Imaginer, enchanter, partager
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Welcome to the hottest fantasy film podcast about the hottest fantasy films. Join us this season as we dive deep into camp classics of the Sword and Sorcery genre. Expect to find critical commentary, playful banter, and lots of laughs as we review the history, reception, and plot of a new movie every week.
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A podcast about extremely manly things like fashion, grooming & pop culture hosted by Evan Simonitsch & Sally Jon.
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Sort Søndag er Danmarks vigtigste metal podcast. Hver uge får du 1 times tonser tunge toner, i selskab med værterne Anders Bøtter og Jakob Trolle. Sort Søndags trofaste "Giro 666 lyttere" byder ind med både nye og gamle numre, "Musiknyt" sørger for at holde dig helt opdateret og hver måned gennemgås et klassisk metal album i "Månedens Mesterværk".
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Two best friends tell each other stories they heard and read that week (and also, you are here!)
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DR's podcast om de vigtigste danske virksomheder. Hver uge går Sorte tal bagom opkøb, økonomiske sværdslag, roterende svingdøre og de store danske virksomheders jagt på sorte tal. Sammen med fast gæst erhvervsjournalist og rådgiver Sune Aagaard, kommer vært Ulrik Rosenkvist tæt på toppen af dansk business - og hvad deres op- og nedture betyder for Danmark. Hør flere afsnit i DR Lyd
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Podcast 100% trail. Je vais à la rencontre de gens fascinants et inspirants pour jaser de course en sentier. Simple de même!
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Ugentlig podcast om FC Midtjylland Siden oktober 2017 har vi lavet en podcast til vores medfans, der kommer omkring så mange aspekter af klubben som muligt. Fra kampe, over tribunen til træningsbanen. Fansene bag podcasten er Patrick Arff, Peter Bak Krogh, Nicolaj Bruun Rasmussen, Rune Thyboe Vejersø, Jonas Aaes-Jørgensen, Kent Nielsen og Thomas Schouv Jakobsen. Støt os gennem støtteklubben Sort Support:
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Kinda Sorta Brown is a conversational deep dive into the intersection of identity, policy, and action. This show tackles issues that are real and deeply rooted in the experiences of POC communities across the US. Tune in for fresh content every other week. As part of the KSFam (our listeners), we welcome you to engage with us on our people forward social media @kindasortabrown on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
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Deux fois par semaine, les équipes des sports du 98.5 et de La Presse croisent le fer pour discuter de hockey, analyser les plus récentes transactions, décortiquer les enjeux et apporter un regard neuf sur l’actualité de notre sport national.
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Suivez, le 1er média d'actualités sorties en France
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Progressive Rock was a revolutionary music genre that emphasized flashy musicianship and wild experimentation. In the wake of the psychedelic 60s, Prog Rock would scale the heights of commercial and critical success. Its star burned brightly, but only five years later it was in terminal decline, destined to be lost to the sands of time. Join your host Ian Prise and his guests each week as we trace the rise and fall of Prog Rock, album by album.
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The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast
James Irish, Krissi Harding & Pembroke W Korgi
The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast is a misadventure into the wide world of animation. Noted webcomic artist Pembroke W. Korgi is joined by Krissi Harding and James Irish to look back on Saturday Morning favorites, syndicated series, theatrical short subjects, Anime classics, and more! Pour a bowl of your favorite breakfast cereal and come join us!
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This podcast for the ambitious but uncertain, the high achievers who still hesitate, and the leaders who sometimes feel like imposters. Through personal stories, guest interviews, and candid reflections, we explore the messy middle between doubt and confidence, helping you navigate success with self-awareness and a little bit of humor.
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Hop into the ring with The Sort, the podcast offering both a historical and forward-looking exploration of the world of livestock judges. The goal of The Sort is designed to support, engage, mentor, and advance the future leaders of the livestock industry. In each episode, we invite guests to share their personal journeys, visions, and enthusiasm for the livestock industry. These individuals bring unique perspectives, enriching our program with their real-world experiences of challenges and ...
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Musician brothers Paul and Garry Abbott discuss and rank their favourite Beatles and 60s records. The first three seasons covered everything Beatles, including the core catalogue, the movies and extras, and even the 70s solo singles. In season 4 they are looking at the wider musical landscape by ranking all the UK 60s Number 1s! Please enjoy and keep in touch on Twitter and Instagram @big_sort.
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Tous les reportages sur les idées de sorties en Alsace, de Haguenau à la Vallée de Munster, en passant par la Vallée de la Bruche et le territoire Alsace Rhin Brisach, sont à retrouver ici. Les interviews sont également à retrouver sur les plateformes Spotify (, Deezer (, Apple Podcasts (, Podcast Addict ( ...
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Portuguese living in The Netherlands. Reader and once-upon-a-time bookseller, now talking about books on a podcast so that my friends can have a break for once.
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Des témoignages inspirants et sincères de personnes qui sont passées par là. Human Tempo organise des césures de sortie du burnout, et nos anciens participants partagent ici leurs histoires d'épuisement et de récupération. Ils parlent de leur passage avec nous, mais pas que ! Vous verrez, ce sont des personnes formidables qui se sont données à fond et, à un moment, ont atteint leur limite. Car oui, nous en avons tous une. Nous publions 1 nouveau témoignage toutes les 2 ou 3 semaines, n'hésit ...
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Christian Patam and Myles Darling reviewing movies and tv shows every week
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Aprenda prosperar de maneira natural. #ricosesortudos
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Join us as we venture through our liminal phase from meek children to thriving, capable adults. Or something like that.
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The podcast that’s sorta about Star Wars, and sorta about everything else in life, including parenting, food, tech, shows, movies, things, and stuff
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To most folks, this may seem an odd title but it best describes the range of topics this podcast series delivers to practicing geologists, geoscientists, or anyone with an interest in Pennsylvania’s geological environment. Produced by the Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists (PCPG), the series includes practical and timely topics, technical and social matters, trends and tips for the office or the field, and interesting subjects and interviews that may remind you of why you chose ...
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Bom dia e boa sorte!
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Ready to level up your hustle game? Dive into the ultimate blend of financial savvy advice, killer marketing tips, real-life anecdotes and laugh-out-loud moments with Certified Financial Planner René Boudreault and Marketing Guru Darryl Boulley—your go-to source for levelling up in business and life. Follow us for your dose of wisdom and laughter. Slay your hustle with Taming the Hustle... or Something of the Sorts.
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Money talk, Motivation, and Life Experiences mixed with street culture and hip-hop. Keeping it real and in your face.
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The Audacity Odessey
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O que pode acontecer quando uma Rádio emite paredes-meias com um Minipreço? "Boa Sorte!" traz de volta as radionovelas num total de 26 episódios cheios de humor, romance e intriga. Não perca todas as sextas-feiras um novo episódio.
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Jesteśmy dwójką ziomków, którzy lubują się w dziwnych i niskobudżetowych wytworach ludzkiej wyobraźni. Tworzymy podcast o filmach, grach, książkach i innych „dziełach” kultury, które śmiało możemy zakwalifikować do kategorii „Ż”. Uwielbiamy horror, groteskę postapokalipsę i żywe trupy, a gore jemy na śniadanie. Wraz z nami przekroczysz granice, które już dawno powinny zostać zapomniane przez rasę ludzką.
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ポッドキャストを始めましたがアクセス出来なくなり第6回目から引き続きで録音をしています!新しいシステムで録音をする為、タイトルも「メガネのよもやま話シーズン5」と題しthe よもやま話を繰り広げております!ぜひ楽しんで聞いて下さい!
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Just pulling at all the loose threads and seeing what unravels.
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Podcast by The Sorting Hats: Nora & Beth
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SortaWoke Podcast: for the people who are sometimes 60/40 on things and ideas of todays social culture. Support this podcast:
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Welcome to my podcast! I share some quick tips on organization, health and wellness, planning, and more!
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Sorta Kinda Superpowered is the story of 12-year-old Joses Gardner who finds a golden pin that gives him a limited set of superpowers. Listen for free or download the ebook free on Amazon.
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Josh doesn't know, his friends do. Together, they sorta know. Join Josh Ahadian every week as he sits down with people to discuss the thing they know the most about. Tune in weekly for a hilariously informative time.
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Un média incontournable pour les personnes intéressées par l’industrie des plastiques et des matériaux composites. NOUVEL ÉPISODE DISPONIBLE LE 1er LUNDI DE CHAQUE MOIS. Abonnez-vous dès aujourd’hui ! AU PROGRAMME : Rencontres avec des experts : Ingénieurs, scientifiques, entrepreneurs Innovations : Dernières avancées technologiques Développement durable : Solutions écoresponsables pour un avenir plus vert Histoires de réussite : Témoignages inspirants des leaders de l’industrie Enjeux et dé ...
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This podcast is about personal growth experiences and philosophies. The focus is oriented towards personal transformation of the Psyche and continued introspection.
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This is a podcast all about how my life got flipped turned upside down.
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Urbain, humain capillairement discutable et standuppeur de métier, débriefe toutes les scènes qu'il fait, qu'elles soient devant 10, 100, ou 1000 personnes. Moultes digressions, cris d'animaux, chansons et invités sont à prévoir. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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#24 The Lord of the Rings (1978)
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1:12:37This week the boys continue their Bakshi marathon and cover his fantastical magnum opus: The Lord of the Rings (1978). It's rotoscope and rings baby, what's not to love?!De către Will & Chase
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Joshua Roy de retour à Montréal: «Joshua Roy a été un choix de 5e ronde» -Richard Labbé
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49:20Joshua Roy est - encore une fois - rappelé à Montréal. Peut-il aider les Canadiens? Richard Labbé note froidement qu'il est un choix de 5e ronde. Stéphane Waite croit que l'intelligence de Roy va lui permettre de faire sa place dans la LNH. Divergence d'opinion, ici. Le Tricolore a-t-il de réelles chances de triompher à Vancouver et à Seattle? Et J…
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#18: Emerson Tarr and Jacob Klaudt, Kansas State University
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1:07:41On Today's Episode: Joining us are Emerson Tarr and Jacob Klaudt, two students from Kansas State University selected to participate in the Top Judge program this year. Emerson is a senior at Kansas State University where she is studying agriculture communications and journalism with a minor in animal science. Emerson is involved in the College of A…
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Invester i våben og KAOS i DSV-bestyrelsen
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55:00Der skal bruges mange mange mange mange mange milliarder på det europæiske forsvar. Hvordan kan det komme den danske våbenindustri til gode? Og hvilket grej skal vi egentlig producere herhjemme?Og så har Salling købt op i Baltikum. En supermarkedskæde samt to gutter på størrelse med Pyrus. Hvad kan det betyde for Salling? Og måske for dig?Til sidst…
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The Big 60s Sort Out Ep 49: 1968 Jul - Aug
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1:13:00The Big Beatles Sort Out Presents: The Big 60s Sort Out! Yes, for season 4 we are taking a look at the decade that made (or was made?) by The Beatles, by ranking every UK number one, looking for sneaky Beatles links, and generally putting ourselves in the world where they crafted their legacy. Please joins us as we try and sort out, the 60s! Songs …
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Folkekirkens foretrukne metalpodcast!
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1:16:04Det er alt for længe siden, at vi har hørt fra alle jer dejlige lyttere. Derfor skal vi selvfølgelig have en helvedes masse Giro 666 lytterhilsner. Derfor er der heavy metal fra Ukraine - og det er ikke "Jinjer"! Der er også et vaskeægte "metal-dilemma" fra Emma, og så skal du høre, hvilket nyt hardcore-band, der får Trolle til at straks at smide e…
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Who Won the 2025 Oscars Red Carpet?
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55:10Send us a text Who stole the show on the 2025 Oscars red carpet? Evan and Sally break down the best and worst looks of the night. Plus, they dive into Conan O’Brien’s hosting performance, share their thoughts on Anora, and discuss what’s next for the podcast now that awards season is over. 💌 Get in Touch: [email protected] 🌐 Explore More: man…
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#3 – You Just Can't Think of Yourself That Way
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18:18Episode Notes Simple Connections Ebook: Facebook Page for regular updates: Want to receive highlights, special freebies, and inspiration? Join my mailing list: If you have a story you want to share (short or long, doesn't matter), I can r…
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Dans ce premier épisode, je vous explique comment j’ai trouvé le nom du podcast !
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#209: Oprejsning i overtiden
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1:11:39I denne udsendelse vender vi 2-1 sejren på hjemmebane over FC Nordsjælland samt en række temaer i Ulveland. Vi har selvfølgelig Fyringer & Forlængelser og så ser vi frem mod de sidste kampe i grundspillet.Panel: Kent Nielsen og Rune VejersøeVært: Jakob NørgaardTak til alle lyttere for at lytte, give feedback og komme med indspark til udsendelser.De…
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King Crimson rounds out their jazz metal trilogy as a trio This is the clearest, heaviest and arguably most King Crimson that King Crimson will ever be Join us for 1974's Red @progfrogpod [email protected] către helloprogfrog
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World War 2 Propaganda (Multiple Studios, 1942-1945)
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1:06:35Is this trip really necessary? Or rather, is this podcast a little too of the moment?? Well, half of it, anyway. The animation industry became pitchmen for rationing, selling war bonds and other ways to help our men and women overseas during World War 2, while also taking every pot shot the Hayes Code would allow them to at the fascist powers we we…
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152. I Be Akimbo (Scrimbus Malfoy)
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1:38:18Send us a text Welcome back to another episode! This week, Max is going to tell us about a man who can't stop touching rocks, and Janey is going to tell us about the dangers of picking flowers (don't do it, ladies! It's not worth it!) Enjoy! Janey's Sources - What Came of Picking Flowers Andrew Lang's "Grey Fairy Book" Full free story Max's Sources…
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[ÉPISODE 227] Laurie Girard - Du trail à l’exploration sans limites
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1:47:49Laurie Girard est une aventurière dans l’âme. Course en sentier, ski de rando, voile, longue randonné en autonomie… tant qu’elle est dehors, elle est dans son élément. Dans l'épisode, elle nous parle de son lien profond avec la nature et de l’évolution de son rapport au trail. D’une passion brûlante qui guidait ses choix en 2021-2022, elle a appris…
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Third time's the charm, right? With home and work being the two places we are at most often, there is something special about whatever your third space is. Whether it is your church, local bar, art studio, or the gym, these places are where people choose to go to enjoy themselves and those around them. Without institutionalized roles, these places …
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