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Urantia Radio

James Watkins

This podcast is for people who want to know more about the Urantia Book, an incredible collection of papers having to do with God, the universe and our own world history, plus the actual story of Jesus' life and teachings as restated in revelatory form. This podcast is a beacon for people looking for truth, value and meaning in their life. There is nothing to join, so relax and listen as I share with you the many fascinating and incredible concepts from the Urantia Book. Even if you know not ...
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Nie możemy pozwolić, aby dokumenty po naszych przodkach trafiały na śmietniki, leżały na strychach czy niszczały w piwnicach. Zgromadziliśmy wiele historii i każda z nich jest dla nas ważna. Na naszym kanale przedstawiamy losy wybranych bohaterów, które ocalały dzięki projektowi Archiwum Pełne Pamięci.
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uradioscreen - Euer Podcast für Filme, Serien & Games Dieser Podcast ist die ”audio-only” Variante von uradioscreen, mit Episoden, die ohne Video auch Sinn machen ;-) Also z.B. Reviews oder Meinungen. Die volle Version des Podcasts findest du hier: https://www.youtube.com/@uradioscreen https://uradioscreen.com uradioscreen ist ein Video-Podcast auf Youtube wo du immer die neuesten Trailer und Reviews zu Filmen, die im Kino starten, Serien, die auf Streaming-Diensten laufen und Games, die neu ...
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In a world transitioning towards cleaner and greener energy solutions, one element takes center stage: uranium. Uranium Spotlight is your weekly podcast dedicated to unraveling the enigmatic world of uranium and its pivotal role in the global energy landscape. As uranium supply tightens and nuclear demand soars, the stage is set for a monumental shift in uranium prices. But what factors will drive this change? Join us weekly as we embark on an informative journey, to explore the events and n ...
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A világ urai


A Klubrádió ismeretterjesztő sorozata, történelmi precizitással és szakértői segítséggel vizsgálja a jelent. A majdnem egyórás beszélgetések a világ történéseit meghatározó és befolyásoló emberekről, hatalmakról, jelenségekről szólnak. Aki kérdez: Szénási Sándor.
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Membahas segala hal tentang budaya Minangkabau baik filosofi, sejarah, petuah, adat, dll. Serta mengulas berbagai topik terhangat dari berbagai perspektif, terutama perspektif kebudayaan Minang... Host Podcast Urang Awak @ezairat
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kami (Beera & Dika). Urang & Maneh adalah acara menghujat dan menghakimi semua hal dengan cara yang sopan tapi sedikit kasar. P.S. : ada aksen sundanya juga tapi masih bahasa indonesia kok
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Isaac Gradeless

Just your average guy who loves talking about Male related topics including , Lifestyle, Women & Relationships, Mens Grooming, Mens Style & Mens Products.
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Sham Sagittae

Thoughts from a Leo°Sagittarius°Cancer Astrology basics, chart breakdowns, Astrology humor, all the fun things! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/plutosextileuranus/support
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Uranium After Dark

100kBeardedCorgi Productions

We represent the typical uranium investor. No big brain action here, but we thought it may be fun to recap the weeks events and u-twit sentiment. Join us for some discussion and laughs each week while we all take this rocket ride together.
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Uranus Awards

Going in Deep: Broadcast From Uranus

A weekly podcast reviewing the biggest films in science fiction, horror, fantasy, and more, all leading up to the Uranus Awards. Join a comic book nerd, a techie, and an actor for a podcast that's sure to make you say, "What a bunch of a-holes" Denarian saal (Guardians of the Galaxy)
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The Chat-Uranga Podcast

The Chat-Uranga Podcast

Hi and welcome to the Chat-Uranga podcast with Grace & Olive. Join us on our journey into the yoga world as we discuss the highs, lows, pitfalls and opportunities that come with being a freelance yoga teacher. Thank you for stopping by and we hope you enjoy listening!
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In this daily podcast, Justin Huhn discusses the ins and outs of the uranium investing world. Justin is the Founder and Publisher of the Uranium Insider Pro Newsletter. Disclaimer: Nothing in this podcast should be considered investing advice. We are not financial advisors, and this podcast does NOT contain financial advice. Anything you hear in this podcast should be considered for educational or entertainment purposes, ONLY. Always do your own due diligence.
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Este podcast es una serie de pláticas entre dos amigos, un médico y un estudiante de física, donde se hablan de forma divulgativa temas interdisciplinarios de física, medicina, tecnología, psicología y filosofía, promoviendo el pensamiento curioso y reflexivo, la cultura científica, la salud física y mental, y la actitud crítica.
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Programa dedicado a los pueblos Originarios de América: Música, entrevistas a personajes de la cultura originaria, tradiciones, la Pachamama, mitos, leyendas, ... Con la acertada conducción de la Licenciada Amalia Vargas y la colaboración de radio Túpac (Argentina). Todos los viernes a las: 10h00 (hora de Perú, Ecuador, Panamá y Colombia) 11h00 (hora de Bolivia y Chile) 12h00 (hora de Argentina) 16h00 (Europa / invierno) 17h00 (Europa / verano VIA MALKI Radio - www.malkiradio.com
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An ongoing series of lectures and teachings by Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase on spiritual leadership, personal change, and the principals of Divine Administration. Vanetics is an Ascension Science term denoting the spiritual teachings throughout history and up to the present day founded in the cosmic absolute of “One God, One Planetary Family”, and is part of the curriculum of the University of Ascension Science and Physics of Rebellion.
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show series
From paper 139 we explore the personalities as they are described n the Urantia Book regarding John Zebedee and Judas Iscariot, two apostles who could not be farther apart in personality, character and faith in the their Master Jesus. It is said these papers have been instrumental in convincing many readers of the Urantia Book of its authenticity a…
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Paper 72, section 11 teaches about life on a planet and no country not unlike our own, with a similarly checkered past, and a time line commensurate with our own present advancement. We are also informed this other off-world nation is a constitutional Republic like the United States, coexisting alongside more hostile neighboring countrries with cor…
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Each of the three Centers of Intelligence has upsides and downsides. Being a Body Type, Heart Type, or Head Type plays a big role in our daily experience and how we navigate the world in collaboration with others. Some adaptive strategies that come with Anger, Sadness, and Fear have some pros, while other traits have a negative impact on daily life…
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Comedians Molly Mulshine & Sara Armour welcome International Women’s History month with the debut of two new reality tv shows from two of our favorite notorious women: Meghan Markle’s “With Love, Meghan” and Hilaria Baldwin’s “The Baldwin’s.” Support the podcast by joining the Patreon! patreon.com/spacetrashpodcast Subscribe & leave a 5-star review…
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Send us a text Uranium prices hold steady, while supply risks loom Do uranium juniors need a massive discovery to win? Germany's pro-nuclear shift and its impact on uranium investors Westinghouse ramps up, but can uranium supply keep up? Laramide expands uranium resources at Westmoreland Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: P…
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Die zweite Staffel von Silo geht mehr auf die Charaktere ein und lüftet das eine oder andere Geheimnis. Dafür kommen neue hinzu :-) Ob die zweite Staffel besser ist als die erste, erfahrt Ihr im Review! Hinterlasst mir gerne Kommentare hier auf YouTube! Oder schickt mir eine Mail bzw. Sprachnachricht auf https://uradioscreen.com/kontakt - würde mic…
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Rick Lyon has been studying the Urantia Book since 1978, when he found an original first edition Urantia Book in a landfill. Today, Rick looks back to decades of studying and sharing the Urantia Book with thousands of people through his work with the Urantia Association, and talks about where the Urantia Movement is today, and what's to come. In th…
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Send us a text Spot price steady but market remains cautious Orano shifts focus as uranium market tightens Australia's uranium shift toward mining powerhouse India's private sector fuels new uranium demand Cameco delivers strong earnings amid uranium market tightness Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: PTUUF) https://purepoi…
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From Paper 38 we delve into the character, nature and purpose of these high spirit personalities who serve ascendant mortals as guides and protectors. "Only good can come from you learning more about them," the Urantia Book says, and it is in these two groups we have our deepest relationships along the spirit journey. #Urantia #Urantiabook #Angels …
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Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes both have experience applying the Enneagram to business teams. In this episode, they discuss how the three dominant instincts, Centers of Intelligence, and each of the nine Enneagram types influence the way people work with others. In the team building process, it is important to keep these influences in mind, as t…
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Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski (1913-1945) był księdzem Kościoła katolickiego, opiekunem duchowym harcerzy, chorych i ubogich oraz więźniem niemieckich obozów koncentracyjnych. O dzieciństwie i trudnych wyborach harcerza Wicka, a także o tym, jak wyglądała służba Bogu i ludziom ks. Stefana w KL Dachau i rola polskich duchownych w tym obozie opowiedzą…
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Send us a text Spot uranium slips as market activity slows Spotting uranium juniors before the market does Expanding nuclear's role beyond power generation Spain moves to extend nuclear power and lift uranium ban Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: PTUUF) https://purepoint.ca/…
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The north node is in Pisces and we are in Neptunian times people! Guest host Desi Handal joins Sara Armour to discuss the potential split between Pisces Moons Kanye West & Bianca Censori. But first, this week following the Leo full Moon, X Æ A-Xii, human shield & 4-year-old son of Elon Musk and Grimes has words with Trump in the Oval Office. After …
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Send us a text Spot uranium slips as market activity slows Centrus' supply deal raises questions on uranium sourcing India's nuclear expansion sparks corporate interest BHP eases uranium supply fears as prices stay strong Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: PTUUF) https://purepoint.ca/…
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Comedians Molly Mulshine & Sara Armour recap Super Bowl 59, noting the Eagles' victory and contrasting experiences of watching the game in Ireland versus West Palm Beach, including the quest for authentic Philly cheesesteaks in Dublin. Molly & Sara delve into the astrology of Kendrick Lamar's mars-return halftime performance, highlighting its polit…
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** What’s up you guys it’s Sara— I just want to apologize in advance for the sloppy audio, I edited this podcast on my phone in the car on the way to my show in Miami (as referenced in the episode) – – it just felt like the astrology was pertinent and worth posting ASAP! I hope you can forgive me and otherwise enjoy the ep! —— Comedians Sara Armour…
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Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes, who studied the Enneagram collectively for over 50 years, continue their discussion of time management of each of the Enneagram types. In this episode, they talk about their experiences with heart types, Enneagram Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4. In general, these types’ perspectives of time are elastic, which can be h…
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Send us a text Uranium prices drop as market reacts to tariff uncertainty India's nuclear expansion and the growing uranium supply crunch Trump pushes to restore uranium's critical status Australia's nuclear pivot and its impact on uranium markets NexGen expands drill program as Patterson East Trend gains momentum Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group…
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Egyre gyakrabban hivatkoznak úgy Görögországra, mint ami a másfél évtizeddel ezelőtti csőd után mára egyfajta gazdasági csodát él át. Tényleg főnixmadárként támadt fel? Milyen árat fizet ezért a társadalom? Erről kérdezte Szénási Sándor Fokasz Nikosz szociológus, egyetemi tanárt.
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Comedians Molly Mulshine & Sara Armour discuss the top pop news of the week and correlating astrology. This week: What does the internet expect Selena Gomez to do about ICE? Snoop Dogg goes MAGA and crip-walks his way to the Crypto Ball. Eagles vs. Chiefs battle for the soul of America in this year's Super Bowl Former "Bachelor" Matt James dumps se…
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Author and lecturer Byron Belitsos returns to discuss many great endeavors he is involved with in an attempt to create new brodges with other religious communities, using the Rodan approach in his mission. Check out his Rodan Institute Plus, the Urantia movement and why it stalled in the beginning, and what we can learn from the Eastern Orthodox ap…
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Send us a text Uranium spot prices dip amid active market China's DeepSeek AI reshapes energy and uranium expectations JV Ink reopens amid geopolitical tensions Orano files arbitration over Niger uranium mine dispute Purepoint and IsoEnergy announce 2025 exploration plan and budget Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: PTUUF) …
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Donald Trump tesz arról, hogy újra a politikai térképre és a közbeszédbe kerüljön Grönland. A szigetország Európa is meg nem is, és elképzelhető, hogy a következő választással egybekötve népszavazást is tart a függetlenedésről. Az adás vendége Papp Zsanett Gréta, klímapolitikai elemző, az Északi-Sarkvidék geopolitikájával foglalkozó szakértő.…
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27 stycznia 2025 roku przypada 120. rocznica urodzin Stanisława Mierzwy (1905-1985), wybitnego ludowca i działacza niepodległościowego. Jakie relacje łączyły go z Wincentym Witosem? ,,Palikować, palikować, palikować!’’ – jak ,,narodziło się’’ to słynne powiedzenie dzisiejszego bohatera? W premierowym odcinku nowego sezonu, na te oraz wiele innych p…
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Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes, who studied the Enneagram collectively for over 50 years, continue their discussion of time management of each of the Enneagram types. In this episode, they talk about their experiences with body types, Enneagram Type 8, Type 9, and Type 1. In general, these types are prone to routines and are drawn to following a…
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Comedians Molly Mulshine and Sara Armour discuss the implications of Elon Musk's post-inauguration Nazi salutes in refashion to his upbringing in South Africa and with actual Nazi parents (lol!) and its.s potential impact on the political climate, as well as the influence of social media platforms on political outcomes. They also shared their thoug…
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In this episode, we look at what the Urantia Book tells us about these 'ancient aliens' who were a rich part of our pre-history, including the One-Hundred Dalmatians (who later became known as the Nodites and Nephilim), and of course, the Adamic race, who have had a profound impact on our later history and human spiritual development. Were these th…
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Send us a text Uranium market holds steady with long-term strength Kazatomprom reflects on the past and eyes the future China's reported uranium discoveries raise more questions Ontario's nuclear matins spark uranium demand questions IsoEnergy and Anfield part ways Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: PTUUF) https://purepoint…
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Comedians Molly Mulshine & Sara Armour delve into the ramifications of Carrie Underwood’s performance at Trump’s inauguration, examining the mixed reactions from fans and the challenge of reconciling artistic expression with political affiliations. They transition to a critique of the leadership within the LA Fire Department, focusing on diversity …
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Send us a text Uranium spot price dips to $73.50 China's mysterious 'ultra-large' uranium claim Brazil boosts critical minerals with $820M financing NRC fast-tracks reactor approval to boost nuclear growth Forum identifies potential new uranium zone at Tatiggaq Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: PTUUF) https://purepoint.ca/…
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Amazingly, a brief section of Paper 52 outlines what stage humanity is in right now, why were are out of step with what they call "normal evolutionary worlds," and what is required for us to get to the next stage - and what awaits us if we make it. Paper 52 is one of the most unique and thrilling chapters in the whole revelation, and it certainly g…
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Each Enneagram type has a default mode in how they relate and manage time. In this episode, Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes, who studied the Enneagram collectively for over 50 years, explore how Enneagram type, and even subtype and instincts, affect the way we perceive time. Bea and Uranio offer tips that can not only help you manage time more in…
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Comedians Molly Mulshine & Sara Armour discuss the resurrection of the previously flailing Golden Globes! What were the controversies of the Golden Globes sorted past? What’s the deal with the Hollywood Foreign Press? The new phenomenon of “category fraud” and when did the word “Actress” become an insult? As opposed to last years Jo Kay, host Nikki…
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Send us a text Uranium prices rebound as 2025 begins Kazakhstan mine shutdown sparks uranium market concerns Canada looks to regain uranium dominance Paladin-Fission deal secures approval amid tightened controls on China Powered by Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSXV: PTU | OTCQB: PTUUF) https://purepoint.ca/…
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Happy New Year, Trashlings! Meghan Markel is back on the 'gram with THE @meghan account and we have a top secret embargoed press release to expose! Plus a retrospective on Meghan's instagram posting past, a breakdown of the trailer for her new Netflix show featuring Mindy Kailing & Abagail Spencer, an exploration of Venus in Virgo vs. Venus in Capr…
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Happy Holidays Trashlings! Comedians Molly Mulshine & Sara Armour discuss this week’s revelatory headlines as the Sun enters Capricorn. Dr. Lily Jay breaks her silence on her divorce from Ethan Slater in a personal essay for The Cut. Blake Lively files a complaint aagainst Justin Baldoni for sexual harassment on the set of It Ends With Us. Kim K’s …
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Ist die Macht noch mit uns? Oder viel wichtiger: mit Lucasfilm? Alle schimpfen immer über Disney, aber ich glaube nicht, dass die das Problem sind. Nach dem Chaos der letzten Filmtrilogie scheint das Lucasfilm-Management wenig dazugelernt zu haben. Serien auf Disney+ sind "eh OK" und geplante Kinofilme kommen nicht ins Kino, werden aber auch offizi…
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