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Pyro & Pivo

Moderne Media

Pyro & Pivo er en fotballpodcast for deg som liker Europa League bedre enn Champions League. Ledes av Morten Galåsen. For annonsering og booking:
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Pyro Unleashed Podcast

Pyro Unleashed Podcast

The sparks are flying for this illuminating podcast that pulls back the curtain on the explosive fireworks industry. From fuses to firepower, the show lights up the behind-the-scenes world of pyrotechnics. The Pyro Unleashed Podcast is a podcast about the people behind fireworks. We interview importers, manufacturers, retailers, scripters, and industry professionals. This podcast is for anyone who loves fireworks, so join us to unleash your inner pyro!
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The RHYTHM Pyro Podcast

Bozie Music, llc.

Ignite your passion for pyrotechnics and learn the art and processes behind next generation pyromusical show design with Bo, AJ, and Jamie. Whether you’re a fireworks enthusiast, a seasoned professional, or just curious, this is the place to hang. The guys talk tips, tricks, techniques, best practices, and community and industry news.
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pyrotech Workspacee

pyrotech workspace

Pyrotech Workspace Solutions is a pioneer in delivering turnkey Control Room Solutions and Ergonomic Command Centre Console. Our idea of a command centre is based on sustainable, safe and contemporary workspace for both, the operators and the equipment. Emerged from India, our services are widespread in more than twenty-five countries including Australia, Qatar, Bahrain, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman & UAE. for more information visit our website:
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Howie Pyro plays the weird stuff......50's and 60's rock and roll, psycho surf, garage, rockabilly, hillbilly horrors, voodoo r & b, insane instrumentals, religious nuts, teenage hell music, vintage global garbage, peppered with bizarre old movie ads & radio clips & general echo-fied screaming...
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Real Talk about all topics. Conspiracy theory's, Current Events, Sports, News, and most of the time just my honest opinion. 1st & 2nd Amendment Supporter. email:
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Enjoy the Fantasy Football Fire - Pyro® Podcast for all of your fantasy needs. A fantasy football podcast with soul: The fantasy football minds at Pyromaniac bring you NFL insight and hard-core analysis layered with laughs along the way. This is the only fantasy football weapon you need in your arsenal. d-Rx®, Dawgmaticå, Houdini, Staggs, & the gang at are the craft brew in a macro world of fantasy football. The Pyromaniac team breaks the NFL mold with their fresh fantasy insi ...
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show series
When show day rolls around, chaos doesn’t have to. In this episode of The Rhythm Pyro Podcast, AJ, Jamie, and Bo offer commentary on critical site roles that keep a fireworks shoot site running like clockwork. From process identification, & position based sub-leads to technology specialists, safety officers, and assembly lines...they dive deep into…
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Til hælja starter Eliteserien igjen! Til stor glede for ukas gjester, Thomas Aune og Petter Bø Tosterud, og til fravær av engasjement for Galåsen. Sammen går panelet gjennom alle 16 klubbene i en mildt sagt tilfeldig rekkefølge, og synser om ukjente overganger og tipper plasseringer i vilden sky. Som vanlig er det en graut av lag vi tror havner omt…
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Jonathan McCormick, a prominent figure from Cobra-Con, joins Donnie and David to discuss all aspects of the event. The trio delves into the intricate details of the show, providing a daily breakdown of activities. They cover various sessions and discuss some of the top 5 sessions currently registered for. Additionally, they delve into the new pro-a…
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Det er mange gærninger der ute. En av disse er Lyseklosters keepertrener, Kim Myrmehl Teigland. Kim bor nemlig i Bergen, og da han fant ut at vi ikke hadde laget noen episode om Sør-Korea, fløy han til Oslo ens ærend for å forandre på det. I denne episoden drikker han soju med Galåsen og forteller om sine år i Sør-Korea, med alt det innebærer av bå…
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Donnie and David continue their Women in Pyro mini-series for Season 3. This week, Sabrina Nickels, a talented Sales Manager from American Wholesale Fireworks, joins the podcast for our second Women in Pyro episode. Sabrina shares her heartfelt and unapologetic experiences as a woman in this industry. We delve into Sabrina’s journey into the firewo…
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Denne uka tar vi for oss Europas minst besøkte land, Moldova. Steffen Habberstad Lundeby er noe så sjeldent som en norsk Moldova-entusiast, og entusiasmen gir oss intet mindre enn to timers Moldova-prat. Over en flaske moldovsk vin forteller Steffen om landets historie, bisarre selvstyrte regioner, mynter i plast og ikke minst om skikkelig dårlig f…
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Firing systems are a godsend, but they also add greater levels of complexity from setup to showtime. We’ve been in the trenches with the COBRA Firing System, and this week Bo, AJ, and Jamie share some hard-earned lessons, best practices, and insider tips that can make or break your shoot. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just getting start…
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In this episode, Donnie and David invite Miles from Precision Pyro and several Discord followers to join them for a chat about AI Scripting, tariffs, and PyroJam entries. Travis, Zach, and Curtis from KCAP also joined the conversation to share their thoughts and opinions on the topics. Don’t miss out on one of the podcast’s greatest episodes yet! T…
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*Video Episode* Pyro shows START with safe shoot site measurements. Google Earth Pro is an effective & FREE tool you can leverage to layout launch positions, fallout zones, and get safety measurements in working with sponsors & AHJs. & DEN Fireworks joins the guys for the first video segment of CAKE TALK The guys go through the tool at a 10k foot d…
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In Episode 6, Sean Philpot, the owner of Balistic Fireworks in Adelaide, Australia, joins the show to discuss the differences in fireworks regulations between Australia and the United States. They reveal that consumer fireworks are essentially banned in almost all of Australia, except for a single day in a single state. A particularly intriguing qu…
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Mohammed Ahamed, best kjent som Mo, trakk seg fra kretsstyret i NFF Troms kort tid før Fotballtinget i år. Grunnen var at han ikke kunne ta del i deres versjon av "demokrati" i en så viktig sak som VAR-saken. I denne episoden forteller Mo om tiden sin som kretsstyremedlem, hvorfor han valgte å dra, og hva han tror om veien videre for norsk fotballd…
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The fireworks industry has long been built on tradition, but what happens when a company dares to challenge the status quo? In this episode, we sit down with Cody Hanna (Director of Business Development) and Kennady King (Director of Business Operations) from Victory Pyrotechnics, a forward-thinking display company that’s rewriting the playbook. A …
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Etter både pandemi og krig på kontinentet, tok Galåsen endelig turen over de sju fjell igjen for å drikke litt 7 Fjell og møte publikum i Bergen. Med seg på scenen hadde han Kjetil K. Ullebø fra BT og Magne Juuhl fra Brann-miljøets mest politiske fløy. Sammen gikk de gjennom Trym Hogners skrekkhistorie da han ertet på seg hele Bergen (som kulminert…
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In Episode 5 of Season 3, Tim Traphagan from Casabella Pyrotechnics joins Donnie and David to talk about his time at Casabella . The trio reunites for a discussion about fireworks, and the 2023 Skywars Pro Division competitions. They delve into the Tarrifs, Tim’s pyrotechnic experiences, and the various firing systems he has utilized throughout his…
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Tariffs on fireworks and technology are hitting the industry hard. Whether you’re a display professional or a backyard pyro, understanding these changes is key to making smarter buying decisions and optimizing costs this season. DEN Fireworks joins Bo, AJ, and Jamie in this episodes to break down the US/China trade war and it's impact on the firewo…
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Vi feirer et slags halvjubileum med å feire Norges galeste banehopper! Nei, det er ikke Marius Helgå. Helgås 2024 blir nemlig en knust maur sammenlignet med hva denne mannen har gjort. Terje Mollestad, den sindige sørlendingen, hadde nemlig et mål om å nå 300 kamper i løpet av banehopperåret som gikk. Det målet ble fullstendig knust. I denne episod…
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Donnie and David launch a brand-new mini-series for Season 3 titled “Women in Pyro”. Joining the podcast to discuss all things pyro is Sam Christensen, most renowned for her role in Spirit of 76. The guys delve into her role in Spirit of 76 and the marketing she’s done in the pyro industry. Don’t miss this insightful episode to learn how we, as pyr…
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Episode #164: Loteria Hosts: Johnny Starr and Ron the Banker It’s Super Bowl weekend and the guys are back in Cabo San Lucas Mexico for some much needed rest & relaxation. Louie joins Ron and John at the Casa Starr table for some fireworks discussion. If you like the podcasts, please subscribe and check out our YouTube channel. Some topics covered …
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**The Sh*t Show Roundtable episodes are RAW and UNCENSORED ** Parental discretion is advised** Close friends and OPAG pyro clubmates Nate Freeman and Steven McKeever join AJ, Bo, and Jamie on the February 2025 installment of the Sh*t Show Roundtable. The roundtables are a departure from structured. They're freeform conversation with pyros and there…
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Denne uka er fotballglobetrotter Tor-Kristian Karlsen i hjemlandet, og derfor deler han og Galåsen noe drikke over spisebordet i Karlsens stue i Oslo. Samtalen begynner med georgisk politikk (som det viser seg at ikke er helt frakoblet fotball), før den glir over på både VAR, kommersialisering av fotballen, hårvekst og høyde, samt en hel del annet …
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Neil Butcher joins the Pyro Unleashed Podcast to discuss his role at Finale Fireworks and share some life experiences. The guys also make a significant announcement about their partnership with Finale3D and reveal that they’re working on a new mini-episode! This week’s cake review sponsored by PGI: -- Tak…
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I ukas episode har vi med oss breddeguru Jørgen Tjærnås, som tilfeldigvis er styremedlem i Åkrene IF. Jørgen og Åkrene reagerte med harnisk og vantro da NFF lanserte sin VAR-innstilling, og lanserte emneknaggen #BreddenMotVAR. I denne episoden forteller Jørgen om hvorfor, og ikke minst om hva han mener breddeklubbene bør gjøre. Vi er også innom dem…
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Garisson Risner & Ben Marxen of Pegasus Illuminations won the "first to achieve maximum productivity in 2025" award as they rang in the new year setting a world record as they put up twelve 16" shells simultaneously for Mott, ND. AJ, Jamie, and Bo spend nearly two quality hours (that flew by) talking pyro with these two as they relive the world rec…
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It's PyroJam competition time!! in Episode 2, Tim Jameson joins Pyro Unleashed to talk about the PyroJam competition. If you are entering this years competition, this is a must watch episode to ensure your entry has the best chance to be chosen. Tim and the guys chat about all things pyro and even take a trip down Sky Wars memory lane, thanks to a …
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We have the meats...2024's breakout designer & the mind behind some of the most profoundly impactful pyromusical field shaping's in 2024, Nathan Dexter; climbs in the ring for COBRA-CON 2025's Class C Championship in April. He raps with us this week on the experience so far. Support the Sh*t Show!! Contribute -> Patreon Hang with us -> Discord Buy …
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Denne uka har vi med oss Nima Tavallaey fra Göteborg, som vanligvis snakker om italiensk fotball og skriver om Inter til sine mange tusen følgere. Men det er ikke det vi snakker om. Nima er nemlig ekstremt svak for den norske cupen, og har vært det i nesten 30 år. Og når Galåsen forteller ham om de onde planene NFF har for å rasere turneringen, lar…
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Episode #163: We All Have to Have an Expert Hosts: Johnny Starr and Ron the Banker It’s January and the inauguration is over. President Trump is in office and Ron and John get together to recap recent events and discuss what this means to the industry of fireworks. This episode was recorded at the Pyro Podcast studios in suburban Illinois. If you l…
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Ellery Ho aka Tong Po Pyro joined Donnie and David for the Season 3 opener. They discuss the use of various types of single shot racks and the pros and cons of each one. Ellery also shared information regarding his 2025 PGI Competition Show! This weeks cake review sponsored by PGI: Shogun - Super Size Mas…
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Harika! Beşiktaş har fått en norsk trener, ubeseirede Galatasaray er i krise, og José Mourinho gjør tvilsomme matvalg. Sammen med Rutkay Sabri tar vi for oss mulighetene til Solskjær, problemene til byrivalene, og utrolig mye annet. Alt mens vi inntar et bedre norsk-tyrkisk måltid og drikker sædsprit, selvsagt. See for priva…
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We continue the one-fuse slow burn to COBRA-CON 2025 and the Class C Championship this week with two-time PGI Class C Unlimited Participant, JP Hanson! Support the Sh*t Show!! Contribute -> Patreon Hang with us -> Discord Buy some Merch, balls, DB25 Cables or leave us a Voicemail (we'll play it on-air)!…
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Don't let Michael Karr's YouTube brand fool you. The dude's has come a long way in the short time he's honed his craft as a choreographed show designer. "The Novice" Pyro...well...isn't so much a novice any more. Jamie, AJ, and Bo talk with Mike about his journey, his previous experience in pyromusical competitions so far, and his next big challeng…
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Denne uka har vi klart å lure med oss Fredrikstads styreleder Jostein Lunde i studio, som til alt overmål ble med for å diskutere VAR. På andre siden av bordet sitter NSAs talsperson Ole Kristian Sandvik. I en noenlunde kontrollert debatt gjennomgår vi våre forskjellige syn på VAR, årsmøtene som har vært og veien videre. I tillegg forteller Jostein…
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COBRA-CON becomes a battleground in 2025 as it's the latest venue to host a 1.4G pyromusical competition...and it's going to be a stellar inaugural year that features three really talented choreographed show designers. John Hanson, Michael (The Novice Pyro) Karr, and Nathan Dexter gear up for an early season Class C slobberknocker this April! Suppo…
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Den kokende byen Bergens kokende klubb Brann har mistet sin kokende trener Eirik Horneland til utlandet. Der skal den kokende trener Horneland lose den kokende klubben ASSE fra den kokende byen Saint-Étienne til fornyet plass i Ligue 1. Paul Thomas Clay serverer informasjon om jobben Horneland har tatt på seg, og synser om mulighetene han har for s…
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Vi ringer året og jula ut med... dette. Trym Hogner tar igjen romjulspraten med oss, og forteller om fotballåret 2024. Som vanlig med Trym er det mye negativt med fotballens utvikling også i år. Derfor blir det mye LSK og et forsøk på å forklare hvorfor det gikk så galt med dem. Men det blir også utdelt stikk i forskjellige retninger, både i og ute…
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NOEL NOAB Episode #10: Surprise! Ron the Banker and Johnny Starr Hosts: Johnny Starr and Ron the Banker The rack’s been secured, wired for ignition, and ready to launch! Considering most people in the fireworks industry are hyper-stressed in June and July, they tend to relax and smell the potassium nitrate during the holidays. During this downtime,…
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