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Beisenherz und Polak – Friendly Fire

Micky Beisenherz, Oliver Polak & Wake Word Studios

Oliver Polak und Micky Beisenherz sind Freunde. Das haben sie einander nie kaputt machen können. Und weißgott, Mühe haben sie sich gegeben. Ihre Leben verlaufen unterschiedlich, ihr Blick auf die Welt ist geprägt von ihren täglichen Erfahrungen und ihrer Lust, an der Fassade des anderen zu kratzen. Ist ja reichlich Fassade da.Und doch eint sie die Liebe zur Musik, zur Kunst, zum Blödsinn. Zueinander. Wohin ihre Gespräche sie führen, das wissen sie selbst am wenigsten. Gerade noch gemeinsam i ...
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Crna Gora u pola dva

Radio Slobodna Evropa

Emisija namijenjena slušaocima u Crnoj Gori. Sadrži lokalne, regionalne i vijesti iz svijeta, tematske priloge o aktuelnim dešavanjima iz oblasti politike, ekonomije, te priče iz svakodnevnog života ljudi.
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Rorshok Poland Update

Rorshok Podcasts

A ten-minute weekly audio update in English of what's happening in Poland. No ads. If you enjoy the show, you can support us by buying a shirt here: https://rorshok.com/buy/ Learn more about the Rorshok Updates here: https://rorshok.com/ Thank you!
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Christian Polanc, Publikumsliebling und Profi-Tänzer bei „Let’s Dance“, gewährt in seinem Podcast „Let’s Talk (by Christian Polanc)“ exklusive Einblicke in sein Leben, seine Projekte und seine Tanzschule. Erlebt spannende Geschichten und interessante Gäste und lasst euch von seiner Leidenschaft für den Tanz mitreißen. Also – Let’s Talk! -- **Direkte Mail:** info@letstalkpodcast.de **Website:** www.letstalkpodcast.de -- CHRISTIAN POLANC **Webseite:** https://christianpolanc.de/ **Instagram:** ...
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Amazing Podcasts Created & Hosted by Dr. Jim Polakof to Stimulate Your Body, Mind and Soul! It's in our nature to explore opportunities that can improve our well-being. As a celebrated podcaster with thousands of listeners, Dr. Jim Polakof continually surpasses normal limits to explore new horizons in creating a better life for his listeners and readers. ‘Live Healthy Longer’ covers a wide range of topics including new advances in health and medicine; the possibility of having past lives and ...
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Its Where I Am focuses on the various mental health struggles that people all around the world face every day. Each episode covers a different facet of mental health with a new special guest. It's Where I Am airs on 91.5 Jazz & More every second Saturday of the month.
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Welcome to the Polaris Adventures Podcast!! Join Host Jared Christie each month as he takes you on adventures all over the country. Get to know outfitters in great riding locations, learn about super-cool experiences and stay up to date on the latest adventures. The Polaris Experience Podcast, Every Adventure Counts!
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Synozur is a woman-owned boutique advisory agency focused on transforming the business landscape for clients, making the desirable achievable. It's our mission to help our clients find the North Star to chart their course for success. Polaris helps chart the course for business, technology and leadership transformation.
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An jedem 8. des Monats erscheint der Podcast des Polar Verlags zu seinen Neuerscheinungen. Wie bei den Talk-Noir-Veranstaltungen in Bremen und Berlin sitzen wir zu Dritt am Mikrofon und reden über das Genre, seine Autorinnen und Autoren abseits des Mainstreams. Abwechselnd in Bremen mit der Journalistin Lore Kleinert und dem Buchhändler Axel Stiehler. In Berlin mit der Kritikerin Sonja Hartl und dem Publizisten Thomas Wörtche. Moderiert vom Verleger Wolfgang Franßen.
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Sveriges Radio

Om livet i nordligaste Sverige, Norge och Finland - Nordens kontrastrika Arktis. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Olof Ekerlid
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Inside Polarisation

Wageningen University & Research

Inside polarisation is a podcast series from Wageningen University & Research and Bart Brandsma with tools and insights to help you learn how to navigate the tensions when polarisation strikes.
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Polak na wakacjach

Aleksandra Jaranowska

Dziękuję za wyświetlenie/odsłuchanie - Podcast w ramach zaliczenia studiów, a te cyferki też podlegają ocenie więc jeszcze bardziej dziękuję :) Miłego dnia i szczęśliwych wakacji :D
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For many episodes to come, we'll be exploring the rich history of Poland. From it's humble beginnings, we'll follow the people of Poland as they form their own unique cultural identity, rise into a great European power, cross paths with the Mongol Horde, save Europe from an Ottoman invasion, and do their best to keep their independence firm from one generation to the next.
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PoLAR Voices

PoLAR Voices

Everyone is talking about climate change, but what does it all mean? Listen in as PoLAR Voices breaks down the science of climate change with people living and working in the polar regions.
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Acceleratore di apprendimento polacco

Language Learning Accelerator

Se stai cercando di pensare a come imparare il polacco, stai sbagliando. Impara il polacco come hai imparato l'italiano: ascoltandone moltissimo. (Con almeno una vaga idea di cosa significhi!) Migliaia di frasi in polacco, insieme alle traduzioni in italiano, presentate direttamente al tuo cervello: dal pratico al filosofico al flirt. Solo frasi, nessun riempitivo! Vai ben oltre le basi della lingua polacca non solo per comunicare, ma anche per diventare una persona interessante in polacco. ...
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Reversing Polarity

Reversing Polarity

Reversing Polarity is a queer Doctor Who fancast, watching classic episodes in a random order and explaining that Doctor Who has always been gay, actually. Episodes released every other Thursday.
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Pamiętnik Przeciętnego Polaka - DPP

Pamiętnik Przeciętnego Polaka

Przemierzam zakamarki mojego lekko spatrzonego umysłu, wyszukując nurtujące mnie ciekawostki, wydarzenia i zupełnie błache rzeczy dnia codziennego. Wszystko to rozbijam na atomy i sklejam ponownie, tworząc subiektywny obraz rzeczywistości.. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pamietnikprzecietnego/support
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En la 1384-a E_elsendo el la 20.03.2025 ĉe www.pola-retradio.org: • Omaĝe al la forpasinta en februaro iama prezidanto de Sarlanda E-Ligo, Oliver Walz, siatempe nia aktiva aŭskultanto, ni memorigas arkivan interparolon, faritan dum la UK-2006 i.a. pri tio kiel esperantistoj el Sarlando preparas sin por partopreno en la Jokohama UK la sekvan jaron. …
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Join host Jared Christie, Polaris Adventures Market Development Manager, for a ride on the Oregon beach. Sand dunes and sunsets, it's an experience you won't forgot. Book your next adventure @ www.adventures.polaris.com PGA® is a registered trademark of PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS' ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, THE Bandon Dunes® is a registered trademark of Ban…
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An economic deal with African countries, funding for Radio Free Europe, the Srebrna Tower case, a salary increase for teachers, hepatitis A outbreaks, and much more! Thanks for tuning in! Let us know what you think and what we can improve on by emailing us at info@rorshok.com You can also contact us on Twitter & Instagram @rorshokpoland Like what y…
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In this episode of Polaris, Chris McNulty and Michelle Boyd discuss the importance of delivery excellence in project management. They explore the definitions of projects and delivery management, common misconceptions, and the significance of methodologies like Agile and Waterfall. The conversation highlights the role of kickoff meetings, tools, and…
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"Empires come and go; just look at world history," says Alan Friedman, best selling journalist in his new best seller "The End of America?: A Guide to the New World Disorder." True? Two history professors from the U.S. Military Academy, West Point weigh in. Dr. Scott Silverstone Professor of International Relations at the United States Military Aca…
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75% of older adults want to continue living in their home – but as we age, “Health’ becomes a challenge. Let’s face it – Heart Disease and Cancer sneak up on us. Often, Dementias like Alzheimer’s are not far behind. But Dr. Jim Polakof has Good News for you! Join us in his podcast interview with a leading Independent Living expert, Todd Treml the C…
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In this third part of the “Future of the Arctic Council” session recorded live at Arctic Frontiers, Dr. Volker Rachold and Dr. Elana Wilson Rowe discuss the continued importance, despite recent shocks to the international system, of Arctic cooperation in the context of global governance. Topics include the imperative of managing environmental probl…
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Oliver ist in Los Angeles, wo die eigene Realität oft nur ein Vorschlag ist. Vibes zwischen Ozempic-Palmen und Malibu-Sonne, ein warmer Mantel der das Herz umschließt bevor es schmilzt. Ob beim Frühstück mit Ralf Möller oder Abendessen mit Mariah Carey. Währenddessen Micky in Amsterdam - auf Grund nicht auffindbarem Rotlichtviertel mit offener Hose…
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Emotionen, Technik & Herausforderungen – Die Analyse zur dritten Let's Dance-Show! 🔥💃 Let's Dance Show 3: Überraschungen, Enttäuschungen & ein verdienter Abschied! 🎭💃 Die dritte Let's Dance-Show hat für Diskussionen gesorgt! In dieser Episode analysieren wir die Performances, bewerten die stärksten und schwächsten Tänze und sprechen über die größte…
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Ekde la fino de februaro la Artgalerio de Lanckorońki-familio en la varsovia Reĝa Kastelo prezentiĝas en nova aranĝo. Salonoj estas plenigitaj de nederlanda kaj itala pentroarto. Inter la nederlandaj tolaĵoj denove eblas rigardi du verkojn de Rembrandt „Knabino en la bildokadro” kaj „Sciencisto ĉe pupitro”. Ĉi-lastaj tolaĵoj devenas el la kolekto d…
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En la Muzeo de la Belarta Akademio en Krakovo estas prezentataj skulptaĵoj de Igor Mitoraj el la kolekto de la akademio, de la Jagelona Universitato kaj de la Silezia Muzeo en Katowice. Parto de la eksponaĵoj devenas el la privata familikolekto. Estas prezentataj krome liaj desegnaĵoj el Pietrasanta, kie Mitoraj vivis kaj mortis. Multaj el la ekspo…
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En la 1383-a E_elsendo el la 15.03.2025 ĉe www.pola-retradio.org: • Hodiaŭ nian felietonon ni dediĉas al akuta socia problemo de profesia forbruliĝo, koncernaj laboroj de usona (poldevena) esploristino, profesorino Christina Maslach kaj ŝia rolo en la socia eksperimento de sia edzo Philip Zimbardo el 1971. • En la komenca kulturkroniko ni informas …
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Dr. G, a mental health professional, discusses his work with patients suffering from severe mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, at Great Mind Counseling and Wellness Center in Las Vegas. He highlights the success of their wraparound program, which aims to reduce recidivism and hospital admissions by provi…
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The Prime Minister’s meeting with the Turkish President, a guide for surviving emergency situations, science ministers meeting in Warsaw, civil defense training for students, a grant to develop a new Alzheimer's drug, and much more! Thanks for tuning in! Let us know what you think and what we can improve on by emailing us at info@rorshok.com You ca…
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Überraschungen, Tops & Flops – Christian Polanc analysiert die zweite Let's Dance-Show! 🕺💬 Besser spät als nie!👇 Let's Dance Show 2 – Wer überrascht, wer enttäuscht? 🤔💃 Die zweite Let's Dance-Show ist vorbei, und es gab einige unerwartete Wendungen! Christian Polanc analysiert die Performances, hebt die besten und schwächsten Darbietungen hervor un…
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durée : 00:04:25 - Le Polar sonne toujours 2 fois - par : Ilana Moryoussef - Michel Abescat nous avait fortement recommandé la lecture du premier volume. Le deuxième vient de paraître. C'est un livre de 400 pages à nouveau pour une série d'une rare ambition : raconter la guerre du Liban, 15 années d'une tragédie d'une extraordinaire complexité, de …
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Polaris is a production of Synozur - an advisory agency focused on transforming business for our clients, navigating the complexities of transformation and strategic planning with ease. In our latest episode of Polaris, we sit down with Dennis Meador, CEO of the Legal Podcast Network. Dennis has a front-row seat for the evolution of modern marketin…
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David Lin is Senior Director for Future Technology Platforms at the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP). Prior to joining SCSP, David served for 12 years at the U.S. Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency, focusing on China and technology policy. His expertise includes China’s industrial strategy, data and cybersecurity poli…
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En la 1382-a E_elsendo el la 10.03.2025 ĉe www.pola-retradio.org: • Hodiaŭ antaŭ nia mikrofono gastas profesoro Christopher Gledhill, lekcianto kaj esploristo en la Universitato Paris Cité. La temo de nia interparolo estas lia aparta intereso kaj okupiĝo pri ludoj, tabulaj ludoj laŭ tre interesaj konsideroj. • En la aktualaĵoj ni informas pri la 10…
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Hodiaŭ antaŭ nia mikrofono gastas profesoro Christopher Gledhill, lekcianto kaj esploristo en la Universitato Paris Cité. La temo de nia interparolo estas lia aparta intereso kaj okupiĝo pri ludoj, tabulaj ludoj laŭ tre interesaj konsideroj. Interparolis redaktorino Barbara Pietrzak El la elsendo 10.03.2025 – 10′ 48″ https://pola-retradio.org/wp-co…
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As our body ages, we face a significant decrease in muscle mass, bone density and challenge to our overall mobility. This can lead to osteoporosis, falls, cognitive decline and an increased risk of heart disease! Join Dr. Jim Polakof as he explores how to become fit and healthy during the senior years with Kevin English, aging fitness expert and fo…
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Kann man zuviel Rückenwind haben? Scheinbar schon, zumindest in einer Boeing 747 beim Landeanflug auf Los Angeles. Außerdem gehts in dieser Folge um die historische Szene im Oval Office ohne Ton, über von Fussbällen zerstörte Märklin Modelleisenbahnen, Braun Elektrogeräte, 911 Gags, Telefunken im humoristischen Dasein und Lachen mit Würde vor allem…
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Mark Thomas and his fiancée Kelly have been victims of harassment and assault by their neighbor since 2019. Despite filing multiple police reports and complaints, the city prosecutor and police ignored their pleas. On October 2, 2022, six people assaulted Mark and Kelly. Despite being the victim, Mark was falsely accused by the city prosecutor. Mar…
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Der Krimipodcast des Polar Verlags Ich begrüße Sie zur März-Ausgabe der Talk Noir. Welche Rechte hat man, wenn man im Ausland eines Verbrechens bezichtigt wird. Weit weg vom eigenen Land, der Familie, verhört in einer Sprache, die man spricht? In Malin Thunberg-Schunkes Kriminalroman "Ein höheres Ziel" gerät Amir Yasin in die Fänge der französische…
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From the desert valley all the way to peak of Flagstaff, join host Jared Christie, Polaris Adventures Market Development Manager, as he travels to Arizona for some the best off-road riding the state has to offer. Book your next adventure @ www.adventures.polaris.com Unless noted, trademarks are the property of Polaris Industries Inc. © 2025 Polaris…
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In May, the Kingdom of Denmark takes over from Norway chairship of an Arctic Council that continues to face an array of significant challenges in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and other geopolitical developments. At the same time, there has also been uncertainty on whether the center of gravity of the Kingdom’s chairship will be in Copen…
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