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Klara & Bart Van Loo

Elke week een nieuwe historische sensatie zoals alleen Bart Van Loo dat kan. Reis mee naar meer dan 60 Bourgondische plekken. Door de late middeleeuwen letterlijk aan te raken blaast Bart ons verre verleden nieuw leven in.
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Captain Black Jack Murphy

Drink up me hearties! MARC GUNN puts on a pirate hat as Captain Black Jack Murphy, Pirate Extraordinaire and Irish piratanical vocalist for Irish Stout presents a weekly podcast featuring Irish songs, seafaring music, sea shanties, pirate music and sometimes rude indecency from across the seven seas.
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Join us for a special discussion with Steve Stoute, marketing guru and author of The Tanning of America: How Hip-Hop Created a Culture That Rewrote the Rules of the New Economy, and learn about his experiences connecting cultural icons with blue-chip marketers. This event will is moderated by Josh Tyrangiel, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg Businessweek.
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Welcome to the FinancialVerse podcast with financial services industry thought leader Harry Stout! If you are like most Americans, you have received little to no personal finance education. In fact, you’ve likely received more formal training to drive a vehicle than managing money. You have likely developed your relationship with money through daily living and trial and error. Now, just suppose you could find a resource that could explain, in easy-to-understand language, what your financial ...
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show series
In 1379 komen de Gentenaren in opstand tegen hun heer, graaf Lodewijk van Male. Ze willen meer privileges en minder inmenging van zijn kant. Brugge is een trouwe aanhanger van de graaf en dat wakkert de rivaliteit tussen de twee commerciële grootmachten alleen maar aan. Wanneer de graaf de toegangswegen tot hun stad blokkeert zien de Gentenaren gee…
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Ontdek samen met Bart Van Loo het wonderlijke kasteel van Germolles, het luxeverblijf van Margaretha Van Male. Twaalf jaar na de trouwerij in 1369 krijgt ze dat van haar man Filips cadeau. Ze is meteen dol op de woonst. Als Filips in Parijs of Vlaanderen verblijft, dan bestuurt vaak Margaretha het Bourgondische hertogdom. Van het kasteel van Germol…
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Het is feest in Dijon. Op 26 november 1364 doet de nieuwe hertog van Bourgondië, Filips de Stoute, er zijn blijde intrede. Hij neemt zijn intrek in het sobere kasteel dat pas onder zijn kleinzoon Filips de Goede zal uitgroeien tot het somptueuze ‘Palais des ducs de Bourgogne’. Wel kan hij de bouw van de Tour de Bar op zijn conto schrijven. Op 28 me…
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Op een toren van de burcht van Montbard tuurt Filips De Stoute in juli 1370 ongeduldig in de verte. Kondigt de zwarte stip aan de horizon eindelijk de karavaan aan, die zijn echtgenote Margaretha van Male het Bourgondische hertogdom binnenleidt? Op 19 juni 1369 is hij met haar getrouwd in Gent. Nu voegt ze zich bij hem. Voor Margaretha is de entree…
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Bart Van Loo trekt naar Male in Sint-Kruis, deelgemeente van Brugge. Hier stond het kasteel van Male, eeuwenlang bewoond door de Graven van Vlaanderen. Alleen de robuuste donjon dateert nog uit de 14de eeuw. We draaien de klok even terug: in 1350 kwam hier Margaretha van Male ter wereld, de erfgename van het graafschap Vlaanderen die met Filips de …
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De Donkere Poort is het enige bekende overblijfsel van het Prinsenhof in Gent. Hier betreedt Filips de Stoute het politieke wereldtoneel op een manier die Bourgondië de typische schittering zal schenken: met een exuberant huwelijksfeest dat half Europa moet verbluffen. Een paar eeuwen lang doet het Prinsenhof dienst als een van de topresidenties va…
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Op 19 juni 1369 geven Margaretha van Male en Filips de Stoute elkaar hier het ja-woord. Zij is de dochter van de Vlaamse graaf Lodewijk van Male, hij de jongste zoon van de Franse koning en hertog van Bourgondië. De verbintenis tussen Vlaanderen en Bourgondië is de eerste schakel in het ontstaan van de Lage Landen als nieuwe staatkundige eenheid. D…
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E-9 and Upright Brewing “Snakehips” Dry Irish, Stormbreaker “Opacus” Oatmeal, Single Hill “Peated Reserve Overstory”, and Abomination “Midnight Snack” with special appearances by Chumbawamba, Gary Wright, Mr. Magoo, White Snake, Nirvana, and AC/DC Abomination “Midnight Snack”De către Chris Knapp/Bob Moffitt/Glenn Crim
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Bart Van Loo trekt zijn stoute schoenen aan en reist door het decor van ons Bourgondisch ontstaansverhaal. We maken een epische tijdreis langs afgelegen kasteelruïnes en donkere kerkers vol verhalen. Langs spannende torens en modderige slagvelden waar de kanonschoten van de honderdjarige oorlog nog nagalmen. Door de late middeleeuwen letterlijk aan…
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Ah, memories. Like when ma swallowed her chaw when the skunks came for dinner and ran off with the Christmas goose. Photo by Bob Moffitt Beer and baseball have gone together nicely for 200 years, maybe more. Catch the latest on the game at thespitter.comDe către Clarence Tedrow, Sheree Tedrow, Bob Moffitt
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So much to disagree about and so little time. Fortunately, The Alley in Mariposa, CA has a time and a place to settle these things. It’s called “Festivus” or “Days That End in “Y.” Beer and baseball have gone pretty well together for a couple hundred years, maybe more. Catch the latest on the game at…
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In this episode Harry introduces listeners to the financial planning concept of quality time left or QTL. He discusses how financial planning changes when you have limited time, an illness or some other life event. Living your money life intentionally is key to preparing for the uncertainties that life offers.…
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In this episode Harry answers a subscriber request to explain the Snowball Method of repaying debt, how it works and why it works better for certain households rather than other available methods. In this time of increasing interest rates repaying debt is more important than ever for households.…
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In this episode Harry helps you answer the question - How Much Life Insurance Coverage Do You Need? He discusses what risks and life events you should consider when buying life insurance and why most households do not have enough coverage. Harry advises each household to sit down with a qualified financial professional and take the time to carefull…
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In this episode Harry discusses a blog post written by FinancialVerse guest contributor Cary Carney. Cary presents the case of how annuity products can offer safety and guarantees to consumers looking to protect their retirement savings during these crazy times.…
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In this episode Harry welcomes you to the new world of inflation. He helps you understand what inflation is, how it is calculated, what it does to the value of your money and what actions you can take to mitigate its impacts. Episode Links and Resources…
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In this episode Harry discusses the foundational concept of net worth - what it means to households and why it is important. He also provides resources to enable you to compare your net worth to others your age.…
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In this episode Harry highlights IRAs. He discusses what they are, how they are used and the key aspects of IRAs that we should all know. He also recommends that listeners access the IRA section of to learn more about this valuable retirement savings tool. …
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The second largest category of expenses for most households is what they spend on transportation. In this episode Harry provides 10 ideas on where savings can be achieved. With energy costs skyrocketing, the time to look at ways to reduce out-of-pocket costs for transportation is more important than it has been in decades. https://www.financialvers…
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In this episode Harry discusses wills and provides ten reasons why you need one. A will is one of the fundamental documents of personal finance. Only 46% of American households have a will in place. Your household runs a significant risk not having one in place.…
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In this episode Harry discusses the eight major costs of owning a home and operating it. He gives you rules of thumb or ideas on what you should be spending for maintenance, utilities and insurance coverages. Given that households spend about $21,000 on housing related expenses this episode should help you save money by becoming more aware of all t…
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In this episode Harry discusses why households may need a larger emergency fund in today's crazy economic environment. He offers six considerations that households should consider in putting money away for the unexpected. Episode Links and Resources https://investorr…
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In this episode Harry discusses the need for all of us to save more money now to pay our living expenses when full time work stops. The key factors driving our economy are forcing us to have to accumulate cash and benefits for later life. He presents ten realities each of us must address to be able to have reasonable lifestyles in our later years. …
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In this episode Harry looks to help listeners better understand the various income options, including getting cash from the annuity contract if you die, available from deferred annuities. Most consumers don't fully understand the myriad income options available to them from a deferred annuity.De către Harry N. Stout
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Just like you get a periodic physical examination you need to do the same for retirement. In this episode Harry discusses getting a retirement readiness check-up beginning at least age 45. He present the key areas to be covered as part of the process and why they are so important to you.De către Harry N. Stout
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In this episode, Harry discusses actions you might take in light of the Russian invasion and its impact on your money. He encourages households to relax and focus on the actions they can control relating to their money. Episode links and resources…
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In this episode Harry presents ideas on. how households can save on one of their largest expenditures - federal and state income taxes. He covers a number of common items people miss when completing their income tax returns. Episode Links…
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In this episode Harry discusses the three major actions you should take to future proof your income. He addresses reskilling, upskilling and using income protection insurance to protect your earning power and cash flow. Most likely you most valuable asset is your ability to earn an income. Episode Links and Resources ttps://…
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In this episode Harry discusses the personal and financial changes that individuals are making as a result of the impact. These changes are creating a new trend in personal finance - YOLO money. He discusses the new actions people are taking as they contemplate if there is more to life than the normal striving to be successful. Episode resources ht…
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In this episode guest contributor Michel Burkholder addresses having life insurance coverage at work, when to buy more coverage and asks if the amount of coverage provided is sufficient to protect your household. Episode Link and resources…
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In this episode Harry discusses key metrics that people use to track their financial condition and success in reaching long-term goals. If you can't measure your money success you can't measure it. The session explains and highlights a number of key measures you can use. Episode Link and resources…
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In this episode Harry takes you into the new world of health insurance for your pets. More and more households are obtaining coverage for the health needs of their pets to avoid large, out-of-pocket costs for pet medical care. Harry discusses the types of coverage available and related costs. Episode Link and resources…
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