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Podcast de mistério tendo na sua primeira temporada a Operação Prato como foco, que gerou vítimas reais e pânico generalizado. Aproveitando a nova onda ufológica inspirada pelos últimos acontecimentos políticos nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, ele investiga a verdade por trás dos acontecimentos para além das teorias conspiratórias. Com seriedade e em uma mistura do gênero true crime com o sobrenatural/misterioso.
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Psicologia na Prática

Alana Anijar

E aí, minha gente! Eu sou a Alana Anijar, psicologa, especialista em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental é esse é meu podcast Psicologia na Prática. Aqui, você vai encontrar semanalmente conteúdos práticos, simples e acessíveis para que possa aplicar os conceitos da Psicologia no seu dia-a-dia. Saúde mental, autoestima, autoconhecimento, inteligência emocional e muito mais! Me siga nas redes sociais para mais conteúdos @alanaanijar. Gestão e produção: @clavclavclav
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Aktiv Prat

Niklas og Baas

Niklas og Baas utforsker det skumle konseptet dating (ved å faktisk dra på dates), løser lytternes problemer og byr på masse helt middels god underholdning.
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Prato de Ciência

Prato de Ciencia

O podcast da Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, a FEA, da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Aqui, vamos conversar sobre os alimentos de uma forma acessível e abrangente, misturando conhecimentos de diversas áreas científicas, sem ser muito técnico, para que você e outros curiosos sobre o assunto da alimentação possam matar a fome de informação.
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Rockonteurs is a podcast all about the real stories behind real music. Presented by Spandau Ballet’s Gary Kemp, who wrote and performed megahits like ‘Gold’ and ‘True’, and Guy Pratt, a bass player who shaped songs for the likes of Madonna and Pink Floyd, you’ll hear exclusive stories of life on the road, in the studio and what really happened behind the scenes from artists who wrote, performed and produced the some of the biggest classic rock and pop tracks of all time. Guests include Sir B ...
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Prato Cheio

O Joio e O Trigo

Podcast investigativo sobre alimentação, saúde e poder. Este é um projeto de O Joio e O Trigo, veículo independente de jornalismo.
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Waar voel jij je thuis? Het is een vraag waarop het antwoord een plaats, een mens, een ding maar ook een geur of een uitzicht kan zijn. Zoveel mensen, zoveel verschillende antwoorden. En zijn die BV’s thuis dezelfde als wij ze kennen? Of scheelt er een introverte huismus in die luidruchtige entertainer die wij kennen? Een handige harry in die erudiete prof? Een grapjurk in die ernstige kunstenaar? Anja komt het allemaal te weten in 'Als de muren konden praten'.
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In Kan'ker over praten spreek ik (oud) kankerpatiënten en professionals over hun ervaringen met kanker. Heftige gesprekken met een vleugje lichtheid en een beetje humor erbij om je inzicht te geven in de wereld van kanker.
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Mindless Prattle

Jordon and Ripley

The Podcast from the minds of Jordon and Ripley where they talk about the random thoughts and events of their life. Join in each week for the crazy conversations and laughs about nothing in particular.
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Pratidin Ek Kavita

Nayi Dhara Radio

कवितायेँ जहाँ जी चाहे वहाँ रहती हैं- कभी नीले आसमान में, कभी बंद खिड़कियों वाली संकरी गली में, कभी पंछियों के रंगीन परों पर उड़ती हैं कविताएँ, तो कभी सड़क के पत्थरों के बीच यूँ ही उग आती हैं। कविता के अलग अलग रूपों को समर्पित है, हमारी पॉडकास्ट शृंखला - प्रतिदिन एक कविता। कीजिये एक नई कविता के साथ अपने हर दिन की शुरुआत।
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Psykoterapeuter pratar på

Göteborgs Psykoterapi Institut

Annika Coster och Lena Lundqvist är socionomer och legitimerade psykoterapeuter. De är verksamma vid Göteborgs Psykoterapi Institut och pratar på om psykoanalytiskt tänkande och psykoterapi. Följ oss mellan avsnitten på
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Join writer Elizabeth Flux and comedian Ben McKenzie on their six(ish) year mission to read every Terry Pratchett novel – not just the Discworld ones! They’ll read one a month, and discuss them with special guests, puns and footnotes. Episodes released on the 8th of each month (Australian time); check and the end of each episode for notice of the next book, and send in questions to us via social media! The explicit tag represents a fairly average Australian level of coars ...
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An Absurdia Actual Play Campaign Spin-off out of Fictional Heroism set in the town of Prachetville. A town in the middle of the US with a high concentration of Fae, Chronicled, and other magical beings that is completely normal. Ignore the Monster Wrestling Federation, the local underground transformation teleportation ray, and the research facility ran by a crick elf filled with strangely fruit-like human workers.
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The Chad Prather Show

CP Studios

Where humor meets the heat of today’s burning issues. Each week, Chad brings his signature Southern charm and witty perspective to the table, engaging with a diverse lineup of guests. From political pundits to cultural influencers, and from grassroots activists to celebrities, this podcast is a melting pot of opinions and insights. Expect lively debates, unexpected laughs, and an in-depth look at the topics that are setting social media on fire. Whether it’s the latest in politics, social tr ...
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O Ecommerce na Prática é a maior escola de Ecommerce do Mundo. Nossa missão é transformar vidas por meio da educação empreendedora de qualidade, democratizando acesso e ajudando empresas de todos os portes a superarem adversidades. Aqui no canal, reunimos alguns dos especialistas da nossa escola e mostramos técnicas, estratégias, insights para te ajudar a ganhar dinheiro vendendo na internet. Se você é aspirante a empreendedor, varejista físico ou já atua no Ecommerce, quer se manter atualiz ...
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Viviane Bellini

Refletir sobre a importância dos cuidados para um envelhecimento saudável em busca de uma longevidade ativa e maturidade libertadora utilizando como base histórias reais.
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Pratap Mohanty

Welcome to the Pratap Mohanty podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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Glimt i Steigen prata Mannskjit er en podcast beregnet på alle som har et snev av interesse for våre gule helter, og/eller naturskjønne Steigen. Her prates mannskjit om alt som rører seg rundt klubben i våre hjerter, fra et supporterperspektiv. Poden ledes av Ruben Stensland og består ellers av et variert panel bestående av noen av Glimt i Steigen 2 665 medlemmer.
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Gli approfondimenti del dr. Enrico Gamba sono dedicati a tutti coloro che hanno voglia di migliorare la propria vita con semplici esercizi e attività. Il dr. Gamba è psicologo clinico, psicoterapeuta, ipnoterapeuta e formatore. Per info e approfondimenti visita
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I denna podden kommer vi att prata om diabetes där vi kommer att gå in på en mängd olika områden och aspekter som har med diabetes att göra. Diabetes typer som finns, forskning, hjälpmedel som finns, träna med diabetes, kost, myter och missuppfattningar om diabetes. Podden kommer även innehålla gäster där personer som har någon koppling till diabetes får vara med och dela med sig av sina erfarenheter och kunskaper om diabetes. E-post till podden: Barndiabetesfonden: ...
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show series
दोपहर की कहानियों के मामा | राजेश जोशी हम उन नटखट बच्चियों के मामा थे जो अकसर दोपहर में अपनी नानियों से कहानी सुनने की ज़िद करती थी हम हमेशा ही घर लौटने के रास्ते भूल जाते थे घर के एकदम पास पहुँचकर मुड़ जाते थे किसी अपरिचित गली में अकेले होने से हमें डर लगता था और लोगों के बीच अचानक ही हम अकेले हो जाते थे अर्जियों के साथ हमारा जो जीवन चरित नत्थी था…
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Pulire la mente è un processo di detossificazione mentale. Meditare e praticare la mindfulness aiutano a osservare i pensieri senza giudizio. Scrivere un diario può liberare emozioni represse. Trascorrere tempo nella natura riduce lo stress. Disconnettersi dai social media e limitare l'esposizione a notizie negative previene il sovraccarico informa…
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Stefan Everts woont nu nog met in Limburg maar droomt ervan om in het kort te verhuizen naar Portugal. Als het zover is, zal dat een hele verhuis worden. Het huis van de familie Everts is namelijk een klein museum met moto’s, helmen en trofeeën van Stefan en ondertussen ook van zijn zoon Liam.Anja krijgt een rondleiding langs zijn eerste koersbroek…
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नदी का स्मारक | केदारनाथ सिंह अब वह सूखी नदी का एक सूखा स्मारक है। काठ का एक जर्जर पुराना ढाँचा जिसे अब भी वहाँ लोग कहते हैं 'नाव' जानता हूँ लोगों पर उसके ढेरों उपकार हैं पर जानता यह भी हूँ कि उस ढाँचे ने बरसों से पड़े-पड़े खो दी है अपनी ज़रूरत इसलिए सोचा अबकी जाऊँगा तो कहूँगा उनसे- भाई लोगों, काहे का मोह आख़िर काठ का पुराना ढाँचा ही तो है सामने पड़…
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This week on the Rockonteurs podcast, we are delighted to welcome a true legend to the show. Musician, singer and songwriter Graham Nash. It’s impossible to understate his impact on the music we love and the influence he has had on us and so many others. We could do a whole episode on his time with The Hollies, let alone Crosby, Stills and Nash and…
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This week, we give a preview of our upcoming free Holistic Integration Peak Performance Workshop that will be held this Wednesday, March 26th at 6 p.m. And we're joined by our special guest, Dr. Matt Goldman, one of the developers of the ProPerformance 360 technology benefiting patients at Holistic Integration. In this episode, you'll find out: —Ho…
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Mountain West basketball has a NCAA Tournament problem - recent postseason history hasn't been kind to the league outside of one San Diego State run, Colorado State pulls off Friday upset to give the MW some juice, how can Boise State basketball and its league partners improve their postseason resume moving into the Pac-12 era, B.J. (BNN Report) wi…
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उतरा ज्वार | दूधनाथ सिंह उतरा ज्वार जल मैला लहरें गयीं क्षितिज के पार काला सागर अन्धी आँखें फाड़ ताक रहा है गहन नीलिमा बुझे हुए तारे कचपच-कचपच ढूँढ़ रहे हैं ठौर मैं हूँ मैं हूँ यह दृश् । खोज रहा हूँ बंकिम चाँद क्षितिज किनारे मन में जो अदृश्य है ।De către Nayi Dhara Radio
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Boise State reporter B.J. Rains ( joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about football, which resumes spring camp next week. Storylines to follow: The QB-WR connection, the health of RB Sire Gaines and holes to fill on defense. See for privacy information.…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Sadly Senator Charles Perry joined with a few others to help Senator Nichols gut the bill to ban taxpayer funded lobbying. The bill, SB 19 by Senator Middleton, is a wheat-from-the-chaff issue for anyone interested in good and better government. It is an issue conservatives a…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share a interview with fifth-year gymnast Emily Lopez. The 2024 Mountain West Gymnast of the Year has competed in NCAA meets in four previous seasons - the Broncos dive into a new postseason this spring, starting with the Mount…
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Coltivare focus e concentrazione è un processo graduale. Inizia eliminando le distrazioni, creando un ambiente di lavoro ottimale. Definisci obiettivi chiari e suddividili in compiti gestibili. Pratica la mindfulness per aumentare la consapevolezza del momento presente. Allena la tua attenzione con esercizi specifici. Dormi a sufficienza, mangia sa…
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It's opening day of the NCAA Tournament and we focus on a trip down memory lane - what's your favorite NCAA flashback, so many Boise memories - what's the hope of the NCAAs returning to ExtraMile Arena, BYU player says his great grandfather invented the tater tot and one company with deep Idaho roots responds with NIL deal (and free tater tots!!!),…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share the story of softball player Sophia Knight. The sophomore outfielder is on a 32-game hitting streak (tied for seventh-longest in NCAA Division I history) and a 44-game on-base streak (school record). See…
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अभया | अश्विनी पुरवा सुहानी नहीं, डरावनी है इस बार, चपला सी दिल दहलाती आती चीत्कार। वर्षा नहीं, रक्त बरसा है इस बार, पक्षी उड़ गए पेड़ों से, रिक्त है हर डार। किसे सुनाती हो दुख अपना, सभी बहरे हैं, नहीं समझेगा कोई, घाव तुम्हारे कितने गहरे हैं। पहने मुखौटे घूमते, घिनौने वही सब चेहरे हैं, अपराधी सत्ता के गलियारों में ही तो ठहरे हैं। रक्षक बने भक्षक, छ…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: From a recent Podcast Extra: Roy Maynard joins us for a Pratt on Texas Podcast Extra to discuss his great column: AP’s Argument Against Being Booted From WH Event Is Laughable Given Its History. More background: White House bans AP reporter from press event over style guide’s…
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No último episódio da temporada especial “Entendendo a Mente de”, Alana Anijar troca de lugar e, desta vez, é ela quem senta na cadeira de entrevistada – conduzida por Israel Anijar, seu marido. Em uma conversa leve e interessante, Alana compartilha sua trajetória pessoal, acadêmica e profissional. Ela compartilha não somente seus desafios mas como…
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मौन ही मुखर है | विष्णु प्रभाकर कितनी सुन्दर थी वह नन्हीं-सी चिड़िया कितनी मादकता थी कण्ठ में उसके जो लाँघ कर सीमाएँ सारी कर देती थी आप्लावित विस्तार को विराट के कहते हैं वह मौन हो गई है- पर उसका संगीत तो और भी कर रहा है गुंजरित- तन-मन को दिगदिगन्त को इसीलिए कहा है महाजनों ने कि मौन ही मुखर है, कि वामन ही विराट है ।…
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Gambling on college sports - should it be allowed and should it be allowed in Idaho, Vegas reporter dives into the pros and cons as we approach a massive month for college gambling, former Boise State/KTIK broadcaster Chris Lewis - now with CBS Sports - breaks down the NCAA bracket (regional/Mountain West angles), Bob shares the story of golfer Col…
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CBS Sports play-by-play announcer Chris Lewis, a former Boise State broadcaster and KTIK talk show host, joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about the NCAA Tournament, a preview of each region, Mountain West hopes and who will survive the Final Four. See for privacy information.…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The 89th Texas Legislature is more than a third of the way to ending and the Senate has been busy; the House is just now getting to work, and; there are many bills in the mix. Today is a full focus on bills of which we should be aware. One of those bills is related to car lic…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to continue his weeklong series on four Broncos you need to know. Wednesday: Junior golfer Cole Rueck, who is scheduled to play his second PGA Tour event this summer. His father, Scott, is the women's basketball coach at Oregon St…
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Gestire i confini con un genitore problematico è fondamentale per il tuo benessere. Inizia riconoscendo la disfunzionalità e accettando la realtà. Definisci chiaramente i tuoi confini: cosa non tolleri più in termini di comunicazione, comportamenti e spazio personale. Comunica questi limiti in modo diretto e calmo, usando frasi in prima persona e c…
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वे लोग | लक्ष्मी शंकर वाजपेयी वे लोग डिबिया में भरकर पिसी हुई चीनी तलाशते थे चींटियों के ठिकाने छतों पर बिखेरते थे बाजरा के दाने कि आकर चुगें चिड़ियाँ वे घर के बाहर बनवाते थे पानी की हौदी कि आते जाते प्यासे जानवर पी सकें पानी भोजन प्रारंभ करने से पूर्व वे निकालते थे गाय तथा अन्य प्राणियों का हिस्सा सूर्यास्त के बाद, वे नहीं तोड़ने देते थे पेड़ से ए…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Language, words, are what allow us to form and communicate thought and words, to a large degree, control our thought. Members of media well know this and use such to engage in opinion shaping even when pretending to be engaged in straight reporting. From more alleged abortion…
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Anant Bhardwaj is the founder and CEO of Instabase, an AI-native unstructured data platform. They've raised $322M in funding to date from NEA, Andreessen Horowitz, Greylock, and Index Ventures. He did his masters from Stanford and PhD from MIT. Anant's favorite book: The Singularity Is Near (Author: Ray Kurzweil) (00:07) Defining Unstructured Data …
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Podem fartos cardumes de sardinha invadir os rios da maior floresta tropical do mundo? O mercado financeiro mostrou que sim. Pequenos investidores, conhecidos como sardinhas, aplicam suas economias em fundos de investimento do agronegócio, o Fiagro, para financiar atividades de produção de soja, milho e carne. Neste episódio, você vai conhecer o im…
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Você sente que, por mais que tente, nunca consegue mudar de verdade? Que algo sempre te puxa de volta para os mesmos hábitos e padrões? Neste episódio, vamos te mostrar por que seu cérebro resiste à mudança e como você pode reprogramar sua mente para finalmente se tornar a pessoa que sempre sonhou. Se você gostou, compartilhe este episódio com mais…
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झूठ की नदी | विजय बहादुर सिंह झूठ की नदी में डगमग हैं सच के पाँव चेहरे पीले पड़ते जा रहे हैं मुसाफ़िरों के मुस्कुरा रहे हैं खेवैये मार रहे हैं डींग भरोसा है उन्हें फिर भी सम्हल जाएगी नाव मुसाफ़िर बच जाएँगें भँवर थम जाएगीDe către Nayi Dhara Radio
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Senator Hughes, the Lt. Governor, and others are falling prey to pro-abortion Democrats plan of incrementally making abortion legal with a new bill to “clarify” Texas abortion law. It does not need clarification, it is clear on its face and evidence supports such. Breaking to…
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Its heavy lettuce season once again and as the weight of the inevitable third cat goes out the window with dreams comes another saga of epic Mindlessness from the Prattlers that sit each week with their own demons. Happy St. Patrick's day Mindless family! If you want to see more head on over to Be sure to check us out every Mon…
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Lo scopo supremo della mindfulness è la liberazione dalla sofferenza. Attraverso la consapevolezza del momento presente, senza giudizio, impariamo a osservare i nostri pensieri e sentimenti senza esserne travolti. Questa pratica dissolve l'identificazione con il nostro ego, riducendo l'attaccamento e l'avversione. Coltivando la saggezza e la compas…
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Niklas er faktisk krenka denne uka! Er det overraskende attraktivt når partneren er svett etter trening? Hva med når jenter er veldig vulgære? En av våre bukseløse har en kollega som snakker ekstremt høy, og vi server han selvfølgelig noen dårlige løsninger! Anonymt skjema for innsendelser: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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होने लगी है जिस्म में जुम्बिश तो देखिए | दुष्यंत कुमार होने लगी है जिस्म में जुम्बिश तो देखिए इस परकटे परिन्दे की कोशिश तो देखिए। गूंगे निकल पड़े हैं, ज़ुबाँ की तलाश में, सरकार के खिलाफ़ ये साज़िश तो देखिए। बरसात आ गई तो दरकने लगी ज़मीन, सूखा मचा रही ये बारिश तो देखिए। उनकी अपील है कि उन्हें हम मदद करें, चाकू की पसलियों से गुज़ारिश तो देखिए । जिसने …
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