris ut i Oslo Rådhus. Prisen for 2023 tildeles Narges Mohammadi for «hennes kamp mot undertrykking av kvinner i Iran og hennes kamp for menneskerettigheter o…
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"I had decided as a child if it was possible to become a scientist and to do scientific research for a living that's what I wanted to do." – In this episode, we meet physical chemist Mario Molina who spent his life working on climate research. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1995 for his investigations into how CFC gases damage the ozone layer. M…
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Krigen i Gaza har kostet tusenvis av sivile liv. Noen mener at tiden for dialog er forbi, men dagens panel påpeker at det er enda mer naivt å tro at mer krigføring vil løse den fastlåste konflikten.Lær mer om hva som ligger bak freds- og forsoningsarbeid i siste episode av «De som lytter, flytter verden». Etter de grufulle terrorhandlingene fra Ham…
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”I have been fortunate to be able to live my life doing what I believe in. Not everybody has that fortune" In this podcast episode, peace activist Jody Williams tells us how she has tried to use the power that was given to her after being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. She is a strong advocate for working across organisations to solve global challeng…
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After a much longer than anticipated delay, here's our episode on John William Strutt, aka Lord Rayleigh. He did a lot, but is it enough to get him Nobelesse Oblige? Contact Us Email: Website: Facebook and Twitter: @NobelessePod Mastodon: Bluesky: @…
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”I don't think it's my job or anybody's job to try to convince other people of the righteousness of my opinion. I think it's each person's job to figure out how they look at the world.” – This conversation with astrophysicist John Mather was recorded in 2014, where he speaks to Adam Smith about space and if we will be going to Mars in the future. M…
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This episode covers the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton, and Charles M. Rice. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute chose to give Alter, Houghton, and Rice the award “for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus”. Topics include the recognition that another hepatitis virus existe…
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”Pursuing expertise doggedly can't be the goal for everyone because being specialised means losing some breadth of understanding. We need both kinds of people." – In this podcast episode recorded in 2014 economist Robert Shiller speaks about technology and the role he thinks it will have in the future. He also shares his best advice for young econo…
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”I wasn't interested in learning stuff. I was just interested in understanding, because I could see what a fabulous shortcut it always was.” – Meet 2005 medicine laureate Barry Marshall in a dynamic talk with the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith. Marshall tells us about his blog (something very few laureates had in 2005), his status as a yo-yo expert and h…
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”It's the insight, the work, the way you give yourself to the story that matters.” – We present a heartwarming chat with Canadian ’master of short stories’ and literature laureate Alice Munro. This conversation between the Nobel Prize’s Adam Smith and Munro took place soon after she was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature. In the episode, sh…
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