Why Reformed church do what they do in worship. Scripture Lesson: Acts 2:37-47 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-elements-03-02-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
We deserve to be judged to hell for our sin but Jesus was judged in our place at the cross New Testament Text: Matthew 23:37-40 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-judgedinplace-03-02-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The Regulative Principle, derived from the second commandment, states that we may do in worship only what God commands. Scripture Lesson: Isaiah 66:1-4 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-regulative-02-09-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Repentance for sins is only possible through the work of Jesus to die and be raised again. New Testament Text: Acts 3:11-26 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-repentance-02-09-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The second commandment requires that we worship God rightly and not according to human convention. Scripture Lesson: Exodus 32:1-14 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-worship1-02-02-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The insanity and misery of idolatry is replaced by the sanity and joy of the proper worship of God through faith in Christ. New Testament Lesson: John 4:1-42 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-insanemisery-02-02-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we cover the character of the first commandment, what it requires of us and how Christ fulfilled it. Scripture Lesson: Isaiah 44:9-20 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-1stcomm-01-26-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Jeremiah is called by God to judge and to restore nations, which reflects Christ’s ministry to judge and to restore God’s people. New Testament Lesson: Matthew 3:1-12 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-judgerestore-01-26-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Because of the Gospel, we owe duty to God and to neighbor. Scripture Lessons: Matthew 22:34-40, James 2:8-13 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-followinglaw-01-19-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we compare and contrast the sorrowful life and the happy life. New Testament Lesson: Luke 18:9-14 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-sorrowhappiness-01-19-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we distinguish the strict sense of conversion from the broader sense, which is about sanctification – the dying of the old man and the making alive of the new man. Scripture Lesson: Ephesians 4:17-24 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-conversion-01-12-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The creation is sufficient to reveal the glory and existence of God but insufficient to reveal his gracious character, for that, we need the Word of God, which speaks of Christ. New Testament Lesson: Romans 1:16-32 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-senseofGod-01-12-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we discuss the role of good works in the life of the Christian. Scripture Lesson: Romans 12:1-2 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-gratitude-01-05-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Jesus Christ reveals the intended purpose of man to rule who struggles with dignity that only appears to be true. New Testament Lesson: Hebrews 2:5-10 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-humbled-01-05-2025.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Peace is achieved not through exalted human rulers but through a lowly Hebrew baby. Old Testament Text: Isaiah 51:17-52:12 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-peaceonearth-12-22-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
We will embrace weakness and suffering in this life when we focus on the weakness and suffering of Christ in his incarnation and crucifixion. Old Testament Lesson: 2 Samuel 7:1-17 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-weakkingdom-12-15-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The visible church on earth has the unique authority to open and to close the Kingdom of Heaven through preaching and discipline. Scripture Lesson: Matthew 16:13-20 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-keys-12-08-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Joy and gladness is found in the Kingdom of God, which is breaking in through the announcement and birth of John the Baptist. Old Testament Lesson: Malachi 4:1-6 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-happyintrusion-12-08-20224.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The church is given the responsibility and authority to fence the Lord’s Table. Scripture Lesson: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-fence-21-01-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
If we understand the meaning of the Gospel story then we will have assurance that it is true, which leads to a hearty faith by the power of the Holy Spirit. Old Testament Lesson: 2 Samuel 7:1-17 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-orderlyaccount-12-01-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we focus on the Scriptural teaching of real presence or the spiritual presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper. Scripture Lesson: Matthew 26:17-30 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-lordssupper2-11-24-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Confidence during troubles comes by crying out to God and believing that he has helped us already at the cross. New Testament Lesson: Hebrews 4:14-5:9 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-help-11-24-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Participation in the Lord’s Supper causes Christian growth. Scripture Lessons: 1 Corinthians 10:16,17; 11:23-26 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-lordssupper1-11-17-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we finish Ephesians and find out what true blessings are. Old Testament Lesson: Numbers 6:22-27 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-blessing-11-17-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
A biblical argument for baptizing infants Scripture Lesson: Colossians 2:6-15 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-infantbaptism-11-10-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
We must battle against the world, the flesh and the devil everyday while believing the fight is already won in Christ. Old Testament Text: Isaiah 59 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-spiritualbattle-11-10-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Baptism signifies and seals the promise of being washed with the blood and Spirit of Christ. Scripture Lessons: 1 Peter 3:18-22, Romans 6:1-5 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-baptism1-11-03-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we examine Paul’s commands to slaves and masters, which can only be comprehended in Christ. Old Testament Text: Psalm 10 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-slavesmasters-11-03-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The Sacraments are very confusing for people even in the church; we clear up the confusion in this sermon. Scripture Lesson: 1 Corinthians 10:1-22 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-thesacraments-10-27-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Paul gives helpful words to children and parents, which also convict and beg for relief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Old Testament Texts: Exodus 20:12, Leviticus 19:1-3 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-childrenfathersChrist-10-27-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
God rewards those who deny any merit to themselves for salvation and rather trust in the merit of Jesus Christ. Scripture Lesson: Matthew 25:31-46 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-rewards-10-20-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
As husband and wife fulfill their roles in marriage, Christ is glorified as the Bridegroom of the church, his bride. Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 2:18-25 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-marriage-10-20-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we cover a biblical doctrine many Christians today don’t know but is essential to know. Scripture Lesson: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-justification-10-13-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
God’s holiness relates both to the judgment of mankind and the salvation of the elect. New Testament Lesson: Matthew 13:10-17 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-holiness-10-13-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
There is great hope found in the resurrection of our bodies. Scripture Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-resslife-10-06-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Because the days are evil, we must avoid wrong influences and be filled with the Spirit, which will result in right worship. Old Testament Lesson: 2 Samuel 23:1-7 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-influence-10-06-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we will examine why the church and her ministry is necessary. Scripture Lesson: Matthew 28:16-20 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-church-09-29-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Christians shouldn’t be like the “sons of disobedience” because they are no longer like them in their darkness but are now light in the Lord and therefore must walk as children of light, which will have a positive effect on those in the darkness. Old Testament Text: Isaiah 60:1-7 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-darklight2-09-29-2024.MP3…
The Holy Spirit comforts us by making us a partaker of Christ, teaching us and abiding with us forever. Scripture Lesson: John 14:1-31 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-holyspirit-09-22-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The church is to discern the darkness of sin in the world turning from sin and turning to Christ and walking in the light of righteousness. Old Testament Text: Isaiah 60:1-7 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-darklight1-09-22-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we consider these words in the Apostles’ Creed: “and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come judge the living and the dead.” Scripture Lesson Ephesians 4:1-16 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-reign-09-15-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The ultimate answer to our problems in this life is found in God alone. New Testament Lesson: Romans 11:33-36 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-powerwisdom-09-15-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon, we discuss the theological realities of Christ’s bodily ascension into heaven. Scripture text: Acts 1:1-11 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-ascension-09-08-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Paul’s ethical commands, to help ensure peace and unity in the church and to guard against conflict and division, are rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Old Testament Texts: Zechariah 8:14-17, Psalm 4:4, Isaiah 63:9-10, Exodus 15:22-25 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-peaceunity-09-08-2024.MP3…
The resurrection of Christ is evidence of our justification, the power of our sanctification and the pledge of our glorification. Scripture Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-resurrection-09-01-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
We are to walk in the way of righteousness and not in the way of sin because we have put off the old man and have put on the new man. Old Testament Lesson: Ecclesiastes 12 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm.righteouspaths-09-01-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
The body of Christ, when properly fed by the Word and Sacraments, will grow and mature and be protected against false doctrine. Old Testament Lesson: Psalm 68:15-23 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-adulthood-08-25-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In this sermon we discuss the implications of Christ’s death, burial; his descent into hell. Scripture Lesson: Romans 6:1-11 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-LD16-08-25-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
In light of what God has done for us in Christ, we Christians are to live for Christ with a special emphasis on maintaining unity in the church by loving one another. Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-getalong-08-18-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison
Paul’s prayer reflects his desire for the people of the church to understand the work of Christ and the love of Christ and that they would become more like Christ in their character. Old Testament Text: Ezekiel 43:1-5 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/tm-paulsprayer-08-11-2024.MP3De către Rev. Tom Morrison