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Steven and Krivo share their lives each weekday morning, it is a show which is very real and quite cheeky. While the majority of us are just starting our day, The NOVOS are well into their 3rd cup of coffee. Hitting the air from 5am, The NOVOS appreciate everything the Novocastrian lifestyle has to offer! @markkrivo
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Feliz Dia Novo

Irineu Toledo

Sacadas estoicas. Conteúdos coletados das postagens, áudios e vídeos de Irineu Toledo. Comunicador orientado pela “ filosofia do bem viver”, ética, propósitos, causas, missão, cultura de paz, diálogo, inspiração e motivação.
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Join de Novo CEO Jen Neumann and Account Manager / Innovation & Education Lead Ryan Shenefelt as they talk about all things marketing: insights on new trends, innovative ideas, and marketing tools you can use in your day-to-day life. And whatever else they deem relevant. This isn’t just another marketing podcast; it’s your dose of inspiration and strategy rolled into one.
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Vojtěch Novák

Rozhovory o nových médiích (a nejen o nich) s přesahem do aktuálních sociokulturních témat. Zajímaví hosté, nevšední otázky a mnoho podnětů k zamyšlení.
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Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny

Time of Grace Ministry

Time of Grace exists to point people to what matters most: Jesus. Using a variety of media (television, radio, podcasts, print publications, and digital), Time of Grace teaches tough topics in an approachable and relatable way, accessible in multiple languages, making the Bible clear and understandable for those who need encouragement in their walks of faith and for those who don’t yet know Jesus at all.
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Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and you're listening to it! Hear how Pastor Mike Novotny from Time of Grace answers some real questions from people just like you, giving thoughtful, biblical answers that point people back to Jesus. New episodes published every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! Find even more questio ...
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Подкаст об искусстве, творчестве и дизайне для образованных людей с широким кругозором. Будем вместе влюбляться, ориентироваться, искать единомышленников в сфере искусства. Над проектом работают: Авторы и ведущие Людмила Кутаева и Светлана Авксентьева Звукорежиссер Михаил Демин
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Esquema Novo

Esquema Novo

Uma revista semanal de entretenimento e cultura, com foco na cena de Belo Horizonte. Agenda cultural, colunistas, matérias especiais e a curadoria cultural da semana, por Fernanda Ribeiro, Rodrigo James e Terence Machado.
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Um Podcast Com Amor, Alegria, Paz, Fé e Esperança! Apresentação: Leandro Santos "Aqui á alguns trechos de áudios do Programa: Católico, Caminhos de Vida" Rádio Rio Bonito FM, Bonito - Pernambuco Também Apresentado Por: Leandro Santos
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Com Novo Ardor

Comunidade Católica Novo Ardor

In Forma de Música é um espaço para ouvir boa música e receber formação, por meio do carisma Novo Ardor. Fica ligadinho aqui com a gente, pois estamos trazendo Novo Ardor In Forma de Música para você!
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Bem vindo ao meu podcast,meu intuito aqui é passar um pouco de algumas histórias da minha vida,meus gostos,assuntos polêmicos,debates e um pouco humor também indicando músicas da minha playlist.Comentem.....
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Determinação, mudança, talento, desempenhos extraordinários, criatividade, influência, liderança, trabalho em equipa. Num mundo que muda, a nova normalidade. Ideias e comportamentos para os dias de hoje. Série de 42 episódios transmitidos em 2016 na Antena 1.
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Lá Vêm Eles De Novo

Lá Vêm Eles De Novo Podcast

Um podcast descontraído entre amigos sobre futebol, sem papas na língua e com uma visão crítica e incisiva. Produzido por Breno Lisboa, Felipe Pessoa, Ícaro Lopes, Marcel Filipe e Rafael Mercuri. Episódio novo todas as quintas-feiras! Nos acompanhe nas redes sociais: Twitter @lavemelescast. Instagram @lavemelesdenovocast.
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Reflexão sobre a determinação, mudança, talento, desempenhos, motivação, criatividade, influência, liderança, trabalho em equipa. A nova normalidade, ideias e comportamentos para os dias de hoje. Neste bloco, os episódios da 1ª série, transmitidos em 2015 na Antena 1.
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Next With Novo

Mike Novogratz

Next with Novo is the go-to resource for what’s new and what’s next. Each episode, Mike Novogratz, influential investor, Wall Street Veteran, and CEO at Galaxy Digital, invites his listeners to learn with him from the best and brightest minds behind disruptive businesses, prolific social movements, and technologies powering permissionless innovation.
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The Dannie De Novo Podcast is an open and honest look into the beautiful twists and turns that accompany the processes of growth and success. Come along for the journey as we learn to redefine ourselves one failure at a time.
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Guga Stocco é um estudioso de como a inovação e a tecnologia vem transformando a sociedade, da rotina das pessoas ao mercado financeiro. Ele acredita que nossa vida em 2025 será bem diferente do que é hoje. Se você quer saber quais são as tendências e se preparar para elas, seja bem-vindo. Siga também no Instagram @gugastocco. Esse podcast é produzido por @studiotesis
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Lendo Novo Research Centre

LendoNovo Research Centre

Channel Podcast Lendonovoresearchcentre (LRC) berkolaborasi dengan PSDI Jaringan Sekolah ALam Nusantara (JSAN) untuk menyebarluaskan gagasan Sekolah Alam dan implementasi nya dalam proses KBM khususnya dan memberi manfaat bagi semua kalangan
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O Novo Plano de Jogo

Rodrigo Spínola

O jogo é o mesmo. As regras mudaram. E precisamos nos adaptar para vender mais. Episódios semanais com as estratégias mais atuais sobre criação de oferta, geração de leads e conversão de vendas. Inscreva-se e não perca os próximos episódios.
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show series
Muitas pessoas começam a ler a Bíblia, mas desistem porque não têm um plano claro. Neste vídeo, você vai aprender quatro passos práticos para criar um plano de leitura bíblica eficiente e adaptado ao seu tempo. Vamos falar sobre planos canônicos, cronológicos e temáticos, além de como organizar seu cronograma e manter a constância.…
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In this Behind the Series episode, Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give you a glimpse at the new sermon series, “Jesus Can.” They talk about the big idea—how you can't, but Jesus can—by looking at the real-life implications of Jesus’ miracles and teachings, diving into topics like finding peace in chaos, building confidence amid uncertainty, an…
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How do we know if God is speaking to us or if it's just us feeling and thinking what our own hearts want to hear under the guise of "God told me"? Throughout the Bible, God spoke in different ways to different people, using a burning bush, a whisper, visions, even a talking donkey. How does God speak to us today? Pastor Mike teaches how God promise…
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The answer depends on the definition of "be." Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and you're listening to it! Hear how Pastor Mike Novotny from Time of Grace answers some real…
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Especially when it's so hard to stop. Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and you're listening to it! Hear how Pastor Mike Novotny from Time of Grace answers some real questio…
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I’m feeling a little doubt in our community. Steps are showing up — really blurry ones. And we’re afraid to follow, unsure if we’re making the right decision. So I wanted to connect to the doubt, see if it had any messages for us. Because doubt is not bad. It has information for us. It is simply intuition that is underdeveloped. In today’s podcast …
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Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson tackle the sometimes uncomfortable dynamics between Christians and non-Christians. They discuss the balance of engaging with the world while remaining true to your faith. Through personal stories (who were some of Amber's favorite 90s bands? Why did Pastor Mike smash his CD collection?) and biblical insights, the…
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"Self-care" simply means to care for one's self. And in today's world where so many people deal with burnout, self-care has become a trending topic. But how do we care for ourselves without falling into the danger zone of thinking of ourselves too much and not honoring God? What does God say about work and rest and how to find a balance? Pastor Mik…
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Muitos ensinos que parecem bíblicos, na verdade, não são! Heresias modernas distorcem a Palavra de Deus, enganando e afastando as pessoas da verdade. Neste vídeo, o Pr. Raul ensina quatro passos essenciais para identificar se um ensino é realmente bíblico ou se trata de uma falsa doutrina.
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It's amazing how men's and women's views can be on such opposite ends of the spectrum. Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and you're listening to it! Hear how Pastor Mike Nov…
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The accounts of Jesus and the New Testament writings rely on a critical point that even other revered historical writings don't have. Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and y…
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How do I manage to make accurate predictions and share uncanny messages? I’m going to let you in on my secret. I read energy. Everything is energy. So when I want to know something, I bring the energy forward, hold my focus there, and allow myself to receive the messages. In today’s podcast episode, I read your energy — or at least, the collective …
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The answer depends. Here's a key question from Pastor Mike: What will be most beneficial? Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and you're listening to it! Hear how Pastor Mike …
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"Do not judge" is one of the most quoted passages in modern times. Because, culture tells us, who are we to judge others when we're not perfect either? But, Pastor Mike says, as counterintuitive as it seems, the Bible actually tells us to judge. Pastor Mike walks us through the Bible's teaching on judgment, giving us four parts on how to judge the …
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Muitos pensam que apenas estudos teológicos profundos geram bons sermões, mas sua leitura devocional pode ser a chave para a próxima mensagem que Deus quer que você pregue. Neste vídeo, o Pr. Raul revela três passos essenciais para transformar sua meditação diária em um sermão expositivo completo e impactante.…
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I just made it back home to Western North Carolina after a three-day blitz of content creation with my team in Miami. Wow, I’m tired. So it’s kind of funny, that I recorded this podcast episode for you a few weeks ago that is all about your content strategy. It’s easy to have a love-hate relationship with content. Yet, as business owners, it’s hard…
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The Bible does not explicitly talk about sports betting, but there are biblical principles to help guide your decision regarding it. Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and yo…
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If God is good and all-knowing, then he could have stopped the suffering and pain before it even started, right? Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and you're listening to it…
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Spirit guides are super helpful. I know it can sound weird to believe that there is some sort of imaginary friend watching over us, but… there kinda is. Spirit guides are spiritual beings that are helping us live into our soul’s path. This can be: An ancestor A spirit baby A soulmate from another lifetime A past loved one Your higher self And so mu…
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And if so, should you be working to get to a higher level? Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask a pastor but felt silly or embarrassed to ask them? Questions about taboo topics like sex, politics, porn, IVF, and mental illness? Well, there's a podcast for that—and you're listening to it! Hear how Pastor Mike Novotny from Time of Grace answ…
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