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Lives Less Ordinary

BBC World Service

Have you ever locked eyes with a stranger and wondered, "What’s their story?" Step into someone else’s life and expect the unexpected. Extraordinary stories from around the world.
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Sprid Ordet

Petrus & Jenny Eurell

En kristen podcast för dig som vill förbli, förstå och förvandlas av Guds Ord. Petrus och Jenny Eurell gräver djupare i Bibeln och pratar om vad den lär. Musiken du hör är gjord av Fredrik Hermansson. Om du gillar vår podcast, se till att Sprida Ordet!
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Um podcast sério sobre assuntos mais ou menos sérios para debater história, literatura e cultura medievais, sempre de olho em outras cronologias. Falamos sobre temas científicos mas também sobre quem trabalha nestes universos e os desafios que encontramos. Levantamos um pouco do véu sobre o trabalho académico, mas aqui ninguém fala de cátedra.
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Ordet og Israels podcast: Nyheder fra Israel, andagter, bibelundervisning og gode fortællinger. Redaktion: Ellen Hessellund (ansvh.), Anders Vindum, Ruben Tambjerg Hoffmann Musik: Simon Kammersgaard
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De luni până vineri, La ordinea zilei avem interviuri cu specialiști și știri despre subiecte fierbinți. Subiecte actuale comentate din perspectivă creștină. La radio de la 13:20 si in reluare la 18:20, pe www.rve-timisoara.ro
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Der Podcast für Dein ordentliches und aufgeräumtes Leben. Für mehr Zeit und Platz, Klarheit und Energie, Freude und Lebensqualität. Ich zeige Dir, dass Ordnung auch Spaß machen kann und gebe Dir Tipps & Tricks, wie auch Du Dein Leben ordentlich gestalten kannst. Du lernst Überflüssiges loszulassen, Ballast über Bord zu werfen und wie Du herausfindest, was Dich wirklich glücklich macht. Außerdem zeige ich Dir praktische Methoden zum Ordnung halten und wie Du sie für Dich umsetzen kannst.
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Order of Man

Ryan Michler

Failures, victories, wins, and losses. We're exploring, uncovering, and unpacking the most valuable life lessons learned from the most successful men on the planet. Conversations include Jocko, Chris Williamson, Ben Shapiro, Dave Ramsey, David Goggins, Tim Tebow, Shawn Ryan, Cam Hanes, Terry Crews, Matthew McConaughey, Adam Carolla, Robert Greene, Ryan Holiday, Mark Manson, and so many more. If you want to learn how to be a better man, we've got you covered.
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Ord om Øl

Ord om Øl

Ord om Øl er et fælles podcast-projekt fra Niels Kristian Skjærbæk, der står bag bloggen A Word on Beers og Anders Ousen fra bloggen Ousen om Øl, hvor vi siger en masse ord om øl. I får altid vores ærlige og umiddelbare mening om det øl vi smager og de emner vi tager op.
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Israelpodden från Livets Ord är en podcast som vill ta Israel till de Kristna och inspirera Kristna till Israel. I vår podd bjuder vi in intressanta gäster som alla har något att berätta om Israel och det judiska folket. Vi vill vara en röst för Israel i Sverige och uppmuntra till engagemang för Israel och det judiska folket.
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Rap & Order

Rap & Order

Regg and Taurian B. put your favorite Hip-Hop albums of the past on the stand, with a track-by-track interrogation to see how they’ve stood the test of time on Rap & Order podcast.
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Intrinsically Ordered

Gay Ex-Trad

Exploring the intersection of queer identity and catholicism - sharing stories of those who've left, remained, and created their own journeys; providing commentary on the catholic church's harmful teachings; helping those who've been hurt.
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Join this podcast as Chana Weisberg masterfully interviews people from all walks of life, uncovering their inspiring and amazing stories. Listen to the latest episode, or any of the past interviews, to discover extraordinary people with extraordinary stories.
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Attention Deficit Order

Attention Deficit Order

This is a free-thinking, pot-smoking, media-loving podcast, based out of California. We watch and rate a ton of movies, tv shows, and video games. We also talk comics, books, technology, and whatever else catches our attention. Follow us here on Soundcloud, or we're on Stitcher and iTunes also. Join the Order!
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Ordinary Blacks?

Earl Buck, Tony Kedian

An African and Redneck who are friends from two totally different backgrounds talking about their life, current events, and random things that they see and happen.
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Renate Nygård Ertzeid

Bli en betalende abonnent: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/renate-nygu00e5rd/subscribe Podcast om rydding og organisering for deg som av ulike grunner lett blir overveldet. Her senkes tempoet og mengden. En skuff i uken er bedre enn ingen!
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Two Ordinary Cops


The two ordinary cops are former Northern Territory Police Officers Remote Sergeant Ben Schultz and Detective Sergeant Damien Barbe. With over 25 years experience Ben and Damo share stories from their time in the job. Follow along through the laughter, anger and tears that come with the rigours of Policing Australia’s last frontier.
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„Orden on air“ – der Podcast der Ordensgemeinschaften Österreich holt Ordensfrauen und -männer vor den Vorhang und – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes – vor das Mikrofon. Ziel ist es, interessante Persönlichkeiten und besondere Talente vorzustellen sowie das Engagement von Ordensleuten in den vielfältigen Bereichen des Lebens zu zeigen. Der Podcast soll auch Platz bieten, gesellschaftspolitische Themen aufzugreifen und anzusprechen sowie Hintergründe darzulegen.
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The Top Order Cricket Podcast

The Top Order Podcast

A Pom, an Aussie and two Kiwis walk into a bar ... it’s not a joke, it’s The Top Order, a cricketing podcast where good friends mix their own banter and opinion with extended interviews with some of cricket's most interesting characters from the past and present day.
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Sverige främsta entreprenörer och företagsbyggare avslöjar sina viktigaste hemligheter och strategier i Ordinary People who do Badass Things. Driver du företag och vill bli en entreprenör i världsklass är detta podden för dig. Miljardbyggare, superentreprenörer och start up-mästare delar frikostigt med sig av insikterna som gjorde deras företag extremt framgångsrika. Gör som 1 000-tals andra entreprenörer – följ Ordinary People who do Badass Things direkt! Podden leds av multientreprenören G ...
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The Ordinary Average Guy Podcast Show is a podcast hosted by an ordinary average guy, for ordinary average people, talking about ordinary average things. This is a podcast for everyone with a conversation everyone can relate to. The host is a former stand up comedian who brings interesting insight on everything from life and family to cutting grass and cleaning out the garage.
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In intimate conversions, Andy Kushner shows you the extraordinary in the ordinary, and the ordinary struggles that even the extraordinary experience. EOP gets to the heart of the matter with interesting people that we rarely get a chance to talk with.
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No Ordinary People

Sabrina Mauas

Mi nombre es Sabrina Mauas y esto es No Ordinary People (NOP para los amigos) Un podcast que busca iniciar conversaciones y proponer la escucha como herramienta para cambiar la forma en la que vemos el mundo. Estoy muy entusiasmada con esta sexta temporada y la posibilidad de entrevistar a estas mentes brillantes y compartir sus experiencias con ustedes.
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Sucht und Ordnung

Roman Lemke

„Sucht und Ordnung“ ist ein Podcast für Menschen, die sich mit den Themen Abhängigkeitserkrankungen, psychotrope Substanzen, Safer Use, Therapiemöglichkeiten und Drogenpolitik beschäftigen. Das Format soll Betroffenen Hilfestellungen bieten und ihnen zeigen, dass sie nicht alleine sind. Zugleich soll es ein realistisches Bewusstsein für den Konsum psychotroper Stoffe in der Gesellschaft erzeugen und im besten Fall auch politisch zu einer neuen, evidenzbasierten Herangehensweise an die Drogen ...
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show series
Skriv til os med ris, ros, forslag og kommentarer Anders og Niels Kristian har denne gang fornemt besøg fra det store udland. Cris fra rumænske Hop Hooligans kigger nemlig forbi online studiet til en god og hyggelig snak om Hop Hooligans og deres øl, men også om ølfestivaler og meget andet godt og relateret. Øllet, som er sponseret af www.drinkabee…
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In this episode of Friday Field Notes, Ryan Michler explores the provocative idea of "making yourself a more dangerous man." Far from advocating volatility, Michler redefines danger as effectiveness—knowing your goals, communicating with precision, and embodying conviction. Through personal anecdotes and actionable insights, he challenges men to re…
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In this episode of Two Ordinary Cops, Schultzy and Damo dive into the complex relationship between police and the courts, unpacking the differences between police bail and court bail. They share real-life stories from the frontline, including what it’s like to be a police prosecutor and the challenges of keeping offenders in custody. With plenty of…
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 28, 2025 is Joshua 19-21. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We a…
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Today is a special day, as Angelo and Brent reveal the League of Ordinary Gentlemen's all time great player seasons. Originally the list only included seasons from 2019 onwards, as EPSN wipes out player stats before that. But with the magic of a manager who thrives in procrastination, Robbie Wharram combed through the 2011-2018 stats and created Pl…
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mit Simone Braunsdorf-Kremer Pflegende Angehörige sind der größte Pflegedienst Deutschlands – doch sie werden von der Gesellschaft übersehen, vom Staat kaum unterstützt und vom System oft allein gelassen. Simone Braunsdorf-Kremer kennt diese Realität aus erster Hand und spricht mit Roman in dieser Episode Sucht und Ordnung über einige Missstände. S…
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For years, I begged God to make me straight. I read every book, watched every lecture, and tried every method of "healing." But what if being queer isn’t something to fix? What if it's something you could choose — not out of rebellion, but out of love, honesty, and freedom? In this deeply personal episode, I reflect on my journey from internalized …
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I got to sit down with a professional catholic apologist to have perhaps the most comprehensive discussion on natural law & gay marriage. We originally planned an hour discussion on a number of topics but found enough to get into just on this issue - and then went for almost two hours. I enjoyed having a thoughtful, long-form discussion on such an …
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(ultima parte) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/JRSAnByzSzs ------------------------------------ 157 „Domnul este Împăratul nostru; El ne va mântui” Isaia 33:22 158 Făcătorul de minuni: „Dumnezeul care face minuni” Psalmul 77:14 159 Izbăvitorul nostru: „Domnul este stânca mea, cetățuia mea și izbăvitorul meu” Psalmu…
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 27, 2025 is Joshua 16-18. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We a…
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(urmează partea 4) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/zVN562BmnUE ------------------------------------ 102 Tatăl duhurilor: „Noi să nu ne supunem cu atât mai mult Tatălui duhurilor, ca să trăim?” Evrei 12:9 108 Aducătorul de bucurie: „Tu îmi vei umple inima de bucurie” Fapte 2:28 110 Lumina lumii: „Eu sunt lumina lumi…
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Eli Ben-Sasson, co-founder and CEO of StarkWare, joins us to discuss how StarkNet plans to settle on both Ethereum and Bitcoin. We dive into the technical details of zero-knowledge proofs, the importance of OP_CAT for Bitcoin's future, and the fascinating Collider Script approach to covenants. Eli shares his concerns about Bitcoin ossification, exp…
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In this AMA episode, Shawn and Kipp tackle thought-provoking questions from listeners on personal growth, leadership, and mindset. They discuss teaching kids about success without overwhelming pressure, the role of humor in strong leadership, and the power of service. They also address workplace challenges, helping introverts engage, and balancing …
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urmează partea 3 și 4 49 Cel Veșnic: „Dumnezeul cel veșnic este locul tău de adăpost” Deuteronom 33:27 50 Domnul Dreptății: „Domnul este drept și iubește dreptatea” Psalmul 11:7 51 Soarele Dreptății: „Dar pentru voi, cei ce vă temeți de Numele Meu, va răsări Soarele dreptății” Maleahi 4:2 52 Prietenul: „Voi sunteți prietenii Mei dacă faceți ce vă p…
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Hälsogurun Lovisa "Lofsan" Sandström är tillbaka med sina bästa tips om hur man förändrar vanor och skapar sin ultimata livsstil. Hur gör man för att skapa livet man vill ha? Precis det pratat vi om i detta avsnittet. Lovisa "Lofsan" Sandström berättar bland annat: – Vilka faktorer krävs för att lyckas med livsstilsförändringar? – Vad är det som of…
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 26, 2025 is Joshua 12-15. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We a…
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Os 500 anos de Camões que estamos oficialmente a comemorar são um excelente motivo para uma conversa sobre aquele que os séculos consagraram como o poeta por excelência em língua portuguesa. Mas... terá Camões nascido mesmo há exatos 500 anos? Que sabemos e não sabemos sobre Luís Vaz, que mistérios persistem e que dúvidas resistem? Para o melhor do…
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Are Catholic sacraments truly channels of divine grace—or just powerful human rituals? In this episode of Intrinsically Ordered, we question the supernatural claims behind sacraments like baptism and marriage. With guest Colin, we explore their historical roots, psychological impact, and striking similarities to rituals in other cultures. From a bo…
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(va urma și partea 2, 3 si 4) 1 Stânca: „El este Stânca; lucrările Lui sunt desăvârșite” Deuteronom 32:4 2 Dragoste: „Dumnezeu este dragoste” 1 Ioan 4:8 3 Păstor: „Domnul este Păstorul meu” Psalmul 23:1 4 Lumina: „Dumnezeu este lumină și în El nu este întuneric” 1 Ioan 1:5 5 Împărat: „Împăratul împăraţilor şi Domnul domnilor,” 1 Timotei 6:15 6 Tată…
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On this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 16 episode 20 of SVU - Daydream Believer! Boy, Chicago PD is just recycling all the stuff SVU has already done. This is just getting a bit egregious Dick Wolf, C'mon. All this and more! Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, get at us on BlueSky @svupodcast and se…
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We’re all somewhat familiar with our three-letter agencies but rarely, if ever, do we consider what some of the most intelligent people on the planet can teach us about communication, influence, and deception. But my guest is keenly aware of all three and how to implement powerful strategies to build trust, develop credibility, and get people to do…
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Moise spune: "Te rog să mergi în mijlocul nostru, Doamne; poporul acesta este într-adevăr un popor încăpăţânat, dar iartă-ne fărădelegile şi păcatele noastre şi ia-ne în stăpânirea Ta!” (Exodul 34:9) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/b2fVfM1gp3k ------------------------------------ Ioan Ciobotă tel. +40728276516 ====…
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 25, 2025 is Joshua 9-11. Pastor Dean Odle Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YD4JSWwODQ&lc=UgyktB8O0MuOHS65nq54AaABAg Listen Now: https://open.spotify.com/show/3vhEV6MqkwTT0Gn0fxuYB2 Help keep BIO going: https://…
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"În adevăr, am avut o mare bucurie şi mângâiere, pentru dragostea ta, fiindcă, frate, inimile sfinţilor au fost înviorate prin tine." (Filimon 1:7) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/XZ8faX5FNzs ------------------------------------ Ioan Ciobotă tel. +40728276516 =================== BIBLIA AUDIO: https://www.youtube.co…
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For todays episode we have none other than ex/bff Niki Beck, and previously, Becca's cohost at Podcast Interrupted- RIP Becca and Niki yap about life updates, how to control your own reality with thoughts and... you guessed it *manifesting*. On this spring break epsiode i hope you enjoy learning a little bit about what's going on in astrology and y…
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Hay algo fascinante en quienes encuentran su propósito desde muy temprano en la vida y lo siguen con una entrega absoluta. En quienes, a pesar de los sacrificios, la disciplina extrema y las exigencias físicas y emocionales, no solo llegan a la cima, sino que logran dejar una marca imborrable en su arte. Hoy en No Ordinary People tengo el privilegi…
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Moise a zis: „Doamne, dacă am căpătat trecere înaintea Ta, Te rog să mergi în mijlocul nostru, Doamne; poporul acesta este într-adevăr un popor încăpăţânat, dar iartă-ne fărădelegile şi păcatele noastre şi ia-ne în stăpânirea Ta!” (Exodul 34:9) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/AVgoRVmmGZg ---------------------------…
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A new tale unfolds! For the first time, we're picking out our favorite walking sticks, grabbing our pocket handkerchiefs, and stepping out the front door to find what awaits us in the lands of Middle-earth by way of the excellent 2nd edition of The One Ring role-playing game. Joining Des and David are three new players: Jon, Marley, and Naja. In th…
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