A Paleo Nerd is a grown-up who still has the child-like wonder and love for dinosaurs, fossils, science, and paleontology. Paleo Nerds follows Alaskan artist, Ray Troll, and his friend ventriloquist David Strassman, as they host exciting interviews with paleontologists, scientists and fellow paleo nerds from around the world. They take what would’ve been a boring science class and turn it into an exciting and extremely informative party.
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Eu cu cine gândesc? - Podcast de istorie și filozofie cu Theodor Paleologu și Răzvan Ioan
Casa Paleologu
Întrucât ne-am decis să trăim o veșnicie, ne-am hotărât că vom avea destul timp să povestim despre istoria intelectuală a omenirii într-o serie de podcasturi începând cu antichitatea și ajungând până în zilele noastre. Planul nostru este ca, în fiecare săptămână, să purtăm o discuție despre o temă esențială din sfera umanistă. Vom vorbi, așadar, despre literatura, istorie, religie și, bineînțeles, filozofie. Totul în ordine cronologică.
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Paleo, Lifestyle & Fitness Blog
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Take control of your health by moving beyond the Paleo template and learning about cutting edge health strategies that really work. This podcast will give you tips and tricks from the mouths of experts and common folk alike who discovered exactly what it takes to THRIVE. Join Chas and Autumn Smith, loving and passionate husband and wife and founders of Paleovalley.com as they guide you on the journey to cultivate vibrant health and wellness.
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Protestants outside the orbits of evangelicals and mainliners talking about church stuff.
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Welcome to Paleo Bites, the weekly podcast hosted by Matthew Donald where we make dumb jokes, reference pop culture, derail like crazy, and oh yeah, discuss and rate dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Each episode Matthew and a rotating set of guest co-hosts talk about a different genus of primeval critter, explain basic stats, exchange plenty of banter, barely fact-check, and at the end, rate the creature one out of 65 million for any reason, including but not limited to sexiness, man ...
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A quick podcast that features tips about the paleo, ancestral, carnivore or barbarian template type of lifestyle. Sometimes politics as well- a succinct summation by your own PaleoJay! Come join the tribe...
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Paleoradio on Hanna-Kaisa Ranisen ja Jaakko Savolahden podcast. Aiheina hyvinvointikokonaisuuden osa-alueet, kuten ravinto, elämäntavat ja liikunta. Voit halutessasi lähettää kysymyksiä podcastiin osoitteeseen paleoradiopodcast@gmail.com Hanna-Kaisan löydät: www.hannakaisaraninen.com www.optimalperformance.fi Ja Jaakon: www.jaakkosavolahti.com www.helsinkipaleo.com
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The Power of Food
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Paleo Diet Recipes, Information, and Tips
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Political analysis from the real right
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Weekly in depth interviews with the pioneers who built the first two decades of advertising technology
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santé volontaire
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Welcome to The Ally Houston Transforms Podcast, a show for anyone who has feelings about health. Join host Ally Houston as guests open up about their relationship with health. Transform yourself with The Ally Houston Transforms Podcast.
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This Paleo Life is the podcast that gives you a sense of what it's like living Paleo-style in the twenty-first century for real people in their day to day lives.
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Im Paleosophie-Podcast geht es rund um Paleo-Ernährung, Ernährungs-Wissenschaften und Paleo-Lifestyle: Hintergründe, Diskussionen, Rezepte, Erfahrungsberichte und News zu gesunder Ernährung für den zivilisierten Urmenschen.
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A podcast about movies: all kinds of retro, cult, grindhouse, forgotten and interesting movies, childhood favourites and things I have just discovered.
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Please subscribe to our new show 'The Healthy Rebellion Radio' for more weekly Q and A on all things diet and health. We dig into metabolic flexibility, body recomposition, resilient aging, circadian biology, gut health, low carb/keto/paleo diets and much more.
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A podcast dedicated to exploring the intersection of paleontology and policy!
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Podcast by Lamis Harib & Michelle Harvey
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Glenda The Good Foodie The focus is to sharing healthy eating tips, products, with a focus on gluten-free keto & paleo Cover art photo provided by Tiago Faifa on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@tiagofaifa
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Latest in Paleo is a weekly podcast that delivers the latest health and fitness news from a unique perspective where scientific evidence intersects with evolutionary clues. Hosted by Angelo Coppola.
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A podcast for the discerning pet owner who feeds or is interested in feeding a biologically species appropriate raw food diet to their dogs.
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It’s like Gilmore Girls meets paleo except for funner! A quirky mother-daughter duo sharing our real life tales, tips + tricks from our unedited, paleo lives. From New York City to small town Idaho, we’re adding the party to paleo together. So grab your bulletproof coffee + join us every Monday morning for your weekly dose of LOL worthy encouragement while adding a dash of pep to your paleo step.
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Dr Brett Hill (Chiropractor) is passionate about helping people get healthy naturally and believes that your body needs no help to perform at it’s best, just no interference. This show will help you get back to basics and redefine the way you eat, think, and move in order to maximise your innate potential.
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Podcast en Español sobre la Dieta Paleo y Alimentación Saludable. Hablamos de los Súper-Alimentos y compartimos Nuestras Recetas. ¡Visítanos en tribupaleo.es!
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Podcast based on the blog mydiet-no-mydiet.com We delve into the Primal/ Paleo world to explore the art of human wellness. All of this is from an Irish Perspective. Lose weight - feel great - live optimally. Guest Interviews are welcome!
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"Le Paléo Contemporain" vous aide à adopter le mode vie paléo dans notre monde actuel en optimisant l'expression de vos gènes. Vous encourage à adopter un mode vie actif et une alimentation saine en respectant le mode de vie de nos ancêtres. À travers le paléo contemporain, je vais vous diffuser des conseils et astuces sur les sphères physique et mentale de la santé.
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Therapeutic Food Solutions-Therapeutic Diet, Chronic Illness, Autoimmune, Food Solutions, Go Paleo, Gluten-Free, Disease Management
Marian Mitchell, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Meal Plan Mentor
Food and Therapeutic Diet Solutions for Women with Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness. Are you a woman with autoimmune disease or chronic illness? Are you so tired of feeling tired and going to doctor after doctor and trying the different naturopathic methods, all the different diets, and literally nothing sticking? Nothing is helping you? Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness are difficult to navigate and you’re often doing it on your own. Doctors can test, maybe diagnose, and medicate ...
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Paleo Diet Magazine with Rose
Paleo Dieter Rose interviews Mark Sisson, Chris Kresser, Nell Stephenson & Sarah Ballantyne on Fat Loss, Dieting, Online Business, & Podcasting 7-days a week!
Paleo Diet Magazine is devoted to helping YOU with information and tools for a lifestyle change today. If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, and ACTIONABLE advice during your daily commute, workout, or "me" time. Paleo Diet Magazine’s main goal is to help YOU live a happier and healthier lifestyle by providing YOU with support and ideas for enjoying foods that people like. Paleo Diet Magazine is chock full of recipes, information, and images of the food YOU love to eat. YOU can hav ...
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You are invited to come see the world according to Dinodave. Enjoy stories and an outside the box view of Dinodave's world. A world that is made with a cup of imagination, a table spoon of adventure, a teaspoon of enthusiasm, baked to the temperature of a short attention span and sprinkled with dinosaurs.
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How does one create and sustain a lifetime of abundant health? Camille Macres of RecipeRx.com & special guests find the answers in some unexpected places. Episodes will explore: -Transformation, spirituality, love and relationship (with self and others). -The journey towards finding and living your unique purpose in the world. -Food as medicine, natural health and its application in daily life. Special emphasis on living a paleo lifestyle and determining the foods uniquely suited to you. -Th ...
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Best selling author JJ Flizanes brings easy ways to cook, eat and snack within a paleo diet. All recipes are gluten free and dairy free and make it easy and delicious to be on a paleo, grain free diet. Whether you are a great cook or not, these recipes are easy and some can be modified to make them vegan as well. Lose weight, reduce inflammation and eliminate cravings and still love your food that is paleo, gluten free, grain free, soy free and dairy free. JJ will show you how to work with o ...
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Which one are you?
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Vi hjälper dig att ta makten över din egen hälsa, med hjälp av en läkande kost och livsstil. Podden riktar sig till dig med autoimmun sjukdom, magbesvär, allergier och kroniska hälsobesvär. Vi ger dig fördjupande kunskap, effektiva metoder och inspiration. Aktuellt: Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet och få en gratis e-bok: Läs om våra kurser och medlemskap. Här kan du köpa våra böcker. Vi som gör podcasten är: Karl Hultén (biomedicinare och författare som själv minskat sina symtom av autoimmun sju ...
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Transitioning To Paleo Made Easy with Marie Grace Berg ~ Real Stories. Real Inspiration. Real Take-aways
Marie Grace Berg
Transitioning To Paleo Made Easy is a podcast with you in mind, beginners as well as those of of you who are trying to transition to the paleo-way of eating but have not succeeded, those of you who are looking for inspiration, a role-model, someone you can relate to in your quest for living the paleo lifestyle. Every week, your host, Marie Grace Berg brings to life the stories and the journeys of of everyday folks as well as experts who were exactly where you are today. Their true stories ar ...
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Jean-Jacques Hublin est paléoanthropologue, auteur de nombreux travaux sur l'évolution des néandertaliens et sur les origines africaines des hommes modernes. Il a joué un rôle pionnier dans le développement de la paléoanthropologie virtuelle, qui fait largement appel aux techniques de l'imagerie médicale et industrielle et à l'informatique pour reconstituer et analyser les restes fossiles. Il s'est aussi intéressé à l'évolution des rythmes de croissance et au développement cérébral chez les ...
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The Land Before Podcast explores fossil histories and paleo mysteries from Dinosaur Ridge, sites around Colorado, the United States, and everywhere on Earth where the remains of dinosaurs and prehistoric life is found. In 2022, a group of Dinosaur Ridge staff members teamed up to create this podcast to connect with dinosaur enthusiasts, those interested in paleontology, geology, ichnology, natural resource preservation, STEM education, natural history, and new fossil discoveries. Dinosaur Ri ...
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(image source: https://www.deviantart.com/willemsvdmerwe/art/Notharctus-tenebrosus-948425598) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Stephen Curro discuss Notharctus, a lemur-like creature that wasn’t actually a lemur nor was it a bear, but then again it is called “false” bear so it’s not technically misleading anyone. I just wonder who was dumb eno…
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126. I'm SEVERELY Hypothyroid and Here's What I've Learned to Reverse Symptoms And Get My Numbers In the Optimal Range
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After recent bloodwork, I was found to be severely hypothyroid. I spent two weeks reading over 100 articles and studies to learn how to support my thyroid, reverse my symptoms, and thrive. I'm sharing my findings with you in this episode. I share what I found to be lifestyle based root causes and share how to minimize their impact plus nutrients ne…
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EP323: The Hidden Impact of Stress (And Natural Relief!) with Dan Chapman
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IN THIS EPISODE Stress is more than an uncomfortable feeling—it can unravel our health in profound ways. Research shows that chronic stress not only drains our energy and disrupts our mood but also contributes to a host of serious health issues, from heart disease to immune dysfunction. In today’s fast-paced world, we often turn to stimulants to fi…
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Ep #79 Teen Rex and the Triumph of Turtles with Tyler Lyson
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Ray and Dave come out of there shells to talk Turtles and the latest T-Rex discovery with Vertebrate Paleontologist Tyler Lyson.De către paleonerds
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Discutăm azi despre François de La Rochefoucauld, un autor remarcabil de aforisme din secolul al XVII-lea, cunoscut în special pentru lucrarea sa, „Maximele”. La Rochefoucauld explorează tema amorului propriu, pe care o conectează cu doctrina jansenistă a păcatului original. El descrie amorul propriu ca fiind proteic, abil în a-și ascunde adevărata…
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Send us a text I think this is a sane recommendation for any person: work out sensibly for one hour, every day of your life! Not too extreme, and not wimpy- you need this hour for strength and flexibility training, not mindless cardio, where you run like a brainless chicken. Such “training” only drains you, diminishes your muscle, not build it, and…
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(image source: Art by Gabriel Ugueto) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Laura Owsley discuss Caihong, a beautiful rainbow-feathered ally and one of the premiere examples of the evidence of dinosaur coloration. Slay, queen! From the Late Jurassic, this 1-foot anchiornithid theropod flew its glittering body over its Chinese forest home and spread…
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Balthasar Gracián este un autor ce aparține barocului spaniol apreciat pentru stilul său complex și pentru scrierile sale filozofice, greu de pătruns. A fost descoperit de mulți cititori prin influența unor gânditori ca Schopenhauer și Nietzsche, care au admirat capacitatea sa de a exprima înțelepciunea prin aforisme. Gracián este recunoscut, print…
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Thalassodromeus, the Ocean Runner
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(image source: https://dinosaurpictures.org/Thalassodromeus-pictures) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Ben O’Regan discuss Thalassodromeus, a medium-sized pterosaur with a really, really big crest for its size; in fact potentially the biggest cranial crests of any vertebrate! Damn, you didn’t need to go that hard, Mr. Thalass! From the Early C…
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John Milton a fost un poet remarcabil și un important actor politic în timpul Revoluției din Anglia. Deși a scris multe pamflete politice cu orientare republicană, opera sa de căpătâi rămâne „Paradisul pierdut". Această lucrare teologică explorează facerea lumii și căderea din grație a omului, dar nu este doar o simplă relatare a Genezei. Milton îm…
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Diabloceratops, the Devil Horned Face
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(image source: https://www.deviantart.com/nagrandia/art/Diabloceratops-574079826) Happy Halloween! Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host/demon lord Morazmolochgallothagon discuss Diabloceratops, a dinosaur with literal devil horns and a ferocious attitude, making it a perfect new monster to enact further suffering upon Matthew’s soul. Mwuahaha. Wai…
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Hugo Grotius a fost un important gânditor olandez din secolul XVII, considerat unul dintre fondatorii dreptului internațional. Opera sa esențială „Despre dreptul războiului și al păcii”, lucrare ce examinează conceptul de drept natural și fundamentele legii universale, dincolo de obiceiurile locale și autoritățile naționale. Grotius a fost un pioni…
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Alpkarakush, of the Kyrgyz Mythical Bird
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(image source: Art by Joschua Knüppe) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Allen Brooks discuss Alpkarakush, a medium-sized predatory dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic at the geographic midpoint of its family. A lot of mid, this guy. Maybe he isn’t that great. He’s mid, this one. From the Mid Jurassic, this 23-foot metriacanthosaurid was very clos…
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Romance Author Meghan Quinn & Her Epic Tension Building
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Today on the podcast I'm talking to the absolutely fantastic author Meghan Quinn. If you have read any Meghan Quinn books, you're in for a treat because she pairs humor with romance then flips you on your head with some epic spice scenes. She builds tension in books and it's always worth the wait. Follow Meghan Quinn on Instagram Get Meghan Quinn's…
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Blaise Pascal a fost o figură extraordinar de complexă, cu o viață scurtă, dar plină de realizări în domenii variate precum matematica, fizica, filozofia și teologia. Deși a făcut progrese notabile în știință, cum ar fi demonstrarea existenței vidului și dezvoltarea teoriei probabilităților, opera sa literară, filozofică și teologică a avut un impa…
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125. Anti-Aging: Beyond the Skin and Into the Cells with Dr. Mani Kukreja
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The focus on aging is so often on how we look and very little of our focus is on how to have a great quality of life as we age. We do not have to age with aches, pains, and disease! In fact, aging shouldn't include being uncomfortable, weak, exhausted, and/or on medication just to live. Dr. Mani Kukreja is a longevity expert and has a ton of great …
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(image source: https://dinosauralive.fandom.com/wiki/Gillicus) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Natasha Krech discuss Gillicus, a fish with gills… you know, like literally all fish. You ain’t special, Gillicus. We see you for who you are. From the Late Cretaceous, this 6-foot ichthyodectiform is most famous for the “fish-within-a-fish” skeleto…
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The Live Show that Almost Died
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We did try, the we being co-hosts Korey Maas (Lutheran), Miles Smith (Anglican), and D. G. Hart (Presbyterian). The plan was to have a Zoom chat with listeners. We did but only one listener showed up. We will have to take another run at this. Even so, the lack of other chatters and despite some technological glitches, the co-hosts still managed to …
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Prof. Thomas Seyfried - The Future of Cancer
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New video version of 2019 episode! Professor Thomas Seyfried a cancer researcher and professor of biology at Boston College. He is the author of the book Cancer As A Metabolic Disease. We talk about: The worldwide cancer epidemic The history and worrying status of cancer research How we got cancer research wrong Hopeful new therapies that complimen…
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EP 112: Bartolomé de las Casas și Mateo Ricci
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Descoperirea noilor continente în secolul XVI a revoluționat percepția spațială a lumii și a provocat o dezbatere profundă între filozofi, teologi și scriitori. Bartolomé de las Casas a fost un apărător fervent al drepturilor indigenilor din America de Sud, protestând împotriva abuzurilor comise de conchistatori și aducând în discuție ideea că toți…
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124. 3 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Healing Journey & How To Stop Doing It
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So often we want to feel better but end up sabotaging our efforts. Here are the 3 most common ways I see clients sabotaging their efforts and my tips for overcoming this so you can feel good again. Therapeutic Food Framework: https://www.roadtolivingwhole.com/therapeuticfoodframework/ Connect with Marian www.instagram.com/mairmitchell www.roadtoliv…
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Udanoceratops, the Horned Face of Udan Sayr
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(image source: https://dinosaurpictures.org/Udanoceratops-pictures) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Laura Owsley discuss Udanoceratops, a fat ugly beast with a really big head. Between this, last week’s Anteosaurus, and the Eryops episode a bit ago, there seems to be a recurring theme of creatures here. See you at the Cotylorhynchus episode w…
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Send us a text As we age, standard medical practice expects us to give up all common sense, and self-determination. They want to “take over” everything, and we are supposed to just acquiesce… I am here to tell you to vehemently protest, and to take charge of your own health and future, just as you hopefully have for your entire life. Modern Medicin…
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În acest episod explorăm istoria și influența Ordinului Iezuit, fondat de Ignațiu de Loyola în secolul XVI. Ordinul a apărut ca un răspuns al Bisericii Catolice la provocările emergente ale Reformei Protestante și la descoperirile geografice din acea perioadă. Ignațiu, inspirat de Devotio Moderna, a creat Societatea lui Isus, recunoscută oficial de…
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How Theologians Achieve Greatness
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The Woody Allen movie, "Manhattan," includes a scene where two couples are walking and the one played by Michael Murphy and Diane Keaton unveil their Academy of Overrated. To this body they assign Gustav Mahler, Isak Dinesen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Lenny Bruce, Norman Mailer, Mozart, , Vincent Van Gogh, and Ingmar Bergman. The co-hosts on this record…
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Anteosaurus, the Lizard of the Mythical Giant Antaios
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(image source: https://www.deviantart.com/willemsvdmerwe/art/Anteosaurus-340867141) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Stephen Curro discuss Anteosaurus, a really big stem mammal that ate and chomped and crawled and stomped all over. At least, I assume it did. We don’t really know, it could have moved exclusively via unicycle. From the Late Perm…
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Ep #78 The Business End of T-Rex with Pete Larson
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Ray and Dave unearth the past with paleontologist Pete Larson, discussing Pete's paleo-nerd journey, his early discoveries, his commercial fossil enterprise, and his insights into controversial dinosaur debates.De către paleonerds
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123. Acupuncture: Widely Misunderstood and Underutilized Modality for Health and Healing with Dr. Tom Ingegno
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Acupuncture seems pretty out there but is a extremely well-studied and evidence based modality for health and healing. Due to being misunderstood, it is underutilized and we are missing out on what it can do to help us regain and maintain our health. Join Dr. Tom and I as we dissect acupuncture. Connect with Dr. Tom: https://www.charmcityintegrativ…
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Am încheiat episodul anterior cu o discuție despre pasiunile sufletului, iar acum ne concentrăm pe Molière, considerat cel mai mare autor de comedii de caracter, a cărui operă literară are o dimensiune filozofică distinctă. El a scris mult, inclusiv farse, dar comediile de caracter rămân cele mai importante, având o componentă filozofică influențat…
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Dakotadon, the Tooth of the Dakota Region
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(image source: https://prehistoria.fandom.com/es/wiki/Dakotadon) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Ben O’Regan discuss Dakotadon, also known as the genus name that usurped the North American species of Iguanodon and thus any work featuring a North American Iguanodon retroactively is this. Hey, Aladar? You’re a Dakotadon now. Take all the time y…
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Irish Voice Actor & Erotic Audio w/ The Devil of Dublin
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Today on the podcast, I'm chatting with Eric Nolan, also known as The Devil of Dublin. Eric shares his experience with becoming an actor on Game of Thrones & Vikings, getting into narrating audiobooks, and how that led him to erotic audio production on the Quinn app. You can follow Eric on: Instagram @ericanthonynolan and @thedevilofdublin TikTok :…
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122. Microplastics in Arterial Plaque and Testicles! 3 Ways to Dramatically Reduce Your Microplastic Intake Without Going Insane
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2 recent studies came out warning that plastic is being found in various systems in our bodies and this has a huge impact on our health outcomes. It's easy to want to find all the places micro and nano plastics are and avoid them but you'll quickly find yourself overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. If you start with these 3 I'm giving you toda…
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Dacă ultima oară am vorbit despre Hobbes, astăzi ne concentrăm pe un alt mare filosof din secolul XVII, René Descartes. Descartes și Hobbes au fost contemporani și chiar au corespondat unul cu altul. Descartes este cunoscut pentru inovațiile sale majore în filosofie, începând cu „Discursul despre metodă." În această lucrare, Descartes propune o met…
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Quinkana, the Spirit of Gugu-Yalanji Folklore
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(image source: https://www.deviantart.com/fish98/art/Antipodes-Quinkana-Concept-969634441) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Natasha Krech discuss Quinkana, a galloping terrestrial crocodile from Australia, because why wouldn’t this be a thing? Especially on that continent, AKA Death World. From the Late Miocene to the Late Pleistocene, this 13…
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Discutăm astăzi despre Thomas Hobbes, un filozof englez, celebru pentru lucrările sale despre structura societății și stat. A trăit peste 90 de ani și a scris multe opere, cele mai cunoscute fiind „Leviatanul" și „De Cive". Traducerea lucrărilor lui Tucidide din greaca veche a influențat realismul politic al lui Hobbes. Hobbes a trăit în timpul Răz…
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EP322: The Dangers of Pesticides & Fighting Monsanto with Dewayne "Lee" Johnson
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INSIDE THE EPISODE Imagine battling for justice against a giant corporation in court, your health and life on the line, and being awarded over $200 million. This was the reality for Dewayne "Lee" Johnson, the brave groundskeeper who took on Monsanto and won a landmark lawsuit that shocked the world. His story is not just about one man's fight again…
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121: Adaptogenic Herbs & Their Role in Helping Chronic Illness Symptoms Plus How To Get Quality Sources with Sage Dammers
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Adaptogenic herbs help modulate the body in so many ways but so often you will take a concoction and not feel better. Sage tells us why plus how to find the sources that will actually help your body. He's a wealth of knowledge and I'm excited to share this interview with you! Connect with Sage: www.addictivewellness.com Connect with Marian: www.roa…
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Dusicyon, the Falkland Islands Wolf
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(image source: https://theconversation.com/history-mystery-solved-the-origins-of-the-falkland-islands-wolf-12637) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Allen Brooks discuss Dusicyon, a wolf that encountered humans on its isolated island home and then got promptly killed off by the colonists… yeah, this is a sad episode. We try our best to lighten i…
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Today on the podcast, I'm talking through the power that comes from doing things for your body for YOU and no one else and why we are one step closer to living in Costa Rica and raising Avery there!De către Juli Bauer
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Jean Bodin a fost un autor din secolul al XVI-lea puțin cunoscut, dar esențial pentru înțelegerea dezvoltării statului modern. El a scris „Les six livres de la République," un text fundamental pentru apariția statului modern. Bodin argumentează pentru separarea politicii de influența bisericii, creând un spațiu neutru din punct de vedere religios. …
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67. Ramsey McGrory – DoubleClick to Mediaocean via Right Media
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Ramsey McGrory started his career in the U.S. Army and later found himself at the mighty DoubleClick in 1999 at the peak of the dot-com boom as an ad sales exec “banging the phones” selling direct-response ads to finance and insurance companies. He joined the seminal Right Media in 2004 as VP of platform and ad sales, staying on after Yahoo acquire…
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#111 Paleokosten överlägsen: Vetenskaplig studie jämför kostupplägg mot inflammation och kronisk sjukdom
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I detta avsnitt berättar Karl Hultén, bimedicinare, om en omfattande vetenskaplig studie som visar att paleokosten är överlägsen andra populära kostupplägg, inklusive medelhavskost och vegetarisk kost, när det gäller att förbättra hälsomarkörer kopplade till kroniska sjukdomar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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(image source: https://www.sci.news/paleontology/gremlin-slobodorum-12547.html) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Laura Owsley discuss Gremlin, a monstrous little critter with a big head and a mischievous demeanor, particularly if you feed it after midnight. Come on, we all knew that’s where these jokes were heading, huh? We’re all on the same …
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Becoming a Book Narrator with Andi Eloise
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Today on the podcast I'm talking to Andi Eloise! She's an audibook narrator who is telling us the behind-the-curtain details about what it takes to become a narrator, how to set up your own studio, auditioning, and what it's like to do everything on your own to make these books come to life! Follow Andi on instagram Listen to Familiar Strangers Lis…
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Data trecută am discutat despre Shakespeare. Acum ne ocupăm de Corneille și Racine, mari autori de teatru din Franța. Desigur, vom face câteva detururi și va trebui să revenim la teme importante, dar așa e structura noastră. Racine a scris relativ puțin, dar piesele lui sunt capodopere. Corneille a scris mult mai mult, trăind într-o generație mai v…
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Only Presbyterians Have Assemblies but Most Protestants Assemble
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The co-hosts, Korey Maas (Lutheran), Miles Smith @IVMiles (Anglican), and D. G. Hart @oldlife (Presbyterian) have returned to campus and are so dedicated to their audience that they carved out time before the semester starts to talk about denominational news. Summers are when the NBA hosts its championship so that commissioners from confessional Pr…
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Ep #77 A Deep Dive Into the Paleostream with Artist Joschua Knüppe
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Ray interviews the amazingly prolific German artist Joschua Knüppe who can quick draw an accurate dinosaur while the whole world watches online!De către paleonerds
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(image source: https://a-z-animals.com/animals/eryops/) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Stephen Curro discuss Eryops, a large amphibian with curved teeth, oval bumps, and a big head. Hey, Eryops, why the drawn-out face? Thank you, I’m here ‘til Tuesday. From the Early Permian, this 8-foot temnospondyl had the species name megacephalus, meanin…
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A Good Life is a Paleo LIfe podcast
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Send us a text We all want to live a good life. We NEED to live a good, successful, in harmony with nature and our neighbors type of life! But, what sort of life should this be? Should we live in accordance with modern tradition, by moving to a major metropolitan area, and get a high paying job, and raise our family either in the city itself, or in…
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