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想看的,想摸的,想聞的,我都說給你聽。 一個為愛而生的靈魂,寄生在一位出生於台北的男孩,飄洋過海,長途跋涉,搬到現居地慕尼黑,展開一段用愛與勇敢打仗的故事。 這裡是這位慕尼黑小媳婦的小天地,因為常待在家,所以取了個名叫 “初毫舍” ,唸起來像德文 “Zuhause" ,意思是在家,總之,想在這邊和空中的朋友聊天,歡迎大家。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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SmallTalk is a podcast series where we chat about nanotechnology with leading scientists, thinkers, artists, writers, and visionaries, and look at quirky nanoscience stories in the news. Dr. Stephanie Chasteen, of the Exploratorium�??s Teacher Institute, hosts this monthly series.
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Smalltalk Reflections

David Buck and Craig Latta

The Smalltalk programming language is not only the first pure object oriented language, but has been the birthplace for many of today's best practices in software development including agile methods, design patterns, unit testing, refactoring and incremental development. In the Smalltalk Reflections podcast, David Buck and Craig Latta guide you through the world of Smalltalk covering topics from basic object oriented principles to software testing, version control and deployment techniques. ...
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Dr. Higgs will give you tips on how to get out of annoying smalltalk situations using a topic most people think they know a lot about, but really don't - the human body. You'll be surprised by how many small interesting facts about the body are out there that no one bothered to teach about in school, and because few people know, or rather few people paid attention in class, you can look like a cool kid when you drop some interesting facts about the human body as you slowly back away from tha ...
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In today's episode, our host sits down with two cohort members at Wake Forest School of Divinity (Ronnie and Hannah). If you want to hear more about community from a theological perspective, this is the episode for you! We'll discuss what community is and looks like, how we operate in our different communities, both positives and negatives in commu…
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Our host speaks about his life changing experience in Nogales, Mexico! Monyae will share about life changing conversations concerning ministry, having a birthday out of the country, and encourage everyone to experience a mission trip! If you love great stories, this is a good one! Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please …
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In this episode, our host Monyae Smalls shares with us the next chapter in his life. Smalltalk has been in existence for 2 plus years now, and undergrad at Loyola is ending where does the next chapter lead Monyae? Listen in to find out! Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us @smalltalkthebrand@gmail.c…
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In this episode, we introduce our Man Cave Edition in this special season with Monyae's closest friends, Corey, Ezra, and Frank! In this episode, you'll learn more about our Man Cavers and get an inside scoop on who they are! We also dive into relationships and what that looks like as Young, Black, Christian Men! If you're a man or a woman, you wan…
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In this episode, Monyae talks about Thirst. Our generation is so thirsty for so many things, but Monaye makes the connection between today's culture and the bible to bring out what we should be thirsty for! Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us Always remember to Sing Through The P…
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In this bonus episode of Smalltalk the podcast, Monyae speaks on Food Inequality and Accessibility in the bible and his hometown Baltimore City for a Final Project in his Food, Hunger, and Bible course! If you're interested in the connection of food in the bible and today's world, this is the quick bonus episode for you! Follow us on Instagram @sma…
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In this episode, Monyae Smalls the host of Smalltalk the Podcast, and Nailah Imara the host of Woe Believers Podcast collaborate in an episode on Singleness! Many times as Christians our primary goal besides chasing Jesus, is getting married. But is being married a requirement? What do I do while I'm single? What does God say about my singleness? L…
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In this episode, our host Monyae discusses what Intentionality is when it comes to friends, dating, and the ultimate relationship that we have with Christ. Monyae shares personal experiences and advice on how to be intentional about everything you do. Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us @smalltalkthebrand@gm…
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In this episode, our host Monyae discusses what it's like to be a black man at a PWI. In this Smalltalk, Monyae shares a personal story of his experiences on campus and encounters that aren't so positive as a black man. Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us Always remember to Sing …
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In today's episode with our host, Monyae Smalls, we discuss those myths and misconceptions that we've heard for years about God. We discuss the word and the truth concerning God. There is a life that God want's for us, and in today's episode we dive into that. Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us @smalltalkth…
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This episode on Smalltalk the Podcast focuses on the characteristics of a healthy friendship. Normally we don't see friendships as relationships! Our host shows us the correlation of a healthy friendship and gives five points to focus on when finding a healthy friendship! Healthy or Not, here comes a friendship! Merchandise:…
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In today's episode, we sat down with Shamar Smalls a recent Yale University Graduate! We dived into what it means to be a black male in Baltimore City, code-switching due to being in PWI environments for most of his life, and so much more! Let's hear from the Yalie himself! Merchandise: Contact us: Smalltalk…
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In this final episode of the season, Monyae has a candid conversation concerning his story. Monyae connects the story of Paul the Apostle, to his own life story. Do you have a problem/situation that you wish would end, but it hasn't? Just listen to this podcast, and the answer you're looking for is in this episode! Instagram: Smalltalkthebrand_ Fac…
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In today's bonus episode of Smalltalk The Podcast, Monyae will lead us in a breathing and reflective exercise! Breathe in...Now Breathe out. Merchandise Link: Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us Always remember to Sing Through The Pain!…
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We live in a generation of Cancelling People! In today's episode of Smalltalk the Podcast, Monyae gives a challenging topic of Why we cancel people, and more on cancel culture. In a world where we cancel restaurants, churches, and people, my question is what qualifies us to cancel others? This is the generation of the Cancel Culture. Link to Smallt…
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In this episode Monyae Smalls discusses relationships. Monyae reaches out to his supporters via facebook and instagram, and has a candid conversation around the question, "What makes a meaningful relationship?" Monyae will give insight concerning meaningful relationships, make relations to the greatest relationship we can have, and how to be aware …
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Saying NO to anything, can truly be a difficult task! In Today's Episode Monyae will share a candid conversation, and share his personal stories of learning how to say no, how to be sure that you put yourself first, and so much more! Will you say Yes or No? Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us @smalltalkthebr…
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This is an episode in honor of black history month! In this episode, Monyaé discusses M&M&M (Martin, Malcom, and Medgar), the similarities of these men, and of course to end a Monyae's motivation. Special shoutout to Ezra Crawford for the Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing excerpt! Happy Black History Month! Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @m…
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This episode takes a deep dive into Monyae's college experience! In this episode Monyae covers where he attends college, on campus living, extra curricular clubs, food options, and so much more! Momma I made it!! Follow us on Instagram @smalltalkthebrand_ and @monyaedenim_ Please email us Always remember to Sing Through…
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This episode dives into the background story of Smalltalk the brand and the start of Smalltalk the Podcast. Monyae discusses some of the mentors in his life and the impact they've had. There is also a self-interview of three questions to get a better understanding of Monyae Smalls (Hero, Place he wants to live in the future, and Biggest Accomplishm…
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大家好,歡迎回到初毫舍閒聊,事隔快一個月才又更新希望大家有那麼一點想我。 今天這集想要來分享在這邊看牙的感覺,只能說,活在台灣太幸福了。趕快進來聽我抱怨被牙醫助理虐待的過程。 我和馬先生的頻道: Instagram: YouTube: Podcast: Twitter: ...…
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大家好,終於在日日夜夜敲碗過後,星期六的下午,慕尼黑小媳婦與位於八德區陳小姐的call in,突如其來的連線,一同大大抱怨關於先生身為自營媒體新鮮人的看法。 前情提要:兩對跨國婚戀,先生們對於網紅的憧憬,跨文化間對於影片不同口味的詮釋,從社交平台零互動想要晉升網美等級,在這樣的狀況下,到底會發生怎樣的奇事?大家,聽起來。 八德區陳姓女子的頻道: 我和馬先生的頻道: Instagram: YouTube: Apple …
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大家好,偷懶了快一個月,最新一集依然是搬搬的每週近況,進去聽起來!這一集還聊到了路人,聊到了德國人開車,聊到了德國公共交通準不準時,各種閒聊,各種噗呲。 最近有種習慣被拒絕的感覺,就連電台也沒啥人聽了,所以各位,好嗎,加把勁聽起來! 這邊也順便來宣傳一下我和馬先生的頻道: Instagram: YouTube: Apple Podcast: Twitte…
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大家好,上週除夕偷懶了一週,但在今天初四補上這一集,要㊗️大家新年快樂,依然是搬搬的每週近況,順便帶來幾首歌,進去聽起來! 最近有種習慣被拒絕的感覺,就連電台也沒啥人聽了,所以各位,好嗎,加把勁聽起來! 這邊也順便來宣傳一下我和馬先生的頻道: Instagram: YouTube: Apple Podcast: Twitter: https://twit…
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大家好,今天這一集,沒什麼重點,但如果想聽我欠揍的聲音練習,歡迎歡迎,請進請進。 這邊來宣傳一下我和馬先生的頻道: Instagram: YouTube: Apple Podcast: Twitter: ........continued....... Powered by First…
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大家好,先感謝到今天還在聽我電台的聽眾,由衷感謝。這一週的主題是什麼呢?是的沒錯,慕尼黑小媳婦體驗全職網紅第二週,真的是,苦從中來...... 所以就是進去聽起來啦,讓我們有點小小成就感!我也要在這邊順便打一下廣告,歡迎在各大社群平台追蹤我們,跟風跟起來,BubbleTea & Sauerkraut。 follow us on: Instagram: Spotify: Twitter: YouTube:…
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大家好,又到了一週一抱怨的時間啦,咦?瞬間電台主題更改?隨便啦,小媳婦就是要在一個地方吐露心聲啊,不然哩? 這一週馬先生決定了自己的新嗜好,於是搬搬只好陪謢公子哥玩耍,進行各種實踐,順便展開無敵的斜槓人生。 另外,天氣變好了,路上突然多了很多機車,向台灣那種,所以小留德華搬搬就也來了一陣鄉愁。以前覺得厭煩惡東西,到這都覺得是小事情了 最後要在這邊獻上最大聲的感謝給台灣的防疫人員,還有認真防疫的台灣人,真的是台灣最棒的資產,持續加油!這邊呢,我們就只好自重一點。 最後提醒各位,搬搬還是很喜歡喝酒的,沒問題,下面連結點起來! Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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大家好,這週要跟大家分享什麼呢?聽起來就知道囉,但在主題前,總是要插撥一下新聞的,這週的新聞是什麼? 沒錯,我們在的邦政府正式下達一個命令,從下週開始,搭車或上超市只能配戴FFP2口罩,其他口罩一率不算數。 第二則新聞,天氣持續冷颼颼,從台灣冷到慕尼黑,冷氣團籠罩全球。 再來就是這集的主題,在德國,到底火紅些什麼樣的潮流哩?這題目其實就是搬搬看著窗外靈機一動想到的,聽起來。 (btw我在節目中一直叫錯名字,是FFP2,不是FPP2,請原諒我) 最後提醒各位,如果大家想在這佳節期間請搬搬喝酒,沒問題唷,下面連結點起來! Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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大家好,敝節目居然來到第12集,想也沒有想過,但雖如此,還是希望多一點人可以聽見,所以不介意大家幫我分享唷。 好像從小到大,很多人都會有個想法,就是歐洲人都不太在工作,但真的要說,這就是偏見,並不是歐洲人下午就下班了,即便是,那也是有所犧牲的,就是越早到公司,你就可以越早下班。 這一集,想要跟大家分享,在德國的工作時數是怎麼說的,來來來,聽起來,聽下去。當然,內容會因你的工作性質,而有所不同,我只是舉身邊的例子。 另外,有發現我有新的intro音樂嗎?最近在實驗這樣子的東西,希望以後可以產出更像樣的intro。 最後提醒各位,如果大家想在這佳節期間請搬搬喝酒,沒問題唷,下面連結點起來! Powered…
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大家好,歡迎來到2021特輯! 反正這一集就是要祝大家新年快樂,然後順便分享一下我們2020最後一天做了什麼事情。 聽起來!歡迎大家留言分享自己怎麼跨年喲。 提醒各位,如果大家想在這佳節期間請搬搬喝酒,沒問題唷,下面連結點起來! 我是慕尼黑小媳婦搬搬,我們下週再見! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家好,過了一週肥胖的聖誕週,搬搬總結了一下到底今年聖誕節做了些什麼。 吃吃吃?睡睡睡?都有。可能是馬先生家的傳統吧,就是逢年過節,不外乎這兩項都會執行得很徹底。 家裡裝飾,聖誕樹,小攤販,大採購,交換禮物。 當然還是有做很多小活動,那就是大家要聽下去才知道喔。 提醒各位,如果大家想在這佳節期間請搬搬喝酒,沒問題唷,下面連結點起來! 我是慕尼黑小媳婦搬搬,我們下週再見! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家好,又到了一週一集的時間啦,這一週是聖誕週,但今天沒有要分享聖誕在幹嘛,這一集要和大家講德國人的迷信。 順從聽眾的願望,所以就分享這一個主題,你看,有留言必有回應,比很多___ 要靈得多了吧? 整理出來幾點:客訴、BIO、寂靜的大眾運輸交通工具、豬是幸運的象徵、乾杯時要對看、不能提前過生日。 和台灣很相像:破鏡、黑貓、不送鞋、不送刀、不在室內開傘。 超神秘:_____、______。 聽下去,就可以把超神秘的兩點聽起來了唷!最後提醒各位,如果大家想在這佳節期間請搬搬喝酒,沒問題唷,下面連結點起來! 我是慕尼黑小媳婦搬搬,我們下週再見! 音樂:Baby Cakes Instrumental 演出者:…
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大家好。如果能活到90歲,搬搬即將來到人生的三分之一,卻還在因為一個神經病藝術家頭痛,卻還在感覺被佔便宜,付出沒有得到實質對等的待遇,是不是要趕快找個停損點? 一直覺得自己不想被年齡框架,幾歲當實習生都是小事,但當今天,沒有合約保障,沒有確定性,沒有規畫性,這樣的老闆,真的很難讓人有理由繼續下去。以平等人權,自由可貴的價值去包裝,壓榨乙方,這就是歐洲人,舉例新疆的狀況,舉例假的made in Italy,舉例舉不完。 壞人到哪都有,好人到哪也都有,但很多人想像的童話故事,其實都不是真的,大家都一樣,搬搬始終沒有覺得外國的月亮比較圓,反而待越久,越懷念各種的台灣。 這裡是慕尼黑小媳婦,我是搬搬,我們空中再相會。 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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大家好,其實沒什麼新鮮事,不過就是被壓榨的實習生,但還是想跟大家聊聊。不知道你們生命階段有沒有那一種時期,就是很想耍酷,就是想標新立異做很酷的事情,我大概就是有,高中大學這階段吧,想要當很酷的人。 而我老闆呢,一個34歲的大叔,大概還停留在那時期吧,還是就是要這樣才能成為成功的藝術家? 舉個例好了,他喜歡他的影片有種抽色的感覺,然後不真實等等等,我覺得都可以,但他就會以一種,這樣看起來比較專業的說詞來說服別人,痾.....哈囉?抽色就比較專業?高反差就比較專業?所以搬搬就忙得頭很大。 我個人認為可能內容比你的形式還要來得更重要一些,但他就是很喜歡搞風格,然後,作風又很跳tone,很讓人拿捏不定,感覺就是磁場不合啦吼。 我覺得我好像用打得,比語音內容好看....但還是要聽一下唷。 音樂:Bab…
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大家好,對,要趁今天比較早下班,一次上傳兩集,讓大家知道第二天做了哪些鳥事。 今天呢,提早集合了,因為要去另一個城市搬他的作品,我真的覺得他請我們這一週開始就是為了這件事吧。 車上呢,一直接到很多電話,來自其他申請這職位的人,傻眼貓咪,他們不知道我們今天做了什麼鬼事。 總而言之呢,我大概明天會全身酸痛吧,然後不想上班,所以我就決定遲到15分鐘,哈哈哈。 我是慕尼黑小媳婦,這是我的小天地,希望大家喜歡,可以常常來關顧唷。 大家喜歡這種在地鐵上錄音的感覺嗎?我真的是,太累了,所以回到家就躺著,但又覺得該錄起來,因此,這模樣。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家好,沒錯,這一週是第一週實習,我第一天就太興奮了,所以就錄起來了,然後又很想和大家分享,所以就不想等一週啦。 第一天到底發生什麼事了哩?聽下去就對了。 沒什麼事發生,但還是要聽唷。 因為是下班之後才能剪接,所以,瑕疵處請見諒,啊之後會繼續連載,要再請大家支持。 我是慕尼黑小媳婦,這是我的小天地,我們相約空中見。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家好,歡迎來到初毫舍閒聊 Zuhause SmallTalk,慕尼黑小媳婦的小天地,這一週是華語電影的盛事,金馬獎,發生了哪些趣事呢? 此外,如果想在德國念書,又是怎樣的挑戰哩?全德最知名的電影學院,慕尼黑電視電影學院,入學考又是多難哩? 搬搬前年申請,最後一關,7考生取6還是被刷掉,看來要在歐洲唸電影,真的很不容易。 這一集一定要聽完,最後保證煩到你,雖然一開始的那一段也很煩人啦,還是整段都很煩人?XD 大家有聽出來一開始哼的是什麼歌曲嗎?歡迎留言唷,要罵我或稱讚都可以。 我是搬搬,這裡是我的小天地,讓我們相約空中相會。 音樂:Baby Cakes Instrumental 演出者:?te 壞特 編曲:Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 作曲:?te 壞特 , Tower da…
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第三集上線囉,這集的內容哩,比較回歸我當初開台的初衷了,就是閒聊,無聊和大家講講我的五四三,希望大家喜歡。 大家好,歡迎回到初毫舍閒聊 Zuhause SmallTalk,在這一週搬搬做了哪些事呢?來聽聽他無聊尷尬的人生,有點有趣啦其實,這週很忙碌。 關於申請居留證,關於台德駕照免試互換,關於視訊面試,關於星座命盤算命趣事,關於愛,關於你關於我。 我是慕尼黑小媳婦,這裡是我的小天地,讓我我們相約空中相會。 音樂:Baby Cakes Instrumental 演出者:?te 壞特 編曲:Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 作曲:?te 壞特 , Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 製作:Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行:ChynaHouse 連結:htt…
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大家好,這一個禮拜搬搬又做了什麼呢?到底一個失業的婦女能夠聊些什麼?尬聊的功力絲毫沒有進步,於是在空中說給你聽。 到了德國,最先要面臨的除了是簽證要辦好,再來就是找工作啦,但偏偏在德國,外國人的是次等生物,不是指種族歧視,是各種不方便,所以導致搬搬很難用自己的錢,看到想買的就買,只好繼續找工作。 這集呢,大概就是聊這樣子的事情,其實這週還做了其他很好玩的事情,我看就下次再說囉,至於是什麼有趣的事,請你聽下去好嗎? 留言給我,說你想聽什麼,我說給你聽,我是搬搬,這裡是初毫舍閒聊。 音樂:Baby Cakes Instrumental 演出者:?te 壞特 編曲:Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 作曲:?te 壞特 , Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 製作:Tower …
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大家好,來到了慕尼黑兩個月了,說好的Podcast計劃終於上線,居然就聊起了德國最近的疫情和防疫,是不是人生太無聊? 從這一週開始,德國下達了小封城的命令。天氣變冷,疫情升溫,為了下個月的聖誕節,這些防疫禁令內容有什麼呢?有用嗎? 第一集試錄試播,希望大家喜歡,有什麼想聽的內容也歡迎留言給我唷,我努力做起來,反正在封城沒事做,不是新竹(風城)唷,呵呵。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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