Learn Spanish by listening to slowly spoken conversations between Spanish teachers, Rocío & Jesús. Ideal for basic to intermediate levels (A2 to B2). Interactive transcripts and vocab lists are available for free via our website, LanguaTalk.com. Interested in taking lessons with tutors as talented as Rocío & Jesús? Book a trial session here: https://languatalk.com/spanish-tutors-online?via=spanishpod
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Predictions from The Simpsons that came true
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20:02The Simpsons has predicted a lot of stuff. From suggesting that Donald Trump would become the US President to predicting Covid and the use of smartwatches, the programme has proven incredibly foresighted. This podcast is perfect for learning Spanish if you have a basic or intermediate level (A2 to B2). You can read an interactive transcript (which …
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Do you know how many babies are born approximately per minute in the world? And how many people speak Spanish in the world? And how many times does the heart beat in a year? Today you’ll learn new things whilst practicing numbers with Rocío and Jesús. This podcast is perfect for learning Spanish if you have a basic or intermediate level (A2 to B2).…
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Do you live in your comfort zone? Take the test with Jesus and Rocio and find out if you are a person with a comfortable life or if you are a highly adventurous person. What things would you like to do and have not done yet? Jesus and Rocio talk about all this and more. This podcast is perfect for learning Spanish if you have a basic or intermediat…
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Jesús and Rocío have good news and want to share it with all of you...they have moved to Budapest! Why have they moved to Hungary? Was it an easy or a difficult process? What do they think of the city, the food, the language…? Listen to all this and much more in this episode. This podcast is perfect for learning Spanish if you have a basic or inter…
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Did you know that in Austria there is an evil being called Krampus that scares children who have misbehaved before Christmas? And did you know that in Japan it is a Christmas tradition to eat a KFC menu? Did you know how they celebrate Christmas in the Philippines, Brazil or Norway? Rocio and Jesus tell you this and much more!…
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Jesús and Rocío have never been to Oceania, but they find it a fascinating continent and know a lot of interesting facts about it. Today they share some of these with you.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Rocío and Jesus talk about Africa and give you interesting facts about some of the countries they’ve visited and lived in.De către LanguaTalk
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Do you know where the name Europe comes from? How many countries make up the continent? In today's episode, Jesus and Rocío bring you these curiosities and many more about the old continent.De către LanguaTalk
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The Simpsons is the longest cartoon series in history and one of Rocío and Jesús' favourites. So they couldn’t resist discussing it in today’s episode. Whether you’re a Simpsons fan or not, you should find it an interesting conversation.De către LanguaTalk
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Jesús and Rocío are passionate about animals and today they tell you some curiosities about the animal world.De către LanguaTalk
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Leading a healthy life is not easy and Rocío and Jesús know it. Today they tell you some health facts that you probably don’t know.De către LanguaTalk
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Do you like art? Do you want to know curiosities about art and also practice Spanish? Rocío and Jesús talk about the different types of art and tell you some interesting news.De către LanguaTalk
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What are Rocío and Jesús’ obsessions? What are the most common ones? And what obsessions do certain celebrities have?De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode you will learn all the necessary vocabulary to travel by plane and get around the airport. Perfect for all levels!De către LanguaTalk
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Rocío and Jesús support the LGTBIQ+ collective and want to celebrate gay pride month with you. Do not miss this episode if you want to learn more about the history of the LGTBIQ+ in the world and in Spain.De către LanguaTalk
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In Spain, as in other countries, it is part of the culture to tell jokes and play pranks. Jesús and Rocío tell you some (of the worst) jokes in Spanish. They explain the different types of jokes that exist and some curiosities about laughter.De către LanguaTalk
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Spanish idioms that involve colours
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15:05Knowing the many idioms used daily by Spaniards will take your Spanish to another level. In this episode, Jesus and Rocío teach you very common idioms in Spanish that involve colours.De către LanguaTalk
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Jesus and Rocío are huge fans of the Eurovision song contest and this year they had the opportunity to experience it live in Turin, Italy. Do not miss this episode if you want to know some curiosities about Eurovision.De către LanguaTalk
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Jesús and Rocío have just returned from a trip to Porto, Portugal and they are really excited! In this episode, they talk about interesting facts about Portugal and their favourite places and food in Porto.De către LanguaTalk
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In last week's episode, Rocío interviewed Jesús. Now, the tables have turned as Rocío enjoys asking Jesús some intriguing questions.De către LanguaTalk
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Do you want to know Jesús a little better? If so, this episode is for you. You’ll hear Rocío interviewing him with some unusual questions.De către LanguaTalk
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Do you have phobias? Fears? Rocío and Jesus do! And they tell you about them in this episode. Also, what are the most common phobias? And what are the most unusual?De către LanguaTalk
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Do you want to know how compatible Rocío and Jesús are as a couple? Do you want to know the shortest celebrity marriages in history? if you do, don't miss this episode!De către LanguaTalk
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Jesús and Rocío talk about the apps they use the most and the rarest apps on the market.De către LanguaTalk
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Jesús and Rocío talk about the social networks they use the most and tell you some curious facts about them.De către LanguaTalk
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Do Jesus and Rocío follow fashion trends? Do they prefer to shop in person or online? What’s their favourite brand? Discover this and much more in today's episode.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Jesús and Rocío talk about their illnesses, about the times they have been in a hospital and about rare diseases.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Rocío and Jesus talk about horoscopes. They discuss their own zodiac signs, plus what is predicted for their personality and their futures.De către LanguaTalk
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Travel through Spain with Rocío and Jesus to discover the mysterious places where the most fascinating legends are hidden.De către LanguaTalk
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Jesús and Rocío talk about their families, genetics and, as always, Jesús brings us fascinating stories about the strangest cases in history.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Rocío and Jesus ask: is beauty important? Listen to their discussion on beauty and how thoughts about it differ from country to country.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Rocío and Jesus discuss their hobbies, plus weird hobbies they’ve come across, as well as the favourites of celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Cameron Diaz.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Rocío and Jesús imagine what their futures will be like. They discuss whether it’s possible to know the future, and whether humans will one day live on other planets.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Rocio and Jesus talk about pets. They tell us about the pets they had during their childhood, as well as those they’ve had together.De către LanguaTalk
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In this episode, Rocio and Jesus talk about things that have changed in the world since they were kids.De către LanguaTalk
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Following last week’s introduction to Christmas in Spain, Jesús and Rocío continue their conversation, covering some further traditions unique to Spain.De către LanguaTalk
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Jesús and Rocío bring you the most important traditions and customs during Christmas in Spain. Do you know them all? Watch out for part 2 next week.De către LanguaTalk
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What does it mean to be famous? Would Jesus & Rocio like to be famous? Why? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this week's episode.De către LanguaTalk
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Jesús and Rocío will soon celebrate their wedding anniversary. Today, they talk about the most unusual weddings they've been to, the best weddings, and of course, their wedding.De către LanguaTalk
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Rocío and Jesus talk about friendship, but not only about good friends! They also talk about how to detect a toxic person in your life and avoid dramas.De către LanguaTalk
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Talking about work is important both inside and outside the world of work. In this episode, Jesús and Rocío talk about their first jobs, the best and worst jobs, their current jobs and the current situation in Spain.De către LanguaTalk
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Travel with Rocío and Jesús around Spain through great productions of Hollywood and Spain. Discover where scenes from Star Wars and Game of Thrones were filmed.De către LanguaTalk
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In a few days, Rocío is turning 37 years old. She and Jesús explain customs that you should know in Spain and talk about their birthday experiences.De către LanguaTalk
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Halloween is coming and Jesús is excited because this is one of his favourite celebrations! Rocío and Jesús talk about how they celebrate this day in Spain and also all around the world.De către LanguaTalk
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Spanish is a language rich in vocabulary, but it is increasingly common to use Anglicisms - words borrowed from English. Rocio and Jesús talk about the anglicisms that they use the most and why.De către LanguaTalk
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Common Spanish expressions and their origins
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21:19Rocío and Jesús talk about popular Spanish idioms they use on a daily basis and their interesting origins. For example, can you guess what ‘ponerse las botas’ or ‘desear a alguien mucha mierda’ mean?De către LanguaTalk
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Comidas y bebidas típicas en España (Parte 2)
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20:25Come on the 2nd part of a gastronomic trip through Spain with Jesus and Rocio. They talk about La Rioja red wine, the best draft beer in Spain, and Andalusia’s food and drinks. Oh and don’t miss part one on food from last week!De către LanguaTalk
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Comidas y bebidas típicas en España (Parte 1)
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24:41Come on a gastronomic trip through Spain with Jesus and Rocio. Do you know the most popular drink in Asturias? Do you know what “pintxo” means? Can you guess what “agua de Valencia” is? Jesús and Rocío are big foodies, so there will be part 2 on food next week!De către LanguaTalk
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Rocío loves researching the meaning of dreams, whilst Jesus is always having nightmares. Listen carefully to their most frequently recurring dreams and practice the use of the Pretérito Imperfecto.De către LanguaTalk
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¿Qué harías si...? (What would you do if....?)
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32:55Getting comfortable with the conditional tense is an important step in becoming a fluent Spanish speaker. So in this episode, Rocío and Jesús ask each other: ¿Qué harías si...? i.e. What would you do if....? Listen and practice yourself by answering some of the questions.De către LanguaTalk
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