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Noël chez Isidore

Les Mystérieux étonnants

Noël chez Isidore - un podcast pour les dépendants affectifs de Noël, les curieux de découvertes culturelles et sociales, et les « détesteurs » du temps des fêtes. Animés par Simon Chénier, Sophie Croteau et Etienne Forest, trois passionnés du rouge et vert, qui partagent avec vous leurs meilleurs films, albums, faits divers, souvenirs et autres produits dérivés de Noël. Joyeux Noël et 1000 bougies!
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Stand-up comedian, podcast host and political commentator Noel Casler is best known for his outspoken commentary on Twitter, and unveiling truths in his weekly Car Rant’s about his 25 years experience behind the scenes in live television and in the music industry. Videos of his stand-up routines have reached millions, especially his revelations about working with the Trump family. Noel is a frequent guest on various Sirius XM and iHeart Radio podcasts; and in 2021 decided to officially launc ...
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Noen har snakket sammen

Tankesmien Agenda

På øret får du Hilde Nagell og Axel Fjeldavli, rådgivere i Tankesmien Agenda, i tillegg til en rekke aktuelle og spennende gjester. Vi snakker om det som rører seg der ute med de som virkelig har peiling. Podkasten gis ut av Tankesmien Agenda
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Marketing MSc Podcast haladó marketing megoldásokkal és a legfrissebb szakmai trendekkel. Vállalkozóknak, akik okosan és etikusan akarnak kitűnni a reklámzajból, és marketing szakembereknek, marketinges hallgatóknak, akik a szakma élvonalába akarnak tartozni. Egy bullshitmentes, hamisíthatatlanul szakmai, mégis szórakoztató marketing-utazás Matykó Noémivel.
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This channel ’15 Minutes of Fame’ believes in the power of music, pop art, storytelling and Campbell’s Soup. It features guest indie artists and is hosted by showman Noel Anderson and produced by Harlequin Ink. Review - ’Noel, you and a few of the others are at the top of your game while I and my hangers-on smoke secretly in the back of the school bus.’
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Welcome to Tethered to Eternity – Your Christian take on news, pop culture, and politics, grounded in eternity – because Gen Z deserves clarity, truth, and maybe a meme or two. - SOCIAL - Instagram: @Noelle.fitchett
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Noémie de Saint-Sernin

Noémie de Saint-Sernin

Coaching, développement personnel et parentalité LE podcast qui va transformer votre vie. Noémie de Saint Sernin est coach certifiée RNCP (titre reconnu par l’état français), auteure de plusieurs livres Best-sellers, conférencière, formatrice, référente pour les médias, entrepreneuse, épouse et maman de 3 enfants. Toutes les semaines, Noémie de Saint-Sernin vous partage ses conseils, ses outils et des clefs concrètes pour vous aider à vous libérer de vos blocages, à améliorer vos relations, ...
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Asking the questions most don’t, spreading love and light. Hoping to wake up my brothers & sisters. Speaking on subjects I enjoy This is all opinions with some facts and receipts.
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Noel Zapata

Welcome ❤️ I talk about Love, Dreams and How We Can All Be Happier By Chasing Them and Working Together In Harmony, Along with Many Other Success Tips I read about, Study and learn from Credible Successful People to Save You Time & Bring you Enjoyment ❤️ Instagram: @NoelZapata1 SnapChat: @NoelZapata1 FaceBook: @NoelZapata123 Twitter: @NoelZapata123 Youtube: @ NoelZapata123
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Hey friends! Welcome to my Noetic Nook. I’m your host Niki: an educator, a linguaphile, and a wanderer. Come and listen to fiction stories, my travel adventures and meet my friends from all over the world (yes, you can be a guest!) all while improving your English listening skills. Maybe you can also help me improve my Mandarin, Thai and Turkish. Get cozy, grab your favorite cup of tea and enjoy :)
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Clips of whispered, softly spoken/sung stories to help Soothe you 2 Sleep. Full clips available on my youtube channel with same handle name. Simply and slowly, I will read The Word and/or sing to those who need help falling asleep. I know what it’s like to be too sick or tired to read His Word and pray this ministers to your soul, spirit and body.❤️🙏✝️🇮🇱🕊️ Blessings. 🌹
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The Noetic Podcast is an educational tool amongst many found on the intelligent social media platform "Noetic". Developed by Luke Johnson. Get the Noetic app for your phone! Courses, seminars, lectures, and discussions!
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ENHED med Noell Elise

Noell Elise

✨ Danmarks største holistiske podcast ✨ Velkommen til ENHED – podcasten for dig, der er nysgerrig på dig selv, vil udvide dit indre rum & skabe dybere forståelse for dig selv & livet. Hver uge inviterer jeg, Noell, inspirerende gæster ind i ENHED rummet – eksperter & mennesker med personlige indsigter inden for sind, krop & sjæl. 🎙 Vi taler bl.a. om: 💭 Tankernes kraft, terapi & mindfulness 🧠 Livsstil, bevægelse & sundhed 🌿 Spiritualitet, filosofi & livets mening Det er ikke himlen, der begræ ...
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Bem vindos seus lindos 🌹 Sou Noeli Naima, uma artista multidisciplinar nas áreas de Terapia de Yoga, Medicina Ayurveda, Meditação, Aromaterapia, Artes Plásticas e Medicina Sistêmica e Vibracional. Aqui vamos conversar de tudo um muito, vamos compartilhar meditações guiadas - mas também vamos conversar sobre coisas que não agradam a todos, temas polêmicos, sociedade, cultura e tendências. Em um mundo com tantas possibilidades, a comunicação é nossa grande arma: quem sabe … Sabe.
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The podcast dedicated to the Activation of the Human Spirit and to resisting the status quo. Barbarian Noetics tracks the stories, struggles and triumphs that connect us all across the rabbit holes of time and space. Join host Little Raven as we deconstruct divisive mainstream narratives, transcend dualistic thinking and come together in a good way as conscious animals on a shared planet. Deprogram from the matrix and reinvigorate your psyche with Barbarian Noetics, where everyone is invited ...
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show series
Hvem skal betale for opprusting? Spørsmålet er høyt på dagsorden i dag, men var også et sentralt spørsmål for John Maynard Keynes i hans "How to Pay for the War?". Keynes argumenterte blant annet for viktigheten at kostnaden måtte fordeles sosialt rettferdig. Axel Fjeldavli og Hilde Nagell snakker med Morgenbladet-journalist Maria Berg Reinertsen…
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Ünnepelj velünk! A Marketing MSc Podcast elérte az 50. epizódját, és ezt egy különleges adással tesszük emlékezetessé. Ezúttal a reflektorfényben a műsor házigazdája és motorja, Matykó Noémi, a Chiro Marketing ügyvezetője áll, aki betekintést enged a kulisszák mögé és megosztja a podcast marketing világában szerzett tapasztalatait. Ebben a személye…
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Les écrans et les ados - comment poser des limites sans conflit ? 🚀 Coaching individuel : 👉 📢 Boîte à questions : 👉 Vos cadeaux gratuits vous attendent ici : 🎁 Coffret Parentalité : 👉 🎁 Coffret Dev. Pe…
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Vi lærte i skolen, at vand bare er H₂O – men hvad nu, hvis vand er meget mere end det? Hvad nu, hvis vand er nøglen til bevidsthed, energi & måske endda universets største mysterier? "Tro mig. Vi er ikke færdige med at opdage universet" siger min gæst. Lyt med & få en helt ny forståelse af det, vi består allermest af – nemlig vand. Jeg har besøg af…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Vi lærte i skolen, at vand bare er H₂O – men hvad nu, hvis vand er meget mere end det? Hvad nu, hvis vand er nøglen til bevidsthed, energi & måske endda universets største mysterier? "Tro mig. Vi …
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David Williamson’s iconic play, The Removalists, makes a powerful return to the stage, reviving its unflinching exploration of domestic violence, police brutality, and the abuse of power. Set in Melbourne in the 1970s, the story follows the turbulent events that unfold when Fiona Carter, with the help of her sister Kate and a removalist, attempts t…
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Protéger nos enfants : ouvrir les yeux et agir 📌Site web de l'association CAMELEON 👉 Vos cadeaux gratuits vous attendent ici : 🎁 Coffret Parentalité : 👉 🎁 Coffret Dev. Perso : 👉 Vous voulez aller plus loin…
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On a cold February night in 1978, five men left a basketball game in Chico, California, for what should have been a routine drive home. But instead of heading south, they veered east—deep into the remote and frigid Plumas National Forest—never to be seen alive again. Was it a wrong turn, a sinister encounter, or something far stranger? This is the …
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Mandag denne uken (10.03) ble Mahmoud Khalil fengslet og forsøkt deportert fordi han har protestert mot krigføringen på Gaza. Trump er ute etter alle som tar del i "pro-terrorist, anti-semitic, and anti-American activity”, det siste kan romme mye. Samtidig kuttes økonomisk støtte til universiteter og forskningsinstitusjoner. Hva skjer, og hvordan r…
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Hey guys, it's been a while! Today, we're diving into the topics of xenophobia, Christian nationalism, and the broader conservative conversation surrounding them. This discussion was sparked by a clip from **Jubilee's "20 Trump Supporters vs. 1 Progressive" video, where a participant openly embraces the term "xenophobic nationalist." Many mainstrea…
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Pourquoi mon enfant fait des crises de colère (et comment y réagir efficacement) 🚀 Coaching individuel : 👉 📢 Boîte à questions : 👉 Vos cadeaux gratuits vous attendent ici : 🎁 Coffret Parentalité : 👉 🎁…
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Hvor ofte dykker du ned i samtaler, spørgsmål & emner med dem du har kær, som ikke blot omhandler hverdagsoplevelser & planlægning? Hvor godt kender du egentlig dem du elsker - eller dig selv? I dag dykker vi ned i vigtigheden & værdien af nærværende samtaler. Min gæst har nemlig skabt et koncept, som skaber det smukkeste rum af nærvær imellem menn…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Katja Bamberger Bro. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Hvor ofte dykker du ned i samtaler, spørgsmål & emner med dem du har kær, som ikke blot omhandler hverdagsoplevelser & planlægning? Hvor godt kender du egentlig dem du elsker - eller dig selv? I dag d…
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Is Christianity ACTUALLY Becoming Popular?! Disney just introduced a "Christian" character… but is it really what it seems? Bible sales are skyrocketing, and celebrities like China McClain and Joshua Bassett are talking about their faith. But at the same time, Christians around the world are being persecuted—beheaded in Nigeria and the Democratic R…
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Pour notre 81e épisode, comme le veut la tradition, on célèbre la nouvelle année avec une analyse en retard de 30 ans du «Bye Bye 94». C'est un combat triple threat sans merci entre Patrice, Dodo, André-Phillipe vs. Etienne, Valérie, Simon. Bonne Année?En bonus, vous apprendrez le signe, l’ascendant et la lune de chacun des membres du podcast! Enfi…
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A marketing területén rengeteg szakkifejezéssel találkozunk, de ezek gyakran csak definícióként (vagy úgy sem) maradnak meg az emberek fejében – pedig a lényeg a valódi alkalmazásukban van. Hogy ez többet ne okozzon gondot, a Marketing MSc Podcast 49. epizódjában Matykó Noémi, a Chiro Marketing ügyvezetője, 17 évnyi tapasztalattal felvértezve, gyak…
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Pourquoi on culpabilise autant en tant que parent ? 🚀 Coaching individuel : 👉 📢 Boîte à questions : 👉 Vos cadeaux gratuits vous attendent ici : 🎁 Coffret Parentalité : 👉 🎁 Coffret Dev. Perso : 👉 https:/…
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Har du nogensinde haft tics for øjet? Har du oplevet, at tabe håret eller blive ramt af voldsom hjertebanken? Måske din hud er begyndt at slå ud, selvom du har brugt samme hudplejerutine i årevis uden problemer? Vores krop kommunikerer hele tiden til os. Både hud, led, knogler m.m. Min gæst i den her uge er Tina Lykkegaard, som er holistisk hudeksp…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Tina Lykkegaard. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Har du nogensinde haft tics for øjet? Har du oplevet, at tabe håret eller blive ramt af voldsom hjertebanken? Måske din hud er begyndt at slå ud, selvom du har brugt samme hudplejerutine i årevis uden pro…
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Welcome to Tethered to Eternity – Your Christian take on news, pop culture, and politics, grounded in eternity – because Gen Z deserves clarity and truth. Did you notice how the Oscars subtly (or not so subtly) glorified sex work this year? From Chappell Roan’s performance at the BRITs to Hollywood’s increasing push to normalize prostitution, the e…
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